Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose?


Every newcomer, who first faced skiing, notes with surprise that this vehicle was moved along the snow-covered expanses equally well and forth and forth. Ineptly rides at the same time, it can not even touch. On the movement along the loose snow without a skiing, or even more so in the plots going uphill, and not to speak at all. Solve the problem will allow the device, called Kamus. About what is a campaule and how to choose skis with a selection and will be discussed in this article.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_2

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_3

What it is?

The concept of "Kamos" has long been popular in the hunter environment. So the fishers called the skin of the deer, growing on the legs above the hoofs. Next, this term began to call an accessory with which the hunting ski was improved.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_4

Ski Camos is a fur, knocked down or a sliding surface in contact with snow. Hunters began to fasten the fur lining on the skis. They used this device to facilitate movement on loose snow on an uneven surface, while permanent for prey. Such an improvement excluded ski slip back.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_5

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_6

Nowadays, skiing with Kamus recommended:

  • people who do not have adequate preparation and experience of using ointments during the operation of skis;
  • lovers who use the "classic" course, but saving funds for the preparation of the inventory;
  • professionals involved in long marathons, such equipment provides stable motion indicators throughout the entire route;
  • professional athletes as a training inventory;
  • Lovers of ski tourism.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_7

Initially, the ski lining was made from the skins of wild animals. For this purpose, skins were used, shot from the bottom of the legs of the moose, deer, roe deer, cubezzhek. It is in this place on the skin of animals there is the greatest amount of hard pile. Sky skins were also used. However, the most durable is the lining of the Schuri Schur.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_8

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_9

Nowadays, cargo goats are used for the production of Kamus, as well as synthetic materials. Skiing with such a seamy are perfectly suitable for hunters, tourists and athletes.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_10

Models with lining have such advantages:

  • Kamos has unidirectional fibers. While moving forward, they are not allowed, and when they slide back, skiing and brake skis.
  • Inventory with such a device is characterized by stable clutch rates with a snowy surface throughout the route. At the same time, the best ointments are erased after passing 20 km of the track.
  • The Camos practically does not affect the weight of equipment.
  • Modern inventory with the use of such technologies is able to "find out" to 1000 km.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_11

Camus's pile is located strictly along the skis, which eliminates their offset to the side and retains good slip. This inventory is easily ease, provides a reliable grip with snow and good movement speed.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_12

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_13

Description of species

For the manufacture of Kamus today do not remove the skins with wild animals, they usually replace them with artificial materials. Mochroileous lining is currently used as accessories from natural raw materials.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_14

Options for one hundred percent mohair are distinguished by such qualities:

  • excellent sliding;
  • minimum weight;

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_15

The only disadvantage of such subable is their briefness.

Using the latest technology, the Camos has learned from the synthetic material - nylon.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_16

Artificial campaign is characterized by the following indicators:

  • features high strength and durability;
  • is heavier;
  • The degree of sliding is lower;
  • gives a lower speed of movement;
  • Such products are cheaper compared to natural material.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_17

Models with a synthetic punishment will suit economical lovers of outdoor activities that do not want to update equipment every year.

The lining also produce from mixed materials.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_18

Similar products:

  • have a longer service life;
  • do not inferior in the level of slip;
  • Practically do not absorb moisture.

Skiing with such a selection are convenient during transportation. Most often, they are used for travel in the mountains.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_19

The price for such products can be different. The cost depends on how the accessory is sold. Fixed cuts are much more expensive than synthetic material in a roll. Also on the cost of the material width, composition and properties of glue, the presence of a special fastening is affected. Most of the products from the synthetic Camus are suitable for operation in conditions when the temperature is not lower than -20 degrees. However, there are more frost-resistant options.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_20

Ski Choice with Camus

The choice of skis with the Camus is no different from the selection of a conventional ski inventory. In this process, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the two main criteria consisting in taking into account the growth and weight of an athlete.

  • The length is selected taking into account the growth of the skier, adding 20-30 centimeters to it.
  • Accounting is taken with a large margin, as it is necessary to choose an inventory with much greater rigidity. In the ski phase on the skiing of conventional rigidity, the Camos will be burned into the snow and resist movement. On hard skis in this phase, the darous podbo will be held over the snow, which will ensure a greater speed of movement.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_21

It is worth paying attention to the fact that such skis require more correct techniques of the impetus. In this regard, the inventory for unhurried walks is selected taking into account the lower indicators in the weight range. Running camsive skiing for competitions or training seal 10-15 kg more skier weight.

An important criterion for choosing is also the fact that the inventory will be applied. So, hunting skis are recommended to pick up with a fur selection. The most famous company offering such goods is the company "Prycryakov". In the manufacture of goods here is used as a raw horsepower.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_22

The advantages of such models are:

  • silent move;
  • Minor weight.

Running skiing with Kamus have their pros and cons.

Their advantages:

  • During the rise in the mountains skiing do not glide back;
  • no need to use ski lubricants;
  • They are convenient when operating in all weather conditions;
  • facilitate velocity on uneven locality;
  • There is no slipping even on an icing track.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_23

The disadvantages should include:

  • slight slowdown in the speed of movement;
  • Increase weight ski.

But the mountain skiing is better to buy with a moracier lining. It makes it using mohair from angora goats and synthetic nylon fibers.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_24

Choosing children's models, take into account what ski need - mountain or running. However, there are universal options. Also when choosing attention to age, the growth and weight of the child is.

How to fix?

For fastening the Camus on skis use clips, hooks, brackets.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_25

Many hunters apply their specific options for attaching an accessory.

The most popular of them:

  • Drying the Camus right on skis. Mounting by tosing a ski skiing. After complete drying, such a woolen lining is still firmly held without glue.
  • Snacking a narrow strip glue. In this case, the strip is taken for the entire length of the ski. During the movement on the shrub, covered with snow, there is a strong noise of the edges, not covered with a skin, which is considered a disadvantage.
  • Mounting with mounting foam. When using this method, the gas is originally produced from the canister, the remaining contents use as glue.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_26

In addition to the named options, the subfings can be covered using minor cloves or furniture brackets.

On tourist skiing, the Camos can be installed under the block or for the entire length. Short lining is installed for walking on simple tracks, full length is used in difficult conditions.

Long accessories strips are installed as follows:

  • The heel stick of the ribbon cling to the bark of the ski. At the back of the Camus, with a sticky side, remove the protective paper. The liberated adhesive part is glued to the ski.
  • Measure the desired length of the tape to the bend of the ski sock. The metal retainer of the rubber sock is put on this place. Excess portion wrapped up and lined on yourself, thanks to which the rubber sock is securely fixed on the ribbon. Then, with an effort stretching tape, another retainer is worn on the sock.
  • The protective paper is removed from the ribbon, the lining is glued to the ski.

Ski Kamos: Running hunting and skiing with Kamus. What it is? Synthetic campaign in roll and other types. What kind of driven skiing is better to choose? 20235_27

Skis ready to use. If necessary, the Camos is easily removed from skis.

        For the skate stroke, a particularly strong fastening of the side of the ski is required. This is explained by the fact that such a style is the fastest and technically difficult. In this case, the tape should be sure to be secure.

        Read more about how to choose a ski campaign, see the video below.

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