Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links?


The bicycle chain is one after another connected by the pines of the link. It is intended to transfer the rotational torque. The efficiency is able to reach 98%. When mounting on the bike of a new chain, as a rule, it is necessary to competently calculate its length or the number of units. A short chain can lead to problems if speeds are switched to big stars. Too long chain - will be saved and scrape yourself from the stars.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_2

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_3

Basic methods for determining the size

There are two key receptions that allow you to determine such a parameter as the chain length.

  • The most important thing is to install it on a large asterisk in the gear system, At the same time, it is necessary to put it on the smallest asterisk in the rear stars system (another name is the rear cassette). Then you need to skip it through the rear Derreiler (the name of the speed switch). After these works, pull it so much so that the axis that passes through the central parts of the rear switch rollers was in a vertical position. If the correct chain stretch was performed and it turns out longer, a number of unnecessary links is formed on the connection section of the 2nd ends. You can easily remove without any problems, adjusting simultaneously with this chain length under the dimensions of your own bike transport.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_4

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_5

  • The following method in reality mirror reproduces the sequence of the steps of the preceding method. That is, the chain can be mounted on the smallest star of the gear system and the same asterisk in the rear stars. At the same time, a slight tension of the chain should form, that is, the leukery should not be loosened. It follows that in the area of ​​the joint can also remain unnecessary links that are subject to removal.

It is necessary to additionally note that When determining the optimal length of the cycling chain, you can practice the first and second method at the same time. If one and the same amount of unnecessary links came out in both options, then you can calmly clean them.

When the number is different, then it is worth checking out again because it may be that an error was made in some of the options. In case of removal of an incorrect number of links, there is a risk of getting too long either too short chain. In such situations, movement on two-wheeled transport is risky, and the degree of reliability of the bicycle drops significantly.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_6

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_7

How to find out for different types of bicycles?

For Mountainbayka and bike

There are three basic methods of calculation, If we talk about Mountains and bikes.

  1. Take the chain on the largest stars in the back and front of the bike, At the maximum, pull the pawned paw paw paw, you need, so that at the same time it moves forward - it will be the perfect size of bicycle tapes. It should get out like this: The body of the Dereler will be almost on the same line with the paw (this is the maximum, further - failure). Please note that the lamp is installed under a minor slope.
  2. As in the previous version, The chain boils on the largest stars without the use of the rear DEREERER . We write or remember the desired chain size, then add a couple of links to this parameter, and an acceptable length comes out. In principle, it should get approximately the same as in the first method.
  3. Secure the chain in front of the big star, And on the smallest rear and adjust the size so that the panel of Dereler stood at a right angle to the ground, that is, the axis of the rollers of Dereler was located in each other.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_8

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_9

On a note! If you are the owner of a 2-suspended bike, then in this case the length of the chain should be measured when the shock absorber in the compressed state.

For Shoesaine

For a highway, as a rule, the 3rd method for calculating the size of the bicycle tape is used. This is an appointment when the chain is installed on a small star from behind and a big front.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_10

For Singlespid (one-speed bike)

To choose the length of the bikes for Singlespid or a bicycle equipped with a planetary sleeve, it is necessary to install the last on the outboard bracket of the frame (thrown) so that in the future, as a bicycle, it was possible to shift it back.

Attention! When replacing the factory chain, you must certainly calculate the links in the factory sample. In the new chain, if necessary, you need to leave the same number as the original it was.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_11

How to find out how many links in the chain?

There are two methods to calculate the number of links.

  1. Calculate all the external links along with the lock, and then make multiplication on 2. It is possible, of course, counting and internal links, but it is not very logical.
  2. Calculate all the pins (their number must match the number of links).

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_12

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_13

Basic selection criteria

The correct selection of the chain directly depends on how many stars in your bike. If it is equipped with 5, then with this embodiment, a typical version with a 2.4 millimeter width will be suitable. When the conversation is underway with 6-7 asterisks, it is necessary to choose more expensive and high-quality products, since typical can simply do not tolerate such loads, not to mention the extent to which it is serious to this process it is necessary to approach when purchasing a circuit for cycling With 8 starbs, because it may be exclusively the most flexible and expensive samples.

Of course, If desired, the use of cheaper analogues is allowed, but then you will have to replace them quite often, moreover, it is likely to do it, it will be necessary together with the cassettes, which makes savings very unlikely.

Moreover, one hundred percent should coincide the parameters of your old and new chain, and it usually concerns their width.

It is advisable to apply the chain from the same manufacturer, the product of which you used earlier.

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_14

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_15

Bicycle Chain Length: How to determine the size of the bike chain? What should be the right length? How to calculate the number of links? 20178_16

It should be noted that it is applied to individual samples. Additional marking according to the quality of their manufacture , and, as a rule, it happens in the form of numbers. In accordance with this, the higher the number of labeling, the better the product. Additionally, it should be said that the chains often differ in their painting, and the best samples are painted exclusively in the color of gold.

On how to determine the length of the circuit of the bicycle, you can learn from the video below.

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