Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models?


For sports in the hall, outdoors or at home, in most cases additional functional products are used. Among this list it is worth highlighting the rugs, which today are presented in a large species manifold.

Features and functionality

Such specialized products are highlighted by their individual features, thanks to which a person, when practicing sports, be compensated for some inconvenience, make training as much as possible.

Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_2

That is why it is worth highlighting a number of main tasks that perform rugs for fitness.

  • Almost all products are inherent in hygroscopicity, thanks to which the products are able to absorb sweat from the human body placed on top. Such a feature requires compliance with special care measures, however, in most cases will be regarded as an advantage.
  • The fundamental task of sports rugs is to provide a softer surface under the body of a person on the floor, earth or other surfaces. Such a characteristic allows you to minimize the unpleasant sensations in the field of knees, wrists, legs and other parts of the body in the process of training.
  • Sports rugs will avoid colds, as well as dangerous drafts that are able to cause serious harm to the health of athletes.
  • Beautiful and functional thing for sports becomes an additional motivator for physical culture. The assortment of modern products has a large number of attractive products for women and men.

    However, sports mats for gyms or individual lessons are recommended to use for each separately to avoid contact with alien bacteria that can remain on the surface and multiply.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_3

    Materials used

    Today, you can meet fitness mats made from a large number of different raw materials. Each type has its own individual advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the division of products by type of material provides for the presence of several categories of goods.

    PVC mats

    Synthetic products are notable due to their high indicators related to strength, in addition, such mats have a minimum weight.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_4

    Polymer products refer to the category of budget products, however, the features of raw materials are quite rarely allowed to exploit products for longer than two years.

    Besides, Among the minuses for exercise, it is worth highlighting a slippery surface, In the light of what they can become a source of various injuries during intensive training.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_5

    Thermoplastic elastomer

    Another option is made from synthetic substances. It is noteworthy with their hypoallergenic characteristics, the surface of the rugs is non-slip, the raw material is quite mild and elastic. Products do not fade from the effects of ultraviolet, the life of the average is 3-4 years, depending on the intensity of use.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_6

    Rubber, with the addition of rubber

    Products with a rubber component are characterized by their thickness, however this feature is the main advantage for sports at home or in the hall, because thanks to it it will be possible to make the floor surface more comfortable for active exercises.

    Products do not absorb smells, it is inherent in thermal insulation properties.

    Among the minuses of products it is worth highlighting a large size and weight, which can add inconvenience during transportation.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_7

    Tourist mats

    Such products are made of light foam, with one side of the surface is covered with aluminum foil. They are called chopmets.

    This option is ideal for exercises on a solid and cold surface.

    Buyers celebrate a good clutch of the limbs and body with the surface of the sports rug.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_8

    "Smart Rugs"

    In the light of the active use of modern technologies for the issue of certain products in sports stores or specialized departments, it will be possible to purchase products from polyurethane containing inside a grid of conductive raw materials with built-in software. Such products recognizes when a person is in a horizontal or vertical position on the rug, determines the weight and load on different parts of the body. All the information collected is transmitted through a special application on a PC or another gadget, which is positively affected by training efficiency.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_9

    Folding products

    Comfortable for transporting the model for sports products, whose feature is the structure.

    Each product is divided into several sections, which facilitates not only the issue of storage and folding, but also provides convenience for the body.

    Such products are made of synthetic raw materials, in some cases the surface of the rugs may consist of microfiber.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_10

    Rug bag

    Another mobile type of sports rug, which also consists of several segments. However, the difference from the previous version is the presence of one or more handles, in the light of which the sectional model turns into a small handbag. Such a model of the rug can consist of foam, rubber and other raw materials.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_11

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_12

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_13

    In addition to the above materials, the following can be used to make fitness mats:

    • latex;
    • wool;
    • cotton;
    • Polyurethan and another.

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_14

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_15

    Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_16


      Based on thickness and softness, rugs are several species.

      Simple (AB Mats)

      Small products that are distinguished by density and rigidity. Among the shortcomings it is worth highlighting the fact that this product will be sliding. Its thickness can be more than 1 centimeter.

      Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_17

      Sport or Workout Mats

      As a rule, such products for sports will be more previous ones, however, they differ greater softness. They look like puzzles because consist of several segments. Have a non-slip surface, good depreciation, while the thickness can be less than 1 centimeter.

      Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_18

      Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_19

      Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_20

      Body Rugs - Mind Body

      Products for professional sports that can be used not only in the gym, but at home. It is exploited for fitness, gymnastics and yoga. Among the features of products it is worth highlighting its high cost, as well as the minimum thickness - 1 centimeter.

      As for the sizes, the rugs are:

      • long - from 200 centimeters;
      • Short - up to 140-150 centimeters.

      Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_21

        The first option is recommended for classes in the horizontal position of adults, the second model is most often purchased for children or lessons in a sitting position.

        The width of the products varies from 50 centimeters and can reach 1 meter.

        Wide products are less in demand for group classes in fitness centers and gym, as a rule, the average width of sports rugs is 50-60 centimeters.

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_22

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_23

        Products of this line of products of several brands are most in demand.


        Domestic manufacturer of sports products, in the assortment of which also contain mats for fitness. The cost of products will be directly dependent on the type of raw materials used for the manufacture of rugs. Among the proposed products, you can find models of different lengths and widths for each need.

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_24


        Asian brand that produces fitness or yoga mats. All products have an anti-slip surface, easily leaving care, quickly dry after contact with moisture. In comparison with the previous manufacturer, the Chinese trademark produces thicker mats.

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_25


        The best and very popular sports brand with a world name, whose products occupy a leading position in the quality ratings of sports equipment, clothing and shoes, as well as rugs made from various materials. The range is represented by products with different sizes, thickness and soft products.

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_26


        No less demanded trademark among athletes, specializes in the production of different matters for fitness, Pilates and yoga mats. Products are highlighted by their external attractiveness, various sizes, colors and thickness. Complete with some products there is a case.

        Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_27

          In addition to the above manufacturers of sports rugs, it is worth identifying such brands:

          • SKLZ;
          • Airex;
          • Starfit and others.

          How to choose

          In order for the purchased products to please their functionality and quality, In the process of choosing the rugs, it is necessary to be guided by some important principles.

          • If classes with a rug suggest its frequent self-transporting into the gym, on fresh air or another place on foot or by public transport, then before buying it is necessary to determine how comfortable product will be convenient, and most importantly - easy for carrying. And also an important point will be its dimensions in folded. As for mass, the products can weigh from 200-300 grams to 5-6 kilograms. Otherwise, sizes should be selected individually.

          • Before buying, try the clutch of the rug with the body. If he is too moving, from buying such a model it is worth refuse to avoid injuries. It is best to stay on products with a rubberized surface.
          • Another criterion that is worth taken into account is moisture permeability. This is the name of the ability of raw materials to absorb moisture, removing it from the ground where the contact of the product with the body of an athlete is. Too wet rug will be very slippery already by the middle of the classes, therefore it will be more correct to give preference to products with a porous structure of raw materials. In this matter, Latex and cotton occupies a leading position.

          • It is worth paying attention to the elasticity of the rugs. If the product you like will be too stretching, especially it concerns rubber rugs, then their life will be minimal. In particular, if the product will be used frequently. The optimal option will be options with the addition of lavasan fibers, which will significantly extend the operational resource of the sports equipment.
          • For many athletes there will be an important colors of the rug. In this case, there are recommendations regarding the effect of color to the mood and psyche of a person, in the light of which black or other dark and depressants are recommended to refuse. Suitable sports flowers are the yellow variations of shades, blue, green, pink rugs.

          • Product selection will also be based on the purpose of the sports rug. Today, fitness classes are represented by various directions, so manufacturers of this line of goods are recommended for substantial loads to select segmented products of folding type, for Pilates or Stretching, you can stay at the Mind Body options.
          • As for preferences relating to the raw materials of fitness mats, it is possible to use budget products from PVC for classes, but professional athletes prefer to acquire products from Tre. For active daily activities, it is possible to purchase products from natural raw materials.

          Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_28

          Correct care and storage

          Like any other product that is used in direct contact with the human body, fitness mats will need some care. We list general recommendations that are guaranteed to extend the operational period of the product.

          • It stands after the purchase in detail to study the tips of manufacturers relative to further care. Since products from different brands can be varied in their composition, recommendations can also be somewhat different.
          • Turning rugs and tongue with rubber bands or other elements is only if the rug consists of segments or rather quickly restores its original shape.

            • If possible, stored mats are recommended in the deployed form.
            • Synthetic products need to rinse without the use of aggressive chemistry and washing machines in warm water with soap. After wet processing, they should be dried in a vertical position. As for the mats from natural materials, they need to care for them with a wet vet.
            • After long-term storage or active workouts, the mats need to be postponed to air for fresh air for several hours. So it will be possible to avoid unpleasant odor.
            • The chances and peelings will say that the product has become unusable. Such products are not recommended in the future.

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_29

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_30

            What can be replaced

            To do fitness independently at home, in the fresh air or in the gym, you can use alternative products that will become full substitutes for fitness mats. The following products can be replaced:

            • covered with good density / blanket;
            • Thin mattress for the bed of orthopedic or ordinary type;
            • woven track;
            • Mat for yoga;
            • Bath towels;
            • Beach litter.

            However, not all of the above options will be able to use for classes in the hall.

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_31

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_32

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_33

            In addition to the finished products, the homemade version can be made as a fitness rug that will be done even with a minimum set of components.

            To do this, it will be enough to purchase the basis of natural or synthetic raw materials, as well as a filler, if the material itself is too thin. Further, The basis will need to sew with the filler, choosing the size of the rug on the length of human growth with an increase of 10-15 centimeters In width, a homemade sports rug can be 60 or 80 centimeters. This option will save money, and will also allow the use of an exclusive, attractive and functional product in training.

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_34

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_35

            Fitness mats (36 photos): The best fittings for sports, sports models Airex and Demix. How to choose a rug with a sliding surface and other models? 20171_36

            About the varieties of rugs for yoga, fitness and choices can be viewed in the video below.

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