The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married?


If you believe the eastern horoscope, then the compatibility of such signs of the zodiac, as a bull and snake, has a high level. People born under the auspices of these animals, look at life equally, it leads to a strong alliance in friendship, work and love. At the same time, they must constantly search for a compromise and work on harmonious relationships. The main problem may be the fact that the bull is more detaine the Domosted, while the snake is a star party and gloss.

Characteristics of representatives

Snake wise, with well-developed intuition. When they take important decisions, they are guided by reason and heart. This sign - did not start in the company. They are detained, minority, but conflicts and force majeures they always solve quickly. Snakes often become managers. They trust them, they know how to lead them, listen to them, respect them.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_2

Bull is always a serious, insightful, often manipulates the actions of the head. In the career and finance it is lucky. He does not have problems with money and status in society. His strong qualities are: reasonableness, practicality, will, hard work, honesty, diplomaticity and restraint.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_3

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_4

Both signs appreciate the family, so they responsibly approach its creation, love their children and try to raise them with worthy people. Family hearth is what the couple works with trepidation and respect. It is pleasant to visit such a family, they always have a cozy and smell like fragrant tea and a delicious dinner, firewood burns in the fireplace. The hosts and guests enjoy the moments.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_5

Friendship of two halves

Friendship of representatives of the considered signs is very good, especially if the kite's boyfriend, and the girl bull. The snake will be a mentor and a guru for a bull. The girl envelops the care and attention of his friend, and he is not against - it is not enough for him. They are pretty quickly becoming native souls, can not be a friend without a friend.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_6

Strong friendship is even the same-sex representatives of these signs. They discusses science, literary works, as well as sporting events. They may even take an active part in them. The snake teaches his friend to intuitively to feel the world, to discover new edges of the unexplored, bull - rationally approach the issues of the universe.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_7

Bull and Snake Compatibility

Bull and snake are native souls. They quickly fall in love with each other, they are comfortable together. In their pair, confidence and insight reign. This is a serious relationship from the first days of dating. Without difficulties and contradictions, do not do, but these two will find a way out of a difficult situation, there will always be mutual understanding in their pair, respect and love.

Love relations are built on romance, reliability and devotion. They choose their halves for a long time, make rational conclusions. Quickly descend from heaven to Earth, so accurately determine how suitable one or another partner to them for living and happy marriage.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_8

In such a harmonious union, there may also be quarrels and difficulties in communication. Bull - stubborn, often do not like the snake. It is flexible and plastic. Bulls are always controlled, very turbid. Snake, noticing close control, begins to sting, does not gentle.

For harmonious and long-term relations, the bull should learn to be flexible, and the snake - hard to keep his tongue, especially during a quarrel.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_9

Love in a pare

These two have special sensitivity and emotionality. Tenderness in humans, as a rule, do not show, but inside they burn the flame of love. When the couple remains alone, then they are ready to show each other a true manifestation of passion, tenderness, fire and cold. They are exactly embarrassed - they are interested, the love games are captured.

Bulls are considered one of the most passionate lovers. They know how to delve pleasure to their second halves, then together with her continue to enjoy. Snake gives her beloved man tenderness, caress, then all this skillfully turns into paradise. When young quarrels, sex is considered in their pair the best way of reconciliation. If they are good in the "beds", then their union is not broken.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_10

The most successful option of relationships are those when a woman is a snake, and a man - bull. The snake is characterized by his femininity, grace, charm, as well as sophisticated taste. A man quickly falls in love with his chief, admires her beauty and enthusiasm tenderness. In addition, the girl is distinguished by the mind and cunning, so calmly and naturally wraps his chosen one. If she finds out about betrayal, then immediately "souls" his partner - and that's it.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_11


The family life of this pair often folds well, for others - just an ideal relationship. Bull husband's house is a fortress. This man will do everything to his family to have experienced money, food and recreation. He knows how to protect from adversity and losses. Holidays home always holds with his family, invites guests. He gladly hurries home to his beloved wife and children.

Bull's wife is a good owner who skillfully wet a family nest which is always cozy, warm and comfortable. Her family is always tasty eating, clothing is witched and ironed.

Such women are a reliable rear, source of forces and inspiration for their spouse.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_12

For her husband, the snake wife becomes a comrade and a reliable partner. Flexible behavior of a man allows you to preserve gentle and tremendous relationships in the family. He likes women equal in spirit, - he does not accept full submission to his person. He wants his woman more trusted him, showed that for her a partner is very necessary and important, but did not suit the hysteria.

Snake's wife knows how to create a balance in all spheres of family life. She competently harmonizes the space around him, so they are pleasant to be surrounding, living with such a wife and mom. Husbands always listens to their wise advice.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_13

Joint business

Such a paire's cooperation will allow to build a reliable business, to "be" condition, live on passive income, enjoy life. The compatibility of the pair in many areas is high, so they even in work understand each other with a half-clow. The business will flourish not one generation, he will be in sight and hearing, because the leaders will appreciate, respect.

A bull will conservatively approach the working issues, it is more common to apply a classic approach to solving the tasks set, but the snake like changes and innovations. It will be in the classics to add their unique innovative notes: actively analyze the market, create a new approach to old things.

Such a tandem will be quite strong and promising.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_14

Male Bull - Snake Woman

Have prudence, seriousness, their plans for life converge. They produce pleasant impressions at each other at the first meeting. The snake attracts perseverance, as well as the fact that the bull never throws the started halfway. He loves power. Wishes a lot to achieve in life. Bull loves to take care of his seven - not a man, but a dream! Many women are cut about him. It is distinguished by purposefulness and determination, but to the elect shows tenderness and romance. Bull is support and support for the whole family. He knows what responsibility is, he has been developed since childhood.

The partner is also not inferior to its second half. This is a riddle woman, she understands everything, knows how to listen to her man carefully. Bull will appreciate the mind, insight, the cold mind in force majeures, as well as the shine and the ability to keep themselves in society. This couple knows how to distribute priorities, so they quickly distribute duties in the house. Snake - Domoskka, she does not like noisy companies, she can safely wait for her beloved home and devote their lives to the family. It virtuoso organizes family life, easily controls the complex character of her husband.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_15

Male Snake - Woman Bull

The pair is endowed with general views on the management of the economy, the types of rest, getting good income. These qualities will lead them to a successful marriage. However, there are difficulties, they conclude that both will mark the leader and head of the family. A man snake will not obey a woman bull. She was accustomed to take over all responsibility, but he will not allow it to do it.

These friction will interfere with a pair to negotiate and tune in to a quiet family life.

A woman born in the year of the bull can solve any problems She is very self-sufficient, but men want to see a feminine person next to them. In fact, these ladies have sensitivity and tenderness, but reveal slowly. The man snakes will feel such a feature of his girl and will try to help her faster reveal.

The compatibility of the bull and snake (16 photos): how compatible men and women are compatible and married? 20164_16

So, the compatibility of the snake and the bull is ideal, but the following recommendations should be taken into account: respect each other, not to read the partner's moralization, do not jealous.

About how to choose a soul mate for a bull, look next.

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