Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar?


People born in the year of the bull and horses can create an alliance, relationship in which develops according to the most controversial scenarios. After all, they, as they speak in the people, "from different tests", but sometimes it unites strongly and for many years. I wonder what In love, relationships can be doomed, but business cooperation can become strong . Sometimes a family that has a big business project, long keeps together because of the common cause. But as soon as it goes into the background, a horse with a bull becomes other people's people.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_2

Features of characters

What the characters of the representatives of these characters differ, and that they have a common, consider further.


This is a stubborn, hardworking, one-piece person. He knows how to work, and the best time for his professional accomplishments considers Winter. In the summer, his activity goes to the decline, he gets tired, and great if the vacation of the bull is for the summer.

In childhood and youth, these are very dreamy people who in between real affairs, study and household responsibilities love to fantasize. Fantasies are so closely merged with the reality that the bulls forget about the invented and disappointed in people who managed to fall the devices from their own dreams.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_3

It is believed that frequent bulls live a stable, but a little monotonous life.

She is not cloudless, but the people of this sign have enough strength, will and hardworking to overcome the problems. If he copes with them, he will be easier for him in a new life stage, more pleasant. Together with the difficulties of the bull learns to appreciate what it has. And ourselves - including.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_4

These are not always fair to themselves. They are afraid of critics, although they do not show mind. They are prone to self-named, and in those areas where their tactics can only be envied.

In the family they will be loyal and responsible partners, will love and indulge children, But they may not be enough for sexual temperament. They love to play ardent lovers, but in fact feelings for them are more important than physical pleasure.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_5


These people are spectacular outwardly, they are not indifferent to how the surroundings perceives them. They like to dress fashionably, for the sake of beauty they will endure not one diet. They are sexy, noble, know their price. But what they do not have enough, so this is coolness.

Horses pay a lot of attention to emotions, sprayed into small critics and experienced due to dissatisfaction of even practically foreign people.

They are sociable, know how to joke, can arrange to themselves. But the constant desire to control the situation often does not give them to relax. And all this can be accurate with self-confidence and inner strength.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_6

In the depths of the soul, these are vulnerable and restless people who hide away these qualities. It is difficult for them to open, it is difficult to meet our internal problems to meet our internal problems, which is why those grow on a snowball.

They are influenced by impermanence, mood change, long doubts in the right choice of satellite life. They can be cute and affected by the family, but before bedtime they do not give peace of mind, they chose them in the spouses of the wrong person. Affected to dramatization, but they can solve problems. They do not like to argue, with difficulty make a choice, easily acquire emotional dependence, they value physical freedom.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_7

Union between signs

Consider how relations will develop in various variants of combinations.

Male bull and woman horse

These are conflicting personalities, which, however, often pay attention to each other. Such a couple will be noticeable - they are bright outwardly, they like the spectacular image that they create together. Since they, indeed, stand out from the crowd, this feeling feeds their ambition. And only on this external factor, their relationships can hold out for a long time.

A woman in this pair is flexible, emotional, sensual. She does not like Routine, prefers creative classes or rare professions, focuses on its "features".

But men like it to men: the extraordination of the girl nourishes them and some way demonstrates their own exception.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_8

Relationships will be long and promising if sex does not occupy a leading position in them. A horse woman is usually important passion, she will miss it in a rapidly cool bull. But if she is looked at himself, if sublimation occurs through self-expression, career or creativity, she will agree to sexual lull.

This union can be successful if the man is older and already may be married.

The girl in such a pair is allowed to be frivolous, not very mandatory. A man will appreciate her for external effects, she will inspire him like a muse. He will even close his eyes to the fact that it is not very economic. But if the muse will load and lose its charm of "fine nature", it will be disappointed in it.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_9

Relationships can be tied up quickly, a man bull is not ready to conquer a interesting girl for a long time, but she will not be medleet with response signs of attention. Their difference will be the first months only to pour oil into the fire of an irritable novel. If this is a random connection, relationships may be even more interesting - they will have more sensuality than those who are systematically running a bouquet-candy period.

There will be a good and strong marriage if the bull has a business of life in which he is consistent and which brings it a good income.

From his wife, only one thing is required - loyalty and sincere passion for the success of her husband. There will be a long marriage if the woman's horse is ready to engage in only the house and comfort, and the husband is a real household.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_10

Problems can overtake a couple against the background of financial differences. They will not be able to negotiate in family spending and accumulations, the bull reproaches the partner for unpaid bills, and she cannot remember where the money left, which the husband left her to pay the communal service. In such a family, the fracture may be taken and because of the secrets accumulated from spouses.

Devotion is very important for bull. If he finds out that the wife hides a lot that her friends know much more about her than he himself, he will be crushed.

And she will not forgive the stable and volition bull of his secrets: a drastic woman understands that this is the end that it loses its location.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_11

Man horse and woman bull

Literally from the first minutes of communication, these people can feel that there is a special energy connection between them. They are fueled by this feeling, and it works like "pink glasses": those who are passionate about each other, they do not want to see the true portrait of the partner.

Relationships will develop on a more successful scenario, if a woman assumes leadership.

If a man is inspired by his chosen, he considers her smart and insightful, his perseverance and hard work will be better support for her. From this may be promising relationships that are built on mutual admiration.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_12

The main thing is that the partners do not compete. If a woman is at a certain point, it seems that the chosen one does not show proper zeal to work that it begins to pull everything on himself, it is the beginning of the end. It is easier for her to forgive treason than laziness and reluctance to develop.

The main thing is that the partners do not compete. If a woman is at a certain point, it seems that the chosen one does not show proper zeal to work that it begins to pull everything on himself, it is the beginning of the end. It is easier for her to forgive treason than laziness and reluctance to develop.

If the husband is trying to pick up his wife, and in particular, it begins to guide the work on work, marriage is doomed. A bull woman loves active and bright, it can be a paddle on flattering and compliments, as the very clumsy is in this. And if the husband is ready to respond to her requests, she will forgive him other flaws.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_13

In order for the Union of Women's Bull and Men Horses to be successfully, it is necessary that the spouse is ready for transformations, development, the ability to risk it. If the wife is patient and ready to take control over himself in a difficult moment, the marriage will hold on, and the difficult moments of the couple will successfully overcome. But if people stopped communicating, if everyone has accumulated complaints about the spouse, if they stopped being friends, this union fades.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_14

Business and Career

According to the horoscope, this union can be very good business communication. They honestly refer to business, they know how to delve into the details, do not lower their hands at the first failures.

Short-term business projects will bring good dividends, but long-term cooperation to a lesser extent promises good luck.

The horse will crush the bull with its factories and impatience, and he will never be able to explain to her that you need to be able to wait, and that "harvest is important to collect on time."

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_15


There are not so many chances to make friends with representatives of these signs. They rarely understand each other. It's one thing when relationships are built on passion and charm, quite another - open and honest friendship. They look different in different ways, and the horse will quickly get tired of stubbornness and the principle of bull, and he will not be able to accept inconsistency, capriciousness, the emotion of the horse.

But friendship can happen if these are already experienced people who have learned to understand and take themselves. In such respects, they will feed each other.

Bull will learn spontaneity, risks, the ability to externally present itself, ease in relation to someone's criticism. And the horse will be fascinated by perseverance and hard work of the bull, its modest attitude towards its own talents and willingness to take for large-scale projects.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_16

Compatibility of people born in the year of bull, and people with a sign of a horse far from ideal. But these unions can gain strength and longitudinality, if each person from a couple knows well, realizes its own shortcomings and is ready for compromises.

Compatibility of the bull and horse (17 photos): How many men and women of these signs are compatible in love and marriage on the Eastern calendar? 20150_17

The following video presents the characteristics of the relationship between people born in the year of bull, with other signs of the Eastern Horoscope.

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