2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs


According to the Eastern calendar, 2011 passed under the auspices of a metal cat (rabbit). An animal has given people born at that time, courage, inquisitive intelligence, mystery and purposefulness. The patronage of the cat (rabbit) predetermines a lot in the fate of man. Possible variations of personal features depending on the sign of the zodiac.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_2


About the symbol of 2011 there is an interesting story, which explains why we are talking at the same time about rabbit and about the cat . Jade Emperor sent his subject to Earth with a special task. It was ordered to find the 12 most beautiful animals and bring them to the emperor. The servant invited everyone, but could not find the cat. The subjects decided to convey the invitation through the rat and asked her to wake up the desired beast at a certain time. The rat turned out to be envious and did not want to pass the request to the beautiful cat. The last prompted the meeting and eventually took the rabbit. Many still believe that the year belongs to the cat.

It is noteworthy that born at this time is more similar to this animal than on the rabbit.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_3

2011 on the Chinese calendar belonged to the White Metal Cat (rabbit). Each element of this bundle has its meaning. Metal gives cunning and passion for its interests. At the same time, the metal cat is more responsible than others. He seeks to collect in his surroundings of the holders of a quiet energy. Strong and durable metal gives care caution and uncompromising. The animal is distinguished by observation, so each solution is assumed. The symbol of the year was the most beautiful among 12 animals by legend, so in life he knows its price and does not exchange for small love affairs.

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Characteristics of people born this year

Birth this year promises for a child rich and interesting fate. And all because the person under the patronage of the cat gets a rather interesting and ambiguous temperament. Usually, the people of this year are quite peaceful, do not go to open conflicts. However, all the offensive and offensive phrases they remember and very long. They perceive the criticism extremely painful, can a long time mentally replay the situation that was not approved by someone in search of new, unnoticed facts.

If the cats are aware of the constructiveness of criticism during such reflections, then definitely make the necessary conclusions, correct errors.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_5

High intuitiveness of the signs of the sign allows them to avoid contact with ill-wishers. If an open conflict happens, then the cats are not retreating. People under the auspices of this animal can calmly tell the unfair in the face all that they think about him and take measures if necessary. Cats are knocked out with enemies with their politeness.

It is noteworthy that the white metal cat born in the year is extremely selfish and do not have interest in other people's lives.

They do not spread gossip and do not like to listen to them. People under the patronage of the cat are confident that everyone should be. If someone is trying to discuss with them intimate details of the other, then this may cause to stop communicating.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_6

Born in 2011 are confident that they are perfect and in every way try to convey it to others. All desires and dreams they protect and try to bring to life, even if the circumstances are unfavorable. If the ideas are not implemented, the cats are very upset, disappointed and can fall into apathetic, depressive states.

It is worth noting that the representatives of the sign do not blame those surrounding in their troubles, and they take responsibility for the failure of themselves.

Some people believe that cats are weak and gentle personalities, which are easy to offend, but this is an erroneous first impression. Representatives of the sign are quite restrained, can pass through a lot of life failures.

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People born in 2011 have their own special look at any situation. During the life of cats remain faithful to their life principles, for which they are valued in society. Cats are trying to build relationships with people as carefully. People look compliant and courteous at the moment when they professionally mask their true feelings. The signs of the sign are simply afraid to insult or touch for people who live people closely. Especially carefully they relate to parents and the second half.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_8

Quite interesting, representatives of the sign belong to the career and money. Usually cats do not rush to the most peaks of the career ladder and do not chase increases. They pursue another goal, which lies in a solid position, which does not change under the influence of crises, political situations, abbreviations or shoghes. Usually, cats can be achieved.

Managers see cats with valuable and reliable performers, and colleagues are good friends. Such qualities allow the sign representatives to be easily held afloat.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_9

Cats simply no equal in financial matters. They are able to make money from almost the air due to the ability to go on a deliberate risk and a special grip. In everyday life cats spend money only as needed and always have a strategic reserve. People born in 2011, rather ambiguous personalities. They possess a sharp mind in a combination with diplomacy and emergency cunning. The metal makes the sign representatives more stubborn and unshakable, which in certain matters it looks like two. From the side it may seem that cats are too straightforward even when it should be softer.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_10

Distinctive features by zodiac signs

Children's birthday affects fate not less than a year. It is worth looking at the character of cats through the prism of the zodiac sign.

  • Capricorns are pretty strict and love communication is much less than those born in another year. Representatives of the sign of the zodiac often jeep.
  • Aquarius is distinguished by special creative abilities. It is well implemented by your potential in literary activities.
  • Fish becomes good interlocutors. Such people love in companies.
  • Aries grow in true wild cats. Such people are extremely fundamental and willing to go on everything to achieve their goals.
  • Tales are very tender and responsive. They love comfort and rarely enter conflicts.
  • Twins are calm and prefer to spend time in a family circle. May be in fairly dangerous situations.
  • Cracks are pretty raised. They often spend time in idleness and are not upset about this.
  • Lions are always ready to attack their enemies and disgrace unfintellers. However, in most cases behave calmly.
  • Virgas are distinguished by special vitality wisdom. People of this sign are able to go to risks for the sake of loved ones and perform difficult tasks for their good.
  • Scales are distinguished by melancholy. Such people are pretty soft and charming.
  • Scorpions are quite decisive and always on worse. They will not mow the desired.
  • Sagittarius can be considered the most real cats. They are distinguished by equilibrium and prudence.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_11


The eastern horoscope has 12 signs and in his life the cat will accurately meet with everyone. Astrologers know what communication may end in different situations. Consider a Cat compatibility with other signs.


Such communication is possible only in the format of strong friendship. In such conditions, the sign representatives will be perfectly complemented by each other. However, the combination of signs unfavorable for family relations. Difference and the presence of mutual claims will prevent joint happiness. The cat loves to stay at home, in comfort. Rat, on the contrary, used to constantly in motion. The latter does not spend money without regard, and the cats do not tolerate this.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_12


Positive example of a combination of elements. The cat gives the partner confidence and calmness, feeling of stability. Bull provides protection and financial well-being. Such an union is strong in any field of life.

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Representatives of signs agree thanks to common hobbies. They both seek to find something new and interesting, discuss it in the evening, in the comfort of the home furnishings. However, the underwater stone can be excessive calm of the cat. Tigers are pretty emotional and hot-tempered, such a character trait is simply incomprehensible.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_14


Representatives of one sign can easily create a strong union in any life sphere. They are ready to work for each other's benefit and will not create conflicts in the same place. In a pair, a high level of understanding, which ensures the inviolability of the pair.

2011 - Year of which animal? 23 Photo Year Who was the Eastern Horoscope? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHILD OF THE 2011 BIRTH BIRTH FOR THE Chinese calendar, compatibility with other zodiac signs 20127_15

The Dragon

Course can only exist if the cat will be the most tolerant in relation to its partner. Dragons are hot-tempered and capable of creating conflicts without reason. Cats are tired of constant voltage. Quarrels in such unions are common.

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Excellent couple to create a cozy homemade hearth. The cat will be a getter that everything carries in the house. The snake is able to protect the hearth from quarrels, failures and other troubles. A rabbit will teach a partner to listen to the opinion of other people, and he can feel the main in the family. The pair is harmonious and complements each other.

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Usually in such a pair, the cat is conquered by the attractiveness of the partner. He will delight his pair daily. It is important that the cat gives to a partner in an attempt to change it. The horse loves to spend time with friends, and it will be bad to affect relationships. However, the situation will unfold well if the cat is aware of the faithfulness of the horse and will not create conflicts on this soil.

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The creation of the Union is possible only under the condition of limitless trust. Otherwise, the pair will soon disintegrate because of the habit of goat turn over all the top bottom. She is inclined to clarify the relationship because it is confident that Idilly is unreal and simply hides the betrayal. Permanent clarifications simply repel the cat.

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A monkey

The representative of the sign is characterized by cunning and loves sometimes resting from the partner. However, the union will be strong, because the monkey knows how to please the cat. Such a partnership is the most rich and prosperous in the love sphere.

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People of this sign are pretty plugging by nature, the cat may simply not withstand it. The Union of the sign of the sign is dangerous for both. Permanent rooster mockery can drive a cat crazy and lead even to the manual execution. If communication with the representative of the sign is forced, then it is important not to climb. The cat feels better if the rooster is at a distance of both physically and morally.

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Pretty ambiguous union. The elements of dogs and cat are not compatible. However, from the point of view of astrologers, representatives have a lot in common. Relationships may be successful if both partners strive for it.

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Pretty well-being couple. The cat will be able to understand the boar in his desire to sometimes stay alone with his thoughts. Partners are able to compromise and understand each other. They seek to eliminate all annoying factors. Union is prosperous, as partners always try to support each other. The union is durable, because both signs dream of children and a strong family.

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In the next video, you will learn about talents, abilities, secrets and the benefits of a person born in 2011.

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