Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar?


As you know, the Chinese horoscope includes 12 characters, each of which has its own special features. In this article, we will talk about those who were born in the year of the bull. This animal is considered stubborn, patient and very hardy, but is it possible to say the same thing about a person who patronizes? Find out what features inherent in people-free, what are the pros and cons of their personality, and who are easier for them to create a harmonious union.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_2

general information

According to the Eastern Horoscope, the bull is associated with such qualities as Conservatism and hardness of beliefs, stubbornness and perseverance. Thanks to these qualities, a person born under this sign will not grab where others stop.

Just as the harness with silent perseverance pulls his burden, a bull man can drag obligations assigned to him until it reaches the goal.

Especially since Forces these people do not take: As a rule, they are endowed not only by solid moral principles, but also non-lightable physical abilities.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_3

Dates and elements

According to Chinese wise men, everything that is on Earth includes five elements in different ratios. This is land, wood, fire, metal and water. Thus, Each sign of the Eastern Horoscope at a certain point receives the characteristics of a particular element.

  • 1949, 2009 - years of earthy bull. Born in these years, as anyone else, peculiarity, purposefulness, determination and familyhood. But along with the positive parties, cosmy, solidinity and uninforcement are noted.
  • 1961 - the year of the metal bull. This year, workaholics and leaders were born, while not devoid of friendliness. But they still have some closure and durability, which sometimes interferes in achieving goals.
  • 1973 - a year of water bull. These bulls are characterized by a softer character and the original look at many things, while they are not deprived of purposefulness. Negative manifestation of their nature can be called a tendency to depression.
  • 1985 - Wooden Bull . It is distinguished by confidence in their forces, courage and the ability to achieve results in everything. However, with all its success, it is somewhat arrogant, which, of course, do not like others.
  • 1997 - Fire Bull . Features of people born under this sign are the initiative and adequate perception of any circumstances in which they turn out to be. As a disadvantage - sometimes these bulls can challenge and heat, especially if someone is trying to question their solution.

The next year of the bull that comes very soon - 2021 - will pass under the auspices of the element of the metal.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_4

Features of people

We will tell you more about the features of the personality of the bull on the Chinese calendar. Patient and meek bulls always seek to keep calm, but even they can sometimes withdraw themselves. What exactly will become a "red cloth" - depends on the specific situation, but know one thing: it is better not to output it. because In his rage, the bull will also go to the end, and he will not calm down until all his anger is out.

Exterior charisma Reinforces the success of the bull.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_5

Often those born under this sign have excellent oratory qualities that allow them to captivate people with their ideas, and their charming appearance helps to arrange even more supporters.

In general, the wheels appreciate the physical beauty and are not bad for it.

Considering that bulls are constant in everything, they get good family mans. They not only stand guard of the interests of their family, but they also try to provide their relatives to all that they need for life. Constant and reliable, They want in all of them accompanied stability. We add that in winter born and autumn people especially appreciate earthly pleasures.

Achieving material success Bull will defend the fruits of their works no less zealo than family peace.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_6

This does not mean that he is a storm, he can be very generous, but only with those who managed to conquer his respect for their hardworking and purposefulness.

There are two types of bulls: Communicable and closed. The first one is always open to communication and is ready to get acquainted with new people all the time, he easily becomes a soul of the company and everywhere feels "in his plate." The second is often immersed in itself, from which other people sometimes do not understand him, consider closed and strange. Such a bull prefers the position of the observer, he spends a lot of time in philosophical reflections about himself surrounding and the world as a whole. It is especially important for them to find a business of life, which will reveal it from the best side and where all his accumulated experience is useful.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_7


Attracting the attention of the girl you like, the bull guy does not seek to let dust in the eyes and attract attention to any price. Of course, he will reveal sooner or later, and then the lady will appreciate its outstanding mind and the excellent sense of humor. In general, the bull is not peculiar to sing the valitious diffirable and rushing with empty promises - His actions are more eloquent than any words. When he understands that this particular is really needed, he will step up to do everything possible to unobtrusively, but firmly tie it to himself.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_8

Men's bulls are reliable spouses, they do everything to provide their seven with everything necessary. Thanks to the purposefulness, it is perfect for them.

However, households will have to put up with the negative sides of his personality: stubbornness and hardness. If a man born under this sign was wrong, he did not recognize his wrong and could hardly apologize. Justifies the ox in this situation only one thing: no matter how severely he behaved with loved ones, he will never throw them in trouble and will do everything to ensure their well-being.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_9


The representatives of the beautiful floor, born under the sign of the bull, are accustomed to everything to approach thoughtfully and thoroughly. Because of this it may seem that they are a bit heavy on the rise and are slow. Maybe it is partly and so But the main thing for them is the result, so they persistently go to the goal. Thanks to perseverance and consistency, they are respected by others, they can always be asked for advice, and it is not only a matter of wisdom of bulls.

They are not inclined to dissolve gossip, and therefore, what is entrusted to them in secret will remain in secret.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_10

Thanks to their care to others Of these, good interlocutors are obtained. They are distinguished by hard work, teaching, discipline and dedication. They do not often see such ladies in the nightclub. As a rule, women bulls quickly be happy with such entertainment or are not interested in them at all. Their favorite place always stays a house where you can spend a great time in a family circle. After the birth of the kids, they pay even more time and become beautiful mothers.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_11


Children who were born in the year of the bull on the Chinese horoscope are distinguished by the character and thoughtfulness from the early pores. They do not carry in full supports to meet everything new and unknown, but are thoughtful, so as not to fill cones. This applies to many areas: Sometimes they begin to walk or talk lately, since before trying the new skill, they need to be prepared. Despite the restraint of emotions, they know how to show tenderness and love of loved ones.

The baby is ready to help mom on the housework or feed her cookie, because The concern of the bull is always manifested in the actions. And not only girls, but also boys can perform homework.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_12

Over time, the children of bulls show their leadership qualities. Adherents of order and disciplines, they are sufficiently neat into everyday life, capable of maintaining order in toys.

They do not like to communicate with strangers, and only after the guests recognize closer, can take interest and friendliness to him.

The bull child is often asking for something, as it is unusual for him to go about his momentary desires. If he asks for something to buy, it means that he really needs him, and it is worth listening to the crumb.

These children can become early to become independent . In their studies, they can be called diligent and mandatory, they can behave quite quietly if they are not touched. With all its discipline, they will not call them pedants, since they are not alien to the creative principle - the music or drawing are often becoming their favorite lessons. Participation in theatrical productions always pleases the bull, since the scene allows them to show their individuality.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_13

Finance and Career

According to astrologers, it is best to take himself in the spheres of sports, Where you need a dedication, finance that implies an account, and agriculture. Creative professions are also often becoming a trades for bull self-realization. Among the representatives of this sign Many musicians, sculptors, artists. As for concrete disciplines in sports, the stars recommend to Volat to try themselves in football, athletics, running to distant distances. And the harmonious of all bulls feel themselves, cultivating the earth - It can be both a profession of humans and a hobby.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_14

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_15

Due to increased responsibility, they can pay more attention to colleagues than relatives, believing that a close person will understand and forgive. Sometimes this leads to quarrels with households, which is offended by such a ratio of the bull.

In the role of subordinate bulls, too, good and very responsible, but over the years are increasingly inclined to monotonous work. The perseverance of the bull does not remain unnoticed, and often it is sooner or later put forward in the bosses.

The disciplined and strict bull bull can sometimes tire their subordinates, but it will always take care of them and create all the conditions for labor. It is not so easy to make solutions to the bull, so he takes on their thinking for a while.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_16

The sequence of actions allows him to slowly but correctly reach career heights.

They do not try to jump over the heads, but seek another increase in painstaking hard labor. Thanks to this rational approach, their successes have durable soil and allow them to hold onto their places tight.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_17

Love and relations

The feelings of the bull are also stable as everyone in their lives. Bull Men appreciate for practicality and responsibility. Having chopped the second half, for many years he keeps her tender affection and remains faithful spouse. Because of such persistent principles, his life sometimes seems to be too boring around, and the behavior is irresant. However, those who are looking for a truly serious relationship are always able to see the ideal partner in the bull, so it is not expecting attention.

Lama-bull need a reliable satellite, which she can trust and with whom will safe will go through life. At least, so she sees her ideal hero of the novel. At the same time, nothing human is alien to her, it may well get into any frivolous almush.

However, in most cases, a bull female can drown out adventurous thoughts on the root and maintain loyalty to their spouse.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_18

She managed to successfully cope with work and domestic affairs, because a bull female appreciates its time and is rational in everything. Thanks to the ability to plan a budget and properly arrange priorities, material well-being accompanies not only to her, but also her spouse.

Ideally - regardless of the floor partner of the bull should be rational, bold and able to bring into relations the lack of lightness. But with all the rationality, the good soul will react very sensitively to love, so it is a prerequisite for the Union.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_19


For a man-bull The harmonious will be the union with a female rooster, snake and a bull. He will be interested in a horse with a person, and each of the partners will be able to find an opportunity for growth in this union. Pig, goat and cat will give a bull primarily a sense of partnership.

The tigress and the dog are not recommended to him, since they can hardly give this man a sense of stability.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_20

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_21

A bull female belongs to men born under the sign of the cat, pigs and goats, as she has a bright relationship with them. Rooster, snake and bull will bring reliability and confidence in the day with it. Tiger and dog are not best suited to the role of her spouse due to incorrect characteristics.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_22

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_23

Famous representatives

In world history it is worth noting Napoleon Bonaparte who was not born a royal special, but his stubbornness allowed him to become the emperor of France. Another bright sign of the sign, which also tried to conquer Russian Earth, - Adolf Gitler. In her desire to achieve domination at all costs, he surpassed even Napoleon, but as a result, both became hostages of their own dedication and got involved in the most severe wars that became fatal for themselves. Among the kings of bulls can be called Princess Diana, Norwegian King Harald, Spanish King Juan Carlos.

Bull women show no less hardness in achieving the goals, as described by examples of the premiere of England Margaret Thatcher, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Mayor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko.

Year of the bull (24 photos): What are these years? Characteristics of people born in 1985 and 1997 on the eastern horoscope. Who comes after a fiery bull on the Chinese calendar? 20106_24

As for creative personalities, if the bull is talent, he will be able to reveal it. The brightest examples can be called Hans Christian Andersen, on the fairy tales of which has grown whole generations, Primateonna of the Russian scene Alla Pugachev, the singer Edit Pieju, actors Charlie Chaplin, Richard Gira, Eddie Murphy. Among the famous artists who appeared on the world under the sign of the will, - Valentin Serov, Auguste Renoir, Sandro Botticelli, Vincent Wang Gogh and other celebrities.

So, bull is able to spend a fruitful life, moving dimly and stages. It is hidden by iron will, which allows him a quiet sap to achieve any goals. Without expressing ardent emotions, he is able to devoteally love and cherish the attachments as no other. The main thing is that he needs is confidence in tomorrow and in the people around him who are able to make it truly happy.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the bull, look next.

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