Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds


Women pay a lot of time a variety of procedures that allow them to look prettier and feel more confident. Intimate haircut has not only a decorative function, but also practical. She found her popularity in the past century, during the sexual revolution. There are many methods that will allow you to get rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini zone.

What it is?

Recognize bikini zone is very simple - it is always under panties or melts. The skin is distinguished by sensitivity there, and the hairs are usually coarse. Bikini line call the place where underwear ends. It turns out that the bikini zone directly depends on the height and shape of the panties.

In some cases, the concept of the bikini zone is distributed to the inguinal region. Hair near the underwear line looks particularly unaestrian on the beach, so girls get rid of them regularly. But directly in the bikini zone, many do not remove the cover completely, preferring interesting hairstyles. The beauticians who can professionally remove hair helps in all this.

Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_2

Ways to remove hair in intimate places

Women in the bikini zone are usually growing dark and rather rough hairs. At the same time, the cover applies to the inner part of the thighs. Just from aesthetic point of view, you can remove the hairs that are visible from under the melting on the beach. For your own comfort, especially in the summer, it makes sense to remove, in general, all hair. Each woman makes a decision independently based on the preferences and features of the skin.


In this case, the hair is removed exclusively before the start of the underwear. Under the panties everything remains as it is. The classic does not cause controversy, all experts agree to its security. A good solution for those who first remove hair.

In the field of classic bikini, the skin is less sensitive. Even the epilation is much easier to transfer. Feelings less painful, easier to get rid of easy irritation. It should take into account the form of its underwear.

Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_3


A deep bikini received its name because absolutely all hair cover is removed from the pubic, the germ lips and the inside of the thighs. Many girls prefer such a decision. Some deep bikini seems more hygienic. The hairs are able to hold odors, collect various discharge on themselves. In the summer, the skin often transfers, which causes a certain discomfort.

Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_4

Varieties of epilation

Hair removal in the bikini zone can be done in different ways. Many want to enjoy the result for a long time, which means it is better to choose the epilation. So called the removal of the hairs along with the root. However, the procedure is quite painful, which also needs to be considered. It is especially important to evaluate all the pros and cons of sensitive skin.


The principle of the device is similar to simple tweezers. At the same time, there are many of them on the working surface of the epilator, so the hair beam is immediately removed at one approach. The device breaks the visible rod along with the bulb.

    The procedure is rather painful, but over time, the hairs are becoming thinner, brittle and therefore discomfort decreases.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_5

    Of course, pulling out the integrity of the skin. Irritation appears on the surface and even small wounds. When conducting electroepilation, a number of rules should be followed.

    1. Hair length is no more than 1 cm. If it is more, the device may simply not cope with the load. The hairs can shave a few days before the procedure or trim directly before it holds.
    2. Pre-skin should be disappeared. So the pores will expand, and the bulbs will easier leave their places.
    3. During epilation, the skin should be dry, because the electrical apparatus is used. You should flush the selected area with a towel.
    4. It is important to handle the disinfector with the entire zone that will be processed. So in the event of the occurrence of wounds inside, malicious microorganisms will not fall.
    5. The epilator must be moved against hair growth. This ensures effective capture.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_6

    Electric hair removal can be carried out independently at home. The result holds about 14 days, which is a very good result. Additional means and drugs are not required, only the device itself. After each procedure, the hair becomes more weak and thin, which simplifies the next session. However, there are disadvantages of electroepilation.

    1. The procedure is characterized by high soreness. Even after several sessions, irritation may be observed and significant discomfort. In this case, much depends on the skin sensitivity.
    2. For a deep bikini, this method is not necessary, only for the classics.
    3. Well suitable for processing a large open surface, for example, for pubis. It will be a bit more complicated to handle the inner portion of the hip, because the device does not repeat the anatomical irregularities of the body.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_7


    Hair removal is due to high-pulse light. Melanin in the hairs absorbs energy that is already inside the rod is transformed into thermal. As a result, the destruction of the entire hairs along with a bulb occurs. It is noteworthy that The photoepler affects the beam immediately, which means that the procedure itself requires less time.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_8

    Hair removal technique has contraindications. It is impossible to use it during pregnancy and lactation. And also should not resort to photoepilation in chronic skin diseases or its damage, genital herpes.

    7 days before the procedure and after it can not be visited by the solarium, as well as take photosensitive drugs. Photoepilation is a salon procedure that a certified master must be conducted.

    The technique is one of the most effective when combating unwanted vegetation. Literally in several sessions, it is possible to significantly reduce the volume of hairs, and some of them get rid of forever. In the bikini zone, black hair is usually, so you will need 3-4 procedures to achieve a qualitative result.

    Bright cover is worse absorbing light waves, so you have to spend about 10 or more sessions.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_9


    It is immediately clear that the laser is used to remove hairs. Impact is performed point, so the procedure can take quite a long time. The principle of operation is similar to the previous method. Rays are absorbed by hair, transformed into heat and destroy the hairs up to the root.

    Laser hair removal is a salon procedure. There is a minimum of 2 sessions. This is due to the fact that the device can act exclusively on those hairs that are in the actual growth phase. Consequently, sleeping follicles remain without attention. The method is particularly effective for removing dark hair.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_10

    The procedure is almost painless. In some cases there is a slight tingling. Strong discomfort signals that the master improperly picked up the power of the laser, so it is necessary to inform him about it. To make the epilation damaged, certain rules should be followed.

    1. Do not go to the salon if there is a genital herpes. The laser will lead to a deterioration of health.
    2. 30 days before the session, you can only shave. Other methods of depilation and epilation are prohibited.
    3. Before going to the salon, a razor must be removed from the zone that will be processed. This is due to certain lengths of length for high-quality processing.
    4. We will have to abandon the tan for 7 days before and after the epilation. Otherwise, the processed zone can be covered by stains due to ultraviolet.

    Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of unwanted hairproof literally for a couple of sessions. At the same time, it can be carried out only in the cabin with the help of a professional master. The procedure is really effective, and therefore costly. This is associated with the complexity and high cost of the device itself.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_11


    The essence of the method is to use heat together with protein enzymes. The latter helps when removing hair, the length of which should be at least 6-7 mm. 30 days before the enzyme epilation should be abandoned from sunburn and rest in the sun. Before the procedure itself, you should visit the dermatologist-cosmetologist.

    This is necessary to remove the skin samples and determine the presence of allergic reactions to the components that are used in the method.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_12

    Hair should be removed by wax or sugar. The tool is distributed over the skin, then covered with a strip of fabric or film. Then the material is wrapped with a bandage, infrared radiation on it. At the end of the session, everything is removed, and the skin is moistened with a suitable agent.

    Among the benefits of the method, low cost and complete safety are noted. However, the risk of an allergic reaction to the composition of the mixture is great. It is quite difficult to carry out the procedure. Some time after it is preserved increased skin sensitivity.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_13


    This technique is the most innovative. The device affects the root of the hair, which later dies. Moreover, most hairs falls back during a session.

    It is worth noting that the result holds a little less than after laser hair removal.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_14

    Before the procedure, the hair should be repeated to 6-7 mm, and then remove them with wax or shugaring. The zone is treated with antiseptic and specialized drugs. The ultrasound apparatus is impact on the skin area. At the end, the remnants of the gel are removed, and a lotion is applied to calm skin. You can select several advantages of this procedure.

    1. Full absence of pain.
    2. Pretty simple. There is no risk to suffer from the hands of the master.
    3. Pleasant price. Such epilation is cheaper than laser.
    4. There are no restrictions on the type of skin and hairs. Dark and bright are removed equally efficiently.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_15

    Review of species of depilation

    From the hair in the bikini zone, you can get rid of completely painless and pretty quickly. Depilation involves the removal of only the visible part of the hair, there is no effect on the root. It will not work for a long time to remove the hair, but you can still achieve smoothness. And also after the procedures use spray to slow down growth. We list the common depilation options.

    • Mechanical. Ensures the use of a razor or machine. The disposal procedure from unwanted hair is simple and fast. Shaving foam will facilitate the process. Before starting, it should be slightly unpiring the skin, a couple of minutes in the shower. So coarse hairs in the bikini area will become much softer. The razor should be sent by hair growth, otherwise it will be irritation. If you failed to remove all at a time, then you can repeat the actions. If there is no possibility to use a shaving foam, then it is necessary to clean the processed zone with soap or shampoo. It is important that the tool covered each hairs. It will improve sliding, make the hair removal process easier and safe. The main thing, when using a razor, choose models with lots of blades. This allows you to make procedures as simple as possible and efficient. Mechanical depilation takes just a couple of minutes, costs are relatively small. However, if you lead a razor against hair growth, it may be not just irritation, but even the manifestation of blood drops on the skin. A small bristle will appear the next day after the procedure. It is worth keeping cuts, because they are healing extremely painful in this area.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_16

    • Chemical. The procedure itself is similar to the wax epilacation, only the soft composition is used. Special cream should be applied to the skin and hold some time. The exact period indicates the manufacturer on the package. Then the gel is removed from the skin with a spatula along with vegetation. For a bikini zone, a special composition with an appropriate note on the package is used. The most efficient and safe means for chemical depilation always has a high cost. Practice shows that very thick and rigid hairs in the bikini area does not remove with that efficiency with which I would like. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effect can be maintained up to 10 days.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_17

    How to remove hair at home?

    All types of depilation can be carried out on their own, but everything is not so simple with epilation. Correctly carry out at home can be electrified. The rest require more skills and knowledge. In some cases, you can make the hair with wax or shigaring. In any case, it is worth adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

    1. For shaving, a special gel is recommended. It allows you to carefully carry out the procedure in the bikini zone. The cream clogs the pores, increases the risk of irritation.
    2. The razor cannot be held at one place more than 3 times.
    3. After electroepilation, you should use a gel with aloe to moisturizing the skin. If irritation appears, then soothing drugs are needed. To reduce soreness, you can use special epilators for an intimate zone with an anesthesia system.
    4. For a classic bikini, a trimmer is often used. In fact, it is an electric razor, but more secure, because there is no risk to cut down. True, you need specialized models that can cut hard hairs.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_18

    Options Strezhek

    Remove hair to full smoothness. Women hairstyles are greatly popular. You can make such in the cabin or independently depending on the selected method of hair removal. Here are some haircut options.

    1. Brazilian (Hollywood, Sphinx). The most popular view of the hairstyle. All hair is removed around the anal opening and pubis. This species is considered the most hygienic.
    2. Runway. All hair is removed, but a drawing is created on the pubic. Pretty original solution. Hair remains in the form of a strip from the top of the pubic before the start of the germ lips. Such a hairstyle will not be visible on the beach from under the swimsuit. At the same time, the pubers remains completely naked, which attracts women.
    3. Triangle (American or Bermuda). Usually, the hair is removed so that the initial form of the pubic area remains. You can adjust the triangle size. Such a haircut is very easy to perform. A particularly successful solution for those who use mechanical depilation. After the formation of the triangle, you should cut a little hairs to everyone looks careful.
    4. Bikini line. Such a hairstyle is easy to do and maintain. Hair is removed from the sides and top of the pubic. Usually, such a decision is used by those who have not had time to understand what hairstyle wants. This is a kind of starting point. You can do in any way - from the epilator to trimmer.
    5. Arbitrary style. The category combines a large number of advanced hairstyles. So you can make a lightning, an arrow, sun and even initials. In short, limit only fantasy. Typically, such a hairstyle are made in the cabin, because it is quite difficult. The procedure from the stylist is expensive, so not everyone is solved. Classic are hairstyles more in demand than arbitrary.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_19

    Tips for care

    It is not necessary to remove hair too often, it is especially important when using depilation methods. The skin is annoyed in any case, and she needs time to restore. A frequent problem is increasing hairs. With frequent depilation, "Hemps" remain, and the skin is stubble. Little hairs can not break through the dermis and begins to grow under it.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_20

    You can use sprays, special tools or simply change the hair removal method. It is always worth remembering that the bikini zone is pretty gentle and sensitive, you need to care for it. Moreover, before shaving it is very important to soften the hair to avoid strong irritation. Skin care rules include several points.

    1. A few days before the procedure and after it should use a scrub for the most careful cleansing. This allows you to remove the skinned skin layer.
    2. Do not remove hair during menstruation, three days before and after its end.
    3. Skin and tool for depilation should be disinfected before and after the procedure.
    4. You can not wear low-quality tights and underwear from synthetics.
    5. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening so that the skin of the skin is a little recovered.
    6. 7 days before and after removing the hair should not sunbathe under the sun or in the solarium.

    Bikini Zone (21 photos): Hair removal in intimate places in women. How to fully remove the hair along the bikini line? Funds 201_21

    When choosing a method, it is worth navigating not only on its effectiveness or simplicity. Safety for the skin should also be taken into account. Excessive damage will lead to a disruption of skin cover and cause serious discomfort. Moreover, various bacteria can penetrate into the wounds and cause diseases.

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