Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat


The sheep, also often called goat, is the eighth in order in the Chinese calendar cycle. It is inherent in the energy "Yin", its elements are considered to be fire. It is best compatible with a zodiac sign Scorpio. Among her positive features, peacefulness and sociability, kindness and hospitality, softness and romanticism are celebrated. Potentially risk features are impracticality and passivity, high suggestibility and emotionality, capable of turning in any direction.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_2

Dates and elements

As it should be on the Eastern Horoscope, the year of the goat happens with periodicity at twelve years. In the past, sheep Rules 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003, the last time it was 2015. Accordingly, now the year of the sheep will again be quite no soon - you have to wait until 2027.

At the same time, it is not correct to equate the Chinese calendar to the generally accepted European, because the beginning and end of the board of each sign are not coming for the night of December 31 to January 1. In the Chinese calendar, the date of the new year is a transitional, it costs to clarify it every time, especially since the duration of the year is not stable. So, we called the 2015 year of the goat, but in fact its board began on February 14, and it ended only on February 2, 2016.

"Transfer of power" is usually carried out at the end of January or the first half of February, because the birth of a child at the very beginning of the year usually implies that he belongs to the "last year's" sign.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_3

The Chinese for each sign are made to allocate five more types of elements associated with color - they also affect specific character traits, even if not so much like a sign. So, 1979 belonged to the yellow earth goat, 1991 - white metal, 2003 - black water, and the 2015 is a blue wooden. Consider them in brief:

  • Metal element gives goat luck, artistry, power;
  • The tree introduces sentimentality, kindness, tendency to sacrifice;
  • Representatives of fire are distinguished by proud, purposefulness, energetic;
  • Earthy goats - good performers, optimistic, self-sufficient;
  • Element of water gives its representatives the opportunity to "sail for the flow", charm, flexibility.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_4

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_5

Character features

The characteristic of the people born under the sign of the sheep is approximate - it is not necessary to perceive as an axiom, because the sign of the zodiac, and even upbringing. Nevertheless, most of the inclinations in a particular combination are manifested by each such person, so consider what can be expected from the goat.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_6

The positive features of representatives of this sign are as follows.

  • The desire to avoid conflict "The goat is unlikely to be climbing his argument or a quarrel, she will better refuse his point of view, which will go to confrontation, and if the breaking still took place, it will become the initiator of reconciliation, even if it is not to blame in what happened.
  • Sociability - This feature of the sheep usually finds a response from others, because it is a pleasant, soft person who is not carrying the negative. But with a good sense of humor.
  • Kindness - The goat is unlikely to refuse to help close, if only it is in her power, and sometimes it even goes to harm, because some surrounding are not shy to use it.
  • Hospitality - That's who will always be happy to guests and will gladly throw any other things, just to pay attention to those who came and treat them.
  • Template to romance "This is a person who loves to arrange romantic surprises and, in general, trying to build relations in the best traditions of beautiful cinema.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_7

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_8

Of course, even from the above, not everyone should be considered unconditionally positive - sometimes they go to harm the same sheep. Of those characteristics, which in his life, rather, prevent, lay out the following.

  • Passivity "The goat is not inclined to make fateful decisions, it often is a person, just swimming through the flow, which does not always end well, so he would not hurt the satellite, able to try on the role of the leader.
  • Impracticality "The goat does not know how to take care of money, they have them disagree with ease, but not for useful things, but for all sorts of baubles, because of which the representative of this sign is likely to visit the debtor.
  • Emotionality and unpredictability - Soft and non-conflict sheep hides his discontent for a long time, but this does not mean that it is in principle that it is unable to him, and when the negative reaches a critical point, the powerful explosion immediately occurs, the consequences of which may be destructive.
  • Gauntness and suggestibility - The passive goat instinctively seeks strong personalities capable of sending it to the "Right Way", while it leads to Charisma, and not on logic, because of which it becomes a victim of deceivers. At the same time, she, herself succumbed to herself with influence, tries to spread again an open point of view among his acquaintances.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_9

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_10


A man born under this sign is difficult in life - everyone is waiting for great achievements from him, while he, in accordance with the "goat" specificity, is distinguished by excessive infantality and is usually not ready to take responsibility. For such a guy, a good pair will be a woman who would not disappear and herself, and ideally also a potential husband will be able to direct. Please note that shocking such a person with a list of potential duties on the very first date is extremely undesirable - do not be surprised if it runs away from so jumping the lady.

A man of a sheep is not a domic. His sociability has a positive effect on the number of his friends, and he is easily suggested and believe me: a huge circle of comrades will surely convince him that a fishing campaign or football is much more interesting than sitting at home with albeit, but just one wife.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_11

With the above-described qualities that can be considered negative, do not cover the eyes and on a positiveness of such relationships. Despite the wide range of communication, a man will not look for another woman - at least his inertness does not contribute completely to it. Besides, He does not like scandals at all and any aggression in his address, and if you do not cut it and restrict it too much, it will be an obedient and friendly husband.

With all the other than this man is not an avid careerist, and insane wealth is also not an end to him. This guy will be completely satisfied if he has money just for food and housing, for the "Ponta" in any form he is not chasing, so it will be extremely difficult to love jewels with him.

The male sheep himself, by the way, will not be pleased with such a friend, because it will scare her mercantilism, so the couple probably will not last long.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_12


How could it be understood from the foregoing For the goat, many features are characterized, which in society is considered more suitable for women, and if a man with such character does not like everything, then for the girl it is almost an optimal set. This is a classic lady from the highest society of past times - it is inherent in unique femininity and a tendency to sentimentality, it is sensual, but at the same time it is easy to view. With his behavior, such a lady often resembles a child, and this feature of many sheep does not go anywhere even in very mature age.

Weak and defenseless woman goat predictably needs a man who can provide her due custody. For this reason, the goats often choose her older husband - in their sense, he has already been repeatedly matured, "stumbled" in life and knows how to leave any complex situations.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_13

This is a good partner for a man who is used to being the owner of his life - if you provide a friend of minimal comfort and raise responsibility for making decisions, she will gladly give you all the Brazers of the Board.

One side, With sheep, it is not easy - her childishness is inclined to whims, she has a lot of prosperity, and she loves only one who will pamper her . On the other hand, it is impossible not to admit that this is a rather simple recipe for success, because the goat not only requires attention, but also really appreciates him - if she sees that the partner is trying for her, he will be able to know what is complete self-dedication in love. The surrounding, as a rule, have every reason to envy such a pair, because by the side it looks perfect, and inside it fully corresponds.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_14

Women love to complain to girlfriends on their man, but not the goat - she will never put you in a bad light. Its gentle and unfading character, as well as innate femininity to make many men sincerely envy the one who got such a companion of life. She has one and one more, hidden plus - a weak and inert person in difficult conditions is still capable of going together, and if the guy needs help, the girl will do everything to provide at least the rear.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_15

This romantic nature is conquered exactly as described in old books - by the method of beautiful courtesy. First of all, attention should be demonstrated from the side of the men, including the little things - if the girl is incolquently said that she would like to carry something, and she would be impressed. A fine sex representative will definitely appreciate bouquets of flowers and romantic dinners for candlelight.

But what you can not allow yourself with such a partner, so it is empty promises - she is very quickly disappointed in a person whose words are not supported by actions.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_16


The child born in the year of the goat, generally possesses all the same features as adults, just he has been manifested in their own way. For example, on the one hand, This is all the same responsive and kind small person whose tailed to communicate would have to provide him with a close range of good friends. . On the other hand, children are usually quite cruel, they love to demonstrate their superiority over the peers, because sometimes a big problem is that the baby does not defend his point of view and in principle trying not to conflict.

It remains a big question, in the company of which leader it will be, and considering that this is a very inspired person, should not be surprised if the company is not the best.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_17

In this case, the inertness of a small sheep leads to the fact that it can be considered an obedient child "Such is unlikely to be a lot of caprication, he will not go to the scandal with adults because of some small nonsense. With the studies, too, there will be no special problems if the elders say that it is necessary, but without an external factor of the child does not always show craving for knowledge - at least he does not see the goal to be an avid excellent job and be sure to enter the prestigious university.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_18

Description of the astrological signs of the zodiac

It is not necessary to think that only a year of birth is influenced by the character of a person - at least the sign of the zodiac has no less influence. Due to such a combination, certain qualities are enhanced, while others, on the contrary, are leveled or balanced, so considering the type of humans in the ligament of the eastern horoscope and the zodiac.

  • Aries , like any other goats, friendly and peacefully, but it cannot be offended - it is malicious and is able to revenge. This is a relatively targeted man who spends a lot of effort to implement dreams. Activity and saturation of life is his element.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_19

  • Taurus Especially artistic, and in a good mood he can become a real soul of the company. Alas, in the poor arrangement of the Spirit, he becomes unrecognizable - this is a typical whittle and pessimist, whose bad, but to blame for anyone, but not he himself.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_20

  • Twins Over all, two things are appreciated - communication and new knowledge. Such people are energetic, but tend to capricious and sort out, in all seeing shortcomings. This is not a single, but noisy companies are not for him, the narrow circle of friends will be optimal.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_21

  • Cancer-sheep It is even easier to offend, than to climb your fingers, this is a melancholic personality with regular mood drops. It is extremely important for him by the opinion of others, but the criticism for cancer is dead - from her representatives of this sign become closed and sad.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_22

  • Lev-sheep - Curious combination, practically the equilibrium symbol between two opposites. Big plus is their ice calm in any situation, while they are subtle psychologists and emotionally attached to loved ones.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_23

  • Virgo-Koza - This is Chip and Dale who are in a hurry to help everyone who needs. "Delicious" Organizations Levels "goat" inattention and fussiness, so that such an employee is good - he fulfills the tasks quickly and promptly responds to any new conditions.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_24

  • scales Practically never happen - this is an eternal mask, and even constantly chained views of others cannot penetrate it. Such people are not deprived of charm, their eloquence does not look like pressure on the interlocutor, but it is unprepared by him.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_25

  • Scorpion Surprisingly silly for sheep, but at the same time it is quite promoted and enterprising to solve any problems with non-conflict way without loss for himself. He is interested in everything new, so he does not like to sit still.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_26

  • Sagittarius - Another adventure seeker, the daily sickness just kills him. He is gifted by a gorgeous imagination, it allows him to understand all others and, using his own sociability, make friends. This is not a simple swimmer for the flow - he has a certain goal in his life.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_27

  • Capricorn - One of the most decisive sheep options for which this feature is not too typical. With all its impulsion, such a person is not used to throwing themselves halfway, and then he diligently analyzes his emotional solutions.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_28

  • Aquarius It is simultaneously balanced and a bit eccentric, which is why it is also a pleasant, and interesting interlocutor. In general, he is very calm, but occasionally "shoots" unexpected decisions.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_29

  • Fishes They are distinguished by a certain degree of vulnerability, without extinct support (both moral and material), they have to be disassembled. At the same time, a similar person is distinguished by creative thinking, such people always remain interesting, because they are difficult to know to the end.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_30

Work and career

Sheep on leadership does not pretend, and organizer abilities do not own, because the boss is usually not obtained. At the same time, her obedience has a positive effect on the performance of official duties - usually this is a good executive worker who is appreciated.

For the collective, such a member is largely useful as well as he knows how to prevent conflicts between others. With goat, everyone can release steam, because she always listens and regret. Among his colleagues, she usually has enough friends and benevolers.

The sheep is not devoid of creative vein, and therefore it often recommends classes of the creative sector - they will take it here, for example, an artist and a musician, an actor and a photographer, the same writer. All these types of work do not assume special responsibility for the result before the boss, but in spirit very close to representatives of this sign, and therefore they can be performed with them almost on the instinctive level.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_31

Love and family

The inert goat is looking for someone who will take care of her, and it is this partner that she will love sincerely and with all their kind soul. With a potential partner, she usually acquainted with common friends, for which gratitude deserves. At the same time, the sheep does not show a decisiveness here - it does not take the first step, and waiting for him from the second side.

Goat's houses always reign comfort, and this is her direct merit. She is a wonderful psychologist who tries to extinguish any situations leading to conflict.

For the sheep, it is absolutely normal to trust someone, to look for a strong shoulder, which can be relying, so its partner is simply obliged to be strong and decisive. If in his childhood in the family she had everything well, she would try to copy her organization to his life. By choosing a bright partner, the goat usually suffers, but it is not solved to throw it.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_32


If you believe that the Chinese horoscope truthfully characterizes people, it turns out that it is possible to predict in advance whether the Union of two people will be happy and productive. In fact, it should be remembered that all people are individual and even a negative forecast can be overcome if both of it want, but it makes sense to consider basic compatibility and incompatibility to know what to prepare for. Let's see with whom the goat has a good chance.

  • Rat for sheep - Option, as a rule, is unpromising. Representatives of both marks do not differ willingness to take responsibility, they need a stronger partner. So in common troubles, they will constantly blame each other.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_33

  • Bull - Another dubious partner. Despite his ability to be the leader, the goat he annoying overly stubbornness, she herself is too calm for his second half and does not give it the necessary emotions.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_34

  • Tiger , like a bull, sheep is not suitable. His leadership is too bright severity - he not only sends, but also punishes the "subordinate" for deviation from the discipline, and after all, the goat loves periodic antics.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_35

  • Rabbit (cat) - The first partner in our list, which can and even need to be considered carefully. Both peacefully and are completely inclined to treason, therefore such a pair will not be. They rarely diverge - even if love is faded, they coexist on the principles of mutual respect and friendship.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_36

  • The Dragon And the sheep could be a good pair, at least at first they are very interesting to each other. Only after some time, the incompatibility, which consists in the fact that each of them sees itself as an object for admiration for admiration for admiration.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_37

  • Snake Mudra and tend to understand their partner, but usually even she is not able to solve the situation in which both parties are trying to pull the overall blanket on themselves. Because of this, such a union, even arising, usually decays.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_38

  • Horse Attracts the goat predominantly the fact that it is capable of running at work and productively ensure the family, what the sheep needs very much. In all the rest, they have a lot of common, so poor horses are usually uninteresting.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_39

  • Two goats They can greatly like each other, and their family harmony will cause envy from others, but only there is one thing: both need a strong leader, which is not. Because of this, a certain third often appears in the equation, because of which the "goat" pair collapses. Nevertheless, if two sheep break together to mature age, their ideal relationship cannot destroy nothing.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_40

  • With a monkey Practically immediately arises mutual sympathy, but some impressive perspective is not foreseen. The monkey does not seek to show leadership qualities, but it is very changed and optional, and for the goat it is a stop signal.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_41

  • Rooster Requires complete submission to itself, and for the capricious sheep it sometimes becomes a problem. However, if the feathered partner will still receive full control over the situation, both, most likely they will not regret it.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_42

  • Dog with goat. - Two pessimists who will bring each other to the deepest depression in the Union. To break this rule, the sheep will have to take on the unusual role of the leader.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_43

  • Pig It is inclined to see in the goat only good, and for the latter it is hardly the main condition so that it could be expected to expect great love. The harmony between the signs is complete, because their pair is promising.

Year of the goat (44 photos): Characteristics of people born in 1979 and 2003 on the Eastern Horoscope. Description of the metal and water goat 20091_44

The characteristics of this sign will tell the video below.

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