1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar?


The Chinese horoscope is 12 characters that personify those or other animals, and 5 elements. It is believed that the combination of a sign and a certain element, which change every year, influence people born during a certain period. What animal was a symbol in 1958 and what is the characteristic of born under this sign, consider in more detail in this article.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_2


1958 The Eastern Calendar was the year of the yellow dog. Born from February 18, 1958 to February 7, 1959 were influenced by the elements of the Earth. It is believed that this element gives people such features as practicality, reliability and perseverance in achieving goals. Born in the year of the yellow earthen dog can be described as bright and extraordinary personalities. Their distinctive feature is also diligence and desire to highly climb the career ladder.

The dog will never go to meanness, as he holds hard principles and always acts as truth, even if it causes damage to her. Congenital kindness and dedication can play with earthwood dogs a cruel joke. The fact is that seeking to help others, such people often forget about themselves, what they can take advantage of their familiar and loved ones.

Born in 1958, often suffer because of betrayal and unrequited love

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_3

Features of character and behavior

The symbol of 1958, as well as the elements affect the identity of people born in this period. Earth dogs have both strengths and weak character traits. Consider the personality characteristic in more detail, taking into account sexual differences.


Men born in 1958 are distinguished by pragmaticism and balance. Such people are honest, confident in themselves and are not afraid to take responsibility. Men dogs will never betray their principles and will not go to meanness even for their benefits. They are accustomed to achieve everything honest way, using their mind and volitional qualities. Earthwood dog respects other people and wishes the same attitude towards himself. In a relationship with the opposite sex, a man's dog is also honest and serious.

It will not come into relationship with a girl who does not plan to create strong relationships.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_4

Such men are excellent family mans that respect their companion of life and immeasiely love children. The dog assumes all the men's household responsibilities and the material support of his family. From loved ones wish in return to receive love, support and respect. Male dog may seem not very sociable and even closed. It usually opens in front of other people gradually. He does not like to obey and often is not considered to be a stranger, which often leads to conflicts with partners who seek leadership in friendly or love relationships.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_5


Women born in 1958, love to care for themselves, and therefore differ attractive and bright appearance. They have a congenital sense of style, which allows them to create spectacular images. Like men dogs, girls differ in hard work. They are ready to give all their free time for his favorite business, even to the detriment of personal life.

Women dog erudite and can support the conversation on any topic. However, other people seem uninteresting to her, and therefore make friends with a girl a dog quite difficult. Such women are open and straightforward - they are not afraid to express their opinion and defend him. Men are hard to achieve the attention of a woman's dog. The fact is that it is very demanding of its chosen one and can long check it on strength. By choosing a satellite of life, she will be ready to take care of him and love him all his life.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_6

Love and family

Earth dogs are quite difficult to find a suitable satellite of life due to high demands for other people. The dog can doubt his chosen one for a long time before being achieved in a pair. Also, representatives of this sign are practical people and partners are looking for themselves.

Element of land adds to the practicality of dogs also craving for material values. For this reason, they can safely enter into marriage by calculation. Earthy dogs perceive such relationships as mutually beneficial cooperation, and therefore the Union for the calculation can be very strong and long.

However, in priority, dogs still have marriages prisoners. They fall in love most often in their like-minded people. An earthy dog ​​is extremely honest in relationships and keeps loyalty. However, it requires the same attitude towards himself.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_7

Work and career

People born in 1958 can be described as hard work and capable employees. An earthy dog ​​can show himself both in physical and in intellectual work. Such people know how to set goals and seek them. Usually they rise high on the career ladder or implement themselves as businessmen.

If we talk about the specific areas that are suitable for a dog, then the areas associated with real estate will be successful. It may be to work in construction companies or the provision of real estate services. Element Earth favors dogs that decided to realize themselves in agriculture, as well as in the mining industry or in the production sector. Since the earthen dogs are not deprived of creativity and feelings of the beautiful, creative professions can come for them. They can also show themselves in work well, which implies constant communication with people.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_8

Description of the astrological signs of the zodiac

To obtain a more detailed characterization of a person born in 1958, it is necessary to take into account not only the sign of the zodiac along the Eastern calendar, but also the symbol of the Western horoscope. Consider how extra influence on an earthen dog astrological signs of the zodiac.

  • Aries - Such dogs are sociable, they like attention to their person. Negative black can be called excessive caution.

  • Taurus - Representatives of this sign seek a material and family well-being. However, excessive conservatism deprives them of flexibility.

  • Twins - Such people combine absolutely opposite qualities: love for stability and craving for new sensations, generosity and greed.

  • Cancer - Representatives of this sign are sensitive and wound. They are devoted to their partner, but prone to jealousy and offended.

  • a lion - Born leader. Such a dog is not listened to someone else's opinion and is not considered anyone.

  • Virgo - So people are inherent in pragmatism and materialism. They are too demanding to people, so they often suffer from loneliness.

  • scales - Such dogs are conflict and well find a common language with any people. Their main problem is inability to quickly and easily make decisions.

  • Scorpion - These are strong and bold people who are always ready to stand for themselves and protect their loved ones.

  • Sagittarius - Such dogs are the most active. They love adventure and attention to their person.

  • Capricorn - It is characterized by discipline and restraint. Such dogs are hardworking and value stability.

  • Aquarius - Loves freedom and will easily refuse stability for something new.

  • Fishes - Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a kindness and a strong sense of justice. Such dogs are soft and non-conflict.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_9


The Chinese horoscope gives not only an identity characteristic, but also describes signs in terms of their compatibility. This information can be used when searching for the most suitable partner to create harmonious relationships. Consider how compatible earth dogs with other zodiac signs are compatible.

  • Rat - Such a union can be called quite harmonious. In a pair, there will be common interests, mutual understanding and respect. About such people usually say that they understand each other without words. Leadership in such unions usually take on rats, while not infrainment of the rights of the dog's partner and not suppressing it.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_10

  • Bull - In this case, it is impossible to say for sure whether a couple will be strong. On the one hand, the bull and dog are quite a lot in common, from interests to certain character traits, so they often experience sympathy for each other and find a common language. However, in such a pair, conflicts often arise due to the pressure of the bull on their second rug, which the dog, in turn, will not be patient.

The dog can also try to change the behavior of a partner that it will not be possible to do in this case.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_11

  • Tiger - This is another ambiguous union in which partners will have to work hard to achieve harmony in relations. Despite the presence of mutual understanding and sympathy, the real struggle for leadership can be blown in a pair. Salvive for the relationship in this case will be a common goal, to achieve a tiger and dog will spend all their strength.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_12

  • Rabbit - Relations with a dog can be considered quite promising. These signs complement each other well. A dog in such a union takes on the role of the leader, and the rabbit, in turn, is content with its place in relations and is ready to answer the creation of comfort and comfort.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_13

  • The Dragon - Not the best union, since mutual understanding between signs will not succeed. The dog will not admire the dragon, which this state of affairs does not suit. In such a couple, resentment and quarrels often arise.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_14

  • Snake - Such relationships are born very quickly, since the dogs admire the representatives of this sign. At first, partners do not notice the shortcomings in each other and enjoy romantic feelings. After marriage and jointly under one roof, the illusion is scattered, and a mutual hostility arises between the snake and the dog, which most often leads to parting.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_15

  • Horse - Prospects for such a union are pretty good. However, at first, the representative of the signs may appear that there is nothing in common between them. Understanding in a pair appears only with time, and partners reach harmony, without interfering with each other to engage in their affairs.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_16

  • Goat - Not the best option of the Union. Both sign are endowed with pessimism and have strong differences in characters. Practical dogs can annoy the daytability of goats. They, in turn, will miss the support and understanding of the partner.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_17

  • A monkey - Bad compatibility due to too much difference in the characters and views of people to life. The monkey can take advantage of the devotees of the dog and cause her a lot of suffering.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_18

  • Rooster - A bad union, in which mutual understanding will be completely absent. The dog will not like the boasting and frivolity of the partner. The rooster annoys the honesty and equilibrium of the dog. The pair can exist until the partners get tired to endure and try to rely on each other.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_19

  • Dog - Two identical sign are well compatible in friendships, but in love they may have problems. Due to the same characters, partners can enter into the struggle for leadership or, on the contrary, to bite each other. Their relationship will not be romantic - marriage of dogs can be called an equal partnership union.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_20

  • Pig - Such a union is considered one of the most prosperous. Representatives of these signs will complement each other well. In a pair, no one will strive to deceive his partner, thanks to which the family will reign harmony and mutual understanding. Over time, relationships in such a pair do not deteriorate, but become stronger.

1958 - What kind of animal? 21 photos Characteristics of men and women on the Chinese horoscope. What is the sign on the Eastern calendar? 20075_21

Characteristic of a sign of a dog Look in the video below.

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