Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog


If the child was born in the period from July 22 to August 23, then his zodiac sign on the Western horoscope was lion. Proper to raise the boy Lionca is not so easy. It is important to study his character to understand what methods of educating and how to grow a real person from it.

Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_2


Boy Leo is a smiling and cheerful child, always gives the surrounding infinite positive. However, behind this bright smile hid the inclination of the present predator. From early childhood, Lionan is able to manipulate people, including his parents. The situation is able to be in the spotlight, respond to praise, love enthusiastic views addressed to their person. Without interest from the surrounding boys, lions feel abandoned and alienated.

As far as this child is cheerful and energetic, it is so capricious and tribal. Usually these children begin to speak early, and immediately in the imperative tones. Boy Lion easily finds a common language with all people. In kindergarten and school, he gladly reads poems, is not afraid to participate in competitions. Fair from an early age sense themselves with personalities and strive for independence.

Only in rare cases, this independent representative of the fiery element will appeal for help to parents.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_3

    He is curious and inquisitive, and also tries to be recorded in the most unusual circles in order to surprise others and get their portion of praise. Lion's boy is very generous, he will easily give his favorite toy to the comrade, so he has many friends. It will not spread adolescent gossip and participate in school intrigues, as it is gifted by a natural sense of justice. To deception, the future lion is also not clogged, as it is very conscientious.

    The lion boy has such positive features as:

    • pride;
    • aggravated sense of self-esteem;
    • goodwill;
    • sincerity;
    • a responsibility;
    • generosity.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_4

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_5

    It is difficult to talk about the negative sides of the nature of any child, but the parents of Lionca need to know in advance, with which they will have to come together. Negative parties include the following:

    • vanity;
    • self-addiction;
    • Egocentric;
    • transit;
    • Capriciousness.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_6

    Relationship with peers

    Positive and inquisitive flaws from childhood seeks to become a member of the most exciting events. It easily organizes the school performance or will become an assistant coach in sports activities. And so it is always surrounded by a large number of friends. This child knows how to unite people, create a team in which will become the leader. Friends appreciate such a buddy. They like that responsibility for all the misdemeanors falls on the shoulders of their leader - Lion, and it's fun and interesting with him, because of the aggravated sense of justice, he will never leave a friend in trouble. Protecting comrade, lion focus will enter into battle - usually adolescents are well developed in physical plane.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_7

    At school, the lion will never be a hermit, rather - on the contrary. It may be an old-fashioned class, to manage the sports sector of the collective. Livestock learns with pleasure, as it always strives for something new, but not always its energy is able to withstand over the desk for 40 minutes. In high school lion, discouraged by another boring seat behind the school table, can start walking lessons.

    Despite the complacent temper, School friends of Lionca know that under no circumstances of his actions cannot be criticized, otherwise, defending its superiority, this child can even start a fight. Aggression and anger can fill its creature completely suddenly, and tribulations try not to bring their comrade to this state. However, Lionan considers it quite natural to distribute advice and instructions. The boy lion thinks he deserves the best, and therefore takes into his circle of communication only by the people chosen by him.

    Girls like ambitious, courtyard lion, so since childhood this boy is surrounded by female attention.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_8

    Relationships with parents

    His parents Lion's boy holds in constant voltage. It seems like that it seems that this is an almost perfect child - visits many sections, the hospitals, sociable, causing. But others do not know that Lionok is trying to show himself perfect to be a gifted praise. Parents are also known all the subnoissance of this child. They know that a cute smile hiding a tricky request.

    This boy is awesome since childhood, so mom should be attentive from the very first steps of his child. In general, the lion boy for parents is their pride. Guests are always touching this funny positive child, which is pleased with even beautiful trinkets. The teachers praise the lion and the truth, rarely for study, mainly for discipline and active participation in the cultural and sports life of the school. Friends and girlfriends are constantly crowded.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_9

    Mom and Dad stands to suffer some negative aspects of their child as adult lions are characterized by a very gentle attitude towards parents. They do not have to live out their days in a nursing home, this young man will never leave his parents without help. Especially strongly committed to making life better loved ones Lions boys born in the year of the Dog. Less than the same aggressive and overbearing character in the relationship with their parents exhibit Cubs, who were born in the Year of the Monkey.

    The most proud and brooked no criticism of others is a child born in the combined Leo-Rooster.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_10


    The nature of predator manifested at an early age, with time the child turns into an adult lion, which is able to become a master in the family home. To avoid this, mothers and fathers should heed the following recommendations on education:

    • can not indulge all the whims of a teenager with a complex character, or out of it really grow a real dictator;
    • you need a child to draw his energy into useful direction, for example, inspire reading, then in their teens, this child will bring less trouble;
    • lion requires regular admiration and delight in his address, otherwise he feels useless and abandoned;
    • Parents need to show the child that they are in any situation stronger than he; Mom or Dad, show weakness of character, will lose its credibility in the eyes of the future of the Lion;
    • methods to avoid punishment by humiliation, or the lion's character choke in it that will bring a lot of problems to an adult Lion; better to get the child to respect their parents, and in punishing reminder of his authority;
    • Lion keen to study, you need to pay much attention to his successes and achievements; above several times it stated that the praise - it is the main weapon of the parents of a small lion;
    • if the child has committed a negative act, do not scold him, it is better to enable the first self-correct his mistake;
    • it is recommended to closely monitor the emotional background and mental health of the young lions; this proud child, and felt to be inadequate, it may turn inward, but did not give a condition that will lead to heart disease or a nervous breakdown;
    • required to raise a child in this restless child generosity, dedication, hard work, perseverance;
    • This baby is very sensitive about any criticism from others, so parents should protect it from people who might hurt their child's word.

    Boy Leo: Characteristics of the child on the sign of the zodiac, how to raise a teenager with character born in the year of the dog 20038_11

    Lionan, the upbringing of which turned out to be launched by parents, is able to grow in the unemployed dictator, requiring money from parents and who has found himself in entertainment or computer games - after all, it is in these elements that he can feel in power. If the child is raised correctly, a very decent young man will grow out of it, a real man who will always come to help his loved ones and will be a reliable support for his family.

    More about the child, you will learn from the following video.

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