Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love


Gemini horse from childhood is distinguished by a restless character. This energetic guy often changes its plans and is not delayed for a long time on one workplace. The guy twins, born in the year of the horse, is distinguished by impermanence and a huge burden of everything new.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_2

general characteristics

Male Twins, born in the year of the horse, is distinguished by excessive activity. The characteristic of the horoscope says that this is a person who loves to be in the center of attention. Wherever the twins Horse, he likes to attract attention. This guy never overlooks the chance to demonstrate its intellectual abilities and always tries to shine with its wit.

Gemini-horse has a soft and good character. It is very important for him to have many friends, because he needs to constantly talk to someone and share his ideas and ideas. This guy always seizes the desire to help a friend or someone else. But unfortunately, most promises are only empty words. He is from those men who speak a lot and practically do nothing.

Therefore, you should not believe all the words of this windy guy.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_3

The man born in the year of the horse and under the sign of the zodiac twins, it is quite possible to name an extraordinary person. Nature gave it a multitude of talents, due to which the guy can choose almost any scope of activity. Often such men choose creative professions. Gemini horse has great hard work. When this man works on his beloved work, sometimes it can not stop. In his head, there are always various ideas that twins a horse are in a hurry to translate into reality. This guy should learn to relax and really rely on their strength, otherwise it threatens with emotional and physical exhaustion.

Creative thinking, perseverance and hard work helps the twin horses to embody the most bold ideas. Many people from the environment of this guy consider him a great videos and do not believe that he will get to realize the next insane idea into reality. But surprisingly everyone he always turns out. This guy is easily achieved by the goals.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_4

In their career, they are waiting for a great success. Almost always, the twin horse reaches those heights that dream of. For this, the man is very important not just to succeed, but also to get approval from loved ones. He tries to lad out as much as possible at work for the sake of the praise of the manual.

The twin-horse can be quite secured man, as it knows how to earn big money. But it does not know how to dispose of its finances. This guy needs to learn how to plan their budget correctly and learn how to control your expenses.

The disadvantage of this man is that it is very easy to remove. If someone comes with his word, then from a good and polite guy, it turns into aggressive and sharp. In the rustling of furious, the twin-horse can talk many rough and sharp words. The flash of aggression lasts long.

This man quickly moves away and often regrets what he said.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_5

In love and marriage

The guy in love always behaves very impulsively. In love, the twins will never hide their feelings and emotions. If the girl is pretty him, then the guy will immediately tell her about it. In love Twins Horse will always seek reciprocity from the girls you like. He is ready to care for a long time, give luxurious bouquets and gifts, arrange romantic dates and unexpected surprises. By the way, the girl of this guy should be ready for the fact that sometimes he will arrange very extreme surprises.

In relations, the twin horse tries to be the leader. For the sake of her beloved, a man is not ready to change, not ready to listen to her opinion and the more not ready to consult with it. Despite the fact that the man is in a relationship, he still strives for freedom and independence. The chosen one must be ready for the fact that most of the time the beloved will be held at work, and on the weekend can go on vacation with friends. Excessive attentiveness from his side, the girl will only feel at the beginning of the relationship, then everything will change dramatically.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_6

To impose his opinion to him, dictate its conditions and especially forcing the girl to live according to its rules. Even if the favorite will put forward an ultimatum, the twin horse will fully defend their freedom. To build relationships with this guy can only be the one who really will sincerely love and will be ready to close the eyes on his numerous flaws.

The intimate side of his personal life for twins horses is a very important aspect. It pays special attention to this question. In bed, a man no longer exists such confidence. Gemini-horse does not show egoism in sex, but shows itself as a careful and sensual partner. For various kinds of experiments, this man is always ready.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_7

As for the marriage relationship, this man is not in a hurry to marry. He is not from those men who dream of family and children. Marrying your girlfriend, the first years this man will not manifest himself as a real family man. Gemini's horse is not ready to help a spouse in domestic matters, he does not know how to plan the budget and does not like to receive guests on its territory.

Next to such a man should be an understanding woman who will be ready to take on all the obligations around the house.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_8

But after the birth of a child, the life of this man changes dramatically. The twin horse on youth is still not aware of how much children loves. Tabs will always be fun with such dad. Now, all his free time a man will hold at home in the company of their children.

As a result, over the years, the twins the horse becomes a caring and loving spouse. Relations to his wife will gradually go to a new level, and years later, he will feel the very family happiness that many dreams of.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_9

How does a girl fit him?

The twins Horse are so charming young man that never has a deficit of attention from the beautiful floor. Many girls themselves want to meet such a cheerful and kind guinea. But this man is always used to make the choice of independently. Gemini-horse does not like too annoying girls. His future chosen one should be a modest and sincere girl. It should have a certain mystery and a mystery.

Strong relationship Male Twins, born a year of a horse, can build with a girl born under the sign of the zodiac scales or aquarius. These women will be able to show real sincerity towards their chosen one.

Representatives of these signs are capable of real feelings and possess an upcoming character, thanks to which they can close their eyes to the shortcomings of this man.

Male Gemini Horse: Characteristics of a guy in love, how he behaves when in love 19990_10

There may also be a relationship with a woman born under the sign of the zodiac fish. It is capable of not just love such a man, but also is ready to provide him with complete freedom. It may well be a relationship with a scorpion woman, but only if the twins Horse will also be ready to close the eyes to the flaws of his beloved.

More about a man Twin you will learn from the following video.

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