Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs


Given the month and year of birth, were born from May 21 to June 20 in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, the signs of the zodiac considered to Bliznetsam- rabbits (Cats, hares).

Characteristics of women Gemini-Kota (rabbits, hares)

The representatives of this zodiacal combinations may fascinate many. Variability in mood, unrestrained imagination these special surprise others for many years. Lovely girl, born in the year of the Cat, can dramatically change the image of a homebody and turn into a purposeful, strong business lady or a frequenter of entertaining parties.

They are very self-critical and demanding towards himself. Quite often offended by harmless jokes, holding a grudge for a long time. After this, make peace not just with them.

Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs 19988_2

In a career

Can achieve movement through the ranks only if the work is they like. They are not averse to develop and learn even a lifetime.

With proper distribution of energy they achieve their goals. However, excessively emotional susceptibility career problems can lead to psychological exhaustion.

They are calm to the financial well-being, which is not an end in itself for them.

In the women show business acumen and tenacity, but their creativity is manifested in the family.

Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs 19988_3

In love and marriage

Near the stern resolute men, they seem to be weak and defenseless, but therein lies the power of their feminine charm.

In relations with the opposite sex, they have a serendipity, knowing precisely who can make them happy. Her femininity, intelligence and emotional girl easily conquer the hearts of men.

In his youth, they are surrounded by numerous fans, but over the years, their range is narrowed Because Gemini-Rabbits are tightening requirements for partners and begin to evaluate them as candidates for marriage.

So the girls is difficult to please, as they want to see the world around them, including partner, perfect. The search for "prince" sometimes last a lifetime.

Quite often, Gemini-Rabbit are the initiators of a breakup because of frustration in the man.

Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs 19988_4

In marriage they are happy wife and mother. But disengagement from family problems is the reason for the break in relations.

According to the forecasts of the eastern calendar, the maximum compatibility of zodiac signs with Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, Bull. Western calendar encourages relationships with Libra, Aquarius and Aries.

The East calendar warns of possible problems in the event of a relationship with a monkey, a rooster, rat, a tiger. Western calendar does not advise to build relationships with twins, Silver, Taurus, Cancer.

Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs 19988_5


The unpredictability of the behavior of Dame Twins complicates the lives of the loved ones and women themselves. Excessive sensitivity sometimes awakens the desire to build new relationships, but, as a rule, thanks to innocent decency, they stop in time without committing betrayal towards close people.

Some actions of women of twins-rabbits (hares, cats) are very difficult to understand.

Woman Gemini-Rabbit: characterization of women born in the year of the Cat, which she with men and compatibility with other signs 19988_6


  • Close people should not be isolated from representatives of these signs, even when their actions seem wrong. It is necessary to help women understand the life chaos and to determine the primary values ​​- this allows them to cope with surgery of negative manifestations of character.
  • Healthy ambitions will make twins rabbits stronger and happy.
  • It should be easier to solve emerging problems, not inventing fantastic ways out of difficult situations.
  • Openness in relations with the surrounding will help without emotional oversights to achieve their goals.
  • The generosity to other and the development of the ability does not bike on personal problems will make the life of twins-rabbits more irrevocated.

Read more about women Gemini signs you will learn from the following video.

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