Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year


The elegant character of the people born in the year of the rabbit (or cat) gives a sign of scorpion with a feeling of harmony. They are in constant search for the meaning of life. Sincere and generous, these people never stay without friends.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_2


Optimistic and having a bright look at life in general, rabbits scorpions are very curious, intellectual, think and make decisions faster than others.

Their intelligence primarily depends on the obsession with knowledge. They seek to even learn more for themselves, love science. Stars endowed rabbits-scorpions with large organizational abilities and the ability to clearly plan the future. Nothing eludes their attention, they want to feel control over every aspect of life.

Preferring to show your feelings, and not talk about them, a representative of this sign, most of the time demonstrates ingenuity and confidence in relations. These are direct people who never speak back.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_3

The rabbit scorpion is a controversial person, at times it is not easy to understand, but he does not want it. At first glance, it seems like a very shy and lonely guy, with special charisma, charm and natural attractiveness.

But there are other positive qualities in it:

  • martial spirit supported by the Iron Will;
  • self confidence;
  • mercy;
  • Ruthless attitude towards enemies.

Intuition in such a sign manifests itself at the maximum. Such a man always knows what this or that decision will lead, so it is easy for him to leave difficult situations.

Some may think that everything is simple good luck, in fact it is not the reason. A man on a subconscious level already knows what to do is needed, and from what it is worth refuse.

Ahead of intuition only congenital instincts.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_4

Confident, decisive and very steady stress, rabbit scorpion can and loves to think largely. Such a person is used to setting the complex goals and solve the unbearable other tasks. So it feels what is at the peak of activity. The only thing he always has to fight is the inability to force himself to achieve the very goals. Every day is a huge struggle inside yourself, it manifests itself both physically and emotionally. Often, people of this sign are punishing themselves for laziness, because they do not want to sit in place, but it is also not easy to gather something to do.

Rabbit Scorpio is very sentimental and inclined to exaggerate, to see in everything only tragedy and drama. This is due to the tendency to express their feelings clearly and convincingly. If a man is offended, he will suffer from being silent until it is reborn inside himself. Each time this process delivers unbearable pain, which is why sometimes people of this sign disappear from sight of familiar and loved ones.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_5


Main features: influential, secretive, proud and organized. Very interested in the process of self-study. Rabbits-scorpions are multifaceted personalities, love to exchange knowledge. The mind makes them feel perfect and successful. That is why work is best selected in the field of education. Even free time is engaged in cognitive activities.

People of this sign are perfectly achieved by the goals, but at the same time they can easily change the profession.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_6


They love music, it allows you to relax. Being very capable of keeping emotions in the ultrasound, representatives of this sign are able to master any situation. The rabbit part of the scorpion person empowers a carefree and insightful attitude, while the second half is full of hidden secrets and unbridled emotions.

A person may seem innocent and kind, but at the same time hide its true goals under the selected mask. Rabbit Scorpio will never forget this word or promise. It is difficult for him to accept the advice of others. What else distinguishes them from many other people, so this is a tendency to the gloomy mood.

When it seems to them that they look stupid and frankly insulted, scorpions become unbearable and immediately attack the opponent.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_7

They are also fierce when someone decides to encroacitate their personal space. In a fight with this sign, few people remain unharmed, as Scorpio always overtakes the victim and does not have mercy. Control your own emotions such a person begins only in the second half of life.

Characteristics of a Male Scorpio Rabbit: A Guy Compatibility in Love Born in Cat Year 19897_8

Love and relations

By itself, the sign of Scorpio passionate in love, he has no halftone: only white and black. If he loves - then forgetting himself, if he hates, then not with less power. Rabbits have a sober mind and are suitable for the process of building relationships with a cold head. They do not exaggerate real opportunities and do not demonstrate their despair.

Representatives of this sign can be both serious and responsible if the situation requires it and joyful and flexible. Much depends on the environment, since many would envy a person who can adapt to any situation. In relations, rabbit scorpions become caring, sensitive, but only provided that they feel the love of the second half.

Best compatibility with Cancer, Dog-Virgin, Capricorn Pig or Fish-Pig.

In the family, a caring parent does not find, because the rabbit scorpion is not only a wise, but also loves his relatives and will remove them with all their might and protect them from problems. Even if the burden becomes unbearable, he won't want to throw everything, but, on the contrary, it will work more to ensure the comfort of children and his wife.

Sometimes such a man can dive into a bad mood. It is better not to touch him until he himself will discern in the wrong problems, regardless of their source.

More about a man Scorpio you will learn from the following video.

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