Characteristics of the Scorpion-Dragon Woman: Negative Character Character Born in Dragon Year


Characteristics of the horoscope of a scorpion-dragon woman describes it as conflicting nature. In this lady, two very strong sign are combined, for this reason it is difficult for her. Negative character traits sometimes interfere with the girl to safely build personal relationships.

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Characteristics of the Scorpion-Dragon Woman: Negative Character Character Born in Dragon Year 19895_3

Description of signs

In a woman under the sign of Scorpio, born in the year of the dragon, the irritability and kindness, stubbornness and generosity, openness and closure combined with an amazing way. All this is because she was born under two very strong and uneasy signs. The year of the Dragon gives her openness and emotionality, the Zodiac Sign Scorpio gives her powerful intuition and natural charm. In addition, and the dragon, and the scorpion are endowed with many negative features, so sometimes the girl is difficult to restrain their emotions and not show their irritability.

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When this woman has a good location of the Spirit, she tries to show all their positive qualities. And she has a lot of such qualities. Scorpio-dragon may be kind, tender, charming and positive. Communicating with the lady at such moments, it seems that there is no more positive and kinder of a person on all white light. Thanks to the special magnetism, which her nature gave way, the Scorpio Dragon can easily have people to them, collecting like-minded people around him. In addition, this woman has a gift of conviction that it also helps it in many ways both in work and in his personal life.

If we talk about the disadvantages of the scorpion-dragon, then this is, of course, its rigidity in relation to loved ones. In addition, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very villous. They can communicate calmly for years, while you will seem that you have friends. But if you once offended the scorpion dragon, then, despite the warm communication, this woman will never forget.

She may well take revenge, but it will do it not directly, but a sophisticated.

Characteristics of the Scorpion-Dragon Woman: Negative Character Character Born in Dragon Year 19895_5

When someone hits the feelings of scorpion, born in the year of the dragon, then this woman becomes a hot-tempered and aggressive. At such moments, it is better not to approach her. Scorpio-dragon will not be shy in expressions and gives you everything that really thinks about you. The more painful becomes a controversy from sharp and coarse words, the easier it becomes herself. Therefore, the scorpion-dragon never holds back its emotions.

Woman Scorpio, born in the year of the dragon - an amazing person, after a meeting with which no man will remain indifferent. Someone at first glance falls in love with her, and someone begins to hate. This is a strong person who easily achieves its goals. If you learn to be friends with her, then in her face you can find not only a faithful girlfriend, but also the best adviser for all life issues.

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Career and Finance

In the work of a scorpion, born in the year of the dragon, manifests itself as a faithful and hardworking worker, as a good organizer and reliable partner. Thanks to its ambitiousness and purposefulness, this woman easily achieves his goals and may well make a dizzying career in any sphere. Dragon Scorpio always acts clearly and decisively, never doubts its own forces and easily copes with any obstacles in its path.

This woman is not afraid of hard work, so it may well realize yourself in any field. For whatever work, scorpion-dragon would be taken, it fulfills everything immaculately. Such women are becoming very valuable and indispensable employees.

And if it will occupy a guiding position, it will be an honest and fair boss.

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A woman born in the year of the dragon and under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpion, it is quite possible to call a careerist. Work occupies most of her life. To achieve a certain career growth, she seeks to win new peaks. And if it felt that it has already turned this work, it easily opens your own business and will successfully develop it. From nature in this woman laid a huge potential and many talents. Thanks to his perseverance and hard work, the scorpion-dragon can fully realize his abilities and achieve such a financial well-being that always dreamed of.

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In love and marriage

Next to such a woman should be extremely strong and confident man. Another simply will not stand the heavy character of the scorpion-dragon. This lady can be called a fatal woman. She easily falls in love with men and also easily splits the hearts. It seems that this woman behaves completely ruthlessly. And partly it really is. Scorpio, born in the year of the dragon can seduce anyone, can bring a man crazy, but as soon as he bother her, ruthlessly throws him and disappears without a trace of his life.

If the scorpion-dragon falls in love itself, it will be a completely different woman. His beloved this woman is surrounding incredible tenderness and care. Many men do not even suspect what feelings this calculating and impregnable lady is capable of.

Only I sincerely fall in love, the woman Scorpio is ready to fully reveal to his partner, exposing in front of him a trembling and vulnerable soul.

Characteristics of the Scorpion-Dragon Woman: Negative Character Character Born in Dragon Year 19895_9

In personal relationships, the dragon, born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, will not endure to betray. Its chosen one should remember that this woman is very jealous and will not forgive you even a minor flirting. Offended and offended representative of this sign of the zodiac in anger is very terrible, so you should not provoke it and artificially create such situations to cause her jealousy. Woman Dragon Scorpio dreams of a strong and large family. Therefore, a woman will be ready to combine himself with marriage as a man who can fully trust.

Such a woman will be able to build personal happiness only with the man who will be stronger than her. Near your chief Chippio Dragon should feel calm and security. She will be a caring wife and a very good mother. For their children, this woman will be a true friend and the advice. A strong union in this woman is possible with a man born under the sign of Scorpio or Sagittarius. A good relationship can be found with representatives of such signs of the zodiac as fish, scales or lion.

More about the scorpion woman you will learn from the following video.

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