Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews


Girl Scorpio can like and do not like. Her unpredictability and secrecy fascinates and repels. It can cause any senses, just not indifference. This is due to how difficult, and in something heavy, it has character. Such is the feature of this particular sign in the zodiacal circle.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_2


The nature of the character of a woman born under the constellation of Scorpion, it is impossible to describe in a nutshell. Her reactions to the external influence are perceived by many as extremes. It corresponds to the evaporation to its address, which can be stunned, but with heat to itself, tenderness and friendliness will show. In relation to expensive people, it will try to be sustained and patient.

The characteristics of the identity of the scorpion girl can be attributed to her amazing intuition and the desire to get to the bottom. It helps her avoid mistakes and do not bring people to themselves who can cause damage.

She got used to flow strictly in accordance with his own plans. Everything should be as it solved this lady. Everything has its own unspoken thoughts, and this woman with a dedication inherent in her purpose will move towards them. Scorpio will never lose sight of Scorpio. He can change the manner of behavior on the way to the target, if the circumstances require, but will never get away from it.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_3

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_4

Failures and breakdowns in life turn such a girlfriend as a guarantee, which will not look around for the fact that in the eyes of others with their behavior, it is not at an angelic form. It is better not to stand on the path, because the scorpion stamps very much. And if the representative of this zodiac saw the weakness in the opponent, consider him, he gave contempt for himself on her side.

With all emotional explosions, which is capable of such a lady, almost no one knows what happens in the depths of her heart Although she cannot do without those who can trust - anyway someone needs to be told about what is happening in the shower. If Scorpio does not be able to do this, the bad energy, which accumulated inside, will find an exit in an implicit emotional splash for the representative of this sign. This behavior is one of the noticeable shortcomings of its character.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_5

Assistance from this girl is still needed, whatever self does not seem. Without the support of the scorpion action, it may be devastating for it.

The features of the scorpio girl who appeared on the world in the first decade of the primacy of this sign in the zodiac, differ from the features of what was born in the last decade.

Girl born in the period from October 23 to November 1 peculiar to such features as unrestrained attitude towards something, the passion for the occult sciences and all otherworked. Such ladies are distinguished by devotion in friendship and family relationships. You can always rely on such a representative of this sign. In love, the lady-scorpion is gentle and ready to give everything, but betrayal does not serve. If you leave, it will not return. The case is suitable organized, knows how to analyze information and invent non-standard ways to solve problems. If it is well motivated, any case will be fulfilled by the representative of this sign on the highest category. With his burden, such a lady can become a skilled manipulator, providing a hypnotic impact on others. It moves with enviable persistence to its goals and necessarily reaches the necessary result.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_6

Girl born from 2 to 11 November - a born teacher. It is characterized by purposefulness and willingness to help. At a young age, she has problems with communication. The categorization of an inexperienced representative of the sign prevents a normal relationship with people. Over the years, when it is immersed in love experiences, it turns out the family and finds itself in various fields, it begins to look at the world easier. With his impatient attitude towards life, it is ready to make assistance aimed at giving impetus in its development, whether a career or personal life.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_7

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_8

Emerged from November 12 to November 22 Adorable, emphatically sensual, sociable. They often become the center of attention in the team, have a great power of the Spirit and strive for justice. At times become closed and unreleased. They try not to demonstrate their feelings, but if they are crushed, often turn out to be unnecessarily straightforward.

The appearance of the scorpion girl can be attractive and not very, but what she does not take it, so it is a charisma and ability to attract others with one just look. "These eyes opposite" often fall in love with men. Characteristic features of such a girl are the average growth and development of musculature. At the same time, the figure is feminine, and the posture and gestures are royal.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_9

What gifts loves?

Girl Scorpio appreciates himself, so a banal gift will not suit her. If there are flowers, so a luxurious bouquet. If decoration, then from a noble metal with expensive stones. Perfume will also be appreciated by scorpion, but before making such a present, it is better to know what fragrance she loves.

A favorably scorpion will react to a practical gift ranging from useful technology and ending with kitchen and garden accessories. Rada will be such a girl and book - most representatives of this sign have addiction to reading. She will rate a ticket to long coast, the certificate in the beauty salon and ordinary monetary signs.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_10

Taking into account the love of such a lady to all the mysterious, it is better to take care of a beautiful packaging that intriguing your appearance.

Happy numbers and amulets

Happy for scorpion numbers are considered to be 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90.

As an amulete, the girl of this sign is better to choose the image of Scorpio - It is believed that such a charm gives the strength and energy to the representative of this zodiac. This for other Scorpio is the embodiment of darkness and self-destruction, and for those who are born under the relevant constellation, the other way around. The pendant with the image of a silhouette of scorpion helps to cope with the offenders and rivals, helps to develop intuition.

The image of the beetle-scarab will contribute to receiving profits from such sources, which Girl Scorpio and did not think to get it. Also, the beetle will help the girl born in Scorpio, support youth and beauty.

The image of the frog will provide scorpion luck, clarity of thought and cold-blooded perception of what is happening. Best to the decoration was green. In addition, the candle will give scorpion of confidence, and the pyramid will bring sincere equilibrium.

The most suitable metal for scorpion amulets will be silver. It removes negative energy and gives peace of mind.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_11

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_12

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_13

Suitable names

It is believed that for a girl born under the sign of Scorpio, one should select the name, sounding gently and romantic. In adulthood, it will save its owner from an unnecessary landed look at life and desire to block themselves.

The name of Agatha will help its owner to reveal its abilities, and Anastasia will give the character of the girl tenderness and nobility. The name of Mary and all derivatives from it will make the energy of the sign light.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_14

Among other female names, which will be well suited to the Girl Scorpio, astrologers are called such as Anna, Nilel, Natalia, Barbara, Emilia, Alice, Zoya.


Reviews of the girl Scorpio in the work indicate that it is enough for several other signs of the zodiac. She knows how to work with great return. Those who are near, sometimes can not be sophisticated for her, and even get tired, but it's not boring with such a partner in general case.

The character of a scorpion woman allows it to conquer any vertex in the business sphere. Its hardworking and perseverance is so great that it can furnish in the case of any man. Sometimes it becomes the cause of conflict in the team, but the opinion of envious and competitors such a lady do not care, and there is no time to pay attention to them - it is too immersed in work.

The best use to yourself Girl Scorpio will find in the profession of the teacher, psychologist and social worker. Also, thanks to his business grip, a representative of such a sign will achieve success in trade and other areas of the economy.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_15

Love, relationships and family

For the woman Scorpio, love is never a frivolous occupation - she is immersed with his head and gives it to her with all the passion, which is capable of. She may immensely love his chosen one, getting on his protection if necessary. Marriage with such a woman in some cases is very happy, in others, turns around endless hassle.

In the family she happens the leader, but often tries to give way to the spouse . Conflicts with him often occur with the beating of the dishes (it is thumbs up by Scorpio). This does not mean that a woman seeks to destroy marriage - a sharp behavior allows her to check her husband's feelings.

With children, such a mother behaves seriously, puts the kids independence, imperceptibly observing their actions. Sometimes it seems too strict, but can give a good advice on time. With all the complexity of communication with scorpion, children feel that their mother is a true friend.

For a representative of the sign Scorpio more than others, the Taurus, Cancer, Virgin, Capricorn, Scorpio is suitable as a partner for marriage.

Less successful unions with authentic and lion will be. Not close to her Sagittarius, twins, aquarius.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_16

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_17

Famous representatives

There are many names among famous scorpions.

Today on the hearing:

  • Actress Julia Roberts;
  • Musician Vanessa May;
  • Singer Lolita Milyavskaya;
  • Maya Plisetsk ballerina;
  • Actress Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_18

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_19

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_20

Facts about the sign of the zodiac

  • Scorpio women are characterized by increased sexuality compared to other zodiac signs;
  • They tend to hide the details of their privacy;
  • Such ladies are distinguished by great curiosity;
  • There are very sarcastic in communication;
  • very sincere - do not know how to lie and do not want to learn it;
  • securely store other people's secrets;
  • Calculate the truth and lies are better than any technique.

Girls Scorpions (21 photos): its character and essence on the sign of the zodiac, suitable women's names and professions, reviews 19867_21

On the character of the girl Scorpio, see the next video.

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