Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog


Representatives of the signs of the virgin dog consider people reasonable and always ready for compromising. This also applies to men and women. But Virgo's woman has many other features that distinguish it from representatives of other signs.


Virgo, born in the year of the dog combines the devotion of the dog and the beneficity of the Virgin. She is a sociable and interesting interlocutor, possesses special talent - knows how to smooth conflicts and reconcile the warring parties.

Dev, born in the year of dog, excellent intuition. It helps to successfully build a career. True, the inclined to analyze everything, the woman of the Deva-dog can throw the cases started at half the way due to disappointment in the results.

The representative of this sign of the zodiac has an acute mind and insight, with ease of becoming a new one. Her nature appreciates honesty, with ease recognizes a lie. The betrayal of loved ones is experiencing hard - can fall into depression.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_2

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_3

Positive traits:

  • reliability, responsibility;
  • accuracy and practicality;
  • hardworking and purposefulness;
  • devotion;
  • Intelligence and restraint.


  • Critical attitude as to itself and others;
  • Substuration, pedantry, bore.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_4

What men do she like?

Natural tenderness attracts men to her. She is nice, a woman is capable of light flirt, but does not cross the border. She picksily applies to choosing a man and is ready to tie fate only with a man who meets it criteria. Although the Virgin is not characterized by stormy passions, but it will be able to give her man to her man and tenderness.

Women of the maiden dogs appreciate the sacrifice, readiness to abandon their interests in favor of her beloved.


Whatever the representative of this sign does, it is immersed in any activity with head and seeks success. And it does not matter at all, or a family career or family relationship.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_5

In love

The representatives of the fine sex of this sign seek to be leaders in everything, even in love relationships. Their initiative often interferes. Therefore, not with all signs in virgins, it turns out strong relationships.

Women of maiden dogs - charming and gentle. They like to take attention signs from the opposite sex. At the same time, taking care, they often unconsciously introduce male misleading without having serious intentions.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_6


Virgin, born under the symbol of the dog, read family values. For them, the family is support and support, the place where they draw energy.

Women of this sign create a family in adulthood when completely confident in the partner. The overestimated requirements for themselves and others prevent them from creating relationships, but with age they overestimate their demands and gain happiness.

They are loving mothers and excellent hostesses. Such a woman always listens to her husband, he will be a good friend and the counselor. Such women never arrange scenes of jealousy in public. They are loyal and loyal wives, in which husbands can be completely confident.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_7

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_8

Career and business

Virgo-dog is able-bodied, responsible and balanced nature. The bosses respect and appreciates it for these qualities, but she herself does not seek senior positions.

They periodically change the place of work, because they are looking for something more interesting. It is difficult for them to force themselves to perform hated work, and the habit of fulfilling everything qualitatively and forces them to dismiss to search for such a place of work, where they can feel confident and be proud of the results of their labor. Even these naming in search of comfortable work is not reflected negatively in their financial position. Representatives of such a combination of signs can earn money and wise money.

It should be noted that dogs are inherent in both severe will and pessimism. Virgo is also pessimists in nature. From this attack they save congenital hardworking.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_9


With another, they are not the most successful union. Virgo woman constantly knocks him a sense, and Aries cannot reconcile with the coldness of a woman, the lack of a bright manifestation of emotions.

The Union with Taurus has every chance of good, long-term relationships. Signs are quite satisfied with each other in all respects, however, with the time of their feelings can cool.

With the twin, it turns out an extremely unsuccessful combination. The lack of common interests and various views on life will become an insurmountable obstacle. They need more sensual partners.

With cancer, virgins have a stable union, but not without significant difficulties. The demonstration of the Virgin will play an important role in this. Not tolerant of this cancer instead of understanding her resentment and try to like the girl, most likely, will begin to look for a less demanding passion on the side.

With Lvom initially, relationships can be harmonious, but over time will begin to flash quarrels. The patience can overflow and then parting is inevitable.

Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_10

    With a male Virgin everything can get well. Two identical signs perfectly get along with one roof. They drive the same goals and desires. The spouses share together and together rejoice in new achievements, give each other love, tenderness and care.

    With the weights they could have a strong relationship, but the tendency of the Virgin to constant criticism and intolerance to it will make their own business. Weighs will be hard to get along with the Virgin, although by their relationship may seem perfect.

    Scorpio will like the manifestation of caring from the Virgin. He will appreciate the home comfort, which Virgo will be happy to provide him. True, Scorpio will periodically make his wife "sadistic" inclinations. But with great love, Virgo can and it suffer.

    Virgo will teach a man of Sagittarius to home affairs, which is unacceptable for this freedom-loving sign. Such an alliance is doomed.

    With Capricorn, not quite successful compatibility. Practical Capricorn will always strive for justice, and Virgo will regularly remind him of his imperfection.

    Marriage with water if it happens, it will be short. Spouses diverge, not feeling understanding.

    But with fish it turns out a pretty strong union. A man of a fish with age begins to strive for a family hearth, and Virgo's woman realizes himself in creating this focus and care of the spouse.

    Characteristic Women of the Virgin Dog: Compatible on the sign of the zodiac girl born in the year of the dog 19840_11

    For the nature and main qualities of women of the Virgin, see below.

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