Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews


Men born from August 23 to September 23 are under the zodiacal sign of the Virgin. This is the sixth zodiac sign, Planet Mercury, Element Sign - Earth.

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Appearance description

You can easily recognize a man's male in the crowd. He looks like a British secret agent from Bondian and is flawless, so that it will be on it. The costume will be clean and smooth, shoes - shine. Accuracy and tidy in everything - the brightest distinguishing feature of the men of this zodiac sign.

Most often, the Virgin is perfectly folded, as it is carefully monitored not only for their wardrobe But also try to maintain their body in shape using exercise and proper nutrition. The hair is more often blond, the haircut is fresh, but without sings. Virgo generally prefer the classics, do not like to stand out from the crowd.

You are unlikely to find at least one representative of this sign of the zodiac, if he is not a star of show business, of course, which would be to brightness and creative in appearance.

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Positive and negative features

Earth element of the Virgin defines the character of the sign. To the positive features of a male of the Virgin, its calm, balance, decency, dedication and principle. At the same time, as a rule, these are men with a very strong and complex character. Virgin is not conflict, know how to find a compromise in communication, love smooth, calm relationships "without nerves". However, it is not necessary to be deceived by him visible implities and conspiracy - you will not be able to convince the man of this sign, if he is sure of something, and even more so do not force him to dance for your dull, he will nod, agree, but do in his own way.

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Negative qualities are imperisibility and, as a result, extreme balls, especially generously endowed with these qualities born in the second decade. If you once disappeared about the Virgin or somewhere moved the road, at best you will be drawn out of the near circle of communication, although at first you may even not notice the resulting distance, it will remain polite and extremely correct. At worst - Male Deva will revenge. At the same time, the strangeness of revenge of this sign is that the victim can never understand who has been told to her life, the Virgin is important only the fact of the accomplishment of retaliation.

A feature of the nature of this sign of the zodiac is his ability to control feelings. Mind and logic dominate emotions. However, the insensitive representatives of this sign can not be called.

Their inner world is rich and diverse, but their feelings and emotions, like Iceberg, mostly hidden from prying eyes. Disagree only to very close people.

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Characteristic of the sign in different spheres of life

In friendship

Better friend than male Virgo not to find. It has all the necessary features for friendship: reliable, honest, straightline, is always ready to come to the revenue in trouble. However, and from friends, he requires the same: although eagerly forgives various minor flaws, it is in position and is ready to understand and take any serious justification, but will never allow himself to use in selfish interest and will not forgive betrayal and woven behind his back. The guys of this sign of the zodiac are one of the few, capable of sincere friendship between a man and a woman without any wildlife.

Men of this sign are just those who will give a "fishing rod, not fish," if you ask for help. Eagerly helps a friend to get a job, advanced training courses and the like, but the money in debt will only give a receipt.

It is possible to use a virginity for mercenary purposes, he himself is extremely decent and believes in the decency of others, but only once. It will no longer allow this, and you risk losing a faithful companion, which in our time still search.

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In marriage Men Virgin, as a rule, come, come late, and it happens that very late. To his chosen, he will look closely for a long time, check how it behaves in various life situations, will definitely ask how economic and economical. And only when you make sure that it can be reeded and trusting her, will offer her hand and heart, and most likely, it will make it everyday life, as if between the case. Do not expect romance from him, she is not peculiar even during the period of courtship, but in family life and is suppressed. But the husbands of this sign are very caring and always strive to ensure a consistently high standard of living of their family.

Among the representatives of this sign, according to statistics, the largest number of bachelors. They can greatly organize comfortable accommodation and life without the help of his wife and, not finding a woman who meets its high demands may not marry until the end of life.

Virns are very responsible about marriage, the life companion is chosen for a long time and carefully and rarely mistaken in their choice. If the family life still gave the crack, they try to keep marriage with all their might. However, making a decision on the divorce, it is no longer changed, no matter how opposed this afternoon.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_8

Children in the life of representatives of the Constellation of the Virgin play an important role. Dad Verva will personally delve into the education, training and leisure of the child, will try to give him all the best. They have good pedagogical deposits, they get along with children, while not balusing them. Since childhood, your child will vacuize hardworking, accuracy and responsibility.

Virgin men are compatible with women earth and water elements. They have a lot in common with Capricorn and Tales, this is a good base for a stable marriage. Suitable as a female life companion under the sign of cancer and scorpion. With fiery signs a great mutual attraction, a union with women is possible in a mature age, with a firing and wasteful lion too different attitude towards money, and for the Virgin it is very important. With air signs of the union is extremely rare and unstable due to the windiness of the recent impermanence.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_10

In love

Men born under the sign of the Virgin are perfectly owning their feelings and emotions and carefully hide them, so not always a woman can easily understand his behavior that he became interested. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are extremely demanding on the identity of its chosen, the representatives of this sign are extremely demanding. The words of the famous poet of Omar Khayama "Better Be alone than with whom I got" perfectly suitable as the maiden of the Virgin in love affairs. Men of the Virgin are not inclined to romance, their logical and practical mindset rejects it. Instead of a million scarlet roses, his chosen is likely to get warm pajamas or a comfortable working chair, what will serve her for many years, recalling his touching care.

The sex life of the virgin is the secret for seven seals, he does not apply to her, does not boast, unlike Lviv. The habit of everything is carefully planning and to love relationships. On a romantic date involving the continuation, it will come with a toothbrush, hygienic napkins and everything, in his opinion necessary.

As a rule, despite the seemingly low emotionality, the men of this sign are sensual, skillful and experienced lovers who are important to deliver a woman's pleasure.

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What Valvened Virgin will never forgive, so this is treason. Let you do not deceive that he calmly releases you to walk with his friends and does not control anyone - the men born under the auspices of Mercury, the owners to the bone's brain and everything is controlled, although this does not demonstrate. To all other things, the Virgin is extremely disgusting, because of which it is unlikely to change the permanent partner, but also its campaigns will not suffer from any pretext. The beloved Men of the Virgin should remember that after having lost confidence once, it will be almost impossible to restore it, if he is disappointed in his beloved woman - then irrevocably and forever. Remember this if you want to keep the love and trust of men of this sign.

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In a career

Virgin, perhaps, one of the most hardworking signs of the zodiac. It is among them that there are many of those who are completely given career and, thanks to their inherent sequences, diligence, pedanticity and patience, reach unprecedented heights in the selected activity. Men born in this astrological period, real materialists. They are primarily important than the amount of payment for their activities, and not a beautiful name of the post or the implementation of ambitions. Virgo is good and in the role of the artist, and the role of executives.

The bosses appreciate the Value for responsibility, the execution and skill on time to solve the tasks. Men of this sign are modest, do not climb into the eyes, but at the same time confidently defend their point of view in disputes, if necessary, since sincerely convinced that everything is done right. And, it should be noted, this conviction is most often not deprived of the grounds: the virgas are doing everything according to the instructions, they check the quality of work several times, bring the case to perfection.

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Virgo as a leader always has a pre-thought-out action plan for himself, his company and subordinates and requires strict performance of duties from all, including himself. The petty and tedious pedant, he delivers absolutely in all the nuances. Does not tolerate racking and negligent attitude to work, complies with subordination. Chiefs of virgins of their subordinates, as a rule, if they do not like, they certainly respect the impartiality, hard work and justice.

Virgo is successful in activities requiring methodicity, care, scrupulousness. Of these, wonderful financiers, analysts, surgeons, teachers come out. In general, the Virgin under the power of any professions requiring accuracy, accuracy and amplification. Communication skills and ability to concessions and compromise promise success on diplomatic field and in the field of management.

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What gifts loves?

A man born under the constellation of Virgin loves to receive gifts useful, practical, well, or just money. He is unlikely to appreciate even the most pretty and expensive bauble, if it does not have obvious use in everyday life, although the type does not give, since since childhood is polite and tacty.

If you are invited for a birthday to the representative of this sign of the zodiac, a win-win version will be a gift related to his hobby, be it a gift edition of the book or tools. Home appliances and various electronics are ideal.

If you are well aware of the tastes of the birthday man and its preferences in clothes, you can give any accessory: tie, scarf, cough, belt, purse or other haberdashery.

However, so that the gift is really brought to believable joy, it will certainly have to be excellent quality and impeccable performance, the Virgin is extremely scrupulous in choosing clothes and accessories.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_16

If a male Virgo is your colleague or boss, a gift is appropriate with the organization time. Virgo loves to plan his affairs, so it will certainly be happy to get a good organizer, a high-quality and convenient notebook, cardholder, business card reader or clock. Just do not choose Chinese fakes for famous brands, even the most good, eaten and attentive representative of the earthly element will easily determine. The form will not show, but your gift in this case is doomed to dust in the far drawer of the table, and then it will go to the trash bin.

If you do not know what to give to August-September birthday, a gift certificate or shop map will be a good way out of the position.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_18

Happy numbers and talismans

The planet, which patronizes to all the devies, is closest to all to the main star of the Solar System - the Sun. This is a small and inconspicuous Mercury. He gives his wards with clear mind, purposefulness, burden to knowledge.

Astrologers found out that happy numbers for born in the district of the reign in the sky of Mercury are six , as well as all the two-digit numbers that are divided into it. All because Virgo is a sixth sign of the zodiac circle and divides him in half. These numbers should be taken into account, planning significant life events. Please note if these numbers meet you in life and you will choose them if possible, they will bring good luck.

According to the reviews of people who enjoy in the daily life of numerology, this teaching is indeed founding. Assigned to a certain, happy person for a particular person and the day of the meeting week is really more often completed with the benefit for him.

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It is believed that each sign of the zodiac is good luck than a certain day of the week. Happy afternoon for the Virgin is the middle of the week. Assign important meetings, presentations, dates, and the chances of success will be much higher. On Saturday, the sixth, after all, Saturday - the sixth day of the week) will be accompanied by success in affiliates related to money and commercial projects.

The time of year to which the devies accompanions luck and success - autumn.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_21

As for the stones and minerals, the devans are mostly semi-precious stones without brilliance, such as malachite, topaz, cat eye, jasper and agate. It is the decorations and key chains from these minerals can become particularly strong overalls and talismans for the Virgin. Combine them with copper and tin - these metals are suitable for devices like any other.

The sign symbol of the Virgin depicts a sheaf with wheat spikelets and symbolizes agriculture, which is why happy flowers for virgins are the color of the earth and crop - brown, green, blue, purple and white color. Clothing in these colors gives harmony, self-confidence, it works organically on men Earth elements.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_23

Famous representatives

There are a lot of men - representatives of the sign of Virgo, become successful in the direction chosen by him. Especially many of them among writers, both classics and modern: for example, a well-known American writer Theodore Divers, classic of Russian literature Lion Tolstoy, author of modern literary hits Brazilian writer Paolo Coelho, American Stephen King, Fantasty Herbert Wells, Prose Alexander Green, Boris Skod .

There are among men mars and a lot of celebrities. Under the sign of the Virgin, American actor Kiana Rivz, British actor Sean Connery, Soviet actor Evgeny Leonov, Americans Charlie Sheen and Jason Stethham, famous French actor Jean Reno, as well as Paul Walker, Mickey Rourke and many others.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_25

Famous Russian pop performers - Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Yuri Shatunov, Pop Star Michael Jackson - also Virgin.

Many among the political figures born under the constellation. This is Dmitry Medvedev, Bashar Assad, Alexander Lukashenko, Prince Harry Wales, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Alexander Livshits, Even Ivan Grozny, too, was on the sign of the Zodiac Virgin.

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Male Virgo: Characteristics of the zodiac sign, character guy, what are their husbands, reviews 19829_27

Characteristics of male male male is presented in the next video.

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