Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat


The combination of the Virgin in the zodiac and rats along the Western horoscope makes such a man one of the most controversial figures of the horoscope. What is the characteristics of a male of the Virgin, who was born in the year of the rat, and on the formation of what qualities was the horoscope affected?


Before making a horoscope for any person, you need to know when he was born (year and number of the month) to compare this information with the data of the Eastern and Western horoscopes. So, the Virgin is born from August 22 to September 23, and rats in 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. Soon - in 2020 - the new "brood" of rats will appear, which can also be attributed to this horoscope.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_2

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_3

Appearance and behavior

Due to its natural traction to rationalization and tidy, it is very difficult to find a man's gathering man who would not care for himself. As a rule, such men are purely shave, have a good haircut and erase regularly - themselves! - For the sake of maintaining your own comfort. Labor for them is not. They always look clean. It is possible that perfectionism is hidden for external superiority - a desire and here to achieve ideal.

This is quite secretive people - it's never clear that they have in their heads. While in the company, can easily support a conversation, behave witty and openly, but think at this moment about the friend.

This is not about hypocrisy - this was noticed for rats, it was about priorities. Virgin is ready to support the appearance of polite relationships, but they will not put this main goal of their life. If you have to choose between a company or loneliness, Virgo will choose the second. However, relations with women are a completely different question.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_4


Love relations for the maiden rat - this is complete support, and often strangess. The lady of the heart of such a man is not at all obliged to be emotional or tactile, to take care of embraces or kisses - it should be first of all his wife-friend, because sex is not a confirmation of love for him. Devotion and a mute understanding and acceptance of a person as it is, is about the virgin. One hundred percent you will need to learn to reveal his soul, but it is gradually doing it. If this contact is installed and he is hovering, then no other woman will be able to take this man from the family. Moreover, it is capable of pushing even attempts to encroach on Holy - on his family life. All these "games are large", the coquetry is not married for him.

The first thing that is capable of scaring a man's rat-rat is vulgarity. It is terrible conservative personality who want to see the same woman next to them. House, dog and white fence is about them. Family values ​​are of great importance for them. This also applies to the family in which they grew up and wives with children.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_5

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_6

In the list of what the rat does not like, you can also take riseliness and irresponsibility. It can be said that such men have already been born adults and responsible, in some moments even too. They also do not like in people and women nonpunctuality, and it is connected with their personal habit of planning their affairs and distribute time according to priorities.

A major role is played by the usual conservatism - to try a new woman for him as strange as the new variety of coffee.

If you want to become any male woman's male, remember that the career is really important for him. And if he combines a business dinner with a date, then he wants to spend time with you, despite employment.

As for compatibility, the Virgin feel well in relationships with calves, crayfish, Capricorn. A little more difficult to establish contact with weights, firing and scorpions.

But with ravines, lions and women, these men will be difficult. Rats will be more comfortable with girls born in the years of rat, bull, pigs, monkeys, roosters, horses, dragon. They should avoid tigers, rabbits, snakes. With dogs and goats compatibility average.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_7


It is through the work of a man rat-mars understand what they want in life. Having a well-developed fantasy and imagination, the rats of the virgin often choose exactly rational professions in which success thanks to these two qualities. They look at the problems from the other side, always try to find several options for action, solutions, so their projects may look for an unetebled empty waste of time and resources. If the Virgin is most often inclined to analyze the world logically, the rats rely on subconscious sensations. The same men who happened to combine both the logic and intuition are capable of seeing the world at a large angle.

On the other hand, rat rats are prone to workaholism in its worse understanding: If someone gets grief, the maids begin to work at a strengthened pace. The feeling of satisfaction from the rapid fulfillment of the most difficult task for them is akin to addiction. Because of this, they lack time on loved ones, their hobbies, sometimes even for sleep. It affects their health, self-esteem and relationships with friends and family, which is gently and smoothly depart into the background. Virgin is trying to plan their time so that everything is literally everyone, and it often makes them in a dead end, especially if we are talking about versatile developed personalities who are interested in things from absolutely different areas. Although this is very rare - the Virgin prefer to focus on something one. The desire to control all areas of activity leads to an emotional workload, which cannot but influence the health of the male devices. They need to be careful and not to gain mountains of work.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_8

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_9

Character features

One of the distinguishing properties of a male male rat is its hardworking. These are really good workers who are able to cope with almost any work. If the male of the Deva-rat starts the family, he knows exactly and understands what should provide her completely. As a rule, with good education and head on the shoulders, this is not a problem, because work is for him - receiving not only material remuneration, but also moral satisfaction.

Also have to come to accept the fact that such people are very economical. And one of the main contradictions is manifested in this: economical, but they do not know how to save, enjoy the real, but they are afraid that in the future they will live badly, because they spent everything now. Suppress it in yourself is not possible - a wise and educated woman who is elementary can calculate the budget of the family without unnecessary emotions, will have to take this duty on himself. Money directly to earn money - the Virgin will bring, - but it is better to take work with finance.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_10

Also, Virgo are very punctual and obligatory personality.

This can do them in some kind of conservatives. It is difficult for them to change the habits, it is difficult to start doing something new, try to look at the world otherwise.

It finds an expression in all spheres of their lives: both work, and personal life obey this rule. First of all, they think about the case and on the basis of this build their thoughts and actions. These are the people for whom the goal justifies funds.

As it often happens with conservative workaholics, their ego is quite fragile, which forms dislike for criticism. This does not mean that the man of rat-male will begin to doubt himself if you will express Yaro against his venture or project, - no. He will begin to doubt you. Therefore, sharp comments should be avoided. Yes, it is unlikely that it can affect the solution of the rat: she lives in their laws, as a rule, without looking around, confident in his truth.

The combination of the Virgin and Rat makes a man with a fearful and cold thinking, standing on both legs on Earth. Such men are hard to change the world and point of view, they are also inclined to criticize others and not take criticism. They cause admiration for their willingness to go on everything for the sake of work and family, but only from the priorities of each individual man depends that he will choose from these two concepts.

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_11

Characteristics of a male male rat: What a woman he needs, a guy's compatibility in love born in the year of the rat 19822_12

Characteristics of a man born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo, opened in the first video.

The year of rat and representatives of a strong floor. About views on the world, principles and men's temperament can be obtained from the video below.

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