Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs


Cancer and the virgin unites many things in common. Representatives of these signs can become each other partners, best friends or lover. But the harmonious of all their relationship will be married. It is the family - the main thing in life for a fiery and watermark. Representatives of the two different elements from an early age seek to create their own world hidden from other people, but always open for loved ones.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_2

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_3

Characteristic of signs

Virgo and cancer - signs, very similar among themselves. At the same time, it is impossible to call them the same, but they are perfectly combined and complement each other.

Cancer patronizes the moon, this night shone has an impact on the mood of representatives of this sign throughout his life.

Craks are very sensitive, wounds and kind. They can quickly attach to man. The cancers are well developed intuition, which often helps them to avoid trouble and chagrin.

Cancers are very responsive, they will never go first to conflict and will not hurt anyone. The best entertainment for them is a picnic with close friends on the banks of the river or lake.

Representatives of the water element will always heat back, they do not know how and do not like to make rapid decisions. Cancers need to be thought out, only after that they will be able to make a decision.

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Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_5

Rastogate cancer is very easy, he owner of a kind heart. To other, even unfamiliar people, they are always treated extremely friendly.

Representatives of water elements are very tied to their home, they are beautiful parents. In his dwelling, they are hidden from all adversity and are engaged in creativity or dream. Cancers are very tied to their children and always belong to them with special love and care.

Feel safe for a representative of the element of water is very difficult. His excellent imagination can turn even small trouble in a serious problem.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_6

Virns distinguishes a sharp mind and active character, as well as high sensitivity. Representatives of the Earth Earth may be unnecessary, concerned about their health and practical.

People born under this sign are calm, preferring loneliness. However, they are difficult to call them the dreamers, because they have no illusions. They are alone in their nature, do not seek to get into secular society.

Often, representatives of this sign remain bachelors. But even a strong love will never be able to bury their mind, they always see the shortcomings of their partner and often criticize him.

Sitting in one place for a long time, the representative of the element of the Earth is unable, its nervousness can be transmitted to others. Externally, calm earthly people are hiding inside all their experiences, and this habit can provoke disorder of the digestive and nervous system.

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Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_8

Virgin is endowed with accuracy, methodicality and clearly thinks, but they are very worried about both their own and other people's mistakes. Thanks to its business qualities, they often achieve high positions and good position in society.

Representatives of this sign appreciate punctual, economical, inventive and truthful people. They express their love calmly and smoothly, they do not throw money to the wind.

For a representative of this sign, the habits developed by them are very important, which are established for them and forever. They strive to independently build their lives, do not want to depend on others and rely only on their strength.

People born under this constellation are usually physically healthy, hardy people. But due to the large amount of work and permanent experiences, they are subject to the development of nerve diseases.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_9

Lovely compatibility

Mysterious and sensitive cancer is attractive for the Virgin. Next to the representative of the Earth's element, he behaves very hanalenly, trying to hide his uncertainty. Cancer understands what the feelings are experiencing earthly people, and uses it.

Virgin is cold in the emotional plan, so they show their feelings quite randomly. The earthly sign is not able to show passion or tenderness towards a close person. However, it is able to be caring, which is a very important factor for cancer. The intimate life of such a union cannot be called exciting, but each of this is more than satisfied.

The passion is absent in relations between cancer and the virgin, but they fit each other and gradually become very good partners and spouses.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_10

Representatives of different elements are perfectly compatible. They are always very interesting to spend time together. Cancer will fill the relationship with emotions and feelings, and a representative of the earthly element - rationality and sober thinking.

Being in relations, Virgo and Cancer will not be able to experience a lot of feelings. At the heart of their tandem will always be joint practical activity, not passion and tenderness. Pragmatism of these signs of signs contributes to the achievement of a favorable situation in society. A stable financial situation is necessary and to a representative of the Earth's element, and his partner.

The relations of partners based on stability in the emotional sphere can easily turn into strong family bonds.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_11

Having met in a mature age, Cancer and Virgo will be able to become each other close people, since the representative of the element of the water, tired of the rich romance of life in his youth, will look for tranquility, and the representative of the earthly element, like no other, will need peace.

To go for victims for the sake of the partner to representatives of these signs in relationships do not need. Staying themselves, Cancer and Virgo are acquired in the face of the beloved their soul mate. Each of them is an addition to the other. Over time, this union can be deeper and more tender, and representatives of different elements can no longer be able to live without them.

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The compatibility of the male cancer and women of the Virgin is quite safe. Next to the earthly girl, cancer will feel in complete safety and will be able to quickly fall in love with him. A representative of the element of water will forget about its permanent fears and will become more balanced.

In the prudence and tactfulness of the representative of the Earth's element have a huge impact on the behavior of a partner, he begins to believe in his strength and turns into a cute, delicate and gallant cavalor.

In addition, the world of feelings opens to the beloved and man cancer. First, the earthly woman is responsible for the courtship of the representative of the water element, but later these two are very close, but the woman does not violate the personal boundaries of his beloved. The girl can ask the direction of the feelings and thoughts of a man and discover such features of his character who used to be unknown to anyone.

Smooth and calm lake resemble the relationship between the male of cancer and women of the Virgin. Passion and storm of emotions in this union is inferior to mutual respect and mutual understanding.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_13

Compatibility of a male virgin and a woman of cancer are somewhat different. Insecure in herself, the earthly man, having met once a woman of cancer, will not be able to believe his happiness. The man is very timid and shy, often does not have sufficient experience in relations with the opposite sex.

Dreamy and sensitive Water woman causes an attraction and real delight among a young man, he considers it a princess from a fairy tale. It is not necessary to hide my senimental to the girl with a girlfriend from a partner, since he likes such manifestations of the feelings of the beloved. The representative of the Earth's element is always in the search for such a woman whose character will answer his inner world.

Most of all on its chosen, a man appreciates calm. But when he notes that his beloved is also very sensual, he will be fucked.

The compatibility of the two of these signs is quite favorable. A man will forgive his chosenness in the mood and too vivid expression of feelings, because a water woman has such qualities as tenderness and caring. Earth man will always substitute a reliable crac shoulder and will calm down when the beloved will cry.

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Perspective of family life

Family couple of Virgin and Cancer will live peacefully in love and harmony. For representatives of these signs, a homely cozy atmosphere is very important, since a lot of time they spend in their home. Cancer and the virgin can be called real revisions, but no one is ready to go to the conflict.

Virgo's husband most often occupies a leading position in the family. The representative of the earthly element can criticize the action of cancer, which will, in turn, is very violent to react to comments.

Sensitive Cancer The attitude of the Virgin seems cold and indifferent. The desire of a spouse to be beloved is clear to the representative of the Earth's element, but to change to please him, Virgo will not become. This can be a turning point for a pair of the moment. Even a divorce is possible, especially if the wife of Cancer will begin to look for mutual understanding and love elsewhere.

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Both spouses are able to save and save money, do not like to spend money, therefore, in financial matters, a couple of real idyll. The distribution of the family budget is usually engaged in premature cancer, the representative of the element of the water will never spend money on the excesses.

Spouses always have a sufficient amount of savings accumulated in the extreme case, so often friends and relatives turn to them for material support.

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Cancer and Virgo can become real friends, because for this they have a lot of prerequisites. They do nothing and do not try to prove each other. Virgo has a cheerful temper, which often helps a cancer to get rid of depression.

Such friends can accumulate funds and spend everything by setting up a party. Disinterested virgin and capable of beautiful actions cancer will not regret the past and not made. They will enjoy the current moment.

Cancer and Virgo always try to defend each other and come to help in a difficult moment. They take care of their union and hide him away from foreign curious looks.

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Acquisition of cancer and the ability to make maids contributes to the formation of mutual respect between friends. When they have a choice in front of them - to go to a fun party or a business meeting, each of them, no doubt, will choose the second option. Virgo is always ready to help cancer, and the representative of the element of water, in turn, highly appreciates not only its independence in the financial plan, but also the ability to cheer and calm down. Together, these two feel beautiful.

Virgo is a wonderful interlocutor, she knows how to listen and hear. The representative of the earthly element is not at all embarrassing the permanent change of mood at the buddy of cancer.

Very often, a friendly relationship between representatives of these two signs will develop into relations. But even if this does not happen, their friendship will continue for many years.

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Interaction in work

The joint activities of representatives of the element of water and the fire will be fruitful and bring a lot of useful. This tandem is best able to make money. Good relations between cancer and a virgin - a base for creating a business. Since representatives of these two characters are not only good employees, but also friends, they will easily find a common language in any field.

Cooperation of these two will benefit from representatives of signs. They are interested in working together. They both seek success and reach it, even if not quite quickly. This tandem will not get involved in adventures, rather, they will be guided by years of proven tactic.

If the cancer becomes subordinate to the virgin, then their relationship will be quite even. The boss will sympathize with a diligence and will not once again make comments to him. Gradually, thanks to the favorable attitude of the head, the cancer himself may affect the leading position.

Between the head of cancer and subordinate, the Virgin always make up excellent relations. Often Virgo becomes the deputy head, since these signs have similar objectives and qualities of character, and also perfectly understand each other.

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Child relationship and parent

Cancer and Virgo are people who really relate to their family and their children, they may experience a very strong alarm for each other, especially if one is a parent, and the other is his child.

Virgo's parent is very attentive to his child cancer, he always supports the baby and does not give despair and stupid. Despite the fact that the Virgin is usually restless by themselves, due to the fact that they are trying to calculate the development of events in advance, in relationships with their own tea, this quality will be not very bright.

Parent Cancer well understands his timid child, so the baby often is a pet in mom or dad. The representative of the element of water will learn more to criticize others and pay attention to their own shortcomings.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_20

Parent Cancer is always with a special trepidation and sympathy treats his child's virgin.

Mom Cancer can create a cozy and calm atmosphere in the house. She realizes everything that her baby feels. Virgo's daughter is very attentive and often overloads his minded impressions, and mom can help cope with the emotions of the baby.

Often the Virgin just needs to tell someone everything that she has in the soul. Parent Cancer is always happy to respond to this requirement of the kid. Virgo always seeks to make the right actions, because of this, the representative of the earthly element can miss the main thing. Mom Cancer will be able to send his thoughts into the right direction and support his baby.

A little girl is necessary for someone to be on her side, because because of his self-criticism, a representative of this sign itself is an worst enemy for himself. Father Cancer Grumble, but very tied to family and children. The baby with dad is usually installed good relations, as a man of cancer can sympathize and take care, and the virgin child needs to know what he loves.

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Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_22

Representatives of some signs of the zodiac very often do not pay attention to the emotional state of their children, but the Virgo does not apply to them. Moms of the Virgin are usually very concerned about the fact that they feel their baby cancer, what his mood is.

The observation representative of the Earth Element catches the smallest details in the behavior of his child. Therefore, Cancer next to Mom always feels safe, while she respects his subtle mental organization.

Mama Virgo never sits without deeds, she constantly cares and bites about her loved ones and relatives. And child cancer is vital to maternal care. But you should not fulfill all the work for the baby, since this can be broken by Chado.

Virgo must limit his desire to constantly give to the baby to grow up. Child cancer is usually very responsive and, most likely, will be happy to fulfill all the requests of the mother.

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Deva's father will not miss the opportunity to criticize his baby cancer. And the sensitive kid will perceive his words very close to the heart, get upset and get lost. Father should handle its chance as softer, since any carelessly said word can deeply wander cancer.

If the head of the family learn how to be less picky about his child, there will be very kind, trusting relations between them.

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Consider oriental signs

The compatibility of cancer and the virgin is strongly affected by the sign of the Eastern Horoscope. It is based on 5 elements, such as: water, earth, metal, fire and wood. Among themselves they interact in different ways. There may be sympathy and cooperation between representatives of some elements, on the contrary, they will constantly quarrel and repel each other.

Born in different years, people will patronize animal signs that will endow their receivers with certain character qualities. Each beast, in turn, represents a certain element-element.

A man born a year, which corresponds to an element fire, can never make friends with a water representative. Their union can have a destructive impact on each of the partners.

At the same time, a person born a year corresponding to the element of water must be made to those who were born in the year of the tree. Water person will always help develop and grow wood, as is happening in nature.

To take into account the compatibility of the Eastern Horoscope signs is very important, since this information can be very useful for those who build family or partnerships.

Cancer and Virgo: compatibility in love and married men and women, characteristics of the zodiac signs 19811_25

Possible conflicts

The mood of cancer is also changing as often as lunar cycles, this fact confirms numerous feedback from their partners.

Virgo is usually more stable and stable. Due to the fact that natural conflict prevails in relationships associated with the changeability and stability of two partners, to build harmonious relationships will be able to be far from each born under the constellation of cancer or the virgin.

The emotions of the representative of the water element, which he cannot hide, are often the cause of conflicts between cancer and the virgin. The watermark, in turn, causes a misunderstanding of how the once sweet and good virgin has turned into a cold and alienated person, which is absolutely devoid of compassion.

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Virgo often suffer from the fact that they cannot control the critical comments that they generously award the people around them. Special perception of the world and a scrupulous analysis of any its own action - distinctive features of the representative of this sign. Criticize and explore Deva cancer will be with special attention. The representative of the element of water will need to be patient and excerpt so that his emotions do not spike in response to the Virgin.

Cancer also has a lot of tests for the Virgin. The representative of the water element is not against flirting, so often gives his second half the reasons for jealousy.

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Look even more about Cancer compatibility and Virgin, see the following video.

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