How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative


Man cancer is sensitive to the emotions of his partner, he builds durable and spiritual relations. If a representative of this sign has suffered a lot in love, there is a chance that it will be too afraid to open up even one who will love and will be considered an ideal partner. What is a real man cancer in the family and relationship, find out, sobering in his nature.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_2


This sign of the zodiac does not like conflicts and will be in most situations to remain calm. When he is annoying something, it probably will not say anything, but negative emotions can harm the inner world, so it is important for the representative of this sign to find a partner who will support him in everything.

He is gentle and caring and never forget about the birthday of his second half. If someone wants to create lungs, one-day relationship without an emotional base or goal, they definitely do not need to choose such a man.

The girl can safely trust her cancer.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_3

Despite the fact that the guy is confused from time to time, where the boundaries of privacy, and where dishonesty, he always actively demonstrates what needs to be protected from the outside world. A man stores secrets in the depths of the soul, but when he decides to let someone in his world, shares everyone with joy with this person.

If the cancer says a lie, usually it is non-serious things, and such a lies can even benefit both in a pair. A typical lie of this sign is a secret savings account, where he diligently postpones money for a black day. In addition, such a man is not inclined to adultery, pursuit of new partners and does not need a permanent decoration change.

He does not need decorations or a fancy image to impress. Depending on the situation, cancer is glad to go on a romantic walk, to a cozy restaurant or can simply cover the table at home. This is a person who usually loves to cook, and even if he has no habit of doing it often, with the right partner he will enjoy a romantic date in the kitchen.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_4

This is kind and filled with love partner who relates well to the family, in the first place he has real values. Therefore, such a man sometimes seems weak.

Cancer economical and insightful when it comes to financial issues. Rarely this gentleman spends its money unreasonable or impulsively. Always stylish, but conservatively dressed, prefers pale blue and silver colors in clothes. The wardrobe chooses at an intuitive level, always knows exactly what it looks empty. Does not want to be glamorous and stand out from the crowd, his clothes are designed to be not so much beautiful as convenient.

If you are looking for a faithful friend who will be present in your life for many years, cancer is the one who needs you. However, the conquest of his confidence takes time. Family meetings, picnics and friends are the main element of the life of cancer. This gentleman wisely chooses allies and will not enter into a serious relationship until it becomes comfortable to feel next to the partner.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_5

When it comes to romance, a man is in no hurry. His credo is caution and caution again, so as not to suffer. However, after the relationship has strengthened, the guy will be extremely loving, ready to sacrifice many women.

Cancer used to enjoy food, so overweight is often his problem. Snacks and sweets are weakness that he needs to constantly control.

Possessing common sense, cancer is associated with astute and strong business partners. His acute intuition and the ability to read people make such an employee with an excellent candidate for posts in the field of education, counseling, medical services or journalism. Cancer succeeds when it rely on its unique character traits: intuition, sociability and care. Finally, men crayfish - inborn writers who love to work at home to be closer to the family.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_6

The sign is easily painted who speaks the truth, and who expresses fake feelings. Try to hide something, and you immediately share. All watermarks have this ability to see the truth in humans. But they do not cope with the criticism of the people who are the roads. This is part of their DNA, so it is not necessary to speak out to the representative of this sign.

Very wary this man refers to money. Not impulsive and not ready to throw them into the wind. The only exception can be the products and things associated with the house. Spend money on furniture and technique Cancer can in large quantities.

In marriage he does everything, it is a very affectionate and devoted husband. He would like to contribute as a father, while always understand and take care, rarely dominate and will not become an untidy and powerful parent. It has a soft, caring nature in relation to its partner. I would never want to harm if only there is no real reason to take revenge. As a husband is very romantic and sentimental, very practical. The relationship is looking for security, sometimes it can be capricious, but always stable and permanent in their affections. Requires devotion from a partner, and otherwise nothing will turn out and the family will collapse.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_7

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_8

In a special cancer refers to the home environment. He wants everything to be completely and organized and strives for it even in trifles. Purity in the house and personal hygiene are important for them as anyone else. Sometimes cancer wants to be alone to understand yourself and survive some unpleasant emotions. At this time it is better to leave him one, he will definitely appreciate freedom.

After the cancer marries, he becomes a truly family man and takes full responsibility for a woman, home and children. Manages finances reasonably, but I would like to save more to make the future more secure.

Sometimes too sentimental and capricious cancer takes everything close to heart.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_9

In romantic relationships, relies much more on tradition than in other areas of life. The approach to marriage is not really associated with religion or a system of belief, but he has an inner feeling that makes him make efforts and grow as a person through relationships. This leads to a long and prosperous marriage with well-thought-out plans and future. Cancer is difficult to recover from the gap, and if it is divorced, it is rarely solved again to marry.

This is a person with a sharp mind that can organize his thoughts and understand the reason for certain problems that need to be solved. It may be extremely rational, which leads to doubts and distrust and ultimately to situations that make him feel lost or devotees. It is important for him to not think about his role in life through pity for yourself, and if the cancer begins to experience such a feeling, dwells in a bad mood.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_10

What girl is he needed?

Cancer rules Moon, and she symbolizes a woman. A man feels comfortable with girlfriends, and not with friends, but Cancer is unlikely to change with one of them, if married. The guy is concentrated on the importance of family values.

Safety is of paramount importance for the representative of this sign. Return it in the family after cheating is quite difficult and almost impossible. Most of the stronger representatives who were born with cancers love women feminine. Subconsciously, a man will look for the one that corresponds to his image of an ideal wife and mother. Everything - from appearance to the manner must be perfect.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_11

Flower perfume attract them, like other classic flavors. The girl does not need to answer for jokes, if the guy decided to prick it, instead you need to speak gently and calmly. Cancers do not like when girls behave too childish.

Be sure to show him the skills of housekeeping. After acquaintance, you need to take the initiative and demonstrate sincere care. One of the easiest ways to do it is to prepare breakfast. However, keep in mind that a person cancer is closed and can resist any attachment if it considers that relations are developing too quickly. Invitation to myself for lunch for the first time, it is likely to end with refusal.

It is worth the wait until the subtle bond is established between partners.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_12

How to conquer him?

One way to fall in love with a man of cancer is not to wait for the initiative, but to become indispensable, to interest, show approximate behavior. It is worth a lot of talk about your family when you are next to him. But it is impossible to step in aggressive form if I want to like or seduce it.

You can ask for aid cancer, giving him to feel necessary. It is important to talk about love for the current family, as well as share dreams about the wedding and children, especially focus on the mother and tell about the time that has recently been held with her. Cancer is a classic mother's boy, and if you manage to show love for your parent, you can conquer his heart forever. In addition, it is required to share childhood memories.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_13

The earlier it happens to get acquainted with the family, the faster it is possible to attract such a partner as a second half. Again, the man cancer is inclined to be close to his mother. If you manage to get her blessing, then such a girl will easily increase himself in his eyes.

Cancer who did not receive love in the family, most likely will consider his circle of friends as a replacement of the mother. In this case, you need to establish relationships with them. Focus on girlfriends, because unnecessary attention to strong sex can cause distrust. But the cancer does not bore, but just leave.

You need to talk about your own family and connect other topics for conversation. However, always do it in a positive light and avoid what can sound like an insult to those who love the interlocutor. You can try to praise the relationship that he has with brothers and sisters.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_14

Cracks are neat and organized guys. They tend to find women who can be attractive, have no errors in appearance and their absolute purity in the house. Do not invite it to your personal space if your table is covered with papers or the apartment is littered with dirty things. It is not necessary that everything is marked and laid into neat small packages, but some elementary purity and the absence of disorder must take place.

If you have dirt and confusion, it is better to tell him about it before cancer knows everything yourself, and ask to help you organize a common space. So you can make it feel necessary.

Contact congenital love of this sign to organize order, demonstrate the readiness to become better.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_15

Sometimes a surprise is good, but, as a rule, it is worth avoiding some sharp suggestions or actions. Craks love everything to be decomposed on the shelves. This rule includes both the physical space and time.

This representative of a strong sex is ready to always take on the role of a man, breadwinner and defender. He needs to give the opportunity to provide a woman to take care of her. But the cancer should cope with the task, because if irresistible obstacles arise, the guy will find it difficult to survive failure.

Ask for help is important when moving to a new office, an apartment, or schedule shopping. Ask the opinion about the problem that has arisen, even if we decided the question yourself.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_16

Compliments allow the guy to feel confident. Cancer will appreciate the woman who shows how good it is. Feelings and words should be genuine, because if cancer suspects flattery, the relationship is destroyed.

Such representatives of strong gender tend to feel attraction to women who may be as expressive in their emotions. In addition, the girl, showing his own willingness to relationship and demonstrating how much it needs, will receive a reliable partner.

It is impossible to contradict the cancer. Everyone is sometimes mistaken, and cancer is no exception. However, since this is an emotional sign, it immediately pounces when someone speaks in a rigid manner. If you need to fix this man, you need to be tactical and convincing, relying solely on the mind to put the point and do not attempt to get an emotional answer.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_17

The man of this sign never falls in love with first sight. It will be necessary to enter his field of view and more often to come across the eyes before he estimates the presence of a girl in his life. This sign is inclined to be shy, so you need to gain courage and approach him the first. The main thing is not to aggressively insist on meetings, it can scare. The guy can be unsure of itself from time to time, but as soon as it will understand that the interest from the girl is genuine, will feel comfortable.

It is impossible to recognize cancer in feelings directly. Construction of relationships with this person may be incredibly difficult and requires patience. The man himself wants to confess first and can retreat if everything is wrong.

On the other hand, it is necessary to make feelings so obvious to him so that there are few reasons to doubt it.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_18

Men crayfish attract women who share their emotions and experiences. A fine sex representative will be even more attractive if he expresses readiness to carefully listen to everything he says.

His birthday and other special days are important, they should be remembered. If the cancer tells about what happens at work, in a few days the girl is obliged to ask how to succeed.

The man of cancer should feel that he can completely trust the partner, so no jealousy cannot be called and cause him. If you give at least the slightest reason to doubt loyalty, the person will write a woman as a potential partner.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_19

Signs of love

When the cancer falls in love, it becomes more sociable. As soon as the representative of the strong floor begins to feel the attraction, it becomes the owner. Attract a man of this sign for one night will not work. His disgust for rapidly developing relations and devotion to the family make cancer guy with a poor candidate for an intrigue.

Tips of psychologists recommend paying attention to the behavior of a man. As soon as the guy began to show care, listen to you more than talking, then you have already won his heart. Cancers crave love on the emotional level, so you should not be afraid to sink their caress. The more actions demonstrate attachment, the more likely it is that the man's cancer will respond the same.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_20

Attitude towards the family

Once at home, a man of cancer wants to feel at ease and fully relax. Despite the fact that both slippers, and the bathrobe came out of fashion, you can see it sitting in this form in a large cozy chair in the room or on the veranda.

Usually these are excellent cooks who prefer to dinner at home, and not to go to the restaurant. Cracks are drawn to traditions and often jeep over them. These are sentimental people who store a lot from the past and love to return to it.

Dad cancer is characterized by warm features of character. Always ready to hug and console children, it will easily make porridge, change diapers and put things to sleep. Always has a very close relationship with his mother and wants to take care of her in old age. You will not see how the representative of this sign disappears nights in the clubs, if he has a family. It will not allow cancer of this and its second half.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_21

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_22

This is a person with the potential to be an ideal parent, which is under the influence of his own beliefs and genetics and intuitively understands the methods of education. Such a father will give enough freedom to grow a child in a professional field, but at the same time will keep everything under control.

A man has a deep emotional connection with each child possesses compassion and understanding.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_23

Compatible with other signs

With a woman with authentic Cancer relations are built exclusively on passion. It is difficult for them with each other, as the lady prefers large clusters of people, and a man wants family peace of mind and silence. It is very difficult in this family, but you can overcome the problems if only both partners are very tied to each other.

With Taland Relationships have great potential when both have a lot in common. They may definitely find real love, cancer man will try his best to fulfill the desires of a partner. In bed, they have ideal compatibility, they share the same interests and desires, which allows partners to spend a lot of time together.

Crayfish man and woman Filled with deep love and strong emotions and well understand feelings of each other. Even sexy, they are associated with each other in a completely different level.

With lion The marriage has some potential, but there is nothing that would keep the relationship for a long time. Lionesses are passionate ladies, and the lover must understand them. The woman should be more understanding, and man cancer is less emotional.

With a vir In cancer, great potential for long-term relationships, since both love to spend time at home. Being a landed, Virgo will understand the emotional side of the partner and will take care of the husband to be happy.

With Square The love horoscope promises many difficulties, so you have to be flexible. The initial attraction between them will soon die if both do not have the necessary effort to preserve the relationship. Cancer craves spiritual love, which Sagittarius has no idea.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_24

With Capricorn Both lover must be prepared to do what is needed to get a successful relationship. Although the lady can not always be passionate, she sincere and will work hard to make sure that the second half understands how much she loves him. They need to learn to talk to each other.

With water Everything is very difficult, since the conservatism of the lady prevents the development of relationships. However, in such a woman a partner can find the necessary sexuality and emotional connection.

Some of the best relationships from representatives of this sign With fish Since the nature of them is similar. They have the ability to balance each other emotionally.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer? How to behave with him and conquer him, the love characteristic of the sign, how to return his love and step or wait for the initiative 19798_25

Additionally about a man cancer you will learn from the following video.

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