What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx


Nowadays, the attitude of men to talismans or overalls has become a little worse than before. However, many men firmly believe in the magic and healing power of the talisman or amulet. And not just men. The article describes how to choose the right stone for the sign of the zodiac cancer, as well as the properties and benefits of precious minerals.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_2

What are and for what are meant?

All men who born under the sign are very picky to their appearance. Sometimes, choosing a decoration, they are very demanding and carefully consider the smallest details of the headset. Astrologers advise women who want to live a long life in marriage with a male cancer, very carefully look at the decorations for their future husband.

Gems, whose magical and therapeutic strengths are suitable for the sign of cancer, not so much in the world.

Of all the amulets minerals, only the most basic are recommended:

  • pearl;
  • ruby;
  • Emerald;
  • Moonstone.

Semi-precious copies also need to choose by date of birth.

Such a precious copy like pearls is the keeper of a home coat. He protects not only people under the sign of cancer, but also people with him near negative energy, because men cancels are sometimes aggressive. Because of its rectinence, they have to restrain themselves. Pearls perfectly copes with this task.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_3

Men cancers who prefer mental work, helps a talisman with a stone of Rubin. His owner, as a rule, is a very reliable friend and faithful spouse. From their sexuality, many women go crazy.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_4

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_5

Emerald is the next stone, which is one of the main talismen of cancer. The owner of the emerald has good intuition. Sad men emerald will help become more fun. He also helps to find peace of mind.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_6

The fourth main amulet for this sign is the moonstone. Only the name adds to him some mysteriousness. Figure mineral as if depicts waves on the sea. Cancer loves them very much. It is clear that if the stone is the moon, then the power of the stone begins in full moon. Actually, at this time the stone begins to move different colors. The owner of this instance will be able to achieve everything wishes.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_7

These were the basic precious stones whose magical forces help cancer sign more confident. But there are other talisman stones. The forces of the magic of these amulets can also work wonders.

All people have financial difficulties. Talismans will come to the rescue. For example, the onyx and ruby ​​stones are responsible for improving the financial condition. Men Cancers, wearing a stone onyx as a talisman, are very quickly moving through the career ladder. In addition, the talisman takes a negative energy so that he does not throw on his host. Therefore, cancels wearing onyx always achieve their goal.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_8

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_9

Also to attract good luck cancer will need a black agate stone. And for young people, students or schoolchildren, the leaf will help. This excellent talisman helps to develop the memory and correctly disassemble the information received. The owner of the stone is always confident.

The most basic protective mineral for born under the sign of cancer is considered, in the opinion of astrologers, "Feline Eye". His power is that he can prevent any betrayal. If the "cat's eyes" to give a person, also born under this sign of the zodiac, who hid the evil, then his anger will immediately pass.

But this stone needs to be worn separately from other talismans, otherwise such a combination of stones is dangerous for the owner.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_10

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_11

Selection Oberega

On the day of birth

Like any other, the zodiac sign is divided into three intervals of the time, which are called decades.

Born in the first decade under the patronage of the Moon (21.06 - 01. 07) they have tenderness, they are very sensitive. Their soul is so rabble that any injustice they are very hard to worry. They have practically no no protection against negative energy, so the correctly chosen charger will be able to protect the owner from this.

Such talismen will help with cancers that are born in the first decade.

  • aquamarine;
  • heliotrope;
  • blue and blue sapphires;
  • rhinestone.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_12

Aquamarine - mineral belonging to blue beryllam. The owner of the Oberega made of this stone will always be reliably protected from different stresses. Ensure and deception will be bypassed by the side. Mineral has one feature: he begins to more ingestion when his owner is experiencing strong depression.

The chaliotrop chalcedone has an overlooking agent. Wearing such an amulet for life will be fenced from nervous stress.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_13

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_14

Overly passive cancer will be helped against a blue or blue sapphire. He is able to help a man overcome this unpleasant feature. Sapphire owners, born in the first decade, feel very thinly anyone else's deception.

Strengthen the strength, not only spiritual, but also physical, will help the charm of rhinestone.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_15

Planet Jupiter protects cancers of the second decade (02.07-11.07). People born in this time interval of cancer are very like to rule over others. They are very active, not afraid of life difficulties. Cancers of the second decade always try to learn something new in their lives. True, they have one negative trait - it is indisputable.

Therefore, you can offer several stones to choose from.

  • Chrysoprase. Amulet with such a stone helps a person to show the initiative in the work. For those who like to learn something new, the charm will bring good luck. Cancers who will choose this stone will never be left without friends.
  • Chrysolite. This beautiful mineral with a green tump will protect his owner from different stupid mistakes. This is especially true of those who often climbs financial adventures.
  • AMAZONIT. This stone loves only bold people. Wearing his man will always be young, even if he is far from fifty.
  • Golden topaz. The amulet with a stone of golden topaz can be useful to people who have "work". Stone will attract good luck in business.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_16

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_17

Representatives of the Third Decade (12.07-22.07) include cancers with romantic nature. It can be musicians, artists or writers. All cancers who were born in the third decade brings together one feature - a strong desire to help others. All of them are under the protection of the planet Neptune.

Such people are also granted to a selection of several stones-Oberegov.

  • Nephritis and Jadeit. These two minerals are little similar to each other. They even have the same endings in the names. However, heeshes differs from jade in that it is stronger and more expensive. As a protective talisman, these two stones have the same force. Cancers of the Third Decade are constantly striving for the ideal, and the power of Jade and Jadeitis is just and is perfection. They are his symbol.
  • Amber. Creative people and romance source of inspiration gives a bright yellow stone amber. The frozen resin of an ancient tree has a strong magic for creative lifting.
  • Lapis lazuli. The amulet with a stone from Lazurita will help get rid of unpleasant memories: this stone has power over memory.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_18

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_19


As you know, the native element of cancer is water. From here you can conclude that cancers love decorations with a pattern or color similar to the water surface. Cancers adore everything that is somehow connected with water elements, including precious stones, for example, Aquamarine, Chrysoprase and Sapphire. All these stones have some transparency, shimmering the light as a drop of water. But not only clean transparency like a cancer. Men of this sign of the zodiac also attract other paints and patterns, for example, unexpected overflows of colors on the stones. All this creates some harmony in their soul. Properly selected stones for a man of cancer act like balm per soul, the main thing is that the color of the stone has at least a slight similarity with water.

The stones of the water nature, although you like cancer more than the rest, but the magical or therapeutic properties of other natural minerals act on the owner much more than the rest. Astrologers strongly advise cancer to choose only those stones that will be able to protect them from negative qualities or further enhance their positive parties.

All people in the world have positive or negative character traits, but sooner or later a person may want or get rid of negative qualities, or support positive features.

Cancer, unfortunately, negative qualities are greater than positive, so to eliminate them, astrologers are advised by cancer as an overlap wearing the following decorations with stones: coral, opal, selenit, chrysoprase. The wanings from these stones will help eliminate laziness, greed, arrogance, egoism.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_20

Agat, pearls, emerald, selenite - for satisfied with the cancer, these stones are simply necessary if he wants to strengthen the effect of positive quality. But bevelous cancer and cowardly in order to smooth these negative qualities better to wear stones: malachite, sapphire, carnelian, jasper.

In order for the effect of cleansing from negative qualities to work better, you need to wear these waggies either on a nameless finger, or on the neck, but so that the stone is located at the level of solar plexus.

Stone-talisman with emerald, if you believe the ancient legends, wears huge magical power: the stone is able to treat the heart, helps to get rid of fear. If, for example, wear a pendant with emerald to a child born under the sign of cancer, he will no longer see terrible dreams. Ancient Russian legends say that Emerald was considered the strongest magical stone: he is able to defeat evil spirits, you can even look at the future. Emerald is a stone of hope and wisdom.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_21

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_22

Magic and therapeutic properties of black onyx

Nowadays, people use natural minerals only as decorations. However, according to the story, it was earlier thanks to the stones could be treated from the ailments. Natural minerals, according to astrologers, have a special energy force, their number includes black onyx.

For a long time, a long time ago, the differentials could stop the bleeding, pain in the joints and many other ailments.

But all this was done with the help of an ordinary onyx, but the black has no smaller healing properties:

  • He positively affects the psyche of man;
  • In the critical situation, the mineral helps to keep emotions;
  • Excellent soothes the nervous system, which is especially necessary for people with an active way of life.

For yellowed people, black onyx is simply needed:

  • He eliminates insomnia;
  • stops depression;
  • You can easily forget about life problems.

What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_23

      Black Onyx is considered a patron of students. The champion helps the brain better with his stone. Wearing black Onyx is never afraid of the exam, because it can easily remember any new information in class or lecture. For indecisive people, black onyx gives a tide of strength. Lazy person will be able to remake in an excellent employee. Creative people helps to develop musical hearing and other creative abilities. In addition, the stone helps great in the fight against headache, diseases of the respiratory organs.

      Right can also affect humans. For example, if the rim decoration with black onyx is silver, then the worn charm will never suffer with a heart.

      People who bought black onyx just so for the decoration, having ponestone a stone for a while, notice that they began to feel cheerful and better, and all things go to the way. Therefore, as a talisman, he is simply necessary for entrepreneurs and businessmen.

      Since Black Onyx can focus energy and direct it in the right direction, this stone is always widely used by the magicians for their magical rites. Black Onyx has another magical power: he is able to help cleanse a man of man from negative. This is another reason why most stone owners are magicians.

      What stones are suitable for a man of cancer?: Choice by date of birth, horoscope and zodiac sign, mascot properties black onyx 19787_24

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