Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews


When they talk about women cancers, the image of a romantic and kind girl with cute features of the face and a clear smile appears immediately. It seems it is difficult to find the shortcomings of the owners of this sign, so sunny and pleasant are they in communication. It is worth seeing whether the owner of the Cancer sign has such qualities. Perhaps there was some mystery in their meek smile, which should be solved.

Psychological picture

Cancer is considered one of the most mysterious representatives from all signs of the zodiac. It is always nice to conduct a dialogue with her, she willingly listen to all your secrets, but will not share their plans.

She can be entrusted with any secret, and not be afraid that someone else knows about him, since this information from it is no longer pulled out even ticks. She hurts friendship and will not enviously gossip behind his back in his colleagues or girlfriends. Woman Cancer is always trying to smooth sharp corners, get away from an unpleasant topic, trying to keep track of the situation that the situation does not leave from under control. If this happened, it can directly say about his claims to the opponent and not to be silent. This is its essence.

The representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists and can conduct a dialogue with any person. They will be able to quickly calm him, encourage and send to the right direction. Craks may externally stay calm and restrained, but are very wounded and offended, and they will not communicate with people who are tuned unfriendly. In such cases, the cancers are closed in themselves and simply waiting for the moment to go.

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_2

The mood is changing often. Such a change in the mood is due to the fact that raks are inextricably linked to the Moon, the control sign. When changing each lunar phase, their mood changes. By the way, changes in mood are subject to both women and men of this sign. These ladies are solid and inner rod, although it seems weak and unprotected. Men stretch to them, trying to conquer them. For women, cancer is important to take care of her and admired her.

Sign representatives love romantics and believe in friendship, loyal love. They are very feminine, men attract their external image. Women canceli have a special charm, they have pleasant features, well-groomed and elegant hands. These are well-groomed ladies who regularly take care of their face and body, care about him, buy expensive creams, oil and cosmetics for themselves. They prefer to wear natural fabrics, silk, lace underwear.

Such women can immediately determine on their elegance: choose tender tones in clothes, prefer long hair, followed by regularly.

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_3

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_4

From early childhood, throughout life, they can turn in the clouds, dreaming of something unattainable, often scrolling situations from the past in order to understand how it was necessary to enroll in a particular situation.

According to astrologers, on how correctly the name is chosen for a child depends to a certain extent, its future. The name given is true will protect against life adversity, and contribute to the achievement of heights.

Girls who were born under these signs worth calling certain names. For them, the names: Julia, Yana, Olya, Diana, Emma, ​​Elena, Sofia, Lisa, Lisa, will be good for them.

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_5

Positive and negative sides

Women born under this sign will be happy all their lives, but only provided that they are mutually loved. If this does not happen, you can live a completely happy life.

Positive traits should include the following advantages.

  • Love for homely comfort. These women are excellent mistresses and try to maintain order at the proper level.
  • A responsibility.
  • Punctuality.
  • Maternal attachment to children. They spend a lot of time with children, they know all their secrets and protect their babies from trouble even when those already adults.
  • Are faithful friends throughout life.

Women crayfish love to travel, they like change. But love to visit familiar places to not feel discomfort from possible inconvenience.

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_6

Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_7

    Their negative features are:

    • self-fighting;
    • pestitude;
    • hot temper;
    • Potion;
    • there are capricious;
    • can quickly and basely annoying;
    • There are insufficient.

      The representatives of the described sign are often unsure of themselves in their own. If obstacles arose on the way, then they are not always willing them overcome. Thanks to constant hardworking, they are often able to achieve large heights, and then they begin to safely go across, neglecting difficulties.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_8


      Girl Cancer belongs to the category of people who never leave friends in trouble, always come to the rescue. For this girl, it is important to have a house in which people who love her and loved her.

      In love

      To feel happy, the woman born under this sign is important to have only two things: protection and love. She can give her chosen to love and attention, but must be sure that he is a reliable support and protection for her. This is a sensual woman, picking up in the choice of chosen. Men attracts their cute appearance, they try to care for them with special sophistication. For girls, stable relationships are important and are not suitable for one night.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_9

      For the girl unacceptable first sex on the seat of the car and fleeting. She will not bind her fate with a married man. It is unlikely that you can find a woman of cancer, which would revive the novels at work, for her it is unusual. Intimate relationships will give her pleasure if the chosen is gentle, gentle and listen to all of her desires. For meetings with your beloved, a separate room is suitable, in which the pair will be comfortable. She likes romantic dates, which partner organizes on the seashore, where there is no one around, only night and a huge moon.

      The ideal option for them will be a pre-prepared date. To do this, put the room with roses, freeze aromatic candles, prepare good wine and turn on beautiful music. All this will allow you to relax and spend time with pleasure.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_10


      A woman born under the sign of cancer can flirt with many men, but it makes it quite restrained, as it does not want to be sent available. From his chosen one will require selfless devotion and wait for a constant confirmation of how much is desirable and beautiful for him. She will be able to forgive her chosen some of his shortcomings, but will never live with an aggressive man or with those who do not pay due attention.

      These women become excellent owners. There will always be everything in their family nest in their family nest: both love, and kindness, and care. All households will always be fed, shit and dressed. For such a mistress, it is important that the house always has money. The skillful mistress knows how to dispose of them, and will not throw on the wind. It will be nice if her husband supports her in all their homework, and will not pass the money.

      If the husband has health problems or money, this woman will never throw it. This is due to its mental qualities, as well as because of the concern to stay lonely.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_11

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_12

      In friendship

      From early childhood, girls cancers have many friends, some of them will stop true for many years. Part of the friends remain aside, as many begin to get involved in gambling, and for cancers an excitement inadmissible, they will never be playing gambling, and will not lower their money, in the hope of earning a million.

      They do not become discoverers, and will not conquer Everest, but, most likely, just go on a little journey, but if there is comfortable.

      The cancers have a very kind soul, and they will always stand on defense, if a weaker is getting hurt. But more often will hope that the trouble will disappear by themselves and help will not need. If this does not happen, then the hand is served and remain faithful to friends.

      More often a representative of this sign is friends with people who fully support their interests, they must be like-minded people. Friendship of their strong and remains so for life. Perhaps such similarity of interest will not meet even between relatives.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_13

      In a career

      Choosing a career, a woman cancer wants to get stability. These ladies often choose creative professions, often reaching large heights and making very successful steps in moving through the career ladder, as they are very conscientious and diligently perform any orders. Colleagues respect them and listen to their comments and recommendations.

      This lady will try to arrange this workplace so that it is cozy and comfortable. Photos may be awesome, antique things and other trinkets are placed. And although the woman cancer often loves his work very much, when choosing between family and career, give preference to a cute home hearth.

      If it is prescribed to the leading post, it will be able to quickly find a common language with employees. But with men it is more difficult to establish relationships. She often can fulfill someone else's work because of the fear of ridicule in his direction, even if she is the head of this company.

      Relationships in the team will develop depending on which zodiacal sign will belong to its boss or subordinates.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_14

      What kind of man is needed?

      A representative of the Cancer sign believes that He deserves a man who would understand her with a half-clow and picker her whims.

      • Its chosen must solve all the problems arising. For a woman of cancer, it is important that her care is surrounded, and she does not want to do small turmoil. After all, it has a satellite, which will be wondering.
      • In her performances, this is a kind, sensitive and sentimental man. She does not like the showful courage, and more, it does not accept aggressive behavior, especially in relation to himself.
      • For her, very important quality is loyalty, so it requires the same from his companion, because he herself dedicated himself.
      • Her partner should be attentive, guess her desires and incarnate them.

      Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_15

      Compatible with other signs

        Women born under this sign have a calm, soft and flexible character, and can get along with almost everyone, what the reviews of other signs are talking about. However, they are suitable for men born under the sign of the fish, Scorpio, Virgin and Taurus.

        If we consider the horoscope of the sign, then fish are considered the best pair for these ladies, it is with them a complete mutual understanding. Partners will inspire each other for new accomplishments, and support ideas. Representatives of these signs have a particularly developed intuition, so they are easy to guess the mood and desire of a partner.

        Cancer relationship with taurus can also be strong and harmonious. But, representatives of such signs should be borne in mind that in the case of misunderstandings, they should immediately discuss, and not to send a conversation in a long box, otherwise a major quarrel may occur.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_16

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_17

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_18

        A good scorpion marriage with cancer may be successful, as partners intuitively predict each other's desires. Woman Cancer never changes his chosen one, although the male Scorpio is often very jealous. Family family life can live and representatives of the signs of Virgo and Cancer. They find each other what they missed them, because both love to create in the house of the comfort, they always have order in business and things.

        Relationships between partners who have similar signs can be tense. However, if a man cancer fully undertakes to control and takes care of the parent, such a couple can live a happy life. The marriage can undergo a crisis when both representatives are simultaneously starting to fall into Melancholy.

        The worst options for crayfish is a partnership with aquiet, twins, firing, weights.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_19

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_20

        Amulets and wubbles

        Craks are under the influence of the moon, so the amulets should be on the moon in the form, that is, have a round shape, or have the shape of a crescent, without excessive convexities and irregularities. This talisman should not be too fried and causing.

        If we talk about colors bringing good luck, then the lunar shades should be attributed to them. For them, green and blue shades will be successful. They should purchase a lunar stone that will bring good luck. Thanks to him, you can learn to make decisions in difficult situations. At the same time, the lunar stone will attract good luck. According to many, this stone contributes to healing from many diseases, including spiritual. For a woman, cancer will also fit, topaz and lemor.

        Sign representatives should pay attention to Emerald. If we wear this stone, you can get rid of depression. Ahuta wearing decorations with emeralds you can get rid of insomnia and anxiety. Emerald promotes the strengthening of family ties, love and harmony is restored in the family.

        To protect against possible disappointments, these adorable ladies should pay attention to the pearls.

        To the stones, which are not necessary for cancer, it is not worth it, it belongs to topaz, onyx, lazuli and grenades, as those are capable of attracting negative energy. If we carry these stones, then it is possible that luck will not always be near.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_21

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_22

        One of the fabrics that are suitable for cancer is a heart symbol. If you hang the suspension with a heart, that will protect representatives from the negative. Thanks to the wearing the girl's symbol, they will quickly find their second half and establish good relationships.

        An excellent guard for those born under cancer sign are the suspension with the image of cancer, a crab. Thanks to them, people born under this sign increases intuition, they begin to develop spiritually, the power of the Spirit rises. Before using a water charm, it follows the day to put into a glass with water to charge the necessary energy.

        It is worth paying attention to the talismans made in the form of a crescent or a round moon. Such a talisman will help girls who are looking for their chosen one. The ladies born under the sign of cancer are more suitable for decorations of silver, or from a white metal.

        Sign representatives should be put in the room aquarium with fish, turtles, snails. Thanks to such an artificial water, they will be fueled with energy, as well as get rid of their fears and direct thoughts in the right direction.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_23

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_24

        Famous representatives

        People born under cancer are familiar have similar features, are very sentimental and emotional. These ladies love home comfort and will be true to their chosen.

        This is evidenced by the facts that are convinced of this.

        • All signs of the sign have excellent intuition, they notice many little things.
        • Do not play their feelings, as they perceive everything seriously, and will be very worried if someone breaks the heart to them, or will be incorrect.
        • They love to give their friends with gifts, especially without reason. For them, it is important that those feel happy.
        • Adore when they love them and belong to them with tenderness.
        • They will sit quietly and calmly, but only until they touch them. If you hurt cancer, he immediately will give the claw and respond to reciprocity.
        • They often change the mood. His emotions are trying to restrain that it is not always possible.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_25

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_26

        • Very highly appreciate friendship and can hurt to help at any time of the day and night.
        • Sign representatives do not want short-term relationships. If you have a novel, then it should be serious and long.
        • They are houses, and most comfortably feel at home surrounded by loving people.
        • If they have trouble, they will be closed in themselves. These people need time to come to themselves and calm down.
        • Essential features of character are considered compassion and empathy. They very thinly feel the mood of the interlocutor, sympathize with him.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_27

        People born under the described sign have inborn magnetism and special charm. These are people of creative professions that deeply feel the human soul and know how to convey all her shades through their talent. Very often they become actors, poets or artists.

        Among women cancers a lot of famous representatives.

        Famous people born under this zodiac sign:

        • Meril Strip which was born on June 22 in 1949. This is a wonderful actress, who remembered the audience for a huge number of film. Films are most famous: "The Devil wears Prada", "Iron Lady", "Mamma Mia". Meril strip is a very impressionable nature that does not tolerate ridicule or subtods. For her, attention is the most important and love for her loved ones.
        • Mirey Mathieu. Her birth date July 22, 1946. This famous singer sang in different countries, and became the first executive, who received permission to speak in China.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_28

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_29

        • Pamela Anderson She was born on July 1, in 1967. For many, the fact that Pramela's great-grandmother was interesting for the origin of Russian. With childhood, she was very flexible and plastic since childhood, for the flexibility of successes in sports, she was visible at the School "Rubber Tape". Later began to be filmed for famous glossy magazines. Her first photo was on the cover of the magazine "Pleyboy".

        Despite its popularity, Pamela loves to spend time in his own house, hiding in it Parazzi. Although it doesn't like to work around the house, but does everything to create a comfort in his nest.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_30

        From domestic celebrities and stars, it should be noted: Anna Ahmatov, Lyia Ahacedzhakov, Zhanna Aguzarov, Yana Poplavskaya, Diana Gurzkaya, Alsu, as well as Nonna Grishaev, Catherine Gusev, Anna Snatkina and many others. All of them are people of creative professions and, fully, showed their talent.

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_31

        Woman Cancer (32 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, character of the girl and her essence, male reviews 19785_32

        About how to make a woman's cancer happy, look in the following video.

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