Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life


People born under the signs of the zodiac scales and the controversy have very unusual interpersonal relationships. Compatibility of these representatives of different elements in love, friendship and business connections can not be called perfect, but, nevertheless, such people can find the points of contact to supplement each other's life and paint it with bright colors.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_2

Characteristics of zodiac signs

Scales relate to air elements, which predetermines in people born under this sign of the zodiac, sociability and high intellectual abilities. Scales - diplomats from nature - know how to conduct a dialogue and prefer any questions to solve exactly negotiating, weighing everything "for" and "against", and having inner readiness to respond to the arguments of the opposite side.

Scales usually distinguished by benevolence, but do not like someone to take them to manage and dispose.

For them, the changeability of the mood is the usual thing. In order for the scales to find the balance point, they always have to "swing" for some time.

Weighs have two bowls, therefore representatives of such a sign unite the opposite in themselves. These people understand what respectfulness, and, at the same time, can sink. They get the strength and softness. There are both fun, and dull. From high performance instantly go into a lazy state, accumulating strength for new labor feats.

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It is extremely important for them to catch the state of harmony in his own soul. Without this, scales cannot be realized normally in the outside world.

On the way to truth, representatives of this sign carefully weigh all the arguments that from the side often looks like unnecessary oscillations and can annoy other people. But then they do not have to redo the started.

For weights, the financial side of life is of great importance. Some representatives of this sign are very consistent, while others have been balancing on the verge of poverty.

Men born under this sign can become a soul of society, attracting attention to their sociability and benevolence. The ability to smooth sharp moments allows them to avoid tension in the shared company.

Such guys do not carry nervousness around themselves. Possessing excellent intuition, able to recognize the true motives of people nearby and find a suitable solution to them.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_4

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_5

The strong side of women scales in their logic. With its help, air representatives of weak floor can complain anyone in the dispute, while maintaining tact. Even the male pride will not suffer from losing in the discussion with such a lady who can hide his triumph in victory.

The reasonability and validity of the decisions of such a woman is no doubt. Before you reveal my attitude to the world, she completely thinks carefully and weighs.

Woman scales appreciate beauty. The little things in such matters do not exist for it. She is annoyed by slurry and mess. It can, with all their might strive for good earnings, just not to be surrounded by something ugly and low-grade, contrary to her ideas that really adequately admire and approval.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_6

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_7

Among the typical features of the nature of the Sagittarius belonging to the element of fire, you can allocate such:

  • sociability;
  • generosity;
  • Justice;
  • optimistic;
  • curiosity;
  • friendliness;
  • straightness;
  • wit;
  • truthfulness;
  • reluctance to take responsibility;
  • Quiliency.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_8

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_9

Sagittarius easily refer to money. Maybe there can be no time to throw them on the wind and thoroughly, not even interested in what purpose do these funds need a person. Such people are too quick-tempered and irrehensible in food or drinking. Also, one of their negative sides is the inability to keep secrets, although at the same time their memory is to envy everyone (which, however, does not interfere with such people ever to lose something).

Fate is often generous to representatives of this sign. The fact that others receive at the cost of incredible effort, to the Sagittarians often comes by itself.

Men-Sagittarius are distinguished by their frankness and tactlessness in conversation. But it does not interfere with such a person being surrounded by a large number of people. He is able to take attention to his story and seek the surrounding humor with a charming interlocutor. Streltsov almost no enemies, since representatives of this sign do not know how to be offended.

The Sagittarius woman can be very charming, bribing with her friendliness and direct. She has a wonderful sense of humor, it is always full of enthusiasm, which cannot but attract attention to it. Such ladies do not build a coquette. Their actions are the continuation of their feelings.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_10

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_11

Compatibility in Love

Lovels of scales and firemen usually do not initially bear a serious subtext. This, on the one hand, is good, and on the other, it can lead to a rapid rupture. The girl and the guy of these signs, the past period of romantic relationships, often remain friends. Restless Sagittarius can, no with this, switch to career things or captivate by someone else to "conquer a new fortress." Scales preferring not to tie people to themselves, in this case they will allow the novel to complete quietly.

If the scales and the shooter managed to attract each other, they found the points of contact, then such a couple can overcome all the difficulties, jointly conquer all the vertices and create a feeling of comfort and intimacy in each other.

In bed, these two perfectly feel the needs of each other, skillfully answering the desires of the partner. Although the emotional component of the relationship of such a pair is not built exclusively on sex.

If even stormy passions over time pass, the former feelings will grow into a deep mutual attachment, which allows the scales and fire to stay with each other for many years or even his life.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_12

Perspective of family life

Male scales and female striker are well compatible in family relationships. These two perfectly understand what they want from this union, especially since the marriages are not accidentally concluded. This, as a rule, the result of the considered solutions built on the true feelings, and not on the bare calculation.

Money-scales with his tendency to solve practical tasks, more willingly take on the load of the main family worries than the life of life. This does not apply to a financial issue, since in such a pair usually does not happen the "breadwinner", which one "pulls in the house of Mammoths." Both are working, but money, for the most part, diverge on the current needs, since the spouses do not refuse themselves in something, for the sake of savings. There are many of them in such a family. The reason to clarify the relationship between her husband and his wife does not become.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_13

Woman scales and male-striker in marriage are also well compatible. They know how to negotiate and give way to the common goal.

In such families there is no clarification of the relationship with cries and beating dishes. If the Sagittarius is a little rude, then the spouse scales will not respond in the same form, although it can take offense. Sagittarus usually takes wisdom to understand that he was wrong with something, and return the situation in the right direction.

Both signs constantly need communication. Therefore, their conversations often last for hours. But sometimes it turns out that these people are so good together that they are removed from society. The spouses themselves do not have time to notice how life becomes monotonous, losing both opportunities to develop personally. Each of these signs should always be remembered for one of the essence. If the air does not stop moving, and the fire - to ignite the effects of ether to be more influenced by the air, these relationships will be able to preserve for life.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_14

Relationship in friendship

The relations of men-scales and women of Sagittarov in friendship can not be called stable. Such people can spend time in a common company. They will be interested in each other, and, one day, these two will be in the same bed. But this is not always becoming a reason to build more robust romantic links.

Sex "In Friendship" will not prevent them in the future to acquire families at all with other people, and then communicate, as if nothing else, except for a friendly pastry, they did not associate. These friendships themselves can not be called durable. This is no more than interest on the basis of common hobbies.

The Sagittarus men and women also do not have a strong real friendship. They may be interested to talk, they will have common things on the basis of common hobbies, but not more. If one has a problem, then another, at best, will ask his affairs, but will remain as a third-party observer.

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Interaction in work

Sagittars and scales in working relationships are often presented to each other and rejoice in the ability to help. Openness of signs can give and reason for conflicts, but active communication brings fruits. Therefore, such a couple of specialists can be the initiator of creating something new in the development of the company to which these people work.

Male scales and female striker with soul are suitable for the case, applying the same means to achieve the goal. Thanks to the support of Silver, the scales become more bold in the prospects that see in front of them. Relying on the optimistic attitude of his colleague, the air sign is taken for solving such problems that would not be rareled alone.

Useful ties that can start both one and another sign will also benefit work and help to succeed.

In the partnership of the Men-Sagittarius and Women's Scales, he is ready to take over the main part of the work, without requiring the authorities of approval about this. Silver support will allow the ladies-weights to make decisions to which it is difficult for her to decide on their own. At the same time, its solid understanding of what needs to be achieved, successfully compensates for the habit of Sagittarius to spray its forces on minor things.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_16

When it comes to the relationship of Women-Sagittarius as a head, and men-scales - as a subordinate, this can be called a successful combination. Sagittarius is not afraid to put ambitious tasks; Scales, clearly realized that they are required from them, they are able to take it with a great return and lead the plan for successful implementation.

If the boss is a man-scales, and Sagittarius is his subordinate, these two will still be good to understand each other. Although at a certain point, the leadership of the scales will begin to put pressure on the Sagittarius, aspiring to more extensive activities. Scales for their part can express dissatisfaction with the fact that the Sagittarius seeks to "steer" the process, disrupting subordination.

The head of the woman's scales will be able to boldly entrust the subordinate man-firing any business. And if the lady-scales from the chair of the head will not raise him, he will feel quite comfortable as a subordinate.

If the man-Sagittarius is the boss, and the woman-scale is in the role of a subordinate, then it will be possible to build work without any problems under certain conditions: if the scales do not pay attention to the fact that the decisions of the boss often change, and if the boss is trusted so much that in the process The fulfillment of the commission is getting complete freedom of action.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_17

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_18

Child relationship and parent

In the family parents-scales most appreciate the feeling of harmony. Little Sagittarius is ready to provide it.

Mother and scales will make everything to give her baby-firing all the most necessary and even more. So that he does not miss and quickly developed, she will take him with him to work, travel, exhibitions and concerts. From the spikeness in such a situation, Sagittarius will relieve that he, by virtue of his character, will not get to the neck of the parent, as it could make another child.

Sometimes in his desire to entertain and enjoy your son or daughter, mother-scales may be unnecessary; But it will not limit the freedom of the offspring, for which he will be very grateful.

From young Sagittarius, you can wait for some risks in the actions. He is sometimes too trusting, he will bring frankness. But his trifles do not face, which leads to the admiration of his mother-scales. The only thing that causes an inconvenience for her is the restlessness of the child. Sometimes she discovers that she just needs to relax from it and be inadvertent from everyone.

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Little Sagittarius is always full of ideas. They overtake him one after another. He easily throws the started to do something even more fascinating. Mother scales acts opposite. Therefore, she is concerned about the disaster of the child, and it is always forced to seek the opportunity to convey the idea to him that the inability to finish the case will spoil his life. And, most often, she really managed to direct the activities of Chad to the right direction, leaving him freedom of choice.

What does not have problems with such a mother, so it is in order to instill a sense of excellent. She will definitely notice the talent of his young Sagittarius and will make every effort so that it crystalls to fully.

Usually, such a baby and his mothers are a bunch of topics for discussions. Mother rejoices the rich creative imagination of the offspring, and he will not slow down to share with her success.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_20

The fathers-scales usually consisted friendly relations with her son or daughter-arrival. Such dad can listen and are ready to help in the implementation of children's undertakings. He is aware that even the most insane fantasies, who are not destined to be implemented, diverse life. And do not deprive themselves pleasure at least discuss them.

Such dad will in every way to encourage everything that is aimed at the development of the intellect of the Son or Daughter-Sagittarius. Usually these children begin to speak early, so the parents of small fiery signs are rapidly the topics for discussion.

Fathers and scales can communicate with their children as openly and simply as with adults. Sagittar child likes such communication. From the Small years it gets used to the fact that a close adult man is respected by respecting his life observations. At the same time, appearing in humans in the company Pope, the small shooter no longer strive to look "how big". He is more interesting to uninterested in a senior relative.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_21

In general, these child and adult find mutual understanding. They have something to learn from each other. Weighs - to carry out a bold of his chad, and former - to understand how to deal with a reasonable person.

In the family, where the child is scales, and Mom - Sagittarius, everything else. For a small aircraft, the value has an external impression that it produces what surrounds it, and the mother with her activity does not have time to restore the perfect gloss or for a long time to pick up clothes for a walk.

She may encounter a problem that her scales do not want to wear a warm, practical sweater that has no style. The child is not chasing the expensive clothes, no. Just she must delight his look.

Spit finds on the stone where the child-scales gets in indecision, and Mama-Sagittarius hurries him to quickly make a decision. Such a child is not able to make an instant choice as his mom. And it is better to give him time on reflections. The indecision of the scales is not at all signs that they "slow down". Just to make a decision in such a child there are not all "introductory data". If it is provided with the missing information, it will make faithful conclusions, and the mother will not have a reason to experience their patience.

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_22

Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius: a man and a woman in love relationships, characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in family life 19770_23

The relationship of such a child with Mom-Sagitz is imbued with optimism. Dad-Sagittarius is also inclined to believe in the best. This gives the weights of confidence in the future, and he is ready to pay attention to trouble.

With such father, the weights will never be boring. And if even the scales' child more brings to intellectual work than to physical exertion, the gusts of the dad is like him. He is not from those who coming from work falls on the sofa and forgets everything, including a child.

With the weights, the Sagittarius will be held soon as the elder brother. He can hurt the feelings of her scales with laughing injections about his indecision in conceived prank. In the end, it will teach the younger easier to look at things and not be afraid of complex tasks.

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On the compatibility of the scales and Sagittarius, see the following video.

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