Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs


Many of us among friends and loved ones there are people born under the constellation of Sagittarius. Agree, this zodiac sign is very contradictory. On the one hand, his representatives are inclined to adventure and artistism, and on the other - they are patient and peace-loving.

Such people are distinguished by a calm character, but at the same time sufficiently merry. However, the goat, also known as the sheep, contributes the share of chaos in controversial archers. This is reflected in some aggression. Fortunately, people born under this sign have a lot of patience, but not bottomless. Therefore, we do not advise you to test for strength for strength.

In this article, we will reveal the detailed description of men and women of the Archers born in the year of the goat. As well as their compatibility with other zodiac signs.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_2


    In the case of a strong goal, the goat has a stronger effect on the character of a person. Nevertheless, you will have to be really persistent to bring such a man from myself, and his anger will be truly terrible.

    Since we started talking about the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning the straightness of the male half of the archers-goats. Some people consider this feature, on the contrary, the advantage, but in this case it harms more often than it helps.

    They will not only express everything directly to you, but also come all this shares of humor and artistry. However, their words will still sound offended. The Sagittars themselves will remain confident that they did absolutely correctly.

    Because of this feature, men often quarrel with their friends and loved ones.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_3

    But enough about the bad - we turn to the pros. Men Sagittarius, born in the year of the goat, are very sociable personality. This trait makes them as active as possible during the search period of the second half. Sometimes the condition of love changes the characteristic features of the Sagittarius, but not long. Still, finding your beloved, men remain true, but only in those cases, if a woman fully complies with its requirements.

    The second plus is a dedication. Despite its sociability, in solving important issues, the Men Sagittarius rely only on themselves. They represent perfectly, to which ultimate goal stretch, and are ready to go to everything to achieve it. However, sometimes this feature enters confrontation with the previous one. It happens that a man is trying to achieve career heights and win the heart of the girl. Unfortunately, most often the pursuit of two hares leads to failure in both spheres.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_4

    Male's arrowy goats always stretch to material stability and pay a lot of attention. It is bad or well, decide for yourself. But with such a breadwinner, the family will never remain hungry.

    Another controversial quality is freedom. When the first ardent feelings of the second half fade, the Sagittarius get up before choosing: love or freedom. And never guess what he will choose.

    As mentioned above, the Sagittarios-goiter is inclined to a frequent change of a partner while looking for one ideal. But when he finds, it will be ready to marry at least immediately, and then completely dedicate himself to the family. He will support his wife and children in all matters and endeavors. In bed, such archers are somewhat selfish.

    From the partners they require the satisfaction of their own desires and love experiments.

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    With such special, like a goat, born under the sign of Sagittarius, do not get bored. Their energy always hits through the edge. In contrast to men on women, the archers goal acts as a positive way. These ladies can find adventures. Therefore, a joint pastime with such specials is always memorized for a long time.

    The artistry inherent artistry in female nature is stronger. And all because the goat provides women of Sagittarius creative thinking and rich inner world. This quality allows them to come up with themselves interesting entertainment, so engage in art, and anyone.

    Creativity for goats-Streltsov is not just a hobby. Finding a lesson in the shower, a woman will strive for the best results and universal recognition.

    At the same time, she knows itself and always understands what attitude to himself deserves.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_6

    But not always the woman Sagittarius chooses the path of creativity. Many of them are able to make an enviable career. However, this happens rarely, because the ladies do not seek to the highest positions - they are quite financial stability: their life is still full of bright emotions and joy.

    Communication with such female seals is usually easy to all. And no matter what you say: about weather, trifles and nonsense or really serious themes.

    However, increased emotionality often negatively affects many aspects of the life of Sagittarov. The fact is that these ladies are too dreamed. In a constant pursuit of everyone immediately, they risk not to achieve anything. Yes, and the talent can fade if it does not find it use.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_7

    In general, all women of the Archers born in the year of the goat can be divided into two groups: those who live in their dreams, and those who know how to receive emotions from real life. The second, as a rule, feel happier and satisfied.

    Goats-Sagittarius are more than romantic. But their dreaminess sometimes prevents them from building healthy relationships. Real partners are rarely reaching those who already have a woman in her fantasies. Because of this, she spends the years in search of the one who is able to at least barely reach the overestimated plank.

    Relationships with these features are filled with bright moments, because the Sagittarius goat will send all his talents to paint them.

    The marriage life will be full of harmony and happiness, if the Sagittarius woman finds the soul mate, which will understand it and maintain in the endeavor.

    And do not care that other people will think about this pair.

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    From an early age, many Archers' goats have characteristic features inherent in them. For example, the boys are very independent, independent and to the end stand on their own. Girls spend a lot of time surrounded by the opposite sex, as it is early to realize their femininity.

    In general, small representatives of these sign are always passionate about their ideas and are abstructed from everything else, because the main thing for them is the implementation of ideas.

    For the parents, the children of Sagittarius are a real headache. Behind them constantly need an eye yes eye. Due to increased curiosity, these children are constantly being in difficult health situations.

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    Despite the frequent change of partners, in love and relationship goats-Sagittari prefer constancy. Another thing is to find a worthy partner. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. A developed intuition helps to cope with this difficult task.

    Representatives of both sexes are capable of insane, unusual actions for their second halves, but they make them quite rare, because they must be confident in the positive result.

    Men are looking for a beautiful partner, but, buying on one appearance, often disappointed. In addition to beauty, the second half

    Sagittarius must have a bright character that will constantly maintain fire in their relationship.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_10

    Women are looking for partners who can understand them. The main thing for Koz-Streltsov is the harmony of family life.

    Goats-Sagittarius are compatible with most other signs both by the horoscope and the eastern calendar.

    If you take a western calendar, then compatibility parameters will be such:

    • Minimum level - cancer, maiden;
    • moderate level - Aries, Taurus, Lion, Scales, Gemini;
    • Maximum level - Capricorn, Fish, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio.

    Characteristic Women and Men Site Goat: Features and Compatible with other signs 19755_11

    If we are talking about the eastern calendar, the alignment will be like this:

    • Minimum level - dragon, dog, rat, bull, rooster;
    • moderate level - snake, monkey, tiger, goat;
    • Maximum level - horse, rabbit, pig.

    Here is such a (or she) Sagittarius-goat. Contradictive, but an interesting person with which you divide many bright and unforgettable moments.

    You will learn more about the shooters from the following video.

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