Sagittarius-Bull Woman: Characteristics of a girl born bull bull, horoscope and compatibility with other signs


A woman of the bull-shooter determines the business attitude and success. It is endowed with qualities that let the lady aggressively go ahead. The ability to effectively use the time and its own potential helps such a person to achieve large heights.

Characteristic horoscope

Woman Sagittarius bull has an attractive appearance and great mind. The lady loves life, and therefore it is easy to find a common language with it. A pleasant and cheerful character attracts many people to the girl who are in the future become good friends.

The representative of these signs is not mercantile and generous, and therefore can help a close person not only morally, but also financially. Such a girl loves to communicate, but always knows who and what can I say. If she was confident in the secret, then you can be confident in the preservation of the secret.

Sagittarius-Bull Woman: Characteristics of a girl born bull bull, horoscope and compatibility with other signs 19747_2

The Sagittarius-Bull woman has good analyzing abilities, which helps her disassemble any business in detail. She knows how to proper an action plan correctly and, in the event of an error, it is able to calmly correct the defects. Balanced and the Cold Mind allow such a lady to seek great success.

The combination of a bull with a shooter gives man a strong and volitional character. Such a woman appreciates justice and in the struggle for the truth can show unprecedented imbibibility. She knows how to adequately perceive criticism in its address and use the information received to correct deficiencies.

A woman born in the year of the bull under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, can rationally distribute its time, and therefore everywhere and always time. This applies not only to the professional sphere, but also for household issues.

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Such a person is very economic and neat. It is important for her to observe order. In addition, the lady is full of physical strength and endurance, which helps her do even hard labor.

Sagittarius bull woman does not like conflicts and quarrels and trying to avoid them in any way. It is able to be able to wash it in order to avoid confrontation if necessary and find a compromise solution.

Such a lady loves to give advice, but also knows how to listen and someone else's opinion. Thanks to these qualities, it is interesting to not only communicate with her, but also lead work.

Excessive peacefulness and calm sometimes interfere with such a person and make it vulnerable to negative external factors.

For this reason, in many difficult situations, the bull-striker is forced to seek help to stronger friends.

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Family and marriage

In family relationships, the Bull-Sagittarius feels calmly and confidently. The father's house for such a person is the place of infinite happiness. Therefore, building your own life, it uses all the skills taken from your own family.

As a family man, such a person is reliable and responsible. The lady born under these signs has a kindness and heartiness, which from the side may seem like infancelism. She wants her relatives to feel not only comfortable, but also protected, and therefore often acts as a kind of defender.

As a wife and mother, a bull-striker may be greater responsible and love. She is a caring and attentive parent, but sometimes it can be discharged by a frivolous reason. Flashes of rage occur in such a woman because she does not know how to throw out emotions in time and the negative has been saved for a long time.

Find out what is in the soul in such an personality, almost unreal. It is difficult for her to share his experiences and anxieties, what the future spouse should be ready in advance.

The lady should learn to trust the partner and do not wait for the overflow of feelings to share with her husband's husband.

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Compatibility in Love

In love, the Bull-Sagittarius woman can exhibit disabilities and demands. She is not able to listen to the opinion of the lover and does not want to change their habits for the sake of him. It is stubbornness that prevents such a lady to build harmonious love relationships.

The representative of this horoscope is too looked at himself and requires a partner of unconditional subordination to himself. . Excessive egoism makes the girl simply unbearable, and many partners do not withstand overestimated requirements.

The strong character of such a lady allows to cut off the weak men and attract attention to truly worthy applicants. The volitional and hard partner will be able to pacify the separation of chosen and soften the hardness of its character.

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If the Bull-Sagittarius woman does not learn to give way to a partner and does not want to take into account someone else's opinion, he will trust himself on loneliness. Often, the representative of these signs is married late, and some of them remain to the last one.

A successful union in a woman's silver woman can work out with a man with a twin Rabbit, a snake-lion and a rooster-director. In this relationship, the lady will feel easily and safely.

A strong marriage in such a woman will succeed with a man-bird dog or a scorpion pig. Their family life will be filled with passion and confidence.

In addition, the combination of these signs make men with excellent lovers.

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Attitude to work and money

For a woman, Sagittarius, born in the year of the bull, it is important to realize yourself in the career sphere. For her, financial security is synonymous with self-development, and therefore, in search of work, the lady will use all its potential. She learns a lot and diligently to ultimately use their knowledge in the workplace.

In such people, everything and always succeed. They are not interested in easy tasks, for self-realization, such personalities wish to achieve incredible accomplishments. The qualities that are laid in the Sagittarius allow a woman to choose cash professions.

Sagittarius-Bull Woman: Characteristics of a girl born bull bull, horoscope and compatibility with other signs 19747_8

More about women Sagittarius you will learn from the following video.

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