Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year


Man, combining quality and Rat Sagittarius has a great optimism and flexible mind. They are honest and interesting people who are able to adequately assess the situation. Let us consider a combination of characteristic data and horoscope signs.


Man, born in the Year of the Rat under the sign of Sagittarius, has a bright memorable appearance. Such a person follows the appearance and always dresses "a brand", while not following the latest fashion trends. Many members of these characters have a unique style that combines the negligence and appeal. Such people do not accept the abundance of colors in clothes, so always look perfectly.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_2

Male Rat Sagittarius different clubby kind. Due to the optimistic view of life and the ability of the company samoironizirovat guy liven up any conversation. By itself, it exudes calm and confidence. He does not like scandals, and therefore tries to be avoided quarrels and conflicts. The representative of the horoscope loves to travel. The young man feels the need for change, so are rarely long stays in one place. The road to such a man - a place of rest and solitude. Therefore, if fate does not give him the chance to test new sensations, Rat Sagittarius he finds the opportunity.

These people give the impression of unserious individuals and windy, however, with the outer infantile hiding serious and self-confident nature. They are characterized by a flexible mind, which is responsible for the ability to analyze and use the talents for their own purposes. Rat Sagittarius has not vindictive, but never will communicate with offenders. This horoscope gives the identity of directness and honesty that can push away a man many people. It easily adapts to any environment and is able to think clearly, even in emergency situations.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_3

Know such a person can be on the natural charm and sociability. With the boys want to talk, often for him to seek help even strangers. This nature has the ability to attract people who might later play important roles in the life of men. Despite the calm temperament and the ability to easily make new connections, Rat Sagittarius is very adamant and stubborn. If it comes to a dispute, the guy to the last will prove his innocence. However, to do this he will be very tactful and judiciously.

The disadvantage of such a man is a lack of discipline. The guy lives one day and does not know how to evenly distribute the tasks set. As a result, such a person accumulates the mass of cases that he does not have time to make on time. Another quality preventing personality to exist harmoniously, it's waste. And first, the young man is too voluntarily managed by money, and after being trying to save it all. Some representatives of these signs are distinguished by irresponsibility and secrecy. They sincerely hoped that the problems lavished on them will disappear amazingly.

Such passivity is rare, but it can seriously complicate the life of Rats-Sagittar.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_4


The guy of the Rat-Sagittarius has a pleasant appearance and sociable character, so it is never deprived of attention. In friendship, the guy manifests itself as a frank and understanding person who does not accept lies and hypocrisy. For friendship, such people are looking for open and honest people on which you can rely. Ideal friends for them will be snake-scorpions and rabbits-Sagittari. These personalities will be able to discipline and instruct windy buddies. With other signs, the rats of Sagittarius may form a kind, but devoid of complete trust and understanding of the relationship.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_5

Family and marriage

A representative of this horoscope pays great attention to the family. He is ready to do a lot so that his loved ones do not need anything. Often, it is the household that becomes an incentive for such a person for self-development and desire for financial well-being. Inside the family, such a man folds good and strong relationships. It is treated with tenderness and understanding that has a huge importance for the young man. At the same time, it is not a paramount financial situation inside the family, in the first place is sincere relationships with loved ones.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_6

In marriage, such a man manifests itself as a passionate and attentive partner. He is able to see the ideal in the spouse even after many years of married life. The wife is important for him not only in sexual, but also in the spiritual sense. As for paternity, the rat rat becomes a good parent. In relations with children, he can manifest itself as an authoritative friend.

For representatives of these signs, love for children is inherent, so often the man becomes the head of the big family.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_7

Compatibility in Love

The natural charm of the guy Rats-Sagitz makes it attractive for the opposite sex. This man knows how to make the first impression to instantly interest the lady. Unfortunately, in his youth, such a person does not differ in constancy and, having got one heart, can immediately begin the search for another. The beloved of such a partner is to take the windiness of the second half and try to surprise anything constantly. Otherwise, the young man is bored and will look for new sensations on the side.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_8

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_9

The real feelings of the shooter-rat exhibits only in adulthood. To create a strong union, a man is looking for a woman fully appropriate to his interests. An ideal compatibility such a nature can achieve an active girl who can obey his leadership. Stable relationship A man, born in the year of the rat under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, can find with a woman with a dragon-lion or a rooster fish. However, in love, the guy will take the departure and constantly try to remake the companion. Attract such a young man may be the lady of rabbit-Aries.

But the beloved can seriously injure the partner, taking advantage of his gullibility and good nature.

Male Sagittarius-Rat: characteristics and compatibility with other signs of the Rat men born in the year 19744_10

Successes in his career

Financial security is very important for such a man. He seeks to create a reliable material base to create all the conditions for his family. Such a person can build a good career and climb leading position. However, the management qualities of the Rat-Sagittarius does not have, and therefore may experience serious problems in a senior position. In order to achieve success in work, the Rat-Sague needs to be democratic to colleagues. In addition, a man should master the foundations of diplomacy and learn to set real goals.

More about the man of the Sagittar, you will learn from the following video.

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