Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts


Women are mysterious creatures in their nature. A description of the individual signs of the zodiac sometimes allows you to at least solve them and understand them. Each sign behaves in different ways in a particular sphere of life. Today I would like to spill a little light on a felt woman.


Sagittarius are born from November 23 to December 22. This zodiac sign is ninth and stands between scorpion and Capricorn. Despite the fact that people of this sign appear in the shortest days and in the coldest, they have a very fiery temperament. Perhaps the influence on this was that they relate to the elements of fire. It is characterized by great activity and cheerfulness.

It is easy to guess that the symbol of the Archers is an arrow, brush from the bow. It is possible to interpret it as a desire for purpose, no matter what. People of this sign, and especially women, infect their desire to live, boldly look into the future, showing maximum enthusiasm.

Under the sign of Sagittarius, independent and at the same time friendly representatives of weak gender are born. With honest people, women of this sign will be maximally open. These emotions of such women fascinate. Only Sagittarius will not do what they do not want. They laugh only when they truly fun, and tears to order or just so, from nothing to do, they will not see.

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_2

Woman Sagittarius - smart, optimistic and always bodra. Its character reflects ease, freight and special power. The representatives of this sign of the zodiac do not know how to indulge in sadness or to succumb. Poor mood at the Sagittarius is very rare. Any sorrows they are transferred with enviable resistance.

Confidence and amazing optimism are features that this sign seem to be inexhaustible. It is easy to achieve everything desired, the main thing is to want. The women of Sagittarius are especially pleasant to the fact that their actions do not harm others and are always committed sincerely. It is not even believed that this sign is inherent so clean heart.

It is not surprising that some signs of the sign of the Sagittarius seek to grow and develop spiritually. It moves them in the hobby of various religions.

The appearance of the women of Sagittarius reflects their desire to be independent, as well as the beauty of their pride. It often happens that the independence of the representative of this sign is becoming quite early. Most of them want to live outside the family, at a minimum, supporting relationships with relatives.

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Silver's own family is not in a hurry to create, as they like loneliness more than all the limitations and problems that may appear together with a regular partner. Before the public, this is one of the calls of this sign. They are skillful speakers and easily convince other people. Binding your point can quickly and unnoticed. Speakers sometimes do not even look at other points of view, perceiving solely.

More often, the women of the shooters first do, and then only think. Moreover, when deciding, they absolutely do not look and do not listen to the advice and any arguments of other people. This leads to the fact that they can solve all their problems independently, without any help.

The inexhaustible energy of Sagittarov makes them constantly move, as well as help even strangers. Often it becomes a reason for conflicts with relatives. They do not always want to understand and take their desire to help everyone meet. Life in society for this sign is very important, so even better if it remains lonely. Otherwise, the family will see it extremely rarely.

If this sign is convinced of its rightness, then it is simply impossible to change his opinion. Errors in the judgments of Sagittarius can only understand the influence of time and iron facts. Women of this sign will not tolerate when someone makes attempts to command them or impose their beliefs.

Weak and passive men are disappearing. Such women are looking only for themselves like that, with which you can compete in everything.

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Some believe that the representatives of this sign of the rude and soulless. In fact, this is not the case, they are simply very straightforward and not too delicate. In view of the sincerity, their statements can be resentment to the interlocutor. In addition, women of the fiery sign require such openness and from others, without moving false behavior.

The sociability of Sagittarov often makes them the center of the company or party. At the moments of the joy of women belonging to this sign can exhibit excessive sentimentality. One of the constant aspirations of the sign is self-improvement, and the changes to its representatives are completely unbashed.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_6

Advantages and disadvantages

Pluses of the Sagittarius can be listed for a very long time, but among them there are basic for which it is easily recognizable. The very first and basic is the openness of this sign. On second place you can put a friendliness. And completing the top three leading advantages will be amazing optimism.

Nobility and enthusiasm together with infinite energy are experiencing exclusively to the archers. Often they overwhelm the desire to philosophize. They also lightly light up new interesting ideas that fill out not only their mind, but also hearts.

Communication is the horse of representatives of this sign. In it, they can be both generous, and extremely frank, and ready for finding optimal compromises. It is worth highlighting another dignity with which the archers should be very careful - the ability to achieve the goal.

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_7

But the impulsivity of this sign can be simultaneously attributed in the minuses, and in the pros. Although much more than their minus is the manifestation of tactlessness and negligence during conversations. However, they do not drive them here, but on the contrary, the most kind of intentions. Just getting and sticking to openness, women themselves do not notice what the interlocutor is wounded. At the same time, the Archers are confident that they are in-innocent diplomats, and this in the end often will bring them. Especially affairs and care for the hearth - clearly not for women of Sagittarov.

They love too much and appreciate independence. Their most intimate desire - independently dispose of his fate.

Despite the friendliness, they should not be abused, otherwise you can see how quickly and dramatically change the mood at representatives of this sign.

Familyarities and authorities they do not tolerate, like any accusations of falsehood. Women of this sign love honesty and want from other same.

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Compatibility in Love

Girl Sagittarius loves flirting, she can easily get any man whom he wants. However, not everyone can stay with it for a long time, as they understand how difficult is the person. Representatives of this sign older often appear in the eyes of men impregnable and too cold. Of course, in fact, this is not the case, it is enough to remember the element to which this sign refers.

In fact, all the fractures of the weak floor are very sensual nature capable of to give a huge amount of tenderness. However, their real are able to see far from many. Only men who are ready to pass all the tests and conquer their hearts will be able to know the true essence of Sagittarius and Love.

Trust is an important part of relationships for this sign. Jealousy for his representatives is unacceptable in any form. She is regarded as an excessive encroachment on themselves, which they will not endure. Independence and waywardness are inherent in these women from birth, they are impossible to turn into a thing or a non-free gift. Oddly enough, but this particular quality attracts men to them.

Naturalness and discrepancies in women are sometimes incorrectly interpreted by men. However, they can become beautiful companions. Take conversations with her for any topics - solid pleasure. Valid, eloquent, cheerful, with rich life experience and optimism - they are just the ideal of a woman. And if it is still becoming more vigor and passion inherent in fiery signs, it becomes clear that they simply do not want to leave.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_10

The bore and flattery do not like the Female Sagittarians. But they will appreciate the good sense of humor, a variety of interests and desire to travel. An extraordinary representatives of this sign can be interested in various sports, music, dancing and many other things.

In a relationship with men, Sagittarius does not like, when the chosen character is diverted with affairs. Such cavaliers are better for them to face them, as they will be able to quickly put them in place and teach answer for the promised.

For the proximity of the woman of this sign prefer places that personify freedom. For example, they will like the tent in the forest or on the sea coast. The straightness of this sign is also manifested in bed - preliminary caress of its representatives to anything, it is better to go right away. In sexual terms it is interested in self-esteem and only.

Inattention on the part of women, Sagittarov sometimes can even hurt men. Often they play with strong sex representatives, dramatically changing the rules of the game.

It should be borne in mind that women of this sign are focused exclusively on their emotions and impressions, and all discontent in terms of sex perceive from their half with a smile.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_12

Secrets of harmonious marriage

So that the Sagittarius woman agreed to marriage, it will be pretty try to try. It is important for her to know that after the conclusion of marriage, it will not be a slave of life. The man will have to prove to her, and it is repeatedly that after the stamp in the passport of her life if it changed, then only for the better. Only showing a special fantasy, it will be possible to get "yes" from her to offer hands and hearts.

As soon as the marriage is concluded, the representative of this sign will exceed itself as a hostess. All households she will argue quickly and with a twinkle. She does not like the routine in the form of constant cooking, styrics, washing dishes, cleaning, but it does not prevent her to support the comfort in the house. It is worth noting that the Archers are very hospitable.

Even in the work of a housewife, the woman of this sign will show its optimism and energy. To many of their duties, she is suitable with fantasy. Therefore, exotic dishes or small, but intricate repairs should be perceived as proper. Nothing makes it give up a representative of this sign from creativity and experiments. Of course, it is worth being still ready and to multiple surprises that the Sagittarius woman will definitely presented. This is due to the fact that they do not like monotoncy.

Do not forget about her love for freedom. Bring her interests, hobbies or communicating with friends - means angry wild beast. It is better to trust her in these issues completely and remove any restrictions.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_14

Mom from a woman of this sign is just perfect. With the advent of the kid, she spends each free minute in the nursery. She is interested in and to play various games with her child, and learn something new, and just talk in a friendly. Moreover, from any communication with children, she knows how to receive a real pleasure. This partly contributes to her desire to find an adventure.

Mom Sagittarius always adores his children. After all, it is interesting, cheerful, sociable, sincere, wise and never deceives.

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_15

Husband is also nothing to complain. Even if she wants to leave from the whole family, you can be calm in its loyalty and honesty. No double games - everything is extremely clear and open. Intimate relations with the representative of this sign are capable of delight and again throughout the marriage. In these matters, it is brilliant and elegant at the same time. Its ingenuity has no limit, the energy is inexhaustible, and the temperature is fiery. With his second half, she will be able to transfer all their emotions in full.

The most pleasant thing is that Sagittari women remain even in old age. They will always find an approach, and often extraordinary, and to her husband, and to children. They tend to understand their loved ones, sincerely listen to them, give advice, console.

Do not be afraid that they will show their authority.

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Constancy and sustainability are the qualities of women of Sagittarov who will like many employers. However, they for a long time choose their professions. This is definitely serving ambitiousness. Sagittarius always want to achieve more. That is why they often replace one work after another.

Over time, such a stormy change of jobs passes and comes quite a calm work period. The boss, who will offer her work for the idea, will become an worst enemy. After all, it is interesting to perspective and career. It is close to her influential people with decent states.

It is worth noting that as soon as the woman of this sign finds the work you like, it becomes the meaning of her life. According to the career ladder, it is moving with inspiration and patience. At the same time, its inexhaustible optimism is always with it, and difficulties for it are just another test.

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Making large sums of a woman Sagittarius can. However, they spend them very generously and consciously. That is why sometimes they need a reliable financial adviser.

In the work of the representative of this sign they do not tolerate boredom and monotony. Such responsibilities will rapid them quickly and will be performed as hit. Only an impressive salary is able to teach them to love such work and independently search for something interesting in it.

This fiery sign loves to engage in active sports, so professional athletes often meet among his representatives.

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_18

Talismans and wubbles

Each sign of the zodiac has its own mascots and chambers, and the Sagittarius is not an exception. In this regard, women are the most suitable blue, turquoise, crimson and purple color. In the life of stones-talismans for them will be agate, opal, topaz, turquoise, emerald, chrysolit.

However, so that the stone becomes a real talisman, it is still necessary to conclude in the correct rim from silver or platinum. Best of all, if in the end it turns out something in the form of suspension or brooches. The more often the talisman will wear the owner, the better it will help them. It is desirable that extraneous does not touch the decoration, otherwise his strength will decline.

The planet patronizes this sign, the same bright as he himself is Jupiter. Despite its small sizes, he is stormy and forces to reckon with him. This planet infects the energy of maximalism, washing any obstacles in life for great achievements.

Good talismans for this sign will be trees such as ash, grob, beech and various citrus. Among the plants, such as the flower of gladiolus, lotus, dahlias can also become good overabs.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_20

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_21

What names are suitable?

For open, honest, merry women, Saglots is important to choose the right name. It is best for them to suit such female names like Catherine, Marina, Inna, Irina, Alice. These names reflect the strongest sides of this sign of the zodiac.

For example, Marina are endowed with confidence and thirst for adventure. They often leave their parents early and begin an independent life. Irina most often calm, love life, very sociable, talented, devoid of superfluous whims. Sagittarius Catherine are calm, pupil, cheerful and cheerful.

Alice, born under this sign of the zodiac, are distinguished by dreamence, as well as excessive truthfulness and justice. Inna's name allows you to improve all the positive qualities of the Sagittarius, while the purposefulness and perseverance are increasing. To a lesser extent, the following names are suitable for women of this sign: Kira, Margarita, Victoria, Vladislav, Yana.

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Compatible with other zodiac signs

With some signs, the Zodiac women-Sagittarius converge instantly, and with others they can not bring better. General language to representatives of this sign is easy to find with the signs of the fiery element, especially with your own.

Interesting communication can also turn out to be water. The man of this sign is very attractive at the expense of his charisma and humoring. The only minus of such communication is that Aquarius constantly need to be stimulated to achieve new goals. However, the shooter is quite under power. Yes, and the game is worth the candle, because such a union can become very promising.

Men twins will also like the Strels, despite the fact that they are almost full of their opposite. But with the indecisive weights of the understanding, it is difficult to achieve, in which the aristocraticness inherent in them is to blame.

The family is best created with the signs of the zodiac, which relate to the aquatic element. Of course, the Archers will have to be ready for permanent inspiration of fish and cancer. Men Scorpions are suitable to a lesser extent, as the entire heat of the fiery sign can coal.

Tales, Capricorn and Virgin, despite their reliability and stability, it is difficult to converge with Sagittarius. The fact is that women of the fiery sign do not want to be housewives that will calmly relate to deprivation and reliably guard the rear. Lions for women to the archers do not like their excessive pride and vanity.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_24

Famous representatives

Facts indicate that there are many well-known and outstanding personal among women. For example, singer Patricia Kaas. who was able to overcome his timidity and become worldwide famous. Another outstanding Sagittarius - Tina Turner The thorny path to glory. The fiery temper helped the singer to overcome her husband-offender, and the purposefulness was given her in the Guinness Book of Records.

Edith Piaf It is also an outstanding representative of this sign. Among the famous singers of our time can be allocated Kristina Aguilera and Britney Spears . The latter only due to its purposefulness was able to overcome depression and return to normal life. Another bright light - singer Miley Cyrus , famous for its scandalous character. In it, of course, for the most part the negative sides of the Sagittarius are visible.

The multifacetedness of this sign is visible in Vanessas paradise which is characterized by modesty and great patience. She, despite the fact that she came out of a rich family, had to pull a lot, but she found herself in creativity.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_26

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_27

Famous actresses among women of Sagittarov - obviously not uncommon. Around the world, you know the actress having Ukrainian roots - Mill Yovovich . His despondency is unknown, she is choking and the worker in one person. From an early age she was engaged in creativity, and she was not easy for her when the shooting had to be combined with study. However, all difficulties behind thanks to masculinity and patience, and her success as an actress and model can see everyone.

Cute blonde Kim Basinger. I could hide the character of Sagittarius for fragile appearance. Modesty and shyness did not interfere with it to achieve incredible heights. Representatives of the fiery sign of the zodiac among famous actresses are Alissa Milano, Lucy Lew, Scarlett Johansson.

In Russia, fracturing celebrities are also not uncommon. For example, a bright representative is a luxurious Anfisa Chekhov . It is his courage and charm to subordinate to any man you like. Among Russian actresses and TV users can also be noted Elizavet Boyar and Catherine Andreev.

For example, the famous women of Sagittarius prove that there is nothing impossible for them. All these ladies differ in the desire to achieve goals, talents, activity, wisdom. Their courage, will, creativity and willingness to work with round days is pleasantly impressive.

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Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_29

Sagittari women (30 photos): characteristics of the girl on the sign of the zodiac, character and what professions are suitable, talismans and facts 19735_30

Details The character of the shooter girl look next.

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