Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope


Capricorn-rat man is endowed with hardworking and desire for welfare. This person does not like to express his emotions and personifies calm and confidence in any situation. His personal qualities depend on the habitat in which he grown. It is from the family that he takes the most necessary features.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_2

Characteristic by horoscope

The male Capricorn rat by nature is a pedant, which is checkered to order. In such a person, everything should be in its places, and Bardak will inevitably bring it out of equilibrium. Everything that a man does is strictly painted in his diary. Unplanned affairs can seriously disturb the inner peace and completely change plans.

Surrounded by such a young man is only promising and responsible people who can rely.

It is easy to communicate with him, you just need to understand and take too serious attitude to life.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_3

Capricorn-rat is always confident in its own forces, as it has sufficient luggage of knowledge and skills. It is almost impossible to convince such a person, it is easier to agree with his point of view.

To achieve the goal, such people are often ready to go on their heads and use prohibited methods. They can idealize the real state of affairs to clear their conscience for making incorrect actions.

The representative of this horoscope can rush out of extremes to extremes. Find the golden middle of the Capricorn rat is a challenge. But, despite this, such people are full of vitality and optimism and do not always understand what they deserve dislike.

Such a young man is easily seduced and can even support the most insane idea. If the goal does not justify the means, the Capricorn rat may refuse the venture and begin searching for new tasks.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_4

At times, the representative of these signs becomes a quiet and peaceful person. At such moments it can be agreed with anything. During the clutch, the young man is trying to balance his life in order to achieve inner harmony.

As a rule, such people are easily adapted to new circumstances and know how to find a common language with others. But the true friends of the rats-Capricorn practically do not have, as they are accustomed to withstand some distance.

Capricorn rat can be noble and understanding, but for this he needs to have personal interest. Despite the negative traits of character, there are always a lot of people around such a man.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_5


In childhood, the Capricorn-Rat boy has great stubbornness. Relator such a child or inspire him another point of view is impossible. Thanks to this, he almost always wins the disputes and achieves his.

From the small years, the boy can trace the leader inclinations. There are always many children around such a child who appreciate the opinion of the Capricorn rat and are trying to be equal to him.

In kindergarten and school, the boy is distinguished by peacefulness and tranquility. He does not like conflicts and can find out any controversial situation.

Such a child seems too calm and reasonable, so parents often put it as an example to their children.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_6

Attitude towards family and marriage

Family for a man born in the year of the rat under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn is of great importance. It is very attached to his parents and appreciate related ties. At home, the representative of this sign of the zodiac occupies a secondary role and does not claim leadership. But if necessary, it is capable of making an important solution for all.

Satellite of life Such a man is looking for a long time, as he places overestimated requirements for girls. Long searches allow the personality to find the perfect woman with which you can enter into marriage. The proposal of the rat Capricorn makes only when it is completely convinced of the elect, and this difficult nature can take years.

In the role of Father, such a person is able to fully implement. He loves and understands children, ready to come to them to help in difficult moments. The desire to communicate with the siblings, and putting up their useful skills allows you to get educated and targeted people.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_7

Compatibility in Love

The male rat-Capricorn loves women's attention and is not averse to flirting with the ladies. In the youth, it is distinguished by unnecessary lovingness and friendly, which helps the guy build love relationships. Passion captures the young man with his head, which ultimately leads to scandalous partings.

The young Capricorn rat is easily falling in love, but also easily cooled. For this reason, in the period of youth, a guy may change many partners.

In love, he ideals a girl in everything, not noticing her flaws. But after a short period of time, a man understands that some qualities assigned to the chosen.

In a mature age, such a person is more aimed at stability and is looking for a reliable and faithful companion for the relationship.

It marries consciously and ready to forgive much to save the family.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_8

Neon understanding in relationships can begin due to the permanent employment of the spouse, which for the financial support of households can disappear for days at work. But if there will be an understanding and calm woman on his way, then there will be no disagreement in marriage.

Build a happy family relationship Male Korps-Capricorn can with a woman dragon-taurus, a snake-maid, tiger scorpion, a rabbit-aquietary, dragon-Virgin and a rabbit-taurus.

A stable union of a male Capricorn rat can turn out with a girlfriend Goat-Shorter, a horse-cancer, a monkey-fish and a pig. But with rats-weights, twin dogs and the bull-lion will fail to build a safe relationship.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_9

Career and Finance

The representative of this sign of the zodiac can enjoy work. To get the desired place, he is ready to take a chance to many, including his family. To achieve career heights, the rat Capricorn uses all its potential and is ready to eliminate competitors by any way.

For such a person, the goal is not to build a career, but the financial well-being of people close to him.

A man will not be simply to spend strength and go to the victims, if besides him, it is not necessary for anyone.

Capricorn-rat man: Characteristics of risked rats, compatibility in love and horoscope 19703_10

The male of the Capricorn rat will not be engaged in an unloved business, and therefore often goes through the place of work. Finding a case, such a person will show unprecedented ingenuity and enterprise, and also acquires beneficial connections.

At the workplace, this person is always clean and everything is laid out in places. The pedantic man is not peculiar to chaos, and therefore even one error can bring it to the nervous breakdown.

In all endeavors, the rats of Capricorn accompanies luck. But it is impossible to be called the Balley of Fate, as to achieve career heights, such a man has to be applied considerable perseverance and labor.

More about men Capricorn you will learn from the following video.

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