Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope


Woman Capricorn, born a year of monkey, has a complex and controversial character. In this person, absolutely opposite qualities are getting around: responsibility and insurmountable thrust for carefree life, hard work and laziness, the desire of stable family relations and the tendency to treasure. If the Capricorn Monkey will be able to "curb" a bright character and send all its potential to the right direction, it will be able to create a strong family and high to climb the career ladder.


Upper and slow Capricorn and Naughty, Growing on Lianam Monkey - It is hardly less combined with each other tandem. According to the horoscope, the Capricorn woman is distinguished by reliability, restraint and prudence. This is a serious zodiacal sign, a new to new acquaintances and hobbies, frivolousness, rash actions. Before making the next step, Capricorn will calculate all moves in advance.

The girl belonging to this constellation, hardworking and diligent. For her, both material values ​​and spiritual are important. Capricorns are distinguished by incredulusity and arrogance, because of which they often hide real emotions for the mask. However, the monkey adds the Capricorn softness, goodwill, a tendency to communicate and fun.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_2

Tandem Monkey-Capricorn combines incompatible. A woman belonging to this alliance has developed intelligence and good intuition, so that it is easy for her to find a way out even from the most difficult situation. She is always full of new ideas and plans. However, due to troubles or vital difficulties, a woman can fall into despondency and depressive state.

Girl-Capricorn, born a year of the monkey, is one of the reliable girlfriends. She will not disclose other people's secrets or discuss familiar with them behind them.

The Capricorn Monkey will be able to maintain in a difficult moment, give a good advice or offer full assistance.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_3


Capricorn belongs to the elements of the Earth. She gives a person practicality and caution. The woman of the earthly sign does not like high attention to his person. However, despite this, it has a tendency to manipulate.

Women Earth Element are inertons and constant in achieving the goals. By their nature, they are conservatives, very slowly perceiving all new, occurring around. Such people prefer a "settled" lifestyle. They do not like to travel. Even a banal relocation may be a serious problem for them.

Capricorn Monkey, belonging to the earthly element, at first glance it may seem cold and emotional. But in fact it is not. Under the mask inaccessibility lurks a deep person, which lives interesting and rich life, has many interests and hobbies.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_4

Love relationships and family

The lady monkey-Capricorn is smart, charming and active. The combination of these qualities, as a magnet, attracts to the woman's personality of the opposite sex. At a young age, often the girl is frivolously refer to relations, because of which it is inclined to go through partners and often change them. Being in search of your ideal, Capricorn Monkey can meet with several men at the same time. It is worth noting that with all the guys who were in relations with her, she seeks to keep friendly relations. And often it turns out.

With age, the Capricorn Monkey woman becomes more disappointing, it begins to show high demands for the future chosen one.

Due to the overpriced slats, the lady is often disappointed in men, as they do not justify its expectations.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_5

Monkey-Capricorn wants to gain a reliable and strong family. Over the years, she begins to appreciate love relationships. For her, mutual understanding and response feelings are important. Getting married, a woman is trying to take a leading position in marriage. She seeks to dominate, make serious decisions and bear responsibility for them. Any attempts of a man become the head of the family will be stopped to stop.

Because of the desire to be the leader in family relations, the marriage of the Capricorn Monkey women often ends with collapse. So that this does not happen, the lady should be more careful in marriage and try to become softer and downtown. If a woman learn to listen and hear a partner, she will be able to create the perfect union and be happy in family life.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_6

Career and money

The lady Monkey-Capricorn is a careerist for which the progress in work is more important than family life. Being hard work and responsible, it can succeed in any sphere. Thanks to a diligence, a woman can work for a long time, step by step to achieve his goals. Every minute of Capricorn Monkey is designed in advance. The advance preparation of plans allows her to have time to go everywhere and everywhere: to work fruitfully, to deal with family, meet relatives, relax with friends and find time for yourself.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_7

Monkey-Capricorn is a hardworking personality. Often in life, she seeks everything herself, because of what the price knows the money and does not waste them. Even if the woman does not achieve a high career, she will never remain without finance.

Due to the versatile interests and width of the mind Capricorn Monkey, it can succeed in any work: it may be political activities, various creative projects or monotonous routine work.

If the lady puts the priorities correctly and follow a strict goal, it will be able to rapidly grow from a simple employee to the head.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_8

Suitable partners

Capricorn-monkey girl - a difficult and strong person. The representatives of this union between the family and the career more often choose the second option. According to the characteristics, they are more prone to making money than to build a solid relationship. However, finding his ideal, these ladies become not only excellent owners, but also faithful friends with their husbands.

To the selection of a partner, a woman should take seriously to subsequently not disappoint. To increase the chances of creating a good union, you should listen to the advice of astrolories.

According to a horoscope, a monkey-rat has the best compatibility with the following zodiac signs:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • Scorpion;
  • A fish.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_9

These signs are able to feel and understand each other with a half-clow. Usually they have similar interests, thanks to which they achieved their goals together. These qualities are important both in friendly relationships and married.

The Capricorn Monkey has bad compatibility with Archelor and Lv. These signs are completely not suitable for each other. They have different views on life that in the future the misunderstanding, missing and conflict. To keep marriage, a woman will have to refuse much, sacrificing his interests for the sake of family.

This year, the birth of a Capricorn monkey is best suited rat and a monkey. They can become good friends, loyal family mans or business partners. In such unions, mutual understanding and respect for each other will reign.

Also, the lady Capricorn, born in the year of the monkey, has good compatibility with goat, bull and dragon.

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_10

Capricorn Monkey Woman :: Characteristics of a woman born a year of monkey, what a female Capricorn girl on a horoscope 19697_11

Unsuccessful relationships with a dog, horse and snake. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac will be with distrust and misunderstanding to relate to the ease and carelessness of the monkey, which makes many conflicts in russia. Due to the lack of compromises, the lady will not only be difficult to live under one roof with a dog, a horse or a snake, but also to communicate.

Capricorn Monkey can often quarrel with perfectly compatible partners. This is possible if people become competing, proving who the owner in the house. If a woman does not learn to give up his partner, she will be able to lose him forever. Therefore, in the family life, the Capricorn monkey should learn to hear their chosen one, and not try to manipulate them. In this case, the chances of a joint long and happy life are great.

More about the Capricorn woman you will learn from the following video.

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