Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs


The horoscope is known for a long time as the cultural heritage of man. With it, people tried to penetrate the secret of being, to know ourselves and withdraw certain patterns of historical events.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_2


No one knows exactly when the first idea of ​​the heavenly sphere appears as a certain defining factor of fate. Zodiac - the animal circle - for the first time mentioned in the global signs of the ancient Babylon as the constellation "Plow" or "Mul Apin". The ancient wise men of Babylon in the VII century BC believed that the heavenly arch holds 18 constellations. The countdown was conducted on the lunar calendar - this is the so-called "path of the moon", which starve signs are moving - constellations. Among them and the sun and five planets. Then the number of zodiac gradations has doubled, amounting to 36 divisions of ten degrees each. Traditionally zodiac is represented by 12 signs.

There are two zodiac circles consisting of signs and constellations. Signs are located in our solar system, but are the earthly category. They are counting from spring equinox, that is, from contact with the elliptic elliptic elliptic. Signs appeared from the movement of the Earth in two directions: around their axis and around the sun.

The usual zodiac consists of 12 characters. The signs of the zodiac are associated with the time of year, it means that there are four gradations: spring, autumn, summer and winter. The sun dates back to every zodiacal sign in different ways due to the discrepancy of the Earth's appeal period and the calendar year. The cycle is repeated every four years. Each of the 12 characters has its own symbolism and its element. Total Elements Four: Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_3

The horoscope is the location of a sign in relation to the sun. In ancient sources, the horoscope was called an ascendant - an upward sign. Today, the horoscope is called astrological forecasts. The first predictions belong to the V century BC, they were made in Mesopotamia. Much later, in the second century BC, in ancient Egypt for predictions began to apply the concept of horoscope houses, then the science of astrology was finally formed.

According to this science, the character of a person, and, therefore, its fate determines the location of a sign at the moment of birth. This is an attempt to influence the course of events, penetrate the root causes of such concepts as rock and predestination, to become a master of life. Therefore, the church initially opposed astrology, nursed in her distrust of God.

In fact, if you think about it, then, with a relatively small set of a variety of qualities that determine the nature of birth, there is no complete coincidence of these properties of the person who has any of the people living on Earth? The question refers to rhetorical. However, during hundreds of years, the interest of people to the horoscope does not weaken.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_4

There are various types of relationships. We will consider from the position of astrology aspect of relationships on the example of astrological signs of the Zodiac Taurus and scales. First, learn more about the calves.

Taurus is a second zodiac sign that ruling the second house of the horoscope, with the patronage of the planet Venus. His astrological period lasts a month: from April 20 to May 20. The symbol of this sign is traditionally considered to be a bull, its colors: white, purple, brown and their shades. Stones: opal and diamond.

The character of the Taurus is continuously pissed by persistence. Immediately shows - before you bull. However, it is only at first glance. The fact is that under the mask of inaccessibility lies the waters of the soul, capable of compassion and feel. But these qualities are fully developed if the Taurus cares about com else. Here the aspect of the relationship is already included, which should be considered individually.

Do not think that all the calves are similar to each other - nothing like that. Some of them are silent and disrupted, others, on the contrary, are friendly and cheerful. But one quality unites them all - persistence in making decisions. No sign decides how the carts do.

Resistance, courage and sensitive mind are the main qualities of these people. Add composure to this, and you have a real commander. It is no coincidence that many famous commander were tales.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_5

So, we have to get acquainted with the Taurus. What do you need to know? First of all, it should be assimilated that it is impossible to put pressure on the calves. In no case! If, of course, do not want to lose its location ahead of time. It's not easy to praise with him, but, pursuant, you are unlikely to make yourself again. This zodiac sign is severe for contacts, it is difficult to converge and is also difficult to disperse with people.

You will never see the Taurus Susyuking and openly express their attachment. He keeps everything inside, although it can be perfectly represented by anything. Excellent acting qualities help him cope with many conflict situations arising in life. And there are many such situations due to its natural perseverance and purposefulness.

You will not see the calves in irritated condition: they will suffer for a long time, but then they fall into the real rage. Taurus from the young age is interested in the opposite sex, but does not demonstrate its interest. He simply observes the subject of his frustration, noticing all the qualities of character, habits that can be beneficial to achieve success. And it is valid for sure.

His tactics are simple: he does not pursue, but attracts the opposite sex to himself. Taurus can be original and interesting. Their passivity eliminates extra unjustified movements. But then it is greatly compensated by the attention of the elect or chosen one depending on who in front of you: a man or woman Taurus.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_6

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_7

Tales from youth by avid domases, but they can change their habits to a friend. True, briefly, then home again, in my cozy nest. They are wonderful owners when you need to take guests. Do not store and do not greading with friends, careful with outsiders, but relatives and relatives can always count on their help.

The house for them is a kind of fortress, an unshakable basis of a family foundation with its own, traditions and rules. Any changes in the place of residence, as well as permutations, introduce them to despondency and depression. Often, the calves have country houses, where they can take a break from work in silence and tranquility. Nature and animals are packed, but the garden and the garden are, rather, a little escape from the fuss and the way to find yourself.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_8

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_9

Property and stubborn attacks have the opposite aspect - patience. It is this quality that distinguishes the Taurus from other signs. They carry their cross silently, not a rap of fate, no one blames in their troubles and misfortunes. Where others would give up for a long time, Taurus shows courage and patience. They are able to care for sick relatives and for other people's people equally well. There are no gradations for the situation and status for them. They will always give preference to weak, trying to help and benefit.

They will never betray. We are able to carry psychological load for years, very devoted to their family. The more troubles falls on their head, the more they disciplined, collecting all the strength and concentrating them to fight. Tales not just suffer silently, they are fighting without breaking under the blows of fate. The kindness and humor helps them in this.

Tales - inborn workers. There are no idlers among them. They are slow, but rightfully climb the career ladder, creating their welfare from nothing in an empty place. They are good leaders who respect their subordinates. This zodiac sign will never be a passage of the money earned: he knows the price of its capital. Calculating, but not Zhaden; Pragmatic, but not a stingy. It will not be anyone to donate, but will give earn.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_10

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_11

Possessing property and power, the calves can fully implement their ambitions. They are able to assess the works of art, interested in creativity, they love the classics.

Summing up, it is safe to say that both men and women born under the sign of the Taurus are fully capable of feelings and relationship due to their natural qualities of patience, efficiency and perseverance.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_12

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_13

Sign of zodiac scales relates to air signs. His ruling planet is also Venus. His astrological period - from September 24 to October 23. Zodiacal colors: blue, purple, sea wave color. From precious stones - opal, sapphire, emerald and pearls.

First of all, it is necessary to say that this is a dual sign, in many respects controversial, in need of permanent support. Their goal is to achieve equilibrium always and in everything is their motto. From here, border guards arise, such as depression, and in a minute - calm, an explosion - and then calm. Scales draw strength in emotions, not just, but not boring.

Permanent mood change can derive anyone anyone. They are attractive and charming, charming and helpful. It is easy to converge and disagree with people, playing a relationship. And all for the sake of the process of search, movement, speakers. Do not be long in one place, constantly looking for new sensations. Therefore, they often travel, new acquaintances are given. Life around them and boils.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_14

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_15

Another distinctive feature of the scales is indecision. They flow into a stupor when they need to immediately make a decision on which life depends. Try to delay the moment, and then just go from responsibility. The separation from the earth is a distinctive feature of this sign. Like all aircraft, scales are dreaming and easy to rise. If you need a company, then they are in the forefront.

Two extremes dominate in the work: the period of long painstaking labor is replaced by a period of laziness. So the scales restore forces. And they are undesirable to disturb them. First, it will not be a sense, and secondly, you will harm yourself the enemy. Nothing is so annoying scales as a coercion to work, when, in their opinion, they deserve peace and rest.

Inborn aristocrats, they are in indecision long, but do not take hasty decisions. Scrupulously relate to the choice, but the choice is never changed. Long are in indecision, but exclusively responsible for their actions.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_16

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_17

They analyze everything around, except themselves. Contact yourself - this is not their method. Self-assessment of the scales is always a bit overestimated. They do not like crowds, but they surround themselves with a large number of people who create praise their mental abilities. Rationalists - scales love purity and accuracy, although they themselves can scatter their belongings and neglect elementary hygiene. "Duality always, duality in everything" - here are their motto.

To understand the scales, you need to solve their riddle. And in each representative of this sign they are their own. But one property brings all representatives of this sign - the search for a balance, the basics of its stability. On this foundation they can build their future.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_18

Pros and cons of the Union

First of all, it is worth noting that the Union of Taurus and Scales is not the best. There are difficulties. However, the sensual planet of Venus brings them closer, it means that not everyone is lost. So, revealing the compatibility of these signs, having studied all the subtleties of characters, you need to immediately start with the fact that the scales are an air sign, and the Taurus - the Earth, and this is the difference. Therefore, being in the search for mutual understanding, the main emphasis should be done on the leadership qualities of each of the signs. Undoubtedly, the leaders in the relationship will be tales.

Due to their persistence, they are able to break the indecision of the scales. But it is not worth dedicating that the scales will allow you to command. This is only possible if they want themselves. They are impossible to make anything, they are always woven and wayward. At first it may seem that the scales are balanced and soft - nothing of the kind. This is their way to survive, maneuver, with which they detect the weak side of the partner.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_19

Scales have a charming appearance, behind which the logic, calcality and intelligence are hidden. This incompatibility at first can mislead.

And the calves do not spend time on unnecessary, in his opinion, games, and immediately fit the case. They will introduce you to their home, get acquainted with their parents, which will be proof of his serious intentions. Taurus creates a family when it is capable of feeding it. He will do everything so that his partner does not need anything.

Scales are able to maintain relationships, and the Taurus is to create them. Taurus will be a reformer, and the scales pragmatic fulfill the conceived. Their relationship is a solid compromise, finding interpenetration points. At the same time, their interests can be very different. For example, he does not live without football, but she is without new outfits; She is a household, and he is a lovers of traveling. Such a range, oddly enough, contributes to a stronger union of these signs.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_20

The main problems that will be faced with the scales and calves are so natural that they managed to bring some kind of successful relations of these contradictory signs.

With the difference of characters, the compatibility of the body - scales is possible if:

  • learn to avoid conflicts;
  • will be able to take each other as it is;
  • will be controlled by expenses without allowing wastefulness;
  • Instead of sarcasm and removal, will be responsible for each other;
  • learn to limit their constantly growing appetites and needs;
  • They put real goals and will clearly follow them, without being distracted by unnecessary scandals and unnecessary emotions (this applies primarily by weights);
  • They will not make any problems with a general discussion, but will try to solve them themselves, without too much noise and scream.

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_21

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_22

Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_23

In love

    Compatibility of weights and calves in love relationships - a stick about two ends. On the one hand, these signs are experiencing an irresistible attraction to each other, and on the other hand, they are constantly competing. These are two leaders who are very difficult to agree among themselves in love relationships. But if this happens, then these signs retain the Union for many years, very much to them and under any circumstances do not change partners. Loyalty, dignity and dedication - the basis of this union.

    On this foundation you can achieve a lot. Sensual scales will inspire a pragmatic calf, and he in turn will provide non-permanent stability weights. Such a unity of the soul and body is pleasant and understandable to them both. When the conquest period is over, this union will affect all compatibility not similar to the first look of signs.

    In the intimate sphere, these signs fit each other as it is impossible. This may serve as a key to finding a compromise during the period of clarifying relationships. When the arguments are powerless, the feeling speaks on both signs to both signs. Therefore, quarrels and disassembly are a rare phenomenon in this union.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_24

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_25

    The planet of love has its influence on signs in different ways: the scales it gives the combination of charm, an attractive appearance and special magnetism capable of breaking any resistance, and the calf, without understanding, does not understand if this charm is influenced. Born to be a leader, this sign becomes quiet and submissive in the skillful loving hands of the scales.

    The patience of Taurus smoothes contradictions at the very beginning, even before the negative glow of passions broke out. They combine in the face of general danger, collecting all the forces on solving problems. And this is manifested by the best qualities of this union. True, they solve questions in different ways: the Taurus develops a strategy and strictly follows to her, and the scales weigh all the "for" and "against" before the decisive throw. Signs are similar to the fact that the Taurus will never risk it, and the weights do not have a risk at all.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_26

    During the period of caressing, the guy of the girl behind the girl weights happen any incidents. So, unambiguous situations may arise, which are the cause for jealousy. Scales for the youth of windy and are surrounded by universal attention and love - without it they are accomplished. And the permanent caller is not to taste: he wants to see the guarantor of his reliability in the alleged partner. This is how the contribution to the bank: it carries out financial influsions and wants to get interest. This approach often scares the scales that are not accustomed to dispose of their feelings.

    But over time everything changes. Having become an adult, men are indulgent attributive to flirts of women's scales. This is even amusing them. But only if you do not cross the pervolored face. Otherwise, the Taurus does not forgive treason, breaks the union quickly and irrevocable. Forgiveness and begging is useless. Here is manifested by the dark side of the character of the Taurus - stubbornness. It would seem that it would be possible to forgive, but not there was something: a furious Taurus begins an attack of the enemy, who was considered a close man for some time ago.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_27

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_28

    Love with the scales resembles a novel with a continuation - they definitely do not get bored with them. They allow all their charm to conquer the arrangement of the opposite sex. But, won it, do not know what to do with it. There are periods of oscillations that are able to bring anyone from equilibrium. But the weights are not so easy to make the right choice, although they do not allow them to choose for themselves.

    Woman scales smart and deftly hides their mind behind a smile and charming appearance. She boldly rushes in feelings and completely dissolved in them. No one feels like her. This is a strong and at the same time feminine nature, can become a good partner in love. In the crisis, it will not betray, but mobilizes all the forces on salvation and help. And to do it implicitly not to show who is the true owner of relations.

    Restlessness, tact and mind, peculiar to women weighs, makes them indispensable advisers in difficult situations. She forced to her diplomacy will make you take the right decision. And often it is the most faithful at the decisive moment of life.

    Male to the calf with her is not easy, but interesting. In physical love, they are compatible, it is much more difficult to deal with the spiritual aspect of love.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_29

    Men Taurus love large companies, hospitable and will not be sealed for treats. In their house, anyone will feel calm and cozy. They know how to create a favorable atmosphere. Also in love they will not be bought on the evidence and signs of affection, the joy will fulfill any desire for a loved one. Male Taurus is simple and honest in a relationship, does not tolerate lies and ambiguity. Women weights this man seems reliable and faithful. This union is durable, if it is based on trust.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_30

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_31

    Male scales are full of contradictions. They are forever missing, they are not easy to interest, attract attention, the more fell in love. In the love alliance always seeks independence and solitude. But this is his quality, oddly enough, is perfect for the creation of a family, as it will never complicate the life of himself and relatives. It is equally easily in the office and on various trips, in the cinema and on the dance floor, in the opera and at the dacha at Mangala.

    It is not easy to achieve a period of equilibrium with a man weighing, but, reaching it, you can breathe calmly, because now he is not going anywhere. Scales - monochrome, create a family once and for life, as if trying to find a point of support, receiving all their grand plans for the implementation of ambitions.

    Women are hard with women. A strong alliance is possible with the coincidence of plans and interests. Excessive Care Woman Taurus can provoke a man to break the relationship.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_32

    In friendship

    It is worth thinking how to make friendship with calves. The scales are interesting, inquisitive, with a thin humor and a healthy psyche - it's better not to find a friend. Calculations of the Taurus can easily be justified in the friendly alliance. In the scales, he will find a loyal responsive friend and comrades. In friendship, these signs look at each other, as an equal footing, listen to the opposite opinion, capable of going to the goal set together.

    They seem to be collected in a single single mechanism created specifically to solve problems. Do not panic and do not lose. Anticipation of joint success instigates strength in them. Practical calves give out their qualities of fluction scales. And those in turn inform the calves sensuality and emotionality. In friendship try to keep warm relationships, avoid conflicts.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_33

    Scales are intellectuals, so they are looking for ways to implement this quality, use abilities to implement their internal potential. Taurus will never fight for the sake of the fight itself, the result of victory is important, that, for which everything, actually, is happening. The fruits of their work they love to hold in their hands, while the scales are aspirates their pride of themselves because they consider themselves brave fighters for justice. But the pragmaticity is not alien to them.

    Scales all the time think and reason, and the Tales never bother on this score, do not change their principles ever and under any pretexts. They have intuitive thinking, they do not spend the forces on the solution of the question, what color to the shirt today to wear or how to behave in a particular society. There are no such problems for them. Why bore yourself with unnecessary reflections, when everything is so extremely clear and understandable?! However, the Taurus will not argue with the weights, because he knows that the scales will get out and come out by the winners from all the plains and disagreements.

    The correct tactic allows you to preserve the friendly alliance union and calves for many years.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_34

    In work

    Scales - balance of equilibrium, and Teltsy - constancy. In this oscillation, somewhere in the middle, truth lies. They need to learn honesty and responsibility in general matter, then we can talk about the right relationships in the work. Cash factors can be an obstacle to understanding between calves and scales. Therefore, their compatibility in the business sector cannot be considered unequivocally.

    Romantic scales need a clear leadership of the rational and collected Taurus. They generate ideas that are able to embody a competent strategist. And in this - the basis of the business relationship between these signs of the zodiac. On this basis, they need to look for points of contact. Many of the attempts will invariably stumble upon conflicts and disagreements. Search for compromise solutions - another task facing these signs, if they want to achieve fruitful cooperation.

    Both signs love money, they can spend them and with pleasure do it. In its extremes, it can be waste, so you need to protect yourself in needs and clearly follow the common budget.

    Real attitude towards money, as well as the ratio of opportunities with needs are the main task of achieving harmony in the business relationships of these signs.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_35

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_36

    The classic picture, where the chief is the calorie, and the subordinate - scales rarely changes with time. Once, finding the support of his well-being in each other, both signs are unlikely to want to change anything. They are satisfied with everything. Therefore, the established business of this duet will only flourish from the year. Taurus and scales are able to work peacefully for the common benefit and perform each of their role. That she and work to make money. And better big.

    Over time, scales and calves will be able to trust each other anymore and then learn to use healthy criticism for positive purposes. The ability comes in the process when basic skills of communication and interaction are produced, all sorts of angles and disagreements are rejected and smoothed. Then you can call this alliance successful thanks to the grip of the calf and the inexhaustible creative potential of the scales.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_37


    Earth sign Taurus with caution is suitable for the selection of a partner. There will be a lot of time before his girl becomes a legitimate wife. He will never lose his head from feeling and does not throw in the pool with his head. But, deciding for marriage, he will show himself from the best side - a caring and loving husband. In some periods of life, the shoulders become gentle and attentive, they can encourage compliments and signs of attention.

    Outside, stalking and impenetrable thinning thin and sensitive in essence. Love music, are connoisseurs of art and have a subtle taste. I am pleased to take the conditions of the game of romantic scales.

    In the family union, Taurus is an exemplary father and a loving husband. With special trepidation refers to daughters, strict, but just with sons. His wife does not lack attention and gifts. Knowing all the preferences of the wife, the Taurus gladly chooses clothes, lingerie and cosmetics for her. He works a lot, so it needs to rest. It is necessary to give him to sleep and relax, then the atmosphere in the family will not heat.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_38

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_39

    Woman abandoned scales in manifestation of feelings towards her children. In the family for her in the first place - the husband. At first she will give him food, and then he will feed his children. She does not indulge them and does not allow you to do it with others. However, its siblings are always clean and well maintained. Much attention is paid to the upbringing and development of sons, her concern for daughters is manifested in looking for a suitable party.

    She considers the chief of his life to the family, although it often managed to combine her with work. If you get a choice - a family or career, she, without thinking, will choose the first.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_40

    Compatibility of scales and calves in the family requires a lot of work on both sides. Being influenced by one patronizing planet, they are different on temperaments and tastes. But the inquisitive and insightful mind of the scales is able to withstand the Taurus iron logic.

    Web are difficult to understand how the Taurus manage to be so calm when he literally loses his composure, it boils emotions in it. This contradiction in the family union is common and nearby. Therefore, a special behavior tactics based on tolerance and search for a compromise in any situation have been developed. We apply a psychological reception when in order to avoid a quarrel, you just need to move away from each other for a while, to distract, do it or a loved one.

    This will significantly reduce the likelihood of excesses and contributes to the preservation of a healthy microclimate in the family. Instead of proving something to each other, it's better to just smile and take a step towards. In family life, these two signs need to learn to respect, understand and hear each other. Taking the right direction, this union can become durable for many years.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_41

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_42

    Woman Taurus in the family is neat, straight and demanding. It is true, selfless and requires the same from the spouse. Does not like when littering from horses, discusses family problems in humans. Does not interfere in family matters, even if close to relatives and good friends. She is a wonderful mother and good friend to their children. Always find the opportunity to listen and help.

    Woman Taurus in a difficult moment will support his husband, take part of the duties and worries, will be difficult to fulfill hard work. During the periods of financial difficulties, the excesses will calmly refuse and reduce the expenses of the family budget without loss. It will not pay and not surrender in difficulties. Although sometimes it allows themselves to be lazy and relax, but not long, then it is imputed again into the usual bed.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_43

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_44

    Male scales in the family, on the contrary, does not like responsibility. It is independent and free always in everything. It is pointless to try to call him a sense of duty - he has completely different concepts about it. He believes that he is unique and needs to cultivate its qualities, which, in his opinion, are outstanding. It is really a smart, permeable, real intellectual and enjoys this its advantage fully, justifying his behavior by declaring a number of logical evidence.

    It is difficult to achieve honesty from it, so it is better to try to establish communication through the sensual side of his personality. Then you can even attend them for a while. Make it think about others is difficult, but to make it so that he saw in this positive parties - you can try.

    Both signs - scales and calves - are connected with each other invisible threads of their patroness - Venus. And she, as you know, is the planet of love and gives his wards with mutual feelings to each other. This love is able to work wonders, making incompatible signs compatible, connecting intangible fates.

    Taurus and weight compatibility (45 photos): man and woman in love relationship, zodiac signs 19683_45

    More about the compatibility of the Taurus and Libra, see the following video.

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