Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar


Taurus-pig has distinctive features. Knowing his characteristics and forecast, you can adjust the birth of a child born in the year in such a way that in the future he will achieve maximum success. In horoscopes Description of the character of a man and women who are representatives of one sign, differs due to the field features.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_3


Thanks to his perseverance, practicality and calculation, these people often make their way to the elite. High self-control, caution in behavior and tranquility also help them in this. Born under this sign accompanying luck. Taurus-pigs can sometimes show snobbery, but they are not at all greedy, good-natured and tolerant to the flaws of others. Always remember that they themselves are not without flaw.

Money is rarely the main goal of the Taiga pig. Reach career heights due to talent, execution and hard work, and not intrigue. Colleagues like them.

Sociable, communicative and constantly in a good mood. Easily acquire new friends. Support good relations with close surroundings.

Do not abuse them with patience and tranquility. Inside them are storm. People who will bring to themselves to be unseen. Well, what to do it is very difficult.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_5

Personalities born during this period are trying to achieve everything with speech, not actions. Saying something, they want to achieve a certain reaction of people, so the pig pigs are very scrupulously pick up words. Representatives of the sign more like talking, and not to act. At the same time, they are able to endure long, do not worry on trifles.

Often critically configured against the authorities or the country. Therefore, many of the representatives of this sign are engaged in creativity, because it gives them independence, the opportunity to express their discontent. Also can engage in politics, science. Thanks to the inherent calculation and care from the representatives of the sign, excellent bank employees are obtained.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_7

Do everything to households are comfortable. These people show tenderness and participation to relatives.

Pig-teltsi - very fun friends. Can create a positive attitude in any team.

Conservative in your vitality. Try not to violate the established life rhythm. Prefer the dimension, do not like to hurry, rushing, actively gesticulate.

Thicken, sensitive and kind people, although they try not to demonstrate these qualities to friends and acquaintances. Very impressionable personality, love to dream. Strying noted calmness, as well as seeming carelessness.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_9

In work

Born under this sign do not know how to refuse neither teachers or colleagues. Constantly ready to provide assistance. For representatives of this sign, this is not always good. Such quality can take advantage of unfair people. If an adult person cope with such problems, the long-awaited success will come, which will be appreciated. In the work of pig-teltsy diligence, concentrated.

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In personal life

Romantic relationships are breeding alone and ease. After all, the sign representatives are inherent in the charming, attractive force. Persons of the opposite sex can not not be noted it. Forky, temperamental and charming, and therefore rarely jerk alone.

Appeared during this period, in the future there is a big romantic love. However, the representatives of the sign should always be remembered that relations need attention. For representatives of the sign typically love, as well as deeply understand the partner. Well suited for family relationships due to undemanding, reliability and thoroughness. Capably silently pull out all the tests that the fate will prevent.

Their withdrawal is selfie. Because of it, something important may lose if they persist, exercise this quality. Stubbornness manifests itself at the most inopportune moment.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_12


At first glance, such guys are fun and carefree, but you should know that this impression is deceptive. The man sometimes manifests his own way.

Preferred physical work, not mental. But this choice does not speak of their low intelligence. He is able to engage in intellectual work, but it is faster from him faster.

Aware that a man should create a family, to have children, and for this, he needs a woman. We are confident that among many beautiful girls, it is necessary to elect the stars intended for him.

In the family, most of the pigs do not provoke quarrels. Consisting in relationships, also try not to give reasons for jealousy. Once and for life, and very love children. Pay them a lot of attention.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_14

Men of this sign do not like to demonstrate their feelings. His closedness can generate difficulties. The surrounding do not have the ability to read thoughts. It is necessary to take into account its stealth, and you also do not need to wait from it romantic gestures. Despite this, many women try to achieve his love. This is due to the fact that it is very reliable, will endure and stands in any circumstances. Households of such a man will not experience the need for money. After all, the head of the family knows how to get money, although not aims at earnings. It is believed that "a penny ruble coats."

The company is very often becoming a leader due to prudence and polite manners.

In a professional environment, heights rapidly. This is due to the fact that it is well aware of its advantages and weaknesses. Able to use strengths, such as an exceptional mind, vital wisdom. This allows you to quickly resolve difficulties. Such people typically note the authorities and moves closer to themselves by preparing the successor.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_16


Girls born during this period of time, feminine, attractive, "homemade". Despite sociability, friendliness and accommodation, few of them. Most people do not guess that the representatives of this sign feel. After all, they are very hidden, although externally friendly. It is nice to spend time with them. Could talk even the saddest and silent person. In their house, there will be a lot of guests. In a pleasant team, she is revealed, it is difficult to find out.

She is very faithful, reliable spouse. Her husband will be overwhelming. Could be pleased with the spouse. They strive for what he would be good.

Good mother. Their households live with them easily and fun.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_18

Women do not seek career altitudes. Although if you wish, it can easily achieve them. His work is performed qualitatively. Women of this sign are smart, but not Chvaniel.

They are inherent caution, silence. However, it can be easy to become a professional Tamada. This is due to the fact that from a certain age, a cheerful and mixing pig begins to prevail. It gives her owner with an easy temper and very attractive appearance.

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Since childhood, it has honesty, tolerance. The surrounding seems that the kids are simple. But this quality of their quality stems from Altruism. They have a noble heart. From early childhood, sincerely believes that much more pleasant to give than to take. This view is followed in life.

Children who have emerged in the year of the boar, regardless of the floor, very responsive and merciful. But child patience has a limit. Never forget. Following the evil caused by revenge. If a child belonging to this sign feels interest, then will surely answer reciprocity.

Adorable and helpful, but have greater peaceful power. It is not difficult for them to adapt to the circumstances that have changed. Pig-teltsy joy coming into new competitions. Sign representatives are always inherent in fearlessness, energy and confidence in their power.

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Taurus-Pig: Characteristics of a man and a woman, a horoscope born year of a baby boar 19664_21

Being a completely child, the guards show great demands, and also really want to like others. It is important for representatives of the sign, so they carefully follow their words and always look good. Diplomatic and responsible personalities who are inherent excerpt. From birth, they are accompanied by luck in any endeavors.

It is impossible to be angry with these adorable and charming peaks. After all, mischievous since childhood is studying the possibility of manipulating people with the help of a word. The data of the assignment to him performs hard. Such kids are characterized by a light clumsy, but they are very resistant. Athletics can develop missing physical qualities in representatives of the sign.

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Children who have appeared per year in the year do not have the habit of testing or complaining, do not dominate special concerns. They know how to solve their problems independently, but they need the confidence that parents will come to their aid.

The people born during this period are favorable and intense, but they are inherent in laziness and indifference. It is necessary to develop a self-discipline in the children of this sign, otherwise, due to passivity, they can interture prospects, relying on good luck. But if the pigs do not attach the efforts, then the representatives of the sign will not work.

From birth, such children are endowed with a stormy fantasy. They always have a lot of ideas, and only the parents depends whether they will be able to realize their rich potential.

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It should be remembered that the pigs should be cautious with arrogant people, fraudsters. Manipulators will try to shift their duties on them, load additional work. Representatives of this sign need to learn to speak the word "no" when they are trying to put pressure on them. If you can not perform work or it will be difficult for you, you just need to refuse.

Parents should be aware that the pigs are closed. This may generate problems - for example, in adolescence. In order for such children to understand, they need to talk about feelings. They need to teach it. Representatives of this sign must learn to share their knowledge and skills with other people. Only in this case can we expect success.

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Specify the characteristic of the sign of the Pig, see the following video.

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