Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity


A woman who was born under the constellation of Aquarius in the year of pig combines two worlds of Eastern and Western horoscopes. On the one hand, the Aquarius is constantly in the power of the stream of life and all the time it is eager for new discoveries, on the other, the pig (Kaban) seeks to plan his life and act rationally in any situation. The spirituality of this woman is adjacent to materialism, thirst for new impressions - with stability. This is a controversial type, but it gives a one-person person, endowed with many abilities. We learn more, what qualities a fir-pig woman has and what a man can make a successful party for her.


As a rule, for those surrounding a woman, aquatic pig - a sample of calm and calmness. She really strives for harmony, both external and inner, but this is a rather controversial nature.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_2

Reliability and thoughtfulness are combined with a cheerful temper, dedication - with care about others.

It is the last quality that can be called the second main feature of this astrological combination. Aquarius-pig is always ready to help, listen, give advice, and if we are talking about a global problem, then you have our own interests for the sake of public.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_3

Aquarius pig is a reliable friend and a partner who knows the price of sincere relationships. She knows how to carry friendship through the year, appreciates his loved ones and values ​​them. This is a pleasant person in all respects, which is unlikely to suddenly interrupt communication without visible reasons. Only betrayal can disappoint it in man.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_4

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_5

With all the external peace of mind and the prosperous behavior, this woman is able to amaze. It seems soft, homely and balanced, but under the influence of circumstances can make spontaneous and even shocking actions.

Communicating with this lady, it is impossible to be sure that at some point she will not get up to the head of the public with unusual behavior.

It may sometimes seem that it hides under different masks and does not give himself to solve. It creates an intrigue and creative atmosphere around her personality.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_6

In case someone hurts her, and even more so she dares to offend close, the Pig-Aquarius will make a pit under any enemy. Thirtless retribution, this woman will seek justice at any cost. However, having seen sincere repentance by the offender, she will soon soften to him and forgive the stunned. This is invalmonious nature, and usually time will not heal their wounds.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_7


Logical thinking allows it to be taken for complex projects that require great mental effort, to calculate various options for the development of events, and if necessary, to work on errors. The profession of the Aquarius-Pig chooses not in terms of remuneration, but rather, by interest, because moral satisfaction from work for her is very important.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_8

In the profession, the Woman Aquarius-Pig manifests itself in different ways, as contradictory qualities are laid. The blinded goal, for the sake of achieving career successes, it is able to start intrigue and even slander competitors.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_9

But also she can choose another path, namely, just to seek everything with his work and patience - most often this is exactly what happens.

The second option of behavior will certainly bring their fruits, although not immediately, but after time. Having chopped the first way, it risks not to resist on top and lose your achievements: after all, the goats are not her.

Aquarius-pig woman is very important to surround. She values ​​good relations with colleagues and reluctantly says people with people who got used to.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_10

In general, this is a good, executive worker who is essential for the authorities. To achieve impressive results, it should choose professions in which data must be systematized and create order: this is accounting, office work, jurisprudence. But the professions associated directly from the trade is unattractive for them.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_11

Love and family

Passionate, sparkling woman is able to charm men and keep them next to him as much as she needs it.

It can show itself an ideal partner in relationships, but it's not worth relaxing with her, because this nature appreciates his freedom and at least a small one, but its own space that it will fill in their hobbies or public operation.

In marriage, the Woman Aquarius-Pig does not like to fully obey the spouse. She advocates an equivalent partnership, where both spouses must respect each other's views - "Domostroi" lovers are unlikely to find a common language with her.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_12

Representatives of this astrological combination tend to analyze their actions and feelings. In an effort to plan everything in advance, they are in relationships love to lay everything "on the shelves." Feeling in love, the Aquarius pig lights up quickly, at first glance, but never allows himself to dive into love with his head. Such a rational approach does not allow her to fully plunge into romance and give in to an instant impulse - they are somewhat different from other aquaries. But they are always appreciated for the feeling of stability and spiritual comfort, which they give partner.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_13

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_14

If the girl's girl, a pig decided to engage exclusively by household, then the routine and life, most likely, affect it overwhelming.

In such circumstances, the inconsistency of her nature can remind themselves: Under the influence of the impulse, she will want to break out of the usual stroke of things. So that the life of such a woman proceeds harmoniously, she will certainly need to have a hobby in which she can relax from eternal concerns about the spouse and children. Wonderful if this will be a useful job: this will help her realize its humanistic potential.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_15

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_16

Interaction with other signs

In the face of this woman, a man can find a "quiet harbor." She will cook dinner, stroking his shirt, will provide interesting leisure, melts the weekend and leave. Family for her is one of the main spheres of life, so finding such a companion of life - a big luck for a man with traditional values.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_17

However, as mentioned above, only a person, respecting her opinion and seeing an ally in it, and not just a housekeeper.

Thus, the spouse should not be unnecessary authoritarian in communicating with his wife born under the signs of Aquarius and Pig, and simply must give her the opportunity to do their own business.

From the point of view of astrors, the most favorable compatibility for it will be unions with men who appeared in the year of monkeys, rabbit, dragon, rooster under the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpion, Capricorn, Cancer.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_18

A good option, but with reservations, a tiger, dog, snake, bull, rat, horse, as well as virgin, scales, lion, fish, twins will become for her.

Away, a water-pig is worth holding from men of goats, pigs, as well as Sagittarov and Aries.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_19


The disadvantage of Aquarius-pigs can be called that it cannot quickly find the golden middle. Sometimes she is too long for the search for a right path and invests a lot of strength in this process. Once in captivity of his own confusing reasoning, the aquarius-pig risks to make impulsive acts and finally spoil everything.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_20

In addition, often, for a long time tormented by the choice, it risks so do not come to anything, then the matter scrolling in the head different options for the development of events.

Returning to the problems of the past, it loses energy and cannot focus on the affairs of real.

This lady often shows itself as an amateur entertainment, parties and holidays. I gone to a fun atmosphere, she can behave somewhat dissolved, get involved in a quarrel. If she decides to express someone's complaints, it will be difficult to stop it. Aquarius-pig woman will express everything that has accumulated and kept so long in themselves.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_21


Famous representatives of beautiful gender, combining the features of the Aquarius and Pig, are a huge scatter of the type. They differ from each other in manner behavior and selected professions. Perhaps, only the purposefulness and desire to achieve high results in the selected business are combined.

Famous women born under the sign of the Aquarius in the year of the Pig:

  • Vanga, January 31, 1911 - the predictor known to the whole world;
  • Elena Bonner, February 15, 1923 - a well-known human rights activist;
  • Valentina Talyzina, January 22, 1935 - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • Tatyana Tarasova, February 13, 1947 - a coach for figure skating, a consultant of the Russian national team;
  • Anita Tsoi, February 7, 1971 - the modern Russian singer;
  • Deniz Richards, February 17, 1971 - model, actress;
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova, January 21, 1983 - a modern Russian actress.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_22

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_23

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_24

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_25

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_26

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_27

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_28

Being contradictory kind, the Aquarius-Pig will never cease to surprise others. But, as a rule, the sudden deeds it makes only in the extreme case, if confused and does not see the exit from the current situation. Most often, its dark parties remain in the shade. With people, this lady is caring, having fun, confident in herself and with optimism looks at life. Colleagues and households, and friends who turn to her for help can also rely on it.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_29

This dedicated personality is pleased to support any good endeavor and will attach all possible efforts to bring the case to the end.

To charm a lady Aquarius-Pig man, a man should be considered with her opinion and provide her partnership support in any situation. Seeing a reliable satellite in man, she will be dedicated to this relationship for many years. If the representative of this astrological combination of "overlooking", that is, confused in his own reasoning and plans, it is important for it to get a simple advice from the part. However, most often the ability to calculate them does not fail, they easily systematize large amounts of information and can find the right solutions.

Woman Aquarius-Pig (Boar): Characteristic of a woman born in a year of a pig, profession on a horoscope, celebrity 19579_30

Read more about the woman born under the sign of Aquarius, you can in this video.

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