How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like


A man born under the constellation of Aquarius is a good-natured and charming nature, which one just looks attention to attention. Representatives of this air sign are easy to communicate. Due to society, they quickly have new acquaintances, conquering the heart of a weak floor. There are no surprising issues of many women about how to interest Aquarius and fall in love with him. Astrology gives comprehensive answers to these questions. To conquer Aquarius, it is enough to explore the needs and "vulnerable places" of this sign.

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Aquarius is an unusual zodiacal sign. As a rule, men born under this constellation are extraordinary. By their nature, they are freedom-loving romance, accustomed to idealize everything around. Open new acquaintances, adventures and adventures, they rarely hurry to tie themselves with marriages.

However, becoming family mans, these men turn out to be good husbands and fathers for their children.

Externally, water seems frivolous, undisciplined and superficial. They may have many friends of different floors and ages, but at the same time, not a single friend or beloved woman. Disappointment for Aquarius - not uncommon, because men of this sign prefer to look for ideals in everything, and not finding them, temporarily fall into the despondency.

Men Aquarius - "chatty" dreamers who constantly invent new ideas and are looking for ways to implement conceived plans. It is not surprising that the representatives of this sign of the zodiac most often become geniuses. Their head is the "generator" of the insane ideas that they are constantly divided with all families. Because of this feature, aquaticity causes increased interest, especially from the opposite sex.

Representatives of air constellations are characterized by honesty and decency. They will not suffer lies in any of her manifestation and not thinking to say the truth, whatever bitter she was. From the surrounding aquaries are waiting for the same relationship. Suscommunicating a person in lies or hypocrisy, they will avoid meetings and conversations with him.

Basically, aquatic is friendly and peace-loving. Around itself, they create a relaxed atmosphere in which fun and easy. In most cases, thanks to such skills, the air sign attracts the opposite sex. However, women who want to win the hand and the heart of the Aquarius will have to make a lot of effort for his seduction.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_4

What girls do you like?

Representatives of various signs of the zodiac do not like different women: for some, the imperative authority will be the ideal, others will inspire a modest. Aquarius as its chosen will look for a riddle girl. It will attract an intriguing person in which a man every day will open something new.

Also in the opposite field of Aquarius will appreciate:

  • Inaccessibility. Vulgar and loose women who, at the first acquaintance, are close to themselves, not for him. It is interesting to seek this air sign to seek the girl, showing the hunter instinct.
  • Communicability. Sociable aquities will appreciate the erudition of a woman, her ability to support any conversation topics, whether cars, computers or football.
  • Optimism and good sense of humor. Guys belonging to air constellation need a cheerful and nonsense companion who does not fall into hysterics at the slightest difficulties.
  • Openness and honesty. To attract Aquarius, you should not hide or exaggerate reality. These signs from nature possess good intuition, which helps them quickly distinguish false from the truth, natural behavior of the narrowness. If a man is disappointed, he is unlikely to give a second chance.
  • Enterprise. A man is needed an initiative woman with which relations will not seem routine.
  • Passion and sex. Aquarius strive to "unite" souls with their second half, and not bodies. Because of this, they may seem cold in bed. Therefore, they are looking for a passionate companion, able to make emotions and bright colors in their intimate life.

To please Aquarius, you need to be interested in his life and maintain hobbies. He will give preference to the woman who can become a support and support for him, which will run with him in the morning, play board games or hurt for your favorite football team.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_8

How to conquer?

Only the girl who will be the closest girlfriend will be able to charm the Aquarius. He let into his life a woman who managed to accept his shortcomings, divide joys and misfortunes, maintain in a difficult moment. It will be interested in the one that, with all the friendliness and openness, will abide by the distance in relations so that she wanted to "conquer" and seek it.

To attract Aquarius, it is not worth telling him about his desire to build a serious relationship or quickly get married. These men are afraid of family bonds, so no need to rush events.

In order to interest Aquarius, you need:

  • Monitor their appearance. It does not matter is she blonde or brunette, thin or full. The main thing - to dress with taste, not necessarily in the fashion, always be well-groomed and neat. Man once and for all can push a girl with dirty hair, unkempt fingernails or teeth.
  • Be gentle, kind and feminine. When communicating with Aquarius is undesirable to use crude or abusive language. "Iron" Lady, by any means to achieve their own, not for him.
  • Have hobbies. Chance to improve those girls who have hobbies. Incurious and not much interested in the life of a woman is unlikely to attract the attention of men.

To appeal to Aquarius, we should not restrict his freedom. Being a sociable person, he will always seek to meet with friends and new acquaintances. The man did not suffer if a woman did not share his desire for communion.

Also, the girl is not worth flirting with acquaintances liked the guy and talk to frank themes. For the representatives of some zodiac signs such actions will be a good stimulation to pay more attention to its second half. However, the cause jealousy in Aquarius this way - bad idea. Flirting with his friends - is an unforgivable mistake women, which can lead to tragic consequences.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_10

How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_11

signs of love

Aquarius rarely in a hurry to talk about their feelings, so a woman can be difficult to understand how it actually relates to it. Air constellation representative may constantly think about favorite person, but do not dedicate it to his mental anguish. To understand what really is the ratio, it is necessary to look closely at the behavior of Man.

There are some indications that he is in love, to distinguish them is not difficult.

  • Good mood. If Aquarius man in love, he would smile and joke with a lust object. Vigor and energy will allow to charge your favorite girl a positive. At the same time he will have a lot to talk about themselves, every minute more and more opening his beloved.
  • Sight. Eyes - it's something that can give Aquarius. If a man constantly in communication diverts his gaze and looks furtively, you can be sure of his sympathy. He will try to look at the woman as if by chance, remembering her gestures and contours.
  • Touch. Affecting men during a conversation talk about love. If Aquarius wants to tactile contact, you can be confident in the deep feelings. First touch may be limited to clothing or affecting the girl's hands, and later - to embrace when they met.
  • Interest. Man, not showing sympathy, will not stop talking about their plans for solving the problems of "world" scale or variety of ingenious ideas.

The lover will behave somewhat differently. With respect to the lady he liked show interest: will listen carefully to his companion, to fill her with questions about interests and hobbies, to get to know.

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  • Marking. Aquarius in love is different solicitude. It can manifest itself in the details. For example, he will give a hand when leaving the public transport, the girl wears a jacket when it gets cold, give flowers for no reason. As a man will often call and write messages to find out how the case.
  • Jealousy. Aquarius in love is often jealous of the girl to the little things: to accidentally thrown view of the passer or an innocent smile. At the initial stage of the relationship, he will strive to win as much space in the darling of life.
  • Victims. For the sake of the beloved Aquarius ready for more: he did not hesitate to refuse to meet friends and spend this time with you like a particular, for the time forget about their hobbies and plans to spend a lot of money on entertainment and surprises.
  • Familiarity with relatives or friends. When Aquarius feels deep sympathy or love, he will try as quickly as possible to introduce the woman in your circle of contacts. Meet the Parents - an important step for a man. Such actions will speak about determination and desire to build a serious relationship.

If Aquarius really falls in love, he will soon offer live together. At first the man will gradually let a woman in your life: will often invite guests and offer to stay overnight. If the chosen one does not make any mistakes, he would give her the keys to the apartment and will offer live together. However, until that happens, do not terrorize Man with a desire to live together. Such pressure may scare a man because of his reverent attitude to personal space and freedom.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_15

How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_16

How to marry yourself?

Seduce Aquarius is much easier than to keep, let alone marry. As a rule, these people are getting married at a mature age, when he was well past 30.

Men do not want to get married for two main reasons:

  • it is important as the air of freedom;
  • they do not want to take on additional responsibilities and to take responsibility for his family.

Even if Aquarius likes a girl, he is unlikely to make an offer first lover. A woman needs to be prepared for the fact that she herself would have to gradually push him to such actions.

If the girl lives with a man, but he is in no hurry to tie himself with her marriage bezami, you need to be patient. You need to try to support Aquarius in all endeavors, give hand help in a difficult moment.

It is also important to build joint plans for the future, even if not global. When a man in a good mood, you can talk about the benefits of marriage, but at the same time not to show your desire to become my wife soon.

Despite the external independence of the air sign, he, like all people, needs a reliable partner to communicate, joint pastime, sex and other needs. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that Aquarius seeks to live a bachelor all his life. If he meets the girl of his dreams, in every sense for him perfect, he will not be afraid to offer her not only his hand, but also the heart.

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Family life

Woman should not relax if she has already managed to marry with an aquarity. A man belonging to this sign is able once and forever strikes his wife from his life if she and then makes mistakes in family life. It will be displayed from himself attempts to control each step or limit communication with friends. A woman who decided to tie his fate with an aquarity should be ready for the free lifestyle of a partner.

To prevent divorce, it is necessary to comply with a number of recommendations that are given astrologers:

  1. Down with monotony. Aquarius will not like a boring and routine family life. In marriage, a man seeks a variety in everything. Therefore, a woman is important to comprehend culinary art, balusa man with various dishes, to be different in communication and bed. The girl will need to constantly try to change something, for example, to periodically make a permutation in the room, change its image, makeup.
  2. Away hysterics and tears. If the spouse hurt, you should not beat the dishes, scream and cry. No one man will not like such behavior, an alarm - all the more. IMPORTANT without negative emotion to talk to her husband, talk about his resentment and experiences.
  3. No prohibitions. A man will not appreciate if the girl after the wedding will prohibit him to arrange friendly sites or deprive of hobbies that were in bachelor's life. If Aquarius loves fishing, hunting, visiting football matches, should not refuse him in this pleasure.

A woman who does not want to lose interest, will not turn into a housewife. Regardless of how much a man is earned by Aquarius, he will always appreciate the girl independent financially. If all cases are reduced to the management of the household, the interest may soon abide, and followed the divorce.

Compliance with these rules and recommendations does not guarantee a long and happy family life. It happens that the woman seems to not allow slippers, but Aquarius leaves anyway. In such situations, it is important to know how to make a chosen one. It will be difficult to return the partner, because the man of Aquarius is not from those who are twice in the same river.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_19

How to return?

Aquarius can find many reasons for parting. First of all, there are insufficient attention to their person, the unwillingness of women to surprise, be interesting and sincere. Often, men part due to women's whims, moving in hysterics and tears. Perhaps Aquarius idealized his chief, but at some time it was disappointed in it.

Whatever the reason neither led to the rupture of the relationship, there are several ways to reconcile. First of all, it is necessary to analyze your behavior, reveal the mistakes and produce "work on errors". Only the desire to change will help return the aquale back. Astrologers are also recommended to resort to some rules.

First you need to give a water to cool. You should not throw it messages and delight phone calls. It is worth wait a few days, then ask for a meeting. When talking, you need to be polite, tender and feminine. So a man will be able to understand that you are really bad without him.

You need to try to change both externally and internally. Change your hairstyle or clothing style. Aquarius will necessarily appreciate such changes. It is also important not to forget about the intellectual component. A beautiful "shell" of women for this air sign will not matter if inside it turns out to be a pacifier. Therefore, it is important to think about the upcoming meeting, choose interesting topics for conversation.

If Aquarius agrees to meet, he should not blame him in parting or be accused of offense. Try so that there is more positive and humor in the conversation. Give him new bright emotions. Do not spare smiles. Try to start a joint life with a blank sheet, not remembering the disagreements and the mistakes of our partner. You should always remember that it is possible to find an approach to representatives of any signs of the zodiac.

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The compatibility of the Male Aquarius with representatives of various zodiac signs is not easy. Not every woman will be able to understand his difficult behavior and take with all the shortcomings.

According to Love Horoscope, Aquarius is well compatible with the signs belonging to the fire element. They are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Air from the fire, the best combination. Horoscope signs fiery different freedom, and an active lifestyle, developed intelligence and independence. Union Aquarius with Aries, Leo or Sagittarius is doomed to success, if the spouses will learn to listen to each other and to find out which of them is more intelligent.

With signs belonging to the earth element, at the Aquarius poor compatibility. At first glance, the union with Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn seems ideal. "Earth" women are able to cope with household chores. They are economical and thrifty, which is why Aquarius next to them will feel comfortable.

However, neither the Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn will not be able to make the life of Aquarius really bright and saturated. As a rule, it is calm signs, not adventurous. With them, Aquarius will feel like a bird in a cage. Sometimes among these unions met happy couples. Typically, in these families the partners are able to listen and hear each other and make compromises. But the divorce rate among the air of Aquarius, and representatives of the earth element is very large.

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How does a woman conquer a man of Aquarius? Love horoscope and how to understand what you like 19575_24

Partnership with air signs and fire element is ambiguous. It would seem that the union of two "air" signs must be perfect. They have a similar attitude to life, family and education of children.

Aquarius man like no other girl will understand Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

All these signs are independent, freedom-loving and proud. However, because of the latter quality often they are ruptured. Signs belonging to the air element, fast "light up" new relationships and quickly destroy them. As a rule, separation takes place for both partners painlessly.

With partners who belong to the water element, a male Aquarius is not compatible at all. Women Cancers, Scorpio or Pisces will never understand windy Aquarius, eager to communicate, freedom and new acquaintances. Water woman used to build strong and reliable relationships. They are realists, who are not accustomed to soar in the clouds and think about the impossible, as it used to do Aquarius.

Do not get too serious about the compatibility of signs in love, as in all the unions there are exceptions. There are absolutely incompatible zodiac signs on partners who were able to live a long and happy married life.

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About position in life of people born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, you can see from the video below.

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