Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs


People who have emerged in the interval from January 21 to February 19, 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, a combination of dogs and aquarius is patronized, which encourages eternally to harmony in the soul and in the environment. What other features can hide in them, what is their characteristic, consider in more detail.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_2

Features of the horoscope

The patroves signs have a great influence on their wards: a man's dog very much appreciates the home space, reigning there with comfort and is ready to invest in its creation and improving. This is a very faithful, dedicated person, an excellent companion and a friend who can keep secrets. The open nature attracts others, but he does not seek to be in the spotlight, although it is always ready to substitute his shoulder and provide support to even a unconscious person.

However, the air aquarius cannot but bring its ease and sometimes even dispense. Born at this time easily relates to life, often finds new hobbies and immersed in them with head. Even romantic relationships are perceived by him as a kind of hobby, the opportunity to pass the time is waiting for their only one. At the same time, even a serious affair with him may be unhappy, since such a man is very independent, critically critized, sometimes jealous, so it is so important to find a complementary woman, because calm in the family is the most important condition for his happiness.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_3

This is a very volitional man with a strong character, decisive, purposeful, who knows exactly what he wants from life. Stubbornness and perseverance allows him to go to the intended goal and always get the desired. Aquarius, born in the year of the dog, easily reaches good positions, never needs money, any effort aimed at achieving a goal, coupled with a solid nature always gives a positive result. Diligence and responsibility are necessarily rendered by the authorities, so the rapid career takeoff does not cause himself to wait. But at the same time, excessive straightness can serve a bad service, turning honesty into nettaactivity, and a painful sense of justice other times is simply superfluous.

By itself, this is a very calm, reasonable, externally, a somewhat cold man, a not clocking to the bright manifestation of emotions and preferring all the questions to solve not a scandal, but dialogue. Very dependent on the presence of near close people; Alone, much less often achieves success in life.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_4

In love

This person is always in finding a woman. A critical approach does not allow him to turn in the clouds, so his ideal is quite achievable. Good intuition allows you to make less mistakes, so this man is difficult to call Lovelas - the man comes up with all the responsibility, long weighing for and against. The main criterion in the choice of their pair considers intellectual and spiritual compatibility, so when he finally marries, the Union reminds more friendship.

A good pair for him will be a soft woman with a slight character, quite intelligent, which balances the despotic of the spouse, smooth out sharp corners in the relationship, will be a reliable support and custodian of the hearth.

In bed prefers romance and all its components: Silk linen, candles, flower petals, aromatic oils and massages; He loves long affection and attention to his person, but he himself is ready to give pleasure partner. I experimented a lot and openly shares with your fantasies with your woman, but considering the jealous knitting of the dogs, it is better not to answer him the same. However, the sexual side of the relationship is not the main and necessary, more important man perceives the commonality of interests and hobbies.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_5

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_6

Family, marriage and life

The man of the Aquarius chooses for a long time, with whom to connect fate, so it often marries quite late, a woman often becomes often a woman who adheres to a similar look at life. His family will always reign warm friendships and complete mutual understanding. He really relates to his half, make it really happy not for him. Dog-Aquarius becomes a good father tied to children and their enthusiastic upbringing. The family is the main value for him, all his life he is ready to put in order to surround the household with its warmth, care and love.

Arrangement of life, as a rule, a man takes on himself, but this duty gives him great pleasure - Who, as not a dog knows that the house should be not a temporary refuge, but a calm harbor. Love for changing the environment also imposes an imprint on the dwelling of this person: frequent permutations and regular repairs will become the norm.

By nature, this man is altruist, always ready to assist and support, especially if we are talking about loved ones. He likes to collect relatives and friends around him, and in general, seeks to create a big, friendly and strong family.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_7

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_8

Compatible with other signs

Born in the year of the dog is easy to converge with people thanks to its complacency, openness and readiness to help. However, in the construction of a long relationship, many other qualities of both the man and the alleged life companion are considered. In particular, this guy very highly appreciates its own advantages and is waiting that a suitable pair will also exal them. Therefore, with the egocentric dragon, the dog will be very difficult. Loving to blame scales in the secular rounds East Predator does not understand the second half of half to the home hearth. But also a difficult alliance expects a man with a goat, which is very valued by privacy. He seeks to society and continuous communication, she also wants to be left alone, so they are waiting for frequent reproaches in gloominess and dislike. The pig rarely causes the original sympathy, although if this will arise, this union will be strong and fruitful.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_9

On the contrary, the best couples of this man will be girls born under the signs of rats, rabbits and snakes. As a rule, they have a huge number of common hobbies, which will make this relationship very harmonious, in the company of each other these people will feel very happy. The first one good understands the craving of men to the adventure and is ready to accompany him, the second will be able to organize exactly the house that he dreams about. The third same as no other understands his craving for harmony.

As for other signs - these unions are waiting for success if the dog shows enough flexibility and go to meet the partner, although the excessive despoticity can hurt it much.

According to the Western Horoscope, the Aquarius is extremely good in virtually with all the signs of the zodiac, complementing all of them, and the best parties for him will be scales and Sagittarius.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_10

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_11

Characteristics of Male Aquarius Dog: Horoscope Born in the Year of Dogs, Compatible with other signs 19574_12

The characteristic of the sign of the dog see in the next video.

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