Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding


From early childhood, every girl dreams of a fabulous Prince, who will become her spouse and will love her all his life. And when the prince appears, it must be done so that the magic does not end. Celebrate the wedding as in a fairy tale, to create a festive mood, it is possible to give a solemnity event with the help of different parts and subtleties, which we will talk about.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_2

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_3

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_4

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_5

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_6




After the pair submits an application to the registry office, they are given time not only to think about the correctness of their choice, but also on the organization of a wedding celebration. Young choose wedding outfits, buy rings, make up a list of guests. Works have a lot, but it is nice little things.

You need to try to plan everything right to avoid surprises, because nothing should overshadow the mood on the day of the celebration.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_7

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_8

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_9

It is necessary to determine where an important event will be held. You can choose a good cafe, and you can spend a holiday at home. Special attention is paid to the design of the table for the newlyweds. Cashing this issue, it is worth following certain rules:

  • The table should be located in the center of the overall composition, because guests will watch the fiance and bride all evening, saying festive toasts. Think out the layout so that the youngs are clearly visible from different ends of the hall, usually places for them are chosen at the head of the table.
  • When making the table for the bride and groom, the selected color palette should be taken into account. Decor is best done in bright colors. You can also decorate the table with original floral compositions, enable interesting dishes in the menu and make it beautifully.
  • Color design should emphasize the basic tone. It is desirable that it corresponds to the outfits of the newlyweds.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_10

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_11

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_12

  • Choose dishes and textiles that match the main theme and decor.
  • Special attention should be paid to the zone in front of the bride and groom and the wall behind the young.
  • On the wedding table there must be elements that are used in the decor tables for guests. It is better to make items to the decor smaller in size, because the main role on this day belongs to the central table.
  • Illumination can also be an important decoration element. Use various lighting effects for greater dynamic.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_13

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_14

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_15

Decorating a wedding table, prefer the color palette that will correspond to a certain topic. The bride and groom choose a color for the celebration that serves as the basis. These shades are present in the design of the hall, outfits of newlyweds, flower and decorative compositions. Often and guests are offered to come in dresses that match the "wedding" color.

Try to create an atmosphere of solemnity, but do not get carried away. Create a gentle and modest image. Do not attempt to copy options for other events, try to make your wedding unique.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_16

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_17

How to send guests?

Most of the time guests spend behind the wedding table. Such events usually come a large number of people of different ages, preferences, hobbies. In order for everyone to be fun and interesting, think in advance how to send guests . Their comfort and mood depends on.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_18

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_19

Here are some tips to help connect guests with convenience:

  • Starting in advance to make a plan seating guest. Pay enough time to avoid annoying misunderstandings at the last moment.
  • Place the tables so that all guests can be clearly visible to the bride and groom throughout the evening.
  • Near the table where newlyweds are located, leave places for close relatives, parents.
  • If older people are at the wedding, put them close to the young so that they can hear everything well. You should not leave a place for such guests next to the musicians, it will be superfluous to interfere.
  • Try to alternate men and women, it will be more convenient to lead a conversation, especially if people are completely unfamiliar.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_20

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_21

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_22

  • A good option will be placed on the tables of cards with the names of invited guests.
  • Put in one place of friends, colleagues at work, relatives.
  • Guests with young children usually disappear at one table. For older children, you can put a separate table. A box with pencils and paper will allow the guys to do an interesting business while their parents are having fun.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_23

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_24

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_25

Try not to have a children's zone next to the musicians. She also should not interfere with the free movement of other guests. At the same time, parents should be able to permanently visitor contact with children.

Choosing places for those invited, guided by your personal preferences. You can print a shared plan and hang it at the entrance. So guests can quickly find their places.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_26

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_27

Ideas design dishes

The main point when preparing for the wedding is the decoration of the festive table. On this day, you can please yourself with the most sophisticated meal. Typically choose a large number of all kinds of dishes, given the tastes and preferences of the newlyweds.

A variety of cold and hot dishes, unusual snacks should like and guests. The bride and groom should try to make the menu so that everyone is full and satisfied. Do not forget that older people will come to the wedding, and children. For such guests, special dishes should be selected. Please note that someone of their guests can be a vegetarian, so there must be a sufficient amount of meat dishes on the table.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_28

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_29

Sweet is usually served at the end of the celebration. To this final moment must be approached with special care. Usually a luxurious wedding cake is performed to order. Other delicacies are served in beautiful glasses or other exquisite dishes.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_30

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_31

Fruits are also a necessary element on a festive table. Especially successful will be their selection by shades corresponding to the "wedding" color. You can add bright tape to fruit baskets, and you can beautifully decompose them on plates. In this case, pieces of fruit can be cut in the form of hearts, stars and other figures.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_32

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_33

Beautiful textiles are often used to decorate the wedding table. You can make a cloth not only the table, but also chairs, as well as other elements. Prefer the gentle transparent tissues of pastel tones, such as organza, chiffon, kapron. You can decorate separate interior details. Permissible combination of various tissues.

On the table for newlyweds you can lay a lace tablecloth. Under the openwork or transparent canvas, it is necessary to place a monochrome opaque fabric so that no legs are visible at the table. The dishes can be decorated with air fatin.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_34

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_35

Add a honeycombness to the atmosphere of the holiday, putting candles of different colors, sizes and design on tables. You can use them as a decor, and you can be lit at a certain time, for example, when the wedding cake will be taken.

When decorating a festive table with flowers, you can give preference to both alive and artificial colors. Flower compositions successfully complement the overall style of the event. You can put a large beautiful bouquet with alive colors in the center of the main table. On guest tables you can place small bouquets of the same tone.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_36

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_37

Methods serving

Competent table setting for a wedding celebration is an important point. The table is placed on a beautiful tablecloth. You can choose both a classic white canvas and a fabric suitable for style and coloring to the subject of the event.

Please note that excess of bright colors can adversely affect the design. Use no more than three tones, harmoniously combined with each other. Under the tablecloth, it is customary to put a special substrate to absorb sound.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_38

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_39

During the arrangement of the dishes take into account certain rules. Two plates for each guest put on the table. On a plate for main dishes put a plate of a smaller size designed for snacks. From above there are beautiful fabric napkins, often decorated with an interesting decor.

Cutlery are placed in a certain way. From the left side of the plate - a place for a fork, on the right - a place for a spoon and knives. Also on the right side, the instruments are postponed in a certain order. The first to put devices that enjoy the last place. Next to the plate is put a knife, which is used for the main dishes. Then there is a soup spoon. The last place is occupied by a knife for snacks.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_40

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_41

Equally important to put wine glasses properly. For solemn events, wine glasses are used, champagne glasses, for wine and wine glasses for vodka. It is worth noting that there are differences between the glasses for white and red wine. For white wine, glasses are chosen slightly smaller in volume. Glasses are put at a distance of one centimeter from each other, in front of the plates.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_42

The composition of flowers will become the final stroke at the design of the room. Plants are desirable to pick up a decor of the wedding table. Bouquets should not be too cumbersome, otherwise they will interfere with the communication of guests.

Do not use flowers with a strong smell, they can cause headaches, as well as drown out the aromas coming from dishes.

For volumetric compositions of colors, separate large vases are suitable. On long tables it is better to arrange a composition of several shallow vases with plants. You can add decoration using candles and fruits. You can also put elegant candelabra on the tables.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_43

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_44

Serving the table with your own hands, you can show all the fantasy so that the result makes the newlyweds and guests an indelible impression. From how beautiful and successfully the table will cover, the overall mood of those present depends.

Often at the weddings install bunting tables with snacks. Here are appropriate sandwiches with splats, canapes, meat and fruit cutting. Such snacks can be done at home.

Try to feed foods in this form so that they are comfortable to take them to do not crumble and not drip out. This will exclude the risk of pollution of outfits.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_45

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_46

Tips and recommendations

Do not forget about balloons. Pick up the colors corresponding to the design, and place the balls behind the backs of the newlyweds in the form of the arch or other composition. You can also decompose balloons in front of the bride and groom on the floor.

Pay attention to the design of the walls for the newlyweds. After all, all the attention of guests will be drawn. You can use transparent fabrics, freely hanging down, and you can tie them with beautiful lace ribbons, stick with rhinestone pins, tie with bows. So you can make not only the place at the table of newlyweds, but also the whole hall.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_47

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_48

Decorating the room and decorating the wedding table, you can encounter some difficulties. That this does not happen, it is important to avoid some errors:

  • Do not use strongly smelling plants and aromatic candles;
  • The color gamut of the room should not "argue" with the outfit of newlyweds;
  • Do not use high decor to design a table, because guests must see each other;
  • Do not decorate the room with flowers and fruits earlier than a day before the event, otherwise the fruits will lose fresh look, and the flowers are faded;
  • For small tables, single decorations are more suitable for long tables, it is better to use several compositions;
  • Stop the choice on tissue napkins (paper will look cheap);
  • Decorate a bundle table without excess brightness, in calm colors.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_49

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_50

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_51

Products from a buffet table can be used on the 2nd day after a banquet, because often after such events there are many products. If you celebrate a wedding in a cafe, employees offer to pick up the remaining dishes with them, and in this case it is quite by the way. The next day, guests can come again, and you can treat them.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_52

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_53

Wedding anniversary is also often marked with a big sweep. Many guests are invited to the first anniversary. It is called a Sitz Wedding. The name is due to the fact that in the first year after the wedding, the young people still "are soldered" to each other, and the relationship is not yet very durable as sitheria. On this day, it is customary to give bed linen, scarves, pillows.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_54

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_55

Successful examples and options

When choosing the topics of the wedding, you can listen to the advice of designers and stylists, learn the fashion trends of the upcoming season. So you can decide on the color and supplement it with suitable shades. Today, the following colors are often used for wedding celebrations:

  • Red;
  • Marsala;
  • light pink;
  • rich green;
  • gray-blue shades;
  • "coffee with milk";
  • Yellow and his combinations with burgundy.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_56

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_57

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_58

Celebration, decorated in a delicate lilac-white gamma, will be organic. This will give the event of mystery, lightness and grace. It is impressive and unusual looks at the design of the room in golden color.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_59

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_60

For adherents of classics, beige, dairy, soft pink shades are the best options. Dynamic nature can choose outfits in a refreshing and "spring" lightweight.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_61

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_62

When choosing a colors, consider and what time of year is a celebration. For the winter event, cold and rich colors are suitable. It can be combinations of white with blue, gray or gold, using a purple shade and Marsala color.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_63

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_64

In the warm season, the best choice will be shades of green, blue, pink tones. The combination of blue with yellow will remind you of the endless clean sky and bright sun. When choosing white with blue, you can get a romantic marine image.

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_65

Design of the wedding table (68 photos): table setting for the bride and groom, the ideas of design dishes for newlyweds, how to send guests at the wedding 19553_66

More secrets in the design of the wedding hall you will learn from the following video.

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