He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them?


One of the most popular classes for spending free time was painting painting by numbers. These sets are available almost everywhere and relatively inexpensive. Their technology is simple, children, and adults, and elderly people can paint. Paint, included in the sets, is not traditional and familiar to us gouache or watercolor is an acrylic dye. He has its own characteristics, in particular, dries quickly. About what to do if it happened, tells the article below.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_2

Causes of drying

If paint for paintings dried according to the numbers, this was the result of the influence of the following factors or actions.

  1. The manufacturer violated the manufacturing technology or used low-quality materials.
  2. Capacity with paints was loosely closed. Obviously, in this case, paint dries very quickly.
  3. Paints were stored in conditions other than those described in the instructions. In particular, the rays of the sun are especially destructive on them.
  4. Paints can dry and in the event that the painting was dragged and the lid did not close at that time.
  5. The dye dries away if it is too often open.
  6. Paints often dry out after the expiration date.
  7. If during transport or use the container was damaged, then drying is not possible.
  8. In the fresh air, paint gets dry faster than indoors (under the condition of the cover).
  9. As already mentioned, undesirable to expose the dyes to the direct exposure to sunlight. Under their influence, the solvent located in the paint evaporates faster.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_3

What can be diluted?

The following substances are used to dilute the paint.


The easiest way to make acrylic dyes for drawing have become liquid again, is diluted with water. It is impossible to use water containing foreign substances or impurities.

It is best to take a filtered or outstanding liquid. It is such water that just dilutes dyes and does not affect their physical properties.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_4

But water can affect the brightness and saturation of paint when applied. Obviously, when adding an excessive amount of water, a layer of applied paint can be both transparent. Also, after dilution, the dried paints become slightly muddy. For those who want to avoid this, it is recommended to use varnishes.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_5

Specialized solvents

If the paints dried up, then solvents will help to dilute them quickly and relatively efficiently. This product can affect the physical properties of dyes - they can dry faster or slower, to become matte or glossy after drying.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_6

On some labels to solvents, you can find mention of the consequences of use. Therefore, they need to be applied strictly according to the instructions and not do this after the expiration date of the product. It is impossible to violate solvent storage rules.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_7

Good reviews received products such manufacturers like "Gamma", "Art-Acryl", "Sonnet". Professional artists recommend using these substances for dilution of paints, not water. Although the use of the second substance for most people is preferable.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_8

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_9


They differ from solvents primarily by the fact that they do not have a clear instruction. These substances are not always purchased in specialized stores. They can include gasoline, alcohol, kerosene, solvent and even turpentine.

It is allowed to simultaneously use water, solvents and diluents. Often together are used first two.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_10

How to make it possible?

As you know, paints in sets are spilled in small containers. Nevertheless, even such a small amount of paint needs to be breed separately. It is best for this that the palette is suitable. Before using a relatively large number of paint, you must first dissolve a small amount on a wet palette. By carrying out this process, you can understand what about the amount of diluent will be needed in order to restore the paint, without spoiling the intensity of the shade. Instead of the palette, you can also use a small container (the lid from the dye jar).

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_11

If the paint is completely and hopelessly dried, then you can do it immediately in tanks with paint. In the syringe of a small volume, a solvent, diluent or water is recruited and one drop is poured into the container. Syringe can be replaced by a pipette. It is necessary to do it carefully, trying not to add too much diluting fluid into the paint. After each drop, you need to mix the paint. Dilute should be diluted until lumps will stop appearing in the dye. For stirring, it is best to use toothpick.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_12

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_13

If it is not possible to dilute with water, and the remaining diluents and solvents do not give results, then there is a "home" method. However, for this method, water or solvents will still be needed.

  • Drain completely paint should be pulled out from the tank and, if possible, look at small pieces or confused into the powder state. In this case, a household kitchen knife can help.
  • Next, the paint powder is heated in a water bath or hairdryer.
  • Then in the heated paint (it should at least melt slightly) are added in small quantities water or solvents / diluents. It is necessary to mix everything.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_14

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_15

As a result, the dye will not acquire its initial consistency, there will be a large number of lumps. Nevertheless, it is believed that this method helps partially return the opportunity to use the dye for painting.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_16

The following amounts of water, solvents and diluents are optimal for paints of various consistency.

  1. If the paint in the jar is liquid, then there will be one drop of water or solvent.
  2. For a slightly thick dye, adding 3-4 drops. Usually in this form you can see the paint immediately after the first unpacking. Such paint does not spread.
  3. The thick dye requires the addition of from 5 to 10 drops of the appropriate fluid. Draw such a dye a little difficult - during the process you can feel the brush resistance.
  4. If the paint acquired plasticine consistency, then more than 10 drops will be required. Ideally, it is recommended to use a dozen water drops and several drops of solvent.
  5. For solid paint, the use of solvents or water is possible, although very undesirable. You will have to add too much that as a result will affect the quality of the dye. Therefore, it is recommended to use the method described above.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_17

Prevention measures

In order for paint to continue to remain liquid and did not fall asleep, you do not need to start unpacking the set and open the dyes in the event that you are not going to engage in painting in the near future. If the paints are already unpacked, then you need to carefully close and remove into a dark place.

A good option can be a heating basement, garage, wardrobe, storage room.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_18

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_19

It is also worth mentioning again about the need for the thick closure of the capacitance covers with dyes. The covers after each occupation need to be cleaned from dyes, the same should be done with tank necks. Several layers of dried dye on the lid and the neck will not allow closing the tank tightly, and there will be no speech about tightness.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_20

It is impossible to leave dyes in an open form for a long time and even more to be removed during the drawing process. No need to draw outdoors. As already mentioned, it accelerates the pouring of dyes. Dirty, poor-quality or dry brushes for drawing also do not affect the beneficial on dyes.

It is necessary to wash tassels under running water after each use and slightly soakable before use.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_21

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_22

Useful advice

  1. If water is used to dilute, then it is best to cool it better. Water from under the crane you need to boil and defend. In other cases, water is filtered.
  2. You always need to dilute very small doses. This applies to all substances, even water.
  3. It is important to mix thoroughly after each addition of the diluent.
  4. During drawing, try to take a small amount of paint and transfer it to the palette or other media, and the container with the dye immediately close.
  5. If any color is over, then do not rush to get rid of the jar. After careful flushing, it can be used as a small palette. It is also convenient for breeding.
  6. The dilution of paint not only makes it more liquid, but also in a certain extent increases its volume. If the paints are not enough paints to complete the picture, then it can be slightly diluted. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it.

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_23

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_24

If you have failed to "reanimate" the dried dyes, then you need to buy a set of acrylic paints. The most accessible and relatively cheap in this segment are the sets from the manufacturer "Ray".

He dried paint for paintings by numbers: what to do? How to dilute acrylic paints for drawing by numbers, if they dried? How to breed them? 19510_25

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