Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance?


The art of dance came to us for a long time, today there are a variety of styles that are very popular. Dances can pass their mood, express a variety of feelings and just get the maximum pleasure. Latina style is one of the most passionate, sensual and expressive, all movements are deposited and full of incredible energy. You are offered to your attention a more detailed acquaintance with this direction in dance art.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_2

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_3

Advantages and disadvantages

Latin dances can be attributed to one of the most emotional and bold, with the help of classes can be liberated, reveal yourself and get a huge charge of energy, despite the fact that this will require a lot of strength. This area is in great demand in world competitions and contests. It should be noted that their versatile and diversity are the main advantages of Latin dances. Some of them are sensual, full of romance, while others are more familiar and require courage from performers. As for the minuses, they are practically no, because the dance is a manifestation of themselves, the emission of energy through beautiful movements under stunning music.

Some mistakenly believe that Latin style is vulgar, however, it should be noted that it all depends on the dancers, besides, the depth can be revealed, only plunging into the history of this art. This direction can be considered one of the most popular, as it is an integral part of dance battles in various countries.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_4

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_5

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_6

Types and basic movements

If you decide to engage in Latin American dances, you should start doing this step by step, but the first thing you need to choose a subspecies, because Latina is in itself many directions.


This dance is familiar to many, he takes his beginning in Brazil, where annually for many decades is organized by one of the largest carnavals, which lovers from all over the world come. Initially, the Samba was a dance of slaves, so the movements were very frank, but it did not stop the popularization of movements. It is safe to say that this is a combination of the dancing of African settlers of the Brazilian land.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_7

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_8

Cha-cha cha

Surely, everyone who in childhood attended dance classes, learned this flirty dance that reminds the game between partners. His story began two more centuries ago in Cuba.

A bright element that distinguishes this direction from others is the alternation of fast and slow rhythms, most movements focuses on swaying the hips, it is really beautiful and attractive.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_9


The dance of the thirst for freedom from captivity, there are many movements in it that transmit love. The characteristic feature of Rumba is circular movements by the case, with time sex elements began to appear in it. The sources of dance also go from Cuba, but there is an intersection of Spain. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the partner is trying to touch his female nippers, the last, in turn, in every way avoids it, so Rumba looks like a love game. Some compare this dance with tango, besides, it has three varieties.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_10


Perhaps this is one of the fastest and most energetic dances, which belongs to the Latin American program. He originated two centuries ago, alone believe that the creators were the Indians, others adhere to the opinions that this is the idea of ​​African emigrants. You can say with confidence that The dance uses rock and roll elements.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_11

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_12


This is a Spanish version of the Latina, whose movements resemble the fight with bulls. A participant is a brave toro, whose partner depicts the very red cape that annoys. Pasadobl has some differences that allocate it among other destinations. We are talking about the position of the case of dancers: shoulders must be omitted, and the chest is raised, while the head is almost fixed. Some elements were borrowed from Flamenco.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_13


This dance can be boldly attributed to the club theme, as it is the "king" among the Latin dances. Salsa takes his story at the beginning of the last century in Cuba, an interesting name is translated as "sauce", since the customs of Latin and Central America are mixed here. This is one of the subspecies of Latin American dance, which is also divided into several types depending on the elements performed.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_14


It was in the Dominican Republic who first came up with this energetic and bright style. The dancers wear a lot of decorations, carry out active circular movements of the hips, rotate the case and rhythmically shrugged at an accelerated pace. Partners must be in an embrace, so it looks quite intimate and erotic.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_15

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_16


This direction has Cuban roots, which their history goes to the ancient rites. The first changes in Mambo were made in the 40th, when Jazz united with Afro-Cuban rhythms.

This dance today is popular around the world, it can be performed not only in a pair, but even a solo or large group, so even more fun and spectacular.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_17

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_18


From the club Latina is one of the most romantic directions that appeared in the Dominican Republic. To learn how to move correctly in one or another Latin American style, you just need to start attending lessons and watch master classes, repeating the teachers. It is not important here a technique as a great desire and energy, and professionalism will come after. It should be noted that Latina is beautiful in that it is suitable for both adults and children, especially those who plan to perform at the competition, because without these dances, not a single competition of ball art.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_19

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_20

Choosing clothes

This is an important task that needs to be solved with the right approach. . Clothing, like shoes, must meet certain parameters. Of course, the costume must be convenient not to shoot motion and ensure comfort. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the fabric is quite elastic, and the air passes and can absorb moisture. As for the shoes, it is important that the size is yours, otherwise you will not be able to practice for a long time. Practicality matters, besides, dance clothes are worn often, and during classes you have to sweat, so the costumes need to be erased. Make sure the fabric is not deformed, does not lose color and is not stretched.

As for the appearance, everything is individually here, the main thing is that the costume is beautiful on the figure, emphasized the merits and guaranteed a good mood during class. In addition, the judges pay special attention to the presentability and appearance of the participant.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_21

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_22

You can consider several fabric options that deserve trust in the selection of a suit for Latin American dance. A good choice for a child during training will be a product, which contains up to 80% of natural fiber. In class you can do with cotton T-shirts, especially if you do not plan to professionally do dancing, but do it just for your own pleasure.

As for the Liker, it is used to sewing costumes for professional dancers. Such products are thin, which allows them to beautifully facilitate the shape. This is an elastic material that does not shine movements and is not stretched with long-term operation. Of course, on the market you can find a wide selection of clothing, so it is necessary to study the quality, strength and reliability to take the right solution.

For the presentation, girls need a dress, and their partners are special pants and shirt.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_23

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_24

The choice of shoes also plays an important role, the technique of movements and comfort depends on it. Here are some recommendations that will help implement the right purchase. For Latin American dances there are special shoes. Newbies are better to use Czech to learn to put the leg and not worry about their own security. But for the development of professional skills, it is better to switch to high-quality shoes on a heel (for women), in which the sole of genuine leather. Shoes should not slide, the heel is low, stable, and the size is ideal. For men, there are also shoes with a slight rise, you should choose quality, reliability and durability.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_25

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_26

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_27

Tips for beginners

To learn to dance, it is not necessary to go to the studio, especially if it is not in your city. Learning from scratch can be started at home, looking at the master classes, which are quite a lot on the Internet. If you have a desire and you set you a goal, which is ready to achieve, then everything will definitely work out. Many are worried about physical unpreparedness, but it is not necessary to learn complex movements, it is possible to start with the simplest thing that the body began to get used to, and muscles develop. First of all, you will need to decide on the type of Latin American dance, so as not to learn the mixed elements. Of course, the presence of suitable shoes and clothes will be welcomed.

Experts recommend to start learning from Cha-Cha Chac, after which you can go to Pasodoble or Rumba . Of course, you will need free time and place to learn movements. Choose the thematic music that you like: it will inspire advance and closer to its goal. The constancy plays an important role, it is thanks to him that it is possible to work out turns, learn to manage the body and increase your own skills. You should not worry if you do not have a partner, you can start yourself, and after finding a like-minded to enjoy the dance in a pair. If you want to do this at a more professional level, look for an experienced specialist who will not just show movements, but also will adjust you, correct mistakes and help to master the Latin.

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_28

Latin dances: Latina for beginner adults. Minuses of Latin American dances and pros. How to learn to dance? 19493_29

About how to learn the basic movements of the Latin American dance, see the next video.

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