The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples


Drawing - a stunning view of creativity that allows the artist to create magical images of girls unearthly beauty. Having mastered a few simple basics, every fan can create portraits to recreate the beauty of the human body on paper. The most important thing in the work - it is a constant practice, because of the amazing job the coolest artists are always a great number of attempts and a lot of hours of work. An excellent way of drawing quality workout - filling sketchbooks sketches girls in different styles and angles.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_2

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_3

Overview options

Girls often become the subject of inspiration of artists, who later gained popularity and recognition thanks to his paintings. The best examples of female beauty are inspired famous works of art "Portrait Golden Adele" Gustav Klimt and the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci. These great masters for a long time were to create incredible paintings and also began to write their own creations with simple sketches.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_4

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_5

Each artist's hidden nooks enormous amount of drawings and sketches that are unlikely to see the light, because they have a different purpose - they are written to inspire a creator of new, interesting job. Sketchbooks is not only a tool for honing artistic skills - it is also a way to get inspired for new patterns and to find the strength for the self. We offer you several options to consider designs that can fill a book of drawings.

  • Sketch . The drawings in the style of a sketch - it's simple and quick sketches, teaching artist to capture interesting scenes of everyday life and remember the images of the girls. Sketches is best to draw from nature, for example, to invite her friend and asked to pose or make sketches of random people in public transport. This style requires that each sketch should not take more than 2-10 minutes.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_6

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_7

As a result, the image will not be perfect, but you will quickly learn to throw a pose or facial features of the model. In addition, you will have a real base of different poses that inspire to further refine the details.

  • Portrait . The girl's face - the most expressive part of the body, which artists are working more closely than other parts of the image. Masters are advised to start drawing portraits, sculptures copying a person, because they are absolutely fixed, in addition to their self-colored surface easier to see light and shadow, space forming. Then you can gradually move to srisovke black-and-white photos. Portraits of the artist to help learn how to draw facial proportions, emotions and different hairstyles.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_8

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_9

  • Full length. To draw a figure of a girl in full growth, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the body. There is a huge number of ways to create a realistic sketch, and the most popular of them are the measurement of the body with the number of character heads and a comparison of the proportions of the body relative to each other. Each new art girl in full growth will open you knowledge of the future, the characteristics of the body structure and tricks of creating an outline.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_10

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_11

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_12

  • Pose . Pictures of a girl for a sketchbook are not limited to simple body proportions. A new level of complexity of the reproduction of a female figure on paper is the creation of sketches in different poses. The body of a person consists of a huge number of interrelated bones, muscles and joints, so it is so important to convey their connection so that every posture looks natural.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_13

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_14

There are a lot of sketch creation options: it can be a seated girl, a figure from the back or a fashion sketch with a model in a dress, pajamas or suit.

  • Heroine cartoon . The animated version of the girls is much more suitable for novice artists, because their bodies are greatly simplified proportions. In addition, you can draw hypertrophied face features to express more vivid emotions. Heroine cartoons open more space for creativity - they can be both ordinary people and magicians from the parallel universe.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_15

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_16

  • Anime Girls . Illustration of Anime Girls is one of the most common types of creativity at a young age. The Japanese direction of art allows you to give the most unusual distinctive features: violet, blue or pink hair, huge, shining eyes and many ways to express emotions.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_17

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_18

All listed ideas for filling the sketchbook can be performed both in the black and white variant and in the multicolored palette of shades. If you draw simple pencils, it is better to create a black and white sketch, and then decide whether to decorate it or not.

Drawings with paints, such as watercolor, are performed in two ways:

  • Creating an outline and disagreement;
  • Applying a color spot, "podmuelka", with an exemplary arrangement of the elements that are subsequently finalized.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_19

Step-by-step instruction drawing

To draw drawing, prepare the necessary tools and materials:

  • Simple pencils of different hardness;
  • eraser;
  • Skotbuk;
  • If you plan to smoke sketch, prepare color pencils or markers.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_20

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_21

To make your creation with a holistic, when creating a picture, it is necessary to gradually clarify all the details and do not emphasize too much attention on individual parts of the body. If you first work perfectly, you are too tired to detail the body and limbs, so you need to move to the completion of the picture gradually.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_22

Consider creating a picture of a girl with a simple pencil step by step.

  • Proportions . In the picture you need to move from total to particular, so you must first decide on the position and growth of the heroine. Next, place the proportions of the body - the girl's standard body consists of eight heads, but this size may vary depending on the style of the rice rice and the age of a person. Create a basic grid, separating a sheet to 8 identical parts.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_23

  • Body . On the marked grid, create body markings with simple lines, observing the proportion - this is a skeleton of the future picture. The width of the hips and the shoulders of the girl equals approximately 1.5 heads, and the width of the waist is the height of one head. After laying the body, draw the joints of the limbs and connect them with the lines repeating the shape of the body. Also note the position of the brushes and stop with ordinary figures.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_24

  • Face . In order for the girl's face to be easily and beautifully draw, you need to create the correct markup. Eyes are always on line, which divides the head exactly in half. The upper and lower half should also divide in half: on the top it is a line of hair growth, and on the bottom - the tip of the nose. Lips are located on the line, which divides in half a part of the head from the tip of the nose to the chin.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_25

  • Hair . To beautifully draw the hair, you do not need to draw every hair - it is better to first draw a common hairstyle and divide it on strands, which then need to shrink it right. Strip hatching start on top and bottom, directing them to the middle - as a result, it turns out the hair site with dark edges and a brilliant middle.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_26

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_27

  • clothing . It is very important to remember that at first it is necessary to draw the body without clothes, which you will "wear" in various outfits. If you immediately draw clothes, then the girl's legs or hands can subsequently "grow" disproportionately.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_28

Will erase extra auxiliary lines and figures, then finished drawing circle a pencil or liner. Next, you can paint the picture with colored pencils, markers or paints.

Beautiful examples

Our planet is populated by people of different races, each of which has its own characteristic features. Girls are beautiful in themselves, and artists can add and emphasize this beauty, creating portraits and sketches in full growth with a magical plot. We propose to inspire viewing interesting ideas for the girl's drawing in the sketchbook.

  • Graphics . The drawing seems simple at first glance, but it complied with all the proportions, despite the small number of lines.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_29

  • From the back. A great way to learn how to draw hair - fill the sketchbook girls drawn from the back. It is not necessary to work on the face, so you can pay more time to detail strands.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_30

  • Fashion . Fans of fashionable shows can fill the artist's book with a variety of models in full growth, dressed in chic outfits.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_31

  • Different poses. First, the image of women in different angles and poses may seem difficult, but over time you will understand the general principle and improve your drawing skill.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_32

  • Magic . Surreal pictures draw very interesting, because they often meet unusual textural details. Artists often complement such pictures with various animals suitable in the plot to the girl-wizard.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_33

  • Unity with nature . In our world, from a long time, there are legends about the different spirits of nature. Modern artists most often depict them in the image of beautiful girls surrounded by natural elements.

The figures for girls sketchbooks: markers and pencil. How easy to draw a face and body full-length? Ideas poses interesting examples 19429_34

About how to draw the face of the girl, tells the following video.

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