Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class


Coffee Topiary is perhaps the most popular variety of this decorative tree. If you choose a heart as the base composition, then you will get your own hands to make a wonderful gift for a loved one.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_2

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_3

What will required?

To create a coffee Topiary, will definitely need a large number of coffee beans. It is recommended to use a quality product, that is, all the grains should have approximately the same size and color, which means that it is subject to uniform ingredion. Since the particles have to be glued not only the plafhmy, but also with the end of each other, it is important that their pre-drying will be qualitatively.

As the foundation for the tree, it is recommended to use a foam blank in the shape of a heart. If necessary, the crown can be created from cardboard or crumpled lumps of newspapers.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_4

Besides, required for thread matching color, brown color paint, wooden stick or tube bore, glue gun with rods, gypsum, scissors, double-sided tape and container-stand. The homemade vessels, and vases, and beautiful cups, and ordinary pots for plants are suitable as this container. For the decor of the coffee tree, you can use stars carnations and chopsticks, ribbons, beads and lace.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_5

How to do?

To make a topiary in the form of a heart from coffee, you need to step by step to follow the instructions of the master class. At the preparation stage, it is necessary to choose a thick film of aluminum, 50 centimeters long, and for a tree stand - a conventional glass of yogurt. To create a heart-shaped base, cotton discs, cardboard, scissors, pencil and white threads.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_6

In addition, the glue-gun will be useful for work, the gouache paint of brown, coffee beans themselves, acrylic varnish, satin ribbon of brown, pink and beige shade, strong paper, rhinestones and tape. To make a pot for a pot, it will be necessary to connect cement, alabaster and sand taken in relation to 1: 1: 2, and clean water.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_7

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_8

The first thing on the cardboard it is necessary to cut the heart of this size so that it turns out somewhere on a centimeter less than the expected crown. It is created immediately in two copies. The wires of the wire are rewound with a tape to provide better gluing. One of the parts treated in this way is placed in the center of the cardboard blank and is fixed with hot glue. From above, the wire is again labeled with glue and is covered with a second pattern.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_9

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_10

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_11

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_12

For To crack the tree turned out to be volumetric, its surface is laid with cotton "pancakes" and is rewinded for many times with a thread. Next, the heart must be painted in a coffee tint and leave to dry. At the next stage, the crown surface is covered with coffee beans, and the work begins with the edges of the workpiece and follows to the center. Each grain must be fixed using hot glue and put it down. When the surface is filled, it is necessary to form a second coffee layer, but already placing the grains so that the sherbinki look out.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_13

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_14

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_15

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_16

Ready heart is lacquered. The wire performing the role of the trunk is required to twist in the helix with the help of a wooden spanch, around which it is spinning. Next, it is worth reeling the satin ribbon, the ends of which are fixed with hot glue. A glass of yogurt is drawn up with a fastener sheet planted for glue. From above, the capacitance is tied with a neat bow from the tape into the tone of the paper.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_17

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_18

Pink-colored satin ribbons are used to twist floral boutons, which are then fixed on the surface of the coffee heart. From the remains of the same ribbon, a bow, which will be necessary to tie at the base of the crown. The finished design is slightly decorated with small straps. A diluted mixture for filler is poured into the yoghurt glass. It is important that she reminded its consistency.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_19

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_20

The tree trunk is smoothly inserted into the cement composition and is left to dry over several hours. When the surface of the "land" hardens, it will be possible to paint acrylic paint. In principle, making the coffee heart, you can upload the grains in the form of any pattern or place the end. Particles must fit the most tight to each other. The surface of the pot can also be decorate with coffee beans, if you pre-lubricate it with glue. The finished design is decorated with bows, beads and ribbons.

Toopiary will look very unusually, the crown of which is decorated with a sudent orange and a jute bow, and the surface of the "earth" is covered with coffee beans and decorated with a pair of cinnaminal sticks and dried citrus. Instead of pot, in this case it is recommended to use a large cup.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_21

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_22

Beautiful examples

Cardboard blank for the heart can be made through. Thus, Krone will visually look easier, and the Topiary himself - look pretty non-standard . The coffee heart itself is decorated with cinnamon sticks and clips of cloves, and a spiral trunk, upholstered with jute, fixed in a miniature watering can. Another unusual solution is the design of half of the coffee crown with the help of tissue roses of pink and blue shades. This decision will give the product the necessary brightness and make the appearance of the "blooming" tree more memorable.

Topicia in the shape of a heart from coffee: a tree of coffee beans in the form of a heart with their own hands, step-by-step master class 19369_23

About how to make a heart-shaped topiary, see the next video.

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