Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands


No modern representative of beautiful sex can do without decorations. And we are talking not only about girls and adult women - even small girls and ladies of old age necessarily complement their onions with appropriate accessories, such as rim, hairpin, brooch, bracelet, ring and earrings. And if some choose jewelry purchased in jewelry stores, others try to emphasize their image with exclusive products created by their own hands. Just for such purposes and applied with needlewomen technique Kanzashi.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_2

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_3

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_4

What it is?

The history of Kanzashi technology began several centuries ago in Japan . At that time, women paid special attention to the decoration of hairstyles. They fixed hair with studs, crests and hairpins, decorated with various colors made by hand. Wood, metal, soft bones and silk fabric were taken as the basis. Accessories were obtained by different color filling, form and sizes. It is these decorative parts created by handmade handmade manually called Kanzashi.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_5

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_6

The Word itself translated from the Japanese language means "stuck in the hair." But the Japanese themselves argue that in the old days, this type of art was called "Kandzasi", but the translation of this word is not known to anyone.

Nowadays, the Japanese still appreciate all kinds of arts invented by their ancestors, and constantly use one or another technique for interior design, creating crafts, restoration of clothing and the manufacture of unique decorations. Kanzashi in this case At the first steps of popularity.

Knowing the subtleties of this technique, each needlewoman can turn the usual stud into an exclusive decoration and not only.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_7

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_8

Kanzashi technique has several directions, however, "Khan-Kanzashi" received widespread . We are talking about decorations in the form of flowers made by their silk ribbons. During operation, a tsunami method has a lot of common origami technique. Speaking with simple words, flush pieces of fabric are collapsed several times and recorded by purchasing the image of the petal. Of the several such pieces, Shocheka are created by stunning flowers. Depending on the selected plant or complexity, crafts of such petals may be required by both 5 pieces and 80. As an additional decoration of the crafts, beads, rhinestones and even metal inserts can be used.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_9

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_10

Today kanzashi technique used needlewoman all over the world. Quite often, women discover a talent for needlework, sending the daughter to kindergarten. For each matinee they have to either purchase a ready suit or dress to sew yourself. In this way children composed their own hands, it turns out unique. A using art kanzashi suit acquires refinement, brightness and unusualness. For everyday wear mom's little girls are doing their little girls with fabric flowers headbands, barrettes, hair elastics.

The most remarkable thing, that even children can work in engineering kanzashi. Creating silk flowers contributes to the development of fine motor skills, perseverance and fantasy thinking.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_11

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_12

Main elements

Flowers are a major element of the foundations kanzashi technology. In this case, clearly set boundaries do not exist. It may be roses, orchids, bluebells, daisies, dahlias. In this case plays the role of the complexity of the issue of performance crafts. Flower petals are made of ribbons. Depending on the ideas lobes may have acute-angled, oval or circular shape.

Apart from the petals, with the extreme sides of flowers can be arranged green stem and leaves. As additional elements of decoration is allowed to use the beads, rhinestones, glitter and more. It is enough to show imagination to understand what elements it is best to decorate prepares crafts.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_13

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_14

In addition to flowers, kanzashi technique involves creating beautiful bows, which can be decorated with different costumes and accessories.

The main thing for the first time - choose a simple product. The first hack is easier, faster and easier needle women will be able to learn a new technique.

Only after gaining experience you can begin to more complex tasks.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_15

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_16

Required tools

To create a flower craft technique kanzashi needle women need to stock up on a small set of tools and materials.

  • Colored threads.
  • Tailor needle in small sizes.
  • Ruler or sewing centimeter.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Candle or lighter. As an analogue these instruments will fit soldering or curling.
  • Glue the fabric. For convenience, it preferred to use a glue gun.
  • Tweezers.
  • Decorative elements.
  • Hair fixation spray. It ensures stable retention crafts folded petals.
  • The foundation. In this case we are talking about an elastic band for hair, hair clip, headband, hairpins and so on. N.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_17

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_18

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_19

Choosing materials

On the one hand, it may seem that select band to create colors in the technique kanzashi very simple. I took the first available - and begin to create. But this opinion is erroneous. It is very important when choosing a tape pay attention to its density. The thicker material, the easier it is to work with it.

If there is no dense tape, you can take a thin option. However, after assembling the crafts, the material must be covered with a layer of hair lacquer. Thanks to this processing, the petals will not lose their shape, but used to decorate rhinestones after lacquer treatment, on the contrary, become splashed.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_20

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_21

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_22

When buying a tape, you need to take care. It is extremely rare, but still in the stores of sewing accessories come across ribbons with an irregular tension of one or more threads or with essential distortion. From such a tape it is necessary to refuse, otherwise the craft is a curve.

Today, crafts in the Kanzashi technique are performed from satin ribbons. Beginner craftsmen preferably stop the choice on monophonic versions. Having received a small experience, you can purchase satin ribbons with inscriptions or an unusual print.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_23

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_24

The Japanese use ribbons from natural silk. However, such a purchase is considered to be very expensive and not every needlewoman will have to pocket. Atlas in this case is considered an ideal option. It is easy to cut, melting extreme parts . You can use narrow Tapes in 2-2.5 cm and wide 4-5 cm.

In addition to atlas, you can use tapes from organza, fate, caprona, phoamyran.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_25

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_26

How to do? Simple master classes

Novice craftsmen who decided to try their hand in Kanzashi technique, It is necessary to listen to several advice of experienced masters.

  • The first handicraft should be created from a lightweight material.
  • To create round petals, it is preferable to use Silk, as it is better bend.
  • The first craft should be made from dark tapes. Dark traces of firing remain in inept hands on light fabric.
  • When compiling pointed petals, it is necessary to make bends in one direction.

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_27

Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_28

    Before proceeding with independent work, you need to see several master classes from experienced masters. So it turns out to learn the basics and understand that it is easy to work in this technique. Moreover, master classes will be able to delve into many nuances, disclose certain secrets of creating fabric flowers. But the most important thing is not to hurry and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_29

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_30

    To create beautiful crafts, you need to learn how to make petals of different shapes. For beginners, it is preferable to use 5x5 cm segments. First of all, it is proposed to learn the technology of performing the robe petals.

    • First of all, the squares of the desired size are cut.
    • One billet is taken and it is diagonally.
    • The angles of the resulting triangle are folded in the middle.
    • To fix the corners at the location of the connections, it is necessary to make several stitches with a thread and needle.
    • Next, the petal turns over, the corners are folded to the center.
    • The billet is then folded in half so that the corners are in the inside.
    • The bottom of the broken petal is neatly clipped.
    • In the location of the cut, it is necessary to make a spike with fire or catching. If necessary, the workpiece can be fired. One petal is ready.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_31

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_32

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_33

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_34

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_35

    According to a similar scheme, the other petals are made, and after connecting to a single flower.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_36

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_37

    The following is invited to consider the way of creating pointed petals.

    • Square bases of the corresponding size are cut.
    • One piece is developing diagonally.
    • The resulting triangle is folded in half.
    • The folding of the triangle is re-done according to the third step of work.
    • Neatly cut down the bottom of the workpiece.
    • Sliced ​​side must be cut and, while it is hot, press the lower part.
    • Then there is a cut at the bottom of the workpiece and also falls.
    • To adjust the height of the petal, it is necessary to monitor the slice line.
    • If the lower part of the petal should be a hole - the slice from the bottom side is only falling. If there is no need for a hole - there is a soldering.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_38

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_39

    In this way, the required number of petals is made.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_40

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_41

    According to the instructions presented it becomes clear that there is no special complexity in the execution of crafts in the technique of Kanzashi. The main thing is not to be distracted by outsiders and follow the step-by-step instructions. The resulting result will necessarily exceed all the expectations. And what is the most interesting, of such petals will be able to make chamomile and sunflowers, tulips and chrysanthemums, asters and lilies, poppies and bells, daffodils and much more.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_42

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_43

    We offer to get acquainted with the master class of creating a beautiful flower - roses.

    First of all, you need to prepare tools and materials. For work, the satin ribbon, candle, needle with thread and glue. In no case cannot retreat from the proposed job - otherwise it is likely to allow irreparable errors.

    • For one rose bud, you will need 7 cm tape. In the total number of such bands, 12 pieces will be required. Sliced ​​strips are falling from two sides.
    • The corner of the tape must be inside out. The sharp angle obtained is superimposed on the front part several times, after which it is fixed with a thread.
    • For a similar scheme, the second angle of the tape is bent. The thread is required slightly. All 12 lanes are also processed.
    • From one base under the petals made a middle. It wraps into the tube and fixed with the help of threads and needles.
    • The remaining billets of petals are wrapped around the middle of the flower. Moreover, the first petals can be sewed, and subsequent preferably glue. Do not forget that each new imposed petal is marked.
    • For the magnitude of the bud, you can apply several larger petals.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_44

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_45

    Of several such colors, it will be possible to make a panel on the wall, decorate the hairpins on the ripple and gum for small girls, arrange school supplies for children.

    This décor can add photo frames, magnets, new year decorations, as well as carnival costumes for school and kindergarten.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_46

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_47

    With the help of colors made in Kanzashi technique, you can decorate a lot of things, for example, by all the famous Georgievskaya ribbon. This is one of the main attributes of the celebration of the Great Victory. Georgievskaya tape is a symbol of gratitude to the soldiers who gave their lives for freedom of the Soviet people, who reached the present day. And what attractive this tape will be in the form of colors made in Kanzashi technique!

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_48

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_49

    For the creation of such beauty by May 9, Georgievskaya tape, beads, rhinestones, a pin or base of brooches will be required.

    • First of all, it is necessary to cut from the tape 5 squares of 7 cm on each side.
    • They need to be collapsed, according to the technology of creating pointed petals without holes.
    • Then the Georgievskaya tape is taken again. 20 cm long. In its edges, slanting cuts are made. They need to be soldered so that the fifth ribbons are not melted. After that, the blank is folded according to the traditional principle and gluits at the connection site.
    • When the glue dries, you can proceed to the next step. Prepared petals are glued on top of a fresh ribbon in the form of a flower. Accessories are fixed in the center.
    • On the back side is placed a pin or the base of brooches with a fastening element.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_50

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_51

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_52

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_53

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_54

    This work does not take much time, and the resulting result exceeds all expectations. Such a tape can be decorated from two sides, making a suspension into the car on the rearview mirror.

    How it becomes clear Kanzashi technique can be guided by creating different crafts. Simple petals will be able to decorate a clamp for a tie, picture frames. Of these, it will be possible to make unusual compositions on the walls in children's rooms. A Christmas tree made in Kanzashi technique will become a good addition to the New Year's gift near a person.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_55

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_56

    By the way, the Kazan's technique involves the creation of not only colors. Of the tape folded in the petals, it is possible to make different animals, such as mouse, cat, dog.

    But this is not the limit - experienced craftsmen easily perform complex compositions, for example, a panel with an angel image, which adorns the wall near the baby's crib.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_57

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_58


    Fissure petals, isolated from pieces of ribbons, are the basis of Kanzashi technology. Of these, it is possible to make single buds of different colors, such as dandelion, cornflower, orchids. Very interesting and very unusual looks like a flower of pansies. Incredible chrysanthemums are obtained. However, more splendor is expressed in the bouquets of colors. But before creating complex compositions, it is necessary to make a simple handicraft, for example, a vase with flowers on a flat surface.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_59

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_60

    First you need to prepare materials and tools. To work, a flat base, a fabric material of a light shade, satin ribbons of different palette in size is 4x2.5 cm, adhesive for fabric, lighter, or candle, a little foam rubber and scissors.

    The work process itself is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions.

    • It is necessary to cut the satin tape into squares and make pointed petals. For one flower, 7-8 petals are required. Their total quantity can be calculated based on the planned composition.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_61

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_62

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_63

    • Made petals need to be connected. For this, the glue small pieces of petals are missing. After laying one flower, you can proceed to the following. Preferably, each bud is made in different colors palette.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_64

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_65

    • Then from foamed rubber Round is cut out For colors and glued on the back of the bud.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_66

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_67

    • Based on the basis For the composition and is covered with tissue material.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_68

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_69

    • From the fabric of any shade A vase is cut and glued to the base.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_70

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_71

    • Now you can make stems . To do this, the satin ribbon is taken, the width of which is not more than 1 cm. It is folded in half and is glued to the base. The tips of the stems are hiding inside the vase.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_72

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_73

    • Next are glued flowers.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_74

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_75

    • From the satin ribbon of green Flexible leaves are cut Cropped edges are burned, after which the leaves are glued to the stalk.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_76

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_77

    • Last step - decoration composition.

    To do this, you can use beads, beads, rhinestones.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_78

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_79


    Each child is happy to receive even a small souvenir as a gift from parents and relatives. . And if the boy will gladly take the machine, then the girl will appreciate any decoration, even a hairpin with a special design. To surprise a small princess, it is proposed to get acquainted with the master class to create a hair gum with a bunny, made in Kanzashi technique.

    For work, satin ribbons are required with a width of 4 cm. 7 tapes should be green, 6 ribbons of gray shade and one pink. Also need a lighter or candle, threads with a needle. To finish the involnery side - glue, a circle of atlas or felt. To decorate the bunny, you will need 2 identical beads for the eyes and one for the nose. It is best to purchase this accessories in the needlework store.

    • To work, you need to know the technique of creating row and pointed petals. First, the green square is taken and it is diagonally.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_80

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_81

    • It also sends a gray square and is superimposed on top of the green triangle.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_82

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_83

    • Sharp corners bend to straight corner.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_84

    • The component of the detail with curved angles is folded in half.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_85

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_86

    • A sharp and stupid corner are neatly cut off with sharp scissors.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_87

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_88

    • The edges are melted with a lighter or candle.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_89

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_90

    • By a similar scheme, you need to make another double petal and 2 smaller size. To obtain a minimum dimension, it is enough to make large sections of the corners.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_91

    • The fifth petal is done on the same principle, only the green and pink ribbons are used.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_92

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_93

    • Now the petals need to be combined into a flower, covering them with a thread and needle.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_94

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_95

    • Now from a green and gray satin square are made by pointed petals. They play the role of ears, which means there should be 2 pieces.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_96

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_97

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_98

    • The collected flower is necessary to position the pink insert down. From above to the bottom of two separate petals glue pointed ears.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_99

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_100

    • Now it is necessary to fix the spout and eyes. The eyes are attached to 2 petals under which the ears are glued, the nose is glued in the center.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_101

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_102

    • From the wrong side, a satin or felt circle is recorded.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_103

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_104

    • There is an elastic band for hair, one edge of a small piece of satin is pasted on it, then the tape is winding around a gum with a constant addition of adhesive composition.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_105

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_106

    • A bunny is attached to the glued roller with glue.

    After drying the adhesive composition, the gum can be used for its intended purpose.

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_107

    Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_108

    How to decorate?

          Decorate crafts made in Kanzashi technique, easy. It is enough to show a little fantasy and remember the skills of needlework. You can make a bouquet of wildflowers and decorate them with transparent or white beads resembling dew.

          You can make a wall panel with snowdrops, where the flowers will be made of satin or silk ribbons, and the snow is made of cotton, fine-grained foam or synthesis. The shine of a snowy crust can be mimic with small silver gloves.

          Well, traditionally - beads, beads, rhinestones.

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_109

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_110

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_111

          Beautiful examples

          It is impossible to say that Kanzashi technique is easy to perform. This art requires the masters of special concentration and attentiveness. Rich fantasy allows you to create decorations, interior products, elements for the transformation of a house, workshop and other rooms.

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_112

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_113

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_114

          The beauty of Kanzashi is accuracy and a clear sequence of actions. Each new idea of ​​craftsmen surpasses its own expectations. It can be a wall panel, small pictures, decor of individual elements. The shelves in the nursery can be decorated with canzashi-crafts, for example, make a mouse, a rooster, fire-bird, a cat or a dog. And for the new year, you can add a festive decoration of the interior of the chunks-Kanzashi, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_115

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_116

          But it is better to see once that you can do with several squares of satin ribbons and glue.

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_117

          Kanzashi (118 photos): What is it? Master classes and new ideas of crafts from satin and other ribbons in Kandzasi technique with their own hands 19295_118

          Five useful tips for needlewomen in Kanzashi technique see the following video.

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