Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step?


Covered, made in the style of Patchwork, will find its place in almost any interior. Such a product is quite simple to do on your own at home, and if you wish, you can even use clothing and textiles as much as the material.

Where to begin?

Before creating a bedspread in the technique of patchwork sewing, It is necessary to carry out simple preparatory work, mainly aimed at identifying the appearance of the product. For Patchwork, the correct selection of color is extremely important. If the shades are not harmoniously combined, or, on the contrast, they strongly contrast, then the eyes will be quickly tired. In addition, it is unlikely that such a product will be successfully fit into the interior of the room. In this paper, you should adhere to the rules of the combination of tones, and beginner craftsmen are generally limited to three colors.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_2

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_3

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_4

Before the start of preparatory work The sketch of the bedspread should be prepared, and after the cutting "Test" it on the floor without stitching items. Initially, small ornaments should be avoided in bright colors, as it will begin to rich in the eyes of such a canvase. Preference should be given to large and monophonic images. It should also be added that experts recommend experimenting by combining different colors, and not by creating a composition of small parts. Beautiful coating is obtained if you use the tissues of different shades of the same color, for the contrast to which black and white colors are added.

It is important that individual blocks visually merged with each other, otherwise the main "highlight" of Patchwork will be lost.

The correct all will appeal to the color circle, not forgetting about the palette of the room in which the product has to be accommodated . The use of patterned tissue is distributed in patchwork, but it is important not to forget that the smaller the dimensions of individual flaps, the smallest there should be a selected ornament. In addition, patterns on the blocks will have to be harmoniously combined with each other.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_5

Size definition

It must be said that individual elements of the plaid can be combined with each other, however, either by constituting a specific pattern or color sequence. To do this, before starting the work, a scheme or sketch is developed. Separate pieces in accordance with visual instructions are first assembled into blocks, and then in a solid cloth, which after stitching with the lining.

The calculation of the material is performed based on the size of the bed or sofa - that is, the place where the resulting covered is to be used.

Traditional is considered to be orientation on a double adult place - 1.8 2.2 meters . The novice craftsmen are recommended to work with patchwork squares, the parties of which are 23 centimeters.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_6

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_7

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_8

Preparation of fabric and tools

Sewing patchwork bedspreads best of all natural tissues, for example, flax, jacquard or tapestry. To fill it, it is customary to use such modern materials like Slim syntheps, syntputs, or phlizelin, which will not create excess volume. In order to cut a large number of details of a similar size, paper or plastic patterns will be useful. By the way, the more flashers will be harvested, the better. For cutting, it is quite possible to use scissors, the length of the blades of which ranges from 18 to 25 centimeters. The tool should be used high-quality, made of steel and coated with nickel or chrome.

However, more correctly acquire a special roller knife, coping with the most dense material that does not frighten and not coming fabric. The diameter of the round blade is better to select equal to 45 millimeters. Working with such a cutter cannot be carried out without a special rubber rug with markup. It is better to choose models with 60 sides to 45 centimeters or 60 to 50 centimeters. The needles used must have a small eye and have a good sharpening. Thickness of the thread is selected depending on the density of the tissue material. Well, if their shade will correspond to the one that is most often found on the flaps. Thrust protect your fingers while working.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_9

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_10

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_11

Step-by-step manufacture

To create with your own hands covered from patchwork stackers. It is customary to use simple assembly schemes. The easiest way to sew such a light blanket from squares, which, after cutting, are combined in a free order. However, it is beautifully to make this textile product, it is from the flap of different shapes and dimensions. The mandatory component of the Patchwork pads is the presence of a stitch connecting, as a rule, three layers: lining, insulation and decorative patchwork. This element can be both figured and simple. Sackage is carried out by manual line, seams of looped or "goat". In recent years, the figure stitch along the contour, running on the sewing machine, is most often selected.

Sew patchwork covers on the bed beautifully and easily work out if step by step follow the instructions of the master class . First of all, as already mentioned, the size and appearance of the product is planned. Next, tissue fragments of small size for the front side and a solid piece of matter that creates a lining is selected. The filler for the bedspread is optional, its use depends on the interests of the wizard itself. Selected materials before work is recommended to soak in hot water somewhere for 10 minutes, then rinse, dry and stroke.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_12

At the next stage, it takes out the cutting components. This should be done in the direction of the equity thread to avoid the skew of the tissue. If the product is composed of squares, the corresponding grid is drawn on the tissue with a special marker.

It is important to fully comply with the allowances on the seams of a width of approximately one and a half centimeters.

You can cut the cloth with scissors and a special roller. To cut the triangles or rhombuses, it is convenient to use the stencils, which are applied to the surface of the fabric, after which they are turned around with a marker. A special line for a patchman will relieve the need to label material.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_13

Called parts are collected by blocks manually or using a sewing machine. Elements should be located pairwise, retreating from the edge of 0.75 centimeters. It is more convenient to combine squares in the strip in the width of the product, and then sew them with each other, using for the convenience of pins. Triangles are customary to join pairs, forming a rhombus, or squares. When the loskutka possess different sizes, minor parts are sewn, and then large.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_14

When all the patchworks are sewn among themselves, they are required to try from the wrong side. The seam reserves need to be breeding the nose of the iron in different directions, and when using tissues of different densities - to the side more thin. Gently arrange the edges with the help of a lining that will be bent on the front side and fixed with a seam around the perimeter. It is best to use a monophonic and contrast oblique beyk.

Work with the invalid side of the bedspread can occur somewhat different way. In this case, the lining of the required size is declined on the horizontal surface of the "face" down, the insulation is placed on top of it, which, in turn, is covered with a patch blade looking "face". The bedspread is fixed by pins at the corners of the squares of each row. Next, the plaid is shifted along and across the special device, and the lines should either be laid in the seams connecting individual figures or go parallel to them. Then, removing the pins, you can shoot the contour coating.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_15

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_16


Planning to engage in patchwork sewage, it is worth learn about the existing methods of stitching individual pieces. For example, classic, he also English patchwork turns out when the product is assembled from pieces of the same shape and size. And it can be Not only squares, but also triangles, rectangles, hexagons or diamonds.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_17

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_18

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_19

Crazy style It requires the use of randomly stitched flap of different colors, dimensions and forms. The seams covered will additionally be decorated with lace and ribbons, and fragments themselves - beads and beads.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_20

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_21

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_22

To create a product in style Japanese Patchwork It will be necessary to pre-develop a sketch that either floral or geometric patterns are formed on the surface. This technique requires the use of silk chambers and stitches Sashiko. Covered in the style of knitted patchwork can be sewn from knitwear and knitted elements. The product is customary to create only equal squares or rectangles, from triangles, combined into stripes or "star" blocks, as well as hexagons, creating honeycombs. A frequently used band method involves assembling rectangles of different sizes on a spiral, steps, parallel or zigzags.

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_23

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_24

Patchwork bedspread for beginners (25 photos): Light Sewing Schemes in Patchwork Style. How to sew it with their own hands from squares and flap step by step? 19289_25

In order for the patchwork to serve for many years, it should be carried out properly.

For washing, use preparations that do not contain such aggressive components like chlorine. If the stitch was carried out manually, it should be used manually. For the remaining products, the machine washing is suitable, but necessarily in delicate mode. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, and the spin was carried out at minimum speeds. To preserve the patchwork layer, it can be made from the coated non-flame roll so that the front side looks inside. Pre-patchwork things are not soaked. Sew covers better on the horizontal surface or in a vertical position, but the patchwork is outward. Ironing products are categorically prohibited.

Master - Class on the sewing of the patchwork blanket Look in the video.

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