Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes


Weaving from paper "vines" is now very popular among needlework lovers. Using ordinary paper or old newspapers, you can independently make not only baskets or storage boxes, but also original home decorations.

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_2

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_3

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_4


Weaving from newspaper "Vine" has many advantages.

  1. Efficiency. First of all, it is worth noting that the process of creating original crafts from paper is a budget hobby. All the necessary materials are cheap. Most of them can be found at home.
  2. Simplicity. Learn to weave the crafts from scratch, you can literally in a couple of hours. Could cope with this process and child, and adult.
  3. Attractiveness of finished works. From the girlfriend you can make it easy to make beautiful toys for children or decor for the kitchen and living room.
  4. Functionality. Despite the fact that crafts from paper seem too fragile, they can be used for storing things, and in some cases even for their transportation.

This kind of needlework is perfectly relaxing and helps to tune in to a peaceful way.

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_5

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_6

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_7

Required tools

First of all, it is necessary to prepare all the materials that will be used in the process of weaving any product:

  • needles with a diameter of up to 1.5 mm to twist the tubes;
  • scissors or acute stationery knife;
  • Stationery and PVA;
  • varnish for decorating ready-made crafts;
  • paints and brushes or sponges;
  • rubber gloves.

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_8

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_9

Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_10

    Also, the novice master will be needed and paper to create crafts.

    1. Newspapers. It is this material most often use those who are just starting to master the process of weaving crafts from paper "vines". The tubes from newspapers are flexible and elastic. But at the same time they have and minus - such elements are quite difficult to paint.
    2. Glossy paper. Journal pages have a more dense texture. They go worse. Products from them are treated rough and not as attractive. Journal tubes are perfectly suitable for weaving the handles, covers and bottom.
    3. Consumer paper. This material is easiest to paint. Crafts from it are obtained elegant and beautiful.

    The choice of quality materials will significantly simplify the process of creating baskets and various home decorations.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_11

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_12

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_13

    Preparation of tubes from newspapers

    Start the process of creating crafts costs with the preparation of newspaper tubes.

    How to twist?

    First of all, it is necessary to divide the newspaper or magazine to individual sheets. One sheet needs to be separated from the rest. Its angle should be carefully fixed on the bottom of the knitting needles. After that, it should be started to rotate slowly, while twisting the paper. The thinner the needle, the more thin it turns out the tube. Upon completion of the paper, the edge of the paper should be carefully launched with a small amount of glue.

    After that, the needle needs to be pulled out of the tube. Next, it should be left in a warm and dry place for a couple of minutes so that it is completely dry.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_14

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_15

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_16

    How to process?

    Finished tubes can be painted before weaving. To do this, use the collapsed with water acrylic or gouache. It is they who best paint the surface of the paper. Treatment with such paints does not spoil the status of parts and does not soften them.

    Painting will take less time if you process a large number of parts at a time. You can do this using a wide brush or spray.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_17

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_18

    Paper tubes can also be painted by a verse. Select the product on aquatic or alcohol basis. Ready items will look like a real vine. In addition, this processing method will make them more plastic. Weave products from them will be very easy.

    After processing the details, you can dry the hair dryer or give them to dry in a warm place. The second method takes much less place and allows you to achieve a better result.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_19

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_20

    Review of species

    To date, there are several main techniques that are used for weaving crafts from paper tubes.


    Direct weaving is the most simple technique that is understandable even beginners. It is suitable for creating durable kashpo, tray or small basket.

    Before weaving baskets, you need to prepare a frame and gently pull the racks. Next, it is necessary to take one newspaper tube and, increasing the length of the "branches", shake the racks located vertically. You need to do it, skipping each second. Walking racks are needed from different sides. You need to move clockwise. In this case, the basket will be dense and durable.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_21

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_22

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_23


    This weaving scheme also takes popularity among needlewomen. The finished product is tight and neat. Weaving externally resembles the structure of the fabric. Use this technique is best for creating round-shaped products.

    The preference of layer-by-layer weaving is that there are several elements of different thickness and lengths for the manufacture of layers. Do not press the newspaper tube in the process.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_24

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_25

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_26


    The meaning of the root ordinary weaving is that the tubes that are used to circuit racks alternate. The first is attached to the rack thickened end. Starting to weave the second row, the part to the base should be fixed fine. Such spiral weaving looks very beautiful.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_27

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_28

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_29


    The product performed in this technique decorates a smooth checkered pattern. It is possible to use it to create any kinds of crafts.

    The main racks are located in the form of a smooth lattice. Weaving and begin, and completed wider and tight tubes. The first row is carried out between the racks of one tube. The second ride in the opposite direction. Details that enhance the base racks should fit tightly to each other. In this case, there will be no gaps. The pattern at the same time it turns out quite simple, but beautiful.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_30

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_31

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_32

    Openwork weaving

    Designs made in such a technique look unusual and elegant. Technique like lovers of original crafts. Using this method of weaving, on the walls of the product you can depict patterns of any complexity. "Sitsevaya" crafts look perfectly even without additional staining.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_33

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_34


    For weaving crafts in this technique, two stripes are used immediately. Before you hit the next rack, they are intertwined in the lumen. This technique is great for weaving small boxes, beautiful vases and various interior toys.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_35

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_36

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_37

    How to make crafts with your own hands?

    There are many interesting step-by-step and understandable master classes to create original crafts from a paper vine. Using different new ideas, you can not only have a pleasant time, but also decorate your home.


    Most often, novice masters make their own baskets of different shapes and sizes. To create such a product, the first thing you need to cut two smooth circles from dense cardboard. One of them should stick the desired number of tubes at the same distance. They will be used as racks.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_38

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_39

    The tops of the tubes should be carefully cut up and cover the design to another cardboard circle. The workpiece must be left to be dried in a warm place for several hours. When it dries, you can proceed to weaving the walls. It can be done by any suitable way.

    After completing the work, you need to decorate the basket. First of all, it must be covered with a layer of varnish or acrylic paint and completely dry. After that, the product can be additionally decorated using various bows, beads and live flowers for this.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_40

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_41

    Christmas decorations

    Crafts from paper "vines" of this type can be used to decorate the Christmas tree or just for games. Toy weaving schemes are simple and understandable. Even a child can make the decoration.

    1. Heart. To create such a toy, you will need a durable wire, which first of all must be given the shape of the heart. The beginning of a paper tube with a glue gun should be attached to the middle of the heart. After that, the workpiece must be accurately wrapped with a paper "vine" throughout the perimeter. To keep the edges of the tubes better, they need to be fixed using high-quality glue. At the end of the work, the product is to paint and decorate sparkles if you wish.
    2. Star. To make such a decoration, the first thing you also need to prepare the shape of the wire. Each of its beam must be carefully circled with newspaper tubes, tightly pressing one row to another. The free edge should be trimmed, start the star and fix with glue. For strength, the cracker needs to be covered with a layer of varnish.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_42

    Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_43

      You can still create a beautiful swan or rooster, as well as a mill or ship. Ready decorations are best stored in a separate box.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_44

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_45

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_46


      Newspaper tubes can also be used to create simple summer hats. Looks such headwear no worse than straw products. Create a hat with your own hands is simple enough. First of all, it is necessary to choose the form of a suitable size. She woves on the same principle as small baskets. Decorate the design is also very easy, most often for this use wide colored ribbons. The manufacture and decoration of the caps from paper "vines" takes just a couple of hours.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_47

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_48

      A bag

      From paper blanks, you can make not only a hat, but also a neat round bag. Create such a craft forces to many.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_49

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_50

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_51

      First of all, using the tube painted in the right color, you need to rout a round base for a bag with short sides. The edges should be accurately close and supplemented with special attachments for the handles. From the remains of the tubes to make another half of the bag - it is necessary to act on the same principle. After that, both parts of such a chest should be combined with each other. If desired, it can be supplemented with lightning planted on hot glue. For the decor of the finished product, various key rings or bows are suitable.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_52

      This bag can be taken with you to the beach or picnic. It turns out easy and convenient to use. The main thing is not to forget such a product in the rain so that it does not spin and did not lose the form.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_53


      Beautiful kashpo for flowers woven with their own hands will look great both on the windowsill and on the balcony. It is simple to make it enough. First of all, it is necessary to pick up a suitable pot and weigh the dense base of a small form. It is necessary to attach special handles to the finished design, which will allow you to put or hang up the cheek in the right place.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_54

      By the same principle of newspaper tubes, you can make such crafts such as a pencil or an organizer for various trifles, which will become a real decoration of the workplace.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_55

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_56

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_57


      From paper tubes, you can weave as a small vase for decorating the shelves or desktop, and a high outdoor design. The process of weaving standard design consists of several main steps.

      1. First of all, it is necessary to make a dense bottom. For this, the tube needs to be laid with "snowflake" and legged them with a "branch".
      2. You can continue to determine the design in any selected style. In the process, you can add both thinner and thick "branches".
      3. Next, it should be gradually increasing the height of the design. In order for the product well to hold the form, you can leave the bottle tubes. At the end of the work it will be easy to pull out from the vase.

      The finished decoration should be covered with acrylic varnish and dry well. The final stage of work is the decor of the vase. The product can be issued in the technique of decoupage or paint acrylic.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_58

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_59

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_60

      High wall tray

      To create a beautiful tray you need to prepare a cardboard or plywood base. It can be both round and square or oval. The bottom of the design must be neatly proper using any suitable scheme. When the base is ready, the edges of the tubes should be taken up. Next, you need to continue weaving the walls. If you wish, they can be additionally missed by glue so that they are more durable. To such a product, you can attach neat handles. Due to this, the design will be more convenient to use.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_61

      Applying the same technique, from paper "vines" you can make a beautiful surpicion or a dense stand under hot. To do this, it is best to use dense tubes from magazine pages.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_62

      Cat's house

      The dwelling for a beloved pet, made with your own hands, looks very beautiful. To create such a design, the first thing must be prepared by the tubes themselves and draw a sketch of the future house.

      For weaving design, select the basis of the suitable form or size. To do this, you can use an empty bowl or box. The first 3-4 rows can be placed in any selected technique.

      When wearing the next few layers, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of the hole through which the pet will enter the house and leave it. At this stage, the walls rush exactly to half. After the end of the work, the entrance to the house must be carefully shaved on the edge. Thanks to this, it will turn out not only beautiful, but also durable. When the work is completed, you can continue weaving in a circle to the selected height.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_63

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_64

      You can complete the braided house by wrapping all the tubes inside and carefully attaching them with the help of PVA glue. The roof is worth cut from dense cardboard or weave from the tubes. The finished design must be attached to the walls of the house.

      A large plus such a craft is that it is absolutely safe for pet health and does not harm the environment. You can make a house with a more cozy, putting inside the soft pad of a small size. If you wish, it can also be decorated, for example, to paint as a gnomomyomik or to attach to the cover wicker from paper "vines".

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_65

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_66

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_67

      Useful recommendations

      In order for the product to be beautiful and neat the first time, you need to stick to simple rules in the process of its weaving.

      1. Newcomers are always better to start work, the fatal of some object. In this case, the design will be well kept form.
      2. The distance between the main racks should be no more than one and a half centimeters. In this embodiment, the design will be stable.
      3. Racks do not fit or bend during operation. Because of this, the design can also get a curve and loose.
      4. So that the tubes were more flexible, they can be slightly sprinkled with water from the sprayer before work.

      Weaving beautiful crafts from the tubes do not require high costs and effort. At the same time, finished products are durable and elegant. You can use such crafts as for home decoration and as a gift to a close person.

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_68

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_69

      Weaving from newspaper tubes (70 photos): new ideas of crafts from the tubes, master classes. How to make products with your own hands? Methods and schemes 19243_70

      The most difficult thing in any business is to start. Weaving from newspaper tubes - no exception, especially there is a useful video.

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