New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes


Quilling - a popular view of the needlework today. A simple technique allows you to create different images on a regular cardboard sheet or any other surface. The main queue material is strips of colored paper. Most manufacturers have recently provide ready-made sets that include chopped paper and other tools for creating crafts. A postcard made by queening will become an excellent gift for the new year.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_2

What will required?

Quilling is the technique of decorating objects through the use of paper spirax. Spirals are separate modules that have a certain shape and dimensions that are installed on the decorated surface to the end. The advantage of queening is the availability of materials. You do not have to buy anything special to make a postcard with your own hands. Enough to purchase:

  • scissors;
  • line;
  • PVA or pencil glue;
  • Special template for queening;
  • tweezers;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_3

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_4

The latter is necessary for the foundation. It is worth noting that some manufacturers sell ready-made colored stripes.

Such sets are found in needlework stores. If necessary, you can cut the strips on your own using A3 or A4 format paper. It is better to cut a stationery knife so that the jar is not left, which usually make scissors. As for the paper, it is not necessary to acquire the one that is painted into the same color on both sides. If there is already a ready idea of ​​the postcard, it is better to choose the paper of suitable colors.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_5

How to make your own hands?

Quilling allows you to create not just New Year's postcards, but entire compositions with which you can raise your mood to friends and relatives, decorate the house and achieve the atmosphere of the approaching holiday. Cards can be made independently or with the whole family, which contributes to the rapprochement of relatives. Before considering the creation of a postcard step by step, Carefully think over its design . If a child is dealing with a child, it is necessary to explain the safety regulations and clearly demonstrate how to handle scissors and other tools that will be required. The most common symbol of winter and new year is a snowflake. They decorate walls, windows and various decor items. Quilling technique makes it possible to make bulk snowflakes. This will require the following.

  1. Purchase the finished set or cut the colored paper strips of medium width.
  2. With the toothpicks, turn the spiral. At the same time, it is important to give her time so that she blossoms.
  3. Fasten one end of the glue.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_6

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_7

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_8

It should be noted that the spiral shape is determined by the one who makes a snowflake.

Fantasia will help to make an attractive composition and place the picture in the desired style. If you are unable or unwilling to come up with something yourself, you can get acquainted with the techniques of twisting paper strips on the Internet. Number of bands determined by the shape and size of snowflakes. You can also use the imagination or the Internet. Finished elements resulting gather in one pattern, providing a complete snowflake. Such decorations can make a few, then they should be pasted on cardboard.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_9

Glued elements is carried out using PVA adhesive and forceps. If you combine them with your hands, you can damage the structure and spoil the look of curls. It is worth noting that the quilling - painstaking technique. It is important to train your perseverance and patience. There is another option of manufacturing Christmas cards using quilling. To do this, you first need to prepare the ground. Better to take a high-quality piece of cardboard, which can be given any shape:

  • cut edges;
  • make a card bilateral or unilateral.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_10

The main symbol of the New Year is Christmas tree . It was her image associated with the holiday and presents, so it's worth thinking about how to study a master class on its creation. For its production need to cut strips of green construction paper, then you can begin to twist small curls. Further, should do the following.

  1. Run the basis for the tree by using the green "drops", stranded in advance.
  2. Form an entire tree, previously laying the workpiece on the non-adhesive paper.
  3. Separately, roll up rolls of brown or black stripes. This will be the future tree trunk.
  4. Roll colorful rolls of gift.
  5. Gently paste workpiece using forceps.

This postcard will be able to make even those who first became acquainted with quilling. Herringbone can be given any shape changing elements of seats composition. Also, it can be decorated with balloons. If desired, you can also decorate the tree with toys and even a garland. That image was more lively, use different techniques of quilling.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_11

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_12

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_13

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_14

Useful advice

It is noteworthy that the "drops" quilling or rolls can be different. The shape and appearance of twisted bands depend on several factors. First of all, Guide winding quality and are tight . To roll turned tight, it should be wound tightly and then glue the end of the strip to prevent its dissolution. To make the "drop" a certain form it is necessary to dissolve slightly after winding. Skilled craftsmen can quilling at the touch of a finger can change the appearance of the twisted roll and make the picture more than the original.

As a result of the change in the design and composition, you can get an excellent card, which will be an excellent gift for the new year.

There are several standard techniques that will help achieve the desired shape of the roll.

  1. Eye. To do this, it is necessary to compress the workpiece from two sides, neatly pressing.
  2. Rhombus. First of all, you will need to make a square, which will then need to be supervised.
  3. Triangle. A drop is taken as the basis, which should be buried to pull and flatten one corner.
  4. Heart. To create such a form, it will be necessary to lean the strip twice and tighten from two ends.
  5. Crescent. The resulting roll is flattened from both sides and slit a bit, giving the desired shape.
  6. Arrow. A complex form that is created from the triangle. The top of the shapes need to flatten a little.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_15

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_16

Also from rolls you can make twigs, curls and other figures, diluting the composition of the future postcard.

Original ideas

If you do not want to make a snowflake or a Christmas tree, then you can implement other ideas. For example, a new year garland will look at the postcard. To create it, you will need to take:

  • Paper multicolored stripes;
  • tool for queening;
  • glue;
  • Tree skeletal;
  • scissors;
  • The template in which the deepening of different sizes are provided.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_17

The process of manufacturing the garlands is quite simple. You should start with light bulbs. For this you need the following.

  1. Take 2 strips of red and glue them with each other.
  2. Twist the resulting strip and put in a template with a recess of 20 mm.
  3. Secure the tip of colored paper with glue.
  4. Make a few more circles, the number of which can fit on paper. In this case, you can use other colors and template diameters.
  5. Press each billet with a drop-shaped form by pulling in one end.
  6. Twist green stripes, placing them into the recess with a diameter of 10 mm.
  7. Form from the rolled rolls.
  8. Printed squares to each drop.
  9. Make the basis of the garlands. To get it, you will need to twist a long green strip using a wooden wand. The strip must be covered with a skeleton and carefully remove, pulling forward until the helix succeed.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_18

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_19

Next, it will only be left to glue the bulbs to the garlands thread and put the design to the postcard.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_20

Another original idea is a New Year Wreath. For its manufacture, you will need:

  • strips of green, red and dark green colors;
  • The template with the deposits provided in it of different diameters;
  • tool for twisting strips;
  • glue.

New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_21

                Production technology is simple and will not require a lot of time. It is better to make a wreath of strips of different green shades. To make the design, the following actions are needed.

                1. Take strips of light green color, twist them and put in a rejection with a diameter of 20 mm.
                2. The same to do with stripes of dark green.
                3. Each workpiece gently squeeze your fingers on one side and bend a bit to get a piece of comma. In total, there will be 8 pieces of such commas - 4 each shade.
                4. Connect the blanks with the help of glue so that a circle formed.
                5. Make a bow of red strips. To do this, you will need to take two strips and twist each in the workpiece with a diameter of 15 mm. Next, it is necessary to squeeze the ends of the billets, giving them a drop-shaped form.
                6. Shape a bow and consolidate it on a wreath.

                The final stage is to use additional decorations to complete the composition. To do this, you can use beads or drops of stained glass.

                New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_22

                New Year's postcards Quilling: Postcards for the new year with your own hands in a quilling technique, how to make a Christmas tree in the style of a postcard, original ideas and master classes 19228_23

                Quilling is an interesting technique with which you can make wonderful New Year cards.

                About how to make a postcard in a quilling technique, look in the video.

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