Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need?


Often, wooden items, be it dishes or furniture attributes, attract many enthusiastic views due to a special decoration - an unnecessary geometric form carved on them. Such a thread, though it seems at first glance, simple and consists of light lines and figures, it is still quite difficult in performance, time consuming and energy consumption.

Consider in more detail what geometric wood carving and how it appeared, as well as get acquainted with the types of patterns and the technical side of their execution.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_2

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_3

What it is?

Geometric wood carving - Perhaps one of the most difficult types of decorating wooden items.

The peculiarity of this technique is that the entire ornament consists solely of the details of the geometric shape and is executed by the cutter.

As a rule, if the master has enough experience and solid hand - geometry in the pattern is noticeable with a naked eye.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_4

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_5

Of course, the age of modern technologies allows manufacturing such products and with the help of special machines, but it is impossible to guarantee the quality and accuracy that can be traced in the works of a professional experienced master. What to say about the exclusivity of the product and that such beauty can be created only from the pure heart, putting a particle of the soul into operation.

The purpose of such items can be diverse, since you can decorate the chairs and the door of the cabinets, and the entrance doors, and the dishes, the legs of the bench, the table, window shutters and much more.

It is worth noting that The carving itself does not carry any functionality and is used exclusively as decor.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_6

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_7

The history of development

In the ancient Russia, the first items decorated with geometric carvings appeared. And it is Russia that Russia is considered to be the birthplace of this technique for woodwork, which later received distribution throughout the world.

The fact is that the native expanses have always been rich in forest arrays, therefore wood products that needed decoration was more than enough.

In addition, door locks have even been made of wood, which were also decorated with carvings. One such copy created in the XVIII century has been preserved to this day in one of Moscow museums.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_8

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_9

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_10

It should also be noted that The thread geometry is rooted during the times when people worshiped the pagan gods, Therefore, absolutely all ornaments applied to items had a certain, rather deep meaning.

In the modern world, such items are not empowered by any magical meaning. But during the time of ancient Russia, they were used to protect the family, the guard of the house, and sometimes even from damage and the evil eye.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_11

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_12

Required tools

In order to create a beautiful and high-quality pattern on wood, you need to get the following tools:

  • Knives with a bevelled blade (they are also called "shoals") allow you to create any geometric patterns on the surface of the tree;
  • A small flat chisel, the width of which should not be more than 3 centimeters;
  • To cut any elements and cooking wooden blanks, knife is required;
  • Files of different shapes will make the appropriate removal, recesses and holes;
  • To create a symmetric pattern, a solid or flexible line can be useful;
  • To apply markup, a simple pencil is needed, which, if necessary, can easily erase from the surface;
  • To apply the markup of the rounded form, it is worth arming a circulation;
  • Eraser is needed to remove pencil strokes.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_13

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_14

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_15

What kind of wood work with?

To work in such a technique, thread will need high-quality wood. It is divided into several groups according to some characteristics.

  1. Very firm wood It is the most difficult for work, even not every professional with ease is given a pattern on such a surface. But often the choice falls on it, since it is famous for the aesthetic properties and good resistance to rotting. The most famous representatives of this group are oak, dogwood, as well as the White Acacia.
  2. Wood medium hardness - most frequently used raw materials. Most of the masters prefer such a type of billets, since it is much easier to work with them, they have similar properties with greater grades, and also have a rather beautiful structure on cuts. The most vivid representatives of this category are the beech, ash, birch, aspen.
  3. Softwood It is best to give in to any types of processing, but it has a significant drawback - with a thread, it can be born. This type of raw material is suitable for newcomers and for those who are just learning a thread. In this group, the most famous representatives are Pine, Iva, Alder, Lipa.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_16

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_17

Types of patterns

To understand the main distinguishing features of a ornament performed in the geometric thread technique, you must familiarize yourself with several types of patterns, as well as with the schemes and the basics of their execution.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_18


The main elements that need to be learned are Slots, which are a knocker and trimming of wood parts.

Pulling is quite simple: it is necessary to take a bevelled knife into the working hand and, deepen its tip a few millimeters in the wood, you need to put markup in the form of a triangle or rhombus.

Then you can proceed to trim, following the instructions.

  1. The cutting part of the blade should be applied to the left side of the triangle, and the beveled part must be in the field of its vertex.
  2. The knife handle is assigned back, without breaking the parallels between the right side of the triangle and the edge of the blade.
  3. Press the knife and return the handle to its original position. When making these actions, the detail of the desired form and size should be broken.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_19


Cut the rhombick on the wood surface is quite easy, especially if you have already mastered the technique of work with shortcuts. The thing is that this figure consists of two triangles having one base, so it can be cut, acting on the principle described in the previous version.

In order for a smooth ornament to be obtained, you must first work out the top number of triangles, after which go to the bottom, forming the figure you need.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_20


Also a very interesting element, which is based on the principle of operation used when working with shortcuts. A distinctive feature is that the triangles do not have a common foundation, but, on the contrary, they are shifted into different side of each other.

Work also occurs by applying two rows of triangles alternately, but ultimately we do not get a rhombus, but a winding openwork path, which is often compared with the snake.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_21

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_22


Pyramid is The first complicated pattern From those that you have to study, comprehending the art of geometric wood thread.

Work occurs by applying several triangles - subject to a certain order and distances between them. At an equal distance, three triangles are applied from each other, two of which are in the upper part and have a common edge. In the middle between the figures it will be necessary to designate the point of contact of the corners. The cutting part of the knife should occupy a central position, and the movements must be performed in the direction in which the natural layers of wood lie.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_23


Next to Study Figure is a bit more complicable because it is based on a larger number of triangles rather than in all previously studied versions. But despite this, it would seem, an important nuance, the principle of working with this figure does not change, and the creation of slides is also at the heart.

To create an asterisk, you need to apply four or more triangles on the principle used in working with a pyramid.

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_24

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_25


Creating squares is radically different from working with all previous patterns, since an absolutely different technique is used - straw.

A distinctive feature of this pattern is that it can be both a separate element and used to frame the edges of the workpiece or as a kind of frame for another pattern.

To create a square, you must act as follows:

  • After applying markup, it is necessary to retreat from its edge to a couple of millimeters and at an angle of about 45 degrees to deepen the knife tip per 3 millimeter, then cut down along the line;
  • Further, on the principle of mirror reflection, it is necessary to produce all the same actions on the other side of the markup band;
  • After that, it is necessary to position the knife vertically with respect to the workpiece and make two punctures (at the beginning and at the end of the line).

Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_26

    With the right execution of all of the above actions, you will get a thin cut in the form of straws, and processing all the edges of the markup in such a technique, you can create an interesting pattern of the desired form.

    Most often, this technique is used for framing products, respectively, square and rectangular shapes.


    Perhaps the next geometric pattern is the most difficult in execution, and at the same time it can be rightfully called the most beautiful of all ornaments already familiar to you.

    To create a socket, it is necessary to arm a circulation and the first thing to designate the boundaries of the circle of a rather large diameter, after which it is necessary to retreat 5 millimeters from the edge and outline another circle. Then both circles should be divided into 16 equal parts.

    Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_27

    At the next stage, it is necessary on each segment located within the boundaries of the small circle, mark the middle and connect it with points of contact of the segments with the boundaries of a large circle, located on both sides of the center planned by us.

    Having received markup, we can proceed to the thread using the first studied work technique with triangles.

    With this pattern, you can decorate the casket cover, the bottom of the decorative plate, the surface of the round table and other products of the suitable form.

    Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_28

    Where to begin?

    Before proceeding with work, it is necessary to prepare to prepare well to avoid possible difficulties in the process:

    • First of all, you need to carefully check the list of desired tools, collect everything you need and choose the material suitable for work;
    • It is further recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology of performance and consider detailed examples and sketches of building certain figures;
    • After you theoretically accommodate the upcoming actions, it is recommended to apply marking on a suitable workpiece;
    • Also (before you begin to cut), the safety and precautionary measures should be studied.

    Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_29

    Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_30

      Since this occupation is quite dangerous, precautions are a mandatory element in the learning process. Consider them in more detail:

      • It is necessary to minimize the load on the area of ​​the shoulder belt, so the movements must be performed exclusively to the brush;
      • So that the brush hands can move calmly, you need to give a working hand to the support, for this it is recommended to close it tightly to the working surface;
      • In order not to accidentally damage the fingers of a free brush, you need to remove your hand from the workpiece and only slightly hold it in the area distant from the cutting subject.

      If these recommendations are met, you can enjoy the process, avoiding small injuries.

      Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_31

      Ready works

      In order to represent all the beauty of geometric thread, you should familiarize yourself with the ready-made examples of crafts from a tree:

      • Luxurious chest small sizes can be used as storage of food or personal belongings;

      Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_32

      • No girl will be able to resist such elegant, but at the same time restrained casket for decorations;

      Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_33

      • and here cutting board , decorated in such a technique, will, rather, decoration for the kitchen, as it will be definitely sorry to use for its intended purpose.

      Geometric wood carving (34 photos): patterns and ornaments for beginners, sockets and other types. Where to begin? What do knives need? 19206_34

      How to cut simple geometric shapes See the following video.

      Read more