Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners


Chinese calligraphy has a rich history, which will not prevent those who want to master this type of art. In addition, it is necessary to study the foundations of culture, philosophy of consecient, as well as to understand Chinese. This will help to feel the energy of calligraphy, which according to psychological and physical exposure to a person equal to qigun.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_2

The emergence of calligraphic craftsmanship

Chinese calligraphy - ancient art. It has no one ten centuries. Some styles appeared before our era and over time practically did not change. For example, the so-called printer hieroglyphs - Zhuangsha - originated in the VIII century BC. NS.

In those days, it was necessary to own the art of calligraphy for each educated person, and even the emperor himself regularly practiced in the inscription of the hieroglyphs.

Different writing styles appeared, more or less simple, geometric or smooth, but the attitude to calligraphy remained the same. As then, and in our time it is not just the ability to write beautifully, it is a way to express your own, unique, inner world, relax and forget about daily bustle.

It is important to tune in correctly before starting classes. All body muscles need to relax as much as possible, focus, throw out all thoughts and care from the head.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_3

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_4

If the body is relaxed, it will not only not get tired and will not be necessary, on the contrary, will receive the charge of fresh strength and vigor. And focus on the technique itself it is easier to know what exactly is reproduced on paper. It is necessary not to simply mechanically display certain characters, but remember that each of them has its own value, and understand what the hieroglyph is.

This attitude to calligraphy has developed the history of the development of this art. The ancient masters considered it akin to qigun on the effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Perhaps partly therefore, calligraphy was an art for educated (and therefore more wealthy) people - not only due to the availability of funds for the purchase of all the necessary materials, but also because people had no time for the concentrated and thoughtful elimination of hieroglyphs.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_5

Style diversity

Before proceeding with calligraphy classes, you need to get at least the initial knowledge of the language and learn to understand it.

China's writing is verbal syllable, that is, each individual hieroglyph transfers or the word entirely, or its grammatically significant part. There were hieroglyphs from the drawings, which were as simplified as much as possible for the convenience and speed of the letter. In Chinese there are about 5 thousand characters, and they must be studied before being taken for a brush.

All this set of hieroglyphs can be divided into several categories.

  1. Pictograms . These are images that have become the basis of writing, its initial variety.
  2. IDEograms. Pictures individual elements of the real world, ideas. Located in close connection with pictograms.
  3. Foundaideograms. Include two components - one indicates the value, the other is on the sound of the word.
  4. Borrowed hieroglyphs. These characters have their own value, but are used to record other words.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_6

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_7

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_8

Optionally, remember all the characters in groups, the main thing is to study the value of Chinese writing, learn to understand it.

As for the styles of the calligraphic letter, they exist 5 - Zhuhansh, Lish, Sinish, Tsakh, Kais and Edoseodi.

One of the most ancient is considered Zhuhanshi style. The first work performed in this style is dated the VIII-III centuries. BC NS. It was the official letter of the king of Qin, now is the most commonly used style. However, despite the prevalence, the use of Zhuangsha is limited only to calligraphy, since even the indigenous Chinese cannot read the text written by this letter.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_9

The next style, "subsidiary" Zhuangshu, - Lish. He appeared in the second century BC. NS. Its distinctive feature is the expanding book horizontal and diagonal lines. This "tail" is called a "silk worm head" and "goose tail". Now for writing is used late lush.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_10

Blue You called the "running" style, it is distinguished by the fact that when writing hieroglyphs, the brush is practically not taken away from paper.

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Tsakhow - Almost the same items, too, is unrecoverable, as cinsis. Inscriptions Caesha can be read if we own special skills.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_12

The most popular today is the style of Kaish. He originates from Lish style and is considered the latest style of writing hieroglyphs. Kaisch features that form a symbol are separated from each other.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_13

Edidodi style In general, it is not related to Chinese calligraphy. This style came from Japan and is used when placing advertising signs, posters and the like.

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Of all these styles, it is difficult to choose the easiest that would come up for beginners. Each has its own characteristics, subtleties that will immediately master it difficult. But those styles in which lines are derived separately, the newcomer will be somewhat easier to study. The blasting letter is more complicated, an inexperienced calligraph will be harder to study it without basic skills.

Knowledge of the Chinese language belongs to the very basic skills, without which it will be difficult to master the art of calligraphy, about whatever style is discussed. At the same time, it is not necessary to know the language in perfection, the main thing is to understand it.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_15


For Calligraphy, you will need:

  1. paper;
  2. brush;
  3. Mascara;
  4. Pustrian.

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_16

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_17

Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_18

In ancient China, these items were called four treasures of the scientist, treated them with appropriate respect and chose very carefully.

Thus, the paper was taken special, in the manufacture of which was used chopped wood bark and rice straw. Earlier before the invention, the paper in China wrote on white silk. The cost of these (in particular) materials for the letter and made calligraphy art for educated, and therefore - provided people.

For the manufacture of the brushes fell a goat or hare wool, which absorbs water well and keeps ink. The form of the brush is also important - it must be rounded on the sides and pointed to the tip. The sharp tip allows you to output neat, clear lines, provides the necessary elasticity of the letter. For the handle, materials such as bamboo, ivory, jade, crystal, porcelain, sandalwood, bull horn, even gold and silver were used.

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Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_20

Mascara should be homogeneous, without lumps and large particles that could leave stains on paper. Ink made of pine soot, swine fat, vegetable oils and aromatic substances. The latter provided the carcasses of the shine and were protected from sweating. All these ingredients were mixed, dried and formed into briquettes.

Before using ink, they were tried in the steels, to which they also presented their requirements. Its walls were to be non-smooth (so that it was easy to lose the substance) and not too rough, otherwise the particles would turn out larger than necessary. Only a fine-grained surface allowed the ink to be lost as needed.

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Chinese calligraphy: Do I need to know the hieroglyphs to engage in China calligraphy? Styles for beginners 19183_22

Now a wide selection of materials for any creativity, including for calligraphy. However, the understanding of which ink, brush or paper is best suited, can only be obtained during the work process, experimenting with materials from different manufacturers.

Learning Chinese calligraphy see the following video.

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