Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners


Buy a beautiful postcard, a photo album or another similar thing sometimes it is extremely difficult, especially if you want to please a dear person. In the presence of a certain talent for needlework and great desire, you can independently reorganize any items, radically transform them and decorate. Scrapbooking presents huge opportunities in this industry.

If we seize this technique correctly, then any thing can be done unique and special.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_2

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_3

What it is?

For those who have never heard of such a kind of creativity, as scrapbooking should be able to tell in more detail about the history of the emergence of the term and the essence of the activity. The name takes its roots from two English words: SCRAP - Cut and Book - Book. Literally this is a book, consisting of tenderloin, decorated with them. With the help of scrapbooking, you can make crafts, make your own hands a card or reorganize the photo album.

Besides directly creativity This method is actively used in psychology as a means of calm and relaxes for people exposed to strong emotional splash and psychological overwork. The essence of the work consists not only in cutting paper and girlfriend, It is important to create a single composition that will carry some message in itself, will help convey certain sensations.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_4

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_5

With this decoration, you can make a decor frame for photos, a variety of boxes in which something valuable will be stored. Initially, Scrapbooking did not pursue the purpose of decorating anything, people simply collected their things that were interested in and placed in simple albums and notebooks on each of the pages. This course has acquired a particular popularity in the XVII century, when a book was published about the decoration of poems, which at that time were very popular among different estates of society.

So, gradually from the original placement of information inside the book, scrapbooking migrated to her cover and became the main decoration. The term itself begins to appear since the 1830s, it acquires particular popularity with the development of photo printing.

In Russia, this type of needlework became widespread only since 2005 and remains as well.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_6

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_7

Main appliances and styles

For beginners, it can be difficult to understand the essence of scrapbooking, so it is very important to know about its styles and techniques. Mix three main technicians.

  • Distrassing. Its essence is to build up, which is able to achieve due to the painting of paper with a sponge using a conventional tea welding. An additional effect may be the creation of torn or saturated edges.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_8

  • Embossing. The task of this species is to create embosses that can be made on paper with stencils, which is transferred to foil. And you can also apply a special powder on paper with high density, which is differently called wet embospsing.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_9

  • Stamping. This species can be done using the creation of drawings-stamps applied in ink or thanks to the appliqués.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_10

Important! In order for the product as interesting as possible and original, it is usually complemented by other techniques: embroidery, sewing, inserts from beads, rhinestones, quilling, decoupage, origami and not only.

Before using one or another technique, It is important to accurately understand its essence, understand the principle of placing elements to create the right composition, which is quite difficult, especially for beginners. To cope with this task, it is important to study the rule of squares for which it is worth placing elements. It is important to understand the principles of color accommodation and combination. In the process of learning, it is important to study the work of masters and professionals in this industry.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_11

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_12

The main task of scrapbooking is the creation of a single composition, where all parts have a different appearance, texture, size and color, but together create a pleasant and holistic paintings. y If this type of art carries more and more It is worth paying attention to several styles that can be used.

  • Vintage. For vintage, the use of old objects to the composition or imitation is considered. All things of the past epochs are going to move, which only come under hand, no matter what kind of look. The older looks, the more accurate the essence of the era, which is reconstructed. Shades used in such a job must be muted, calm, neuropric: color of coffee with milk, beige or khaki.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_13

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_14

  • Heritage. The essence of the heritage technology is to transfer the mood and sensation of the past era, which is revealed through a family chronicle and history. It is important to use real photos of ancestors, letters and everything that remains from the previous time. Color and in this case will be calm and restrained. If there is no possibility to use old photos and materials, then modern samples should be artificially constitute up to the desired appearance.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_15

  • Shebby Chic. SHESHBBY STYLE CHECH or WILL CHICE is significantly different from the above, as the main focus is on the romanticization of the content. Photos and images are also aged, but rustually, it is created only by plaque ancient. The color scheme is also softer and gentle, light beige shades are often used. For the background, paper with floral ornament is used, and the highlight is the presence of a bright accent stain in the form of a ribbon, buttons or a flower, which organically fit into the overall composition without breaking it.

Among decorative elements, pearls, glitter, decorative lines, small decorations with patina, modeling and old lace are most often used.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_16

  • American. It is especially worth highlighting the American style of scrapbooking, since it is classic for this type of creativity. This option is considered the easiest and most affordable for beginners than and is explained by its consistently high popularity in the world. A characteristic feature can be called an abundance of elements from different types of paper, which are a decoration of the central part of the work, namely the photos.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_17

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_18

  • European. Distinctive will be the European style in which photos prevail. As a modest addition, you can see decorative decorations. The principle of creating scrapbooking is to choose a one-photon sheet of paper, which is placed from three photos and more, while they are complemented by suitable elements. The photo themselves can be issued original, cutting them into the form of a circle, square, rectangle, or using curly scissors, which are processed by the edges.

The main crew is conciseness and restraint, thanks to which it is possible to reveal the essence of the intended product as accurately as possible.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_19

  • Pure and simple. Simple and uncomplicated is a pure and simple style, in which the photo and journaling will be the main techniques. The color of the background is usually neuropy and monophonic on which photographs, mostly close-up and a small amount of decorative elements are placed.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_20

  • Retro. For retro style, the main one is the fashion 50, 60 and 70s of the last century. The use of print to a large peas, a cell, flowers, additional elements in the form of cuts from old newspapers and magazines, advertising, posters and stickers of that time are an integral part of the stylistics in this case.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_21

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_22

  • Freestyle. For freestyle, completely different laws are triggered, here the main criterion serves its own inspiration and creativity. There are no clear rules and laws, bright tones and decor elements are used, the products are complemented by man-made inscriptions and drawings. In this case, there is a possibility to combine different techniques in one product and scrapbooking styles.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_23

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_24

  • Mix media. The Mix Media Style refers to the most complex style, since it completely lacks any framework. This style will depend only on the performer itself.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_25

  • Modern vintage. The last style, which is worth telling is modern vintage, it also retains the loss of the background and the main elements, but the color gamut is bright and saturated. The use of vintage techniques for modern materials and photos allows you to get the original and creative product option.

Important! Thanks to the ability to choose some specific style version, you can quickly master its features and learn how to create beautiful products for any occasions.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_26

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_27

Preparation of instruments and materials

To engage in scrapbooking quite seriously, you must have all the necessary tools and materials with you, To which the following are:

  • scissors, simple and curly, which should have several pieces at their disposal;
  • Scotch is simple and narrow, double-sided and decorative;
  • Paper Glue: PVA, Pencil or Adhesive Pistol;
  • figure hole punch, 1-2 varieties for a start;
  • A set of threads of different colors, a needle, awl, it will be worthwhile to have a sewing machine;
  • Decorative elements: beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, ribbons;
  • cardboard of different density and color scheme;
  • Specialized rug for cutting;
  • stamps for scabing, ink and powder;
  • For those who have some work experience, you may need a set to install chalks;
  • line of different lengths and shapes;
  • stationery knife;
  • Set of colored and scrap paper of different colors, one-sided and double-sided, album for drawing, set of pencils and colored handles.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_28

Very useful beginners will be scratchs. They are blanks for which any version of the product can be made or to inspire a certain idea. Not necessarily buy all the items immediately It is important to have those tools with which all works are being created, and they will be bought by those materials that will be needed for each specific product.

Before starting work, it is worth familiar with the basic principles of creating masterpieces in the scrapbooking technique.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_29

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_30

Where to begin?

For beginners, scrapbooking may seem too complex and incomprehensible, therefore the correct organization of the workplace and the whole process will help master all the necessary skills and cope with any goal set in the future.

To work it is worth choosing a comfortable place to be able to place all the necessary materials and tools. A very important role will be played lighting If it is weak, then the eyes will be tired very soon and the desire to do will disappear, if too strong, it will entail headaches, and the work will end soon. It is best to choose a specific work area where everything will be necessary, And the main thing is silence and peace, without which it is impossible to focus on the object and create something worthwhile.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_31

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_32

A person without experience is often difficult to catch inspiration and find a standing idea. The secret is simple, he lies in the creation of masterpieces at the moment when an interesting thought came, and not for a certain period or date. If there is no experience with cardboard and paper, it is immediately worth mastering the foundations, on the basis of which to create your own masterpieces. To learn how to place the elements, creating the composition, it is necessary to use the scratches at first, where there is already a ready-made template for which you can move, repeating it or complementing at your discretion.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_33

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_34

As soon as a certain minimum of knowledge and skills are obtained, It is worth devoting some time to improve the qualifications, What can help the master class, the sites of this orientation or picture of different styles and techniques found on the Internet. In this case, the abundance of knowledge will not have any way harm, it will only give a support base, which will build their own creations in the future.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_35

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_36

For the first work, it is worth choosing something as simple, without abundance of parts or complex elements. It is important to learn how to work with the existing task and materials that are needed for its incarnation. It is necessary to complicate the composition gradually by adding new details of the decor. Initially, paper and cardboard are used in operation, you can later turn on beads and ribbons if everything happens, add photos.

When the foundations are passed, you can try to make the paper, photos, to do stamps and all the other interesting nuances that are owned by the real scrapbooking masters.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_37

Step by step instructions

For beginners who want to master the skills of scrapbooking, It is worth understanding the following simple truths:

  • The newcomer should not be taken for complex compositions, even if they soul;
  • To perform multicomponent products, you need to master all the basics of activity;
  • You can learn how to create both yourself and with the help of the Internet;
  • Everyone can learn from scrapbooking, even from scratch, should not be afraid of failures, the one who wants will always achieve his own.

For training, scrapbooking is worth trying its strength on the most simple - postcard. To make a creative and interesting product you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • Tassel and gold acrylic paint for decorating;
  • lace tape;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle;
  • several old newspapers;
  • smooth and dense polyethylene;
  • glue;
  • Beads.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_38

The master class of creating such a product will be as follows:

  • The workplace is resurrected by newspapers, on top of which polyethylene or oil can be placed;
  • A4 sheets need to be well mounted and wet water;
  • PVA and water and water is mixed in the container to creamy consistency;
  • dip the wet paper in the hubble;
  • On a smooth sheet, pieces of paper are laid out, it is important to place them so that the edges coincided;
  • on the resulting surface to decompose the threads in any order, you can add any other additional elements;
  • The finished product is covered with polyethylene and placed under the press from the stack of books for several hours;
  • When the time comes out, books and polyethylene are cleaned that the sheet is completely pros;
  • The edge must be absolutely smooth if there are inconsistencies, they are aligned with scissors;
  • along the edge of the paper is stitched by a machine or manual line for additional fixation of these sections;
  • Tassel wet in the paint and cover it the workpiece; movements should go from top to bottom, uneven, with different effort;
  • The edge of the postcard decorated with the help of a beautiful lace, if desired, it can be supplemented by beads, rhinestones or sparkles, as well as make the original and beautiful inscription.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_39

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_40

If there is a desire to do something more large-scale, for example, a photo album, the use of scrapbooking will create something unique and unique. For the creative process you will need to have such materials and tools with you:

  • Weekly with an original cover;
  • Photos that will be placed inside;
  • pencils, handles, markers, markers;
  • Scotch: bilateral and decorative;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • curly scissors;
  • stamps, stickers, ribbons, beads, and so on;
  • Paper designed for scrapbooking.

The work will consist of such actions like:

  • Depending on the size and number of photos, think over their location in the diary to make a place for decor and signature;
  • Choosing decorations for pages, you can use all the processed tools and materials, it is worth using what best suits the image in the photo;
  • Photos are attached in any mete and in a diverse direction with the help of bilateral scotch.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_41

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_42

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_43

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_44

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_45

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_46

If there is a need to make a postcard for children, then it can be stylized under some kind of clothing or housewife, associated with children. With you, it is necessary to have the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard for the main product;
  • Colored paper set;
  • cardboard for decor;
  • glue, simple pencil and ruler;
  • Punch and ribbons.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_47

The procedure for the work will be reduced to the following:

  • Select the color of the basis of the postcard, which corresponds to the newborn - blue or blue for a boy, pink for a girl;
  • The basis is folded in half;
  • Cut the bodyball that will be decoration of the postcard, you can make it similar to this or interesting to stylize; For the girl you can cut a dress;
  • With the help of holes, mugs make their way, which will be buttons on the body;
  • on horse-on, cuffs at the bottom and on the neck, you can attach a pattern cut out with curly scissors; You can make the same decor for the dress;
  • The final chord will be the formation of a bow of the tape and its attachment to the postcard; If you wish, you can supplement the postcard with the name of the child or congratulations to parents.

Options for products that can be transformed or created with their own hands, the most important thing is to be able to correctly and beautifully embody them into reality.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_48


So that scrapbooking stops in an interesting hobby, it is important to properly approach this process, guided by certain advice, since every craft is in itself secrets, without knowing which it is difficult to achieve the desired heights. So, it is worth take into account the following recommendations:

  • An important factor will be the knowledge of terminology, so it is necessary to study the interpretation of all the concepts;
  • Visual perception - to create something your own, you need to have a certain experience led earlier; A good help will be sites about scrapbooking, you liked your jobs worth keeping on a computer;
  • Before starting work, it is worth understanding which product I want to create the first thing, where to start an acquaintance with the craft; The simplest and correct option will be a postcard;
  • Before proceeding with work, it is worth seeing several master classes and assimilate the order of work and the main nuances;
  • Decide on those materials and tools that will be needed in specific work;
  • Find shops or sites where you can purchase all the necessary inventory;
  • You should not use simple cardboard and colored paper instead of professional materials, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

Scrapbooking for beginners (49 photos): What is it and how to do it? Where to begin? Step-by-step master classes for beginners 19149_49

With proper preparation and meaningful actions, scrapbooking may conquer for many years, and for especially talented even become an opportunity for additional earnings. Beautiful products created by hand will always be valued more than purchased in the store, since they will remain a particle of the soul and the heart of the Creator, and this is invaluable.

In the next video you will find a list of first purchases for scrapbooking.

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