Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands


On the eve of the International Women's Day, all men are in finding a gift that will be able to please their favorite women. An excellent addition to any presentation will be beautiful postcards in the scrapbooking technique made by their own.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_2


On March 8, men often give cards, but usually they buy ready-made versions with a written poem or wishes. However, girls are much more pleasant to get a surprise made with their own hands. Under such a case, postcards made in scrapbooking techniques are ideal - Such a gift definitely does not want to give anyone to anyone.

Scrapbooking technique appeared in 1830, and literally translates as "Book of pieces".

If more specifically, this is a book, a postcard or an album glued from photos, paper cuts, letters, magazines, figures, colors, colored paper, bows and many other materials available. Classification of postcards made in scrapbooking technique does not exist, but you can divide them into two main types.

  • Flat. Without volumetric figures, colors and bows. Most often they are not dropped, but simply bilateral.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_3

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_4

  • Volumented. Most often with flower, numbers, somehow drawing or a bow. There may be such postcards drop-down or bilateral: facial - the main part, and the rear - with the words of congratulations.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_5

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_6

Also, postcards can be a certain form: triangular, round, oval or in the form of a number. The last option is often applied to the holiday of March 8, accompanied by spring paints: green and pink, gluing colors. And as a photo, images of nature or the brightest photos of the lady are used.

Postcards made in scrapbooking technique are ideal for preserving important memories and do not limit the fantasy of donors.

The widespread option is a postcard with a surprise, when, for example, a master makes a flower from chocolates on the front side. Candy as a result is eaten, and candy so make a flower on a postcard.

A characteristic feature of scrapbooking is that there are no restrictions in this technique, and any materials available at hand can be used. The number of ideas and surprises when creating this gift is also not limited. It is worth only to remember that the postcard made in the scrapbooking technique should not stop, and it is desirable to prevent a significant gift.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_7

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_8

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_9

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_10

Necessary materials and tools

It is best to use the existing home materials, but sometimes you have to buy something.

To create a classic postcard we need:

  • cardboard, paper for scrapbooking, crafting or other dense paper;
  • Color thin paper;
  • Stationery knife and scissors;
  • PVA glue, pencil or "moment";
  • ruler;
  • bilateral or at least normal tape;
  • gel handles;
  • Fabric or paper with a prepared beautiful inscription;
  • pictures with your favorite colors beloved, butterflies and plush toys;
  • Figures in the form of hearts, beads and a decorative bow (if not, then you can make colored paper).

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_11

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_12

When selecting materials to create a postcard, it is worth paying special attention to the color scheme.

It is necessary that the colors are combined, the same applies to the glued figures, animals and selected photos.

The contrast will knock out various elements from the composition and the girl will not be able to enjoy the integrity of the creation created by your hands.

How to do?

Consider a few simple master classes to create postcards.


This is the easiest gift option.

Step-by-step instruction.

  • In the color scheme, pick up paper, creating a background card. On the line of two scrap-papers, consolidate two-way tapes, and stick to it a pre-harvested ribbon with a fold;

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_13

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_14

  • Print the resulting facial part on the cut-out base: cardboard, craft or dense scrap paper of the desired size. Stick a flower or a different figure to a ribbon along with sliced ​​leaves;

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_15

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_16

  • Attach the harvested inscription: "Happy March 8!" In the form of a rectangle in the lower right corner.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_17


This option is good in that inside a surprise there will be enough space to express all your wishes.

Creating a postcard looks like this.

  • Deciding with the size, cut out the workpiece from the selected paper.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_18

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_19

  • Applied a ruler to the workpiece and spend along it with the back side of the stationery knife, not much pressing. So you can get a fold line. On the prepared base, stick the strips in advance cut-out scrap paper in the appropriate color scheme. On the right side we glue a strip from lace.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_20

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_21

  • Cut the inscription: "March 8," for this you can purchase stamps in advance.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_22

  • Printed the inscription to the workpiece, traveled through her rope.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_23

  • From the inscriptions to the side can "fly away butterflies", "growing flowers" or on it can "sit" ladybugs. The choice of figures and appliqués always remains for the master.

In the lower corner you can stick a photo of your beloved animal, buttons or a different bulk figure.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_24

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_25


The thematic postcard is more complex in manufacturing, since it will take care and accuracy.

Stages of creation.

  • Fold the cardboard, or a dense scrap paper twice and cut the number 8 so that the eight is connected to its lower part. In the top of the front side, make a hole in the form of a circle;

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_26

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_27

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_28

  • On the back of the style of the ladies, her favorite animals or commemorative places so that they are visible in this circle. On the front part below stick a cute picture.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_29

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_30

  • Add to bottom postcard pre-harvested inscription.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_31

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_32

  • On top of the numbers paste bows, butterflies, gifts, flowers - everything is available.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_33

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking on March 8 (34 photos): ideas and master classes to create an album with a surprise with their own hands 19133_34

    In the course of creating a postcard, you can add volume figures, rhinestones, beads to it. But remember that in everything important measure. It is also worth considering several recommendations from professionals:

    • best lay out the composition in advance;
    • Do not overfill a postcard with a plurality of different parts;
    • Try to give the presentation;
    • For rapid drying of glue, watercolor and other liquid materials, use a hairdryer.

    The postcard made in the scrapbooking technique can not only become an excellent and commemorative souvenir, but also to promote the development of creative hobbies in the future. A variety of ideas and an individual approach when creating cards, photo albums, books and diaries on this technique, makes each product unique.

    Having mastered the scrapbooking, you can give crafts to your loved ones and friends to any event and holiday.

    Master class on the creation of postcards on March 8 in Scrapbooking technique, see further.

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