Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard


The February 23 holiday has long been beyond the scope of "military only." Today on this day it is customary to congratulate potential defenders of the Fatherland, and real. On such a day, the presents want to present the dads, grandparents, brothers, sons, colleagues. Postcards on February 23 is a very common type of congratulations, however, mass production is gradually inferior to the position of the creative approach.

Postcards in the technique of scrapbooking make it possible to make a unique, spectacular and at the same time an inexpensive gift from the whole soul. They can be made with their own hands, using any step-by-step master class. Some special skills are not required, quite an interesting idea and desire.

What is scrapbooking?

The word "scrapbooking" actually means "book with clippings", but this technique has become so popular that he gave a lot of beautiful ideas for the design of different types of gifts.

Experts recommend those who are just interested in this area, start with decoration of postcards.

This is the easiest solution that do not require absolutely no special skills and skills. Be prepared for the fact that this passion will tighten you and acquire the status of a permanent hobby. Many scrapbooking masters, leading master classes, say that they came to the case of their life with the design of the simplest postcard.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_2

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_3

Scrapbooking has several technical capabilities that are most often combined with each other to create a spectacular and unusual composition:

  • Distrassing - visual formation of paper material, looks like scratches, torn edges, sweestiness;
  • Embossing - the ability to form an image of volumetric type with a stencil or special powder;
  • Stamping - The easiest to use method allows you to form small drawings, images with silicone stamps.

Creating a postcard in Scrapbooking technique, remember that this method is perfectly combined with other options for decorating: quilling, pergamano, origami, journaling.

The latter is very often used at the decoration of the greeting card, since it can be included in the composition text, inscriptions, congratulations to the composition.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_4

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_5

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_6

Recommendations Masters

In order for your first experience to be positive Follow the following rules for postcards:

  • Form a draft scheme that will give you the opportunity to get an idea of ​​the composition directly on paper, spread the decor, move it, choosing optimal options;
  • Be sure to think about composite construction before you begin to cut and glue anything;
  • do not be afraid to use ready-made templates, ready ideas and sketches;
  • Start with the central figure of the composition of the future, in any image to be semantic middle, around which you arrange the rest;
  • Decide on a style military theme is not too diverse, mainly this image of military equipment, camouflage, weapons;
  • colors to be matched perfectly, mostly severe tints: green, brown, black, gray, blue, bright elements may be present in the form of yellow, red, orange;
  • be sure to experiment, even if you make a postcard with a ready master-class.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_7

Materials and tools

If you make the first steps in scrapbooking, you must purchase a minimum tools and materials for decoration. This can be done by ordering products in the online store or acquired in creative shops. To make a card in this technique, you will need:

  • scrap paper, set with a suitable theme and colors, it is best to choose a different prints, size and structure, then the composition will be spectacular;
  • stationery set, consisting of a ruler, a pencil, an eraser;
  • puncher type of figure will come in handy if you want to create a small paper image in the subject will be particularly relevant stars;
  • scissors, with shaped cutting edges will form beautiful to the paper surface;
  • rich decor: buckles, buttons, ribbons, St. George's ribbon;
  • stamp pads;
  • stencils.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_8

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_9

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_10

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_11

Master classes

The idea of ​​cards with a camouflage background

You will need in addition to all:

  • or Whatman paper for drawing;
  • dubbing ink green, brown, gray, black and beige color;
  • Knife stationery type.

Shades can be changed in accordance with the native forces to which endows, e.g., blue.

Algorithm steps:

  • from shading, do it with the most light color - beige, gray;
  • cushions to apply stamp ink circles, semicircles, ellipses;
  • just proceed with darker tones, filling the white space;
  • After beige and gray, go to green;
  • Try to keep the color zones have been extended in the form;
  • gaps between them is made in black, brown;
  • create the necessary stencils Blob, cut them out of paper;
  • Apply a bright solid colors for stencils;
  • after the pattern is ready, it is possible to start decoration, i.e. application of decorative elements;
  • You can use segments of this fabric with a camouflage print, buckles, tabs in the form of shoulder straps.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_12

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_13

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_14

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_15

Impressive men greeting volume elements

you will need for the manufacture of:

  • dense kraft paper;
  • scrap paper;
  • cardboard corrugation;
  • acrylic paste;
  • twine;
  • Metal suspension;
  • cutting in the form of a star, necessary numbers, balloons;
  • glue, ruler, scissors, simple pencil, mastikhin;
  • Stencil under the masonry brick, Shilo, foam sponge.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_16

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_17

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_18

Algorithm of actions:

  • Cut the base from the crahte paper for the postcard of the desired size, make a fold and fold in the center;
  • Determine the sheets of scrap paper, cut the necessary components you need;
  • Cut sheets of different sizes from other scrap sheets;
  • Create a composition of all parts;
  • Speach them on the front side of the postcard, add corrugated cardboard with pieces so that the postcard is volumetric;
  • Clean the necessary figures, for example, steam locomotive from craft paper;
  • Create cuttings of balls, stars and numbers;
  • Form from all parts a single aesthetically harmonious ensemble;
  • Reduce any selected area with a stencil with brick masonry, acrylic paste, sponge and mastikhin;
  • Give paste to dry;
  • The same paint can be painted some details of the postcard;
  • On a piece of ramp Having a suspension and attach to a postcard using glue.

Take care of the full postcard - Congratulations can be printed and pasted inside.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_19

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_20

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_21

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_22

Beautiful ideas

Card with camouflage background.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_23

Simple, but very spectacular design with the stars.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_24

You can not use military themes.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_25

Volumetric details look very interesting.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_26

Actively use the reservoir decor - ribbons, buttons in the tone of the composition.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_27

The volume is easy to create with corrugated cardboard.

Postcards on February 23 in Scrapbooking technique: Ideas for creating postcard with your own hands, step-by-step master class postcard 19132_28

Master class on creating postcards Look in the video below.

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