New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage


New Year is one of the most beloved holidays of mankind. Each of us puts the Christmas tree, decorates an apartment, prepares a festive table. One way to describe the New Year's dishes is beautiful and the decoupage is a decoupage, which will talk about in this article.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_2

Necessary materials and tools

Before getting to work, you need to get necessary tools and materials.

  • Paper. It can be different types of napkins or special paper for decoupage sold in stores. Newspaper cuts, wrapping paper, printer printouts of the desired image are used. The latter need to be used with caution, as the paint can break.
  • Textile. Experts recommend using fine materials that are qualitatively painted.
  • Glue. Use the compositions specially prepared for each material.
  • Varnish. Laca layer will make your product more durable. Choose varnish depending on the desire. Lucky can be glossy and matte, transparent and with the addition of shades, with a glitter and without it.
  • Acrylic-based ground. Print the product is necessary to give him smoothness.
  • Paints. They are performed by additional elements, painting. It is better to purchase a set of acrylic paints of different shades. Be sure to have white paint with a pearl.
  • Thermolent. It is purchased ready, it will take to decorate the product with a ribbon with a necessary pattern.
  • Beads, beads, semi-graysins, rhinestones, stones, ribbons, braid.

Also be pardon with scissors, a set of brushes for glue, varnish and muffins, sponge, sandpaper, masticine, roller.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_3

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_4

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_5

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_6

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_7

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_8

General Recommendations for Decoupage

Decoupage technique is a method of decorating, in which you can place the necessary ornament, drawing or pattern on any item. The following foundations are excellent for decoupage:

  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • metal.

Decoupage has long been beyond simple gluing images from napkins. Today, needlewomen create luxurious compositions using various decors: rhinestones, feathers, beads, completing all painting.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_9

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_10

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_11

The standard decoupage technique combines the use of not only napkins, but also tissue, allowing you to create 3D compositions. Now the materials printed on the printer are specially popular. In addition, actively used:

  • art decor;
  • Braching;
  • craquelure;
  • gilding.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_12

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_13

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_14

Experts allocate the following varieties of decoupage:

  • traditional;
  • transferable;
  • art;
  • Deopatch.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_15

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_16

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_17

If you are just familiar with Decoupage, use the Masters Recommendations:

  • Observe the sequence of creation - start with the idea, then select the basis and only then - the material;
  • Use the draft Chernivik - Picture on paper the scheme of your future product, where all the elements will be located, are thought out of the proportion;
  • Start work with the preparation of the basis, for this is processed and the surface is leveled, degreases, is covered with soil;
  • If you use napkins, first separated, then cut the image;
  • Do not smack, do not cut out too small elements of the ensemble, you can draw them with a brush;
  • The glue is applied with a brush on a napkin on the back side, then the image is glued, very neatly strokes with his hands;
  • Remember that it is impossible to allow bubbles and irregularities;
  • Forming the composition, start from the middle, gradually leaving the edges;
  • Drawing and the use of additional decorative elements are possible only after the glue will completely dry;
  • To protect the product from the effects of the external environment, it is necessarily coated with varnish in one layer, then, after drying the first, the procedure is repeated;
  • Crumb, glitter, beads, rhinestones, beads are glued at the very end.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_18

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_19

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_20

More about the decoupage technique you will learn by looking at the next video.

Creation of compositions

Decoupage in the New Year becomes especially popular. New Year's Style is especially beloved both among the inaders and among creative people. Before you begin to decoupage, you need to make a composition, So that the embodiment was harmonious, without chaos.

If you decorate the ball, consider the features of this form. It is very different from a flat surface where there is an opportunity to arrange the material without folds and irregularities.

We offer you the basic versions of New Year's compositions that You can use when decorating both balls and other items.

  • Line of zoicing type. Strips can be made of fabric, paper, serpentine, they are glued around the main product. They can be positioned by parallel, obliquely, at different angles, perpendicular to each other. Consider that the width of the strip affects the simplicity of its smoothing.
  • Cape or caps. This method is that the composition is located only at the top of the background, for example, a ball.
  • Rossel . On the decorated toy are chaotic or in a certain order elements of a homogeneous type: mugs, triangles, stars, hearts. You can use regular confetti.
  • Combination of elements of different sizes. The combination of large and small decorative materials is very effectively. For example, one large and stovery of small around it.
  • Decision of the original base on the share. This is done using a wide-size tape, which cuts into narrow strips. They, in turn, form different zones for decor when gluing.
  • Big drawing. This composition is created in this way: one or more images are taken with a single plot and are located in different directions of the subject. Either the drawing is taken and a supporting composition is formed by painting, patterns.

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_21

New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_22

These composite options allow you to decorate part of the surface of the subject. You can decorate the surface and completely.

  • Patchwork. A large image is taken capable of covering the entire surface of the base, divided into fragments. Then they are applied, overlapping, on the surface of the Christmas toys or dishes.
  • Globe method. Suitable for decor of balls and round items. The image is prepared equal to the length of the base circumference, in height - not more than half. The band is divided into equal parts, then they must be glued, gently mixing.

You should not use too clear and realistic pictures, since the exact dock is almost impossible, but the chaos and abstraction will fit perfectly.

    In addition to the main composite solutions, consider an additional decor. It is he who allows you to enter the ending strokes into the ensemble, gives a decoupable thing with chic, expressiveness and originality. Experts identify the following additional decoration techniques:

    • volume ornament, performed using relief gels, contour and structural pastes;
    • point scratching, contour patterns;
    • vintage and surface formation;
    • gilding;
    • Stylistic thematic painting;
    • Imitation of different materials: stone, wood, snow and ice.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_23

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_24

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_25

    Ideas for registration

    New Year's decoupage includes an incredible number of ideas for registration. Your own hands you can make absolutely any decoration for the house and as a gift. Special learning is not required for this, it is enough to use master classes in open access.

    Christmas decorations

    Light background - A great opportunity to show a bright Christmas drawing with a favorable side. Composite image can be supplemented with semi-masses and tapes.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_26

    Children's story pictures in winter topics - Beautiful idea for decorating a Christmas ball. You can use ready-made plot pictures and decorate joints with braid. Brushes and ribbons are used as additional elements.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_27

    Always harmoniously in the winter story look Shishki. . They can be included in the composition With birds, christmas trees, winter forest.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_28

    In addition to the Christmas balls, a decoupage is very popular Hearty toys . As an additional decoration, use bows from ribbons and lace braid.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_29

    Amazing option - decorate Wood blanks of different shapes . The tree looks great with twine, so it turns out to withstand the style of Eco in the composition.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_30

    Exquisite hearts with winter plots Great in combination with white lace and scarlet velvet. So that the ensemble is fully designed in the same style, use the satin red ribbon as a suspension.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_31


    In addition to Christmas toys, you can decaptentize gifts for the new year. After all, any thing can be decorating so that It will become unique and luxurious.

    • Book shaped box - This is a wonderful gift, but if it is also framed in the technique of decoupage with the corresponding plot, the present becomes exclusive.
    • Luxury gift - Christmas ball in a box. If they decorate them in a single composite solution, the gift will delight even the most demanding person.
    • Very original gift for New Year celebrations - Bottles of champagne in the technique of decoupage. The only minus - this bottle is unlikely to rise the hand to open.
    • Hostess will have to do with the decorated cutting board and a bottle with the same plot under the oil . When creating such a gift, you need to take into account the design of the kitchen of the person who is intended.
    • Spectacular casket decorated over the entire surface - At the same time a very beautiful and practical gift. The plot composition can be positioned on the surface of the cover, and on the sides to decorate with paper prints in the tone.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_32

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_33

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_34

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_35

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_36

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_37

    Glasses and plates

    The dishes is one of the most popular foundations for decoupage ideas.

    • Wine glasses , decorated with drawings, braid and bows, will take a worthy place on the shelf and the New Year's table.
    • You can decorate not only the glasses themselves, but also legs . Ideal when the composition looks uniform, volumetric.
    • If we consider dishes as a basis for decoupage, That leadership with glasses definitely shared the plates. This decorative view of the dishes perfectly decorate the kitchen in the New Year holidays.
    • As a rule, the main composition Located in the center of the plates, the sidewalls and the background are decorated at the request of gilding, silver, volumetric decor.
    • The plot of the main picture May be not only exquisite, but also humorous. Such plates are great for a gift to friends.
    • Central plot Almost always needs an additional framing.

    You can create bulk versions of the Christmas tree and snow to emphasize the effects of the composition.

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_38

    New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_39

    New Year decoration

            Crafts for the home in the technique of decoupage imply the use of a variety of materials: bells, wooden blanks, glasses and wood hearts. You can decorate in New Year's topics, candles, banks, christmas wreaths and flags.

            • Bells - The second most hundred year decorations after the balls.
            • Metal bubrels - Excellent base for a luxurious decoupage. You can create entire sets.
            • Wood blanks - Another option to create songs in a decoupage technique. Excellent additional element - gilding.
            • Spice of a tree It can be used as the basis for Christmas and New Year ensembles.
            • Christmas wreath - One of the main attributes of New Year's thematic decorations.

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_40

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_41

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_42

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_43

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_44

            New Year's decoupage: ideas of decorating Christmas toys and gifts with their own hands 2021, decoration of plates and glasses for the new year in the technique of decoupage 19103_45

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